Night Jasmine (Parijat) Plant Care: 8 Problems & Solutions

night jasmine care

Night Jasmine, also known as Parijat, Harsingar, Shuili is a delicate and fragrant flowering plant. It is also commonly recognized under the scientific name Nyctanthes Arbor-tristis.

Its small, star-shaped white flowers with orange centers bloom at night, spreading a sweet, heady fragrance. Although this plant is relatively easy to grow, it can encounter some common problems.

Night Jasmine (Parijat) Plant Care

In this article, we will discuss some issues and provide effective solutions for nurturing a healthy Night Jasmine plant (Parijat/Harsingar). 

Night Jasmine (Parijat) Plant Care


Problem 1: Not pruned regularly: 


pruning night jasmine
pruning night jasmine
  • Night Jasmine can become leggy and unruly if not pruned regularly.


  • Prune your Night Jasmine in the early spring to remove dead or overgrown branches and encourage bushier growth.
  • This also promotes better air circulation and blooming.

Hard Pruning:

  • Perform a hard pruning of the plant after winter to stimulate new growth.

Check this article:

Night Jasmine Plant Complete Care


Problem 2: Overwatering


  • One of the most common mistakes made when caring for Night Jasmine is overwatering.
  • This plant prefers well-draining soil and doesn’t tolerate waterlogged conditions.


  • Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering.
  • Be sure the pot or planting area has good drainage, and consider using a well-draining potting mix.
  • Reduce watering during the winter months when the plant is dormant.

Problem 3: Chlorosis Treatment


If the leaves of the plant begin turning white instead of green, it’s a sign of chlorosis. This occurs when chlorophyll is not forming properly in the leaves due to stress.

Chlorosis in leaves
chlorosis in leaves


To treat chlorosis follow the tips:

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt in 5 liters of water.
  • Spray the solution on the plant twice, with a 15-day gap between applications.
  • Remove the white leaves.
  • Place the plant in direct sunlight for a maximum of 1 hour.
  • Over time, the plant will recover, and new green leaves will grow.

Problem 4: Pests


mealybug in plant
  • Night Jasmine can be vulnerable to common pests such as aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites.


  • Regularly inspect your plant for signs of pests, including yellowing leaves or tiny insects.
  • You can use neem oil or insecticidal soap to treat the infestation.
neem oil spray
neem oil spray
  • In severe cases, consider moving the plant outdoors temporarily to allow natural predators like ladybugs to assist in pest control.

Problem 5: Yellowing Leaves


yellow leaves night jasmine
yellow leaves night jasmine
  • Yellowing leaves are often a sign of nutrient deficiencies or stress in Night Jasmine plants.


  • Feed your plant with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). 

Problem 6: Insufficient Light


  • Night Jasmine thrives in full sunlight.
  • Insufficient light can lead to leggy growth and reduced blooming.

sunlight to Night jasmine plant


  • Place your Night Jasmine in a location where it receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. 

Problem 7: Root Bound Issue


night jasmine in old pot
night jasmine in old pot
  • In the initial years, the plant may do well in the same pot, but after 2-3 years, it may become root-bound.
  • When this happens, the plant may show signs of stress, such as bent leaves, despite receiving adequate fertilizer and water.
  • Roots might even start emerging from the bottom hole or appearing at the top of the soil.
  • This is an indication that the current pot is no longer suitable for the plant.
root bound night in jasmine plant
root bound night in jasmine plant


  • To address this problem, you have two options:

Option 1: Change the pot and shift the plant into a larger pot

new pot
new pot
  • Gently remove the plant from the old pot.
  • Consider using a plastic pot as larger clay pots are not available. 
  • If using a plastic pot, make sure to create drainage holes at the bottom to prevent water stagnation.
night jasmine in new pot
night jasmine in new pot
  • Add a small amount of fungicide (less than a teaspoon) and incorporate cocopeat (half of the compost) into the soil mixture.
fungicide in soil mixture
fungicide in soil mixture
  • Larger pots can dry out quickly, especially if exposed to high levels of sunlight, so cocopeat helps retain moisture.
  • Fill the new pot with the soil mixture and place the old plant in it without disturbing the soil and roots.
soil mixture
soil mixture
  • Follow the same pruning process to encourage bushier growth.
  • Maintain the watering and fertilizing routine to support the plant’s growth for the next 3-4 years in the new pot.
watering night jasmine plant
watering night jasmine plant

Option 2: Root Pruning

  • Remove the plant from the pot, and trim the side roots without disturbing the main root.
  • Then, repot the plant in the same pot with fresh soil.

Also read;

How to Grow Night Jasmine from Cuttings & Seeds


Problem 8: Arrival of Seed Pods:


seed pots in night jasmine plant
seed pots in night jasmine plant


  • Occasionally, seed pods may develop at the tip of the plant, containing Parijat seeds.
  • These seed pods should be removed to prevent overcrowding, as excessive seed production can harm the plant.

night jasmine

In conclusion, Night Jasmine (Parijat) is a lovely plant with a wonderful fragrance. By taking care of it and solving the problems we discussed, you can enjoy its beautiful flowers and delightful scent for a long time. Just remember, it needs patience and regular care to grow well.


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