August 2023

How to Repot a Plant

Children and plants both are the purest gifts of nature. If you will love them they will love you back. More care and affection you shower on them, the happier they will grow up. When a child comes out from the mother’s womb, she needs all caution and protection to stay healthy and to adapt […]

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mustard cake fertilizer

How to make Mustard Cake Fertilizer: Benefits & Uses

The mustard cake is an excellent eco-friendly organic fertilizer that offers numerous benefits for plant growth and soil nutrition. Benefits of Mustard cake fertilizer Mustard cake fertilizer has several benefits, including: 1. Provides nutrients: Mustard cake is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential nutrients for plant growth. It has the potential to

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mistakes to avoid in gardening

गार्डनिंग में इन 6 गलतियों से बचें

बागवानी करते समय हम अक्सर कुछ गलतियां कर बैठते हैं, जो हमें नहीं करनी चाहिए। इससे हमारे पौधे उतने अच्छे से विकास नहीं कर पाते हैं। चाहे आप अनुभवी हों या बिगनर्स करने वाला, आपको ये कुछ बातें पता होनी चाहिए जो मैं आपको इस लेख के माध्यम से बताने जा रही हूँ। 1. “मिट्टी की

गार्डनिंग में इन 6 गलतियों से बचें Read More »

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Top 10 Best Low-Maintenance Plants to Gift in Festive Season Peace Lilly Leaves Drooping: Check 5 Reasons for Wilting Bring Home 7 Best Air Purifying Indoor Plants: Easy to Care These 5 Mistakes Can Kill Your Jade Plant Why Are ZZ Plant Leaves Turning Yellow & Brown? 7 Reasons Where to Keep Aglaonema for Healthy Growth 10 Easy Winter Flowering Plants to Grow Before Winter Rose Dieback Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Tips Does Peace Lily Need Direct Sunlight to Grow? Check Best Spot When to Water Peace Lily to Keep it Healthy & Bushy Top 13 Vegetables to Grow in Winter Season How Organic Rich Soil Boost Rose Plant Growth? Leaf Curl in Rose Plant: Causes and Treatment Tips तुलसी के पौधे में हल्दी डालने से क्या होता है? जानिये इसके 5 फायदे Peace Lily is Easy To Care: Follow Tips for Healthy Growth Know the Key Differences Between the Jade Plant & Crassula Ovata How to Make Aglaonema Bushy? Follow 7 Simple Tips My Parijat (Harsringar) Started Flowering on 1st October: Expert Tips for Healthy Blooms Black Spot on Rose Leaves: Causes & Solutions How to Get Flowering in Harsringar (Parijat) in October – Expert tips
Top 10 Best Low-Maintenance Plants to Gift in Festive Season Peace Lilly Leaves Drooping: Check 5 Reasons for Wilting Bring Home 7 Best Air Purifying Indoor Plants: Easy to Care These 5 Mistakes Can Kill Your Jade Plant Why Are ZZ Plant Leaves Turning Yellow & Brown? 7 Reasons Where to Keep Aglaonema for Healthy Growth 10 Easy Winter Flowering Plants to Grow Before Winter Rose Dieback Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Tips