Plant care

Check plant care tips for indoor and outdoor plants, including guidance on watering, soil mixture, fertilizers, and more.


Watering Tips for Healthy Rose Plant

How to Water Rose Plant Watering rose plants does not demand any extraordinary habits, but it does require attention to your plants. Many gardeners frequently make mistakes when watering their rose plants, which can negatively impact their health. Some may overwater, while others may underwater, causing damage to the overall well-being of the plant. In […]

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Shami Plant Care Tips

The Shami plant, also known as Banni Mara or Khejri tree, holds sacred significance. Its botanical name is Prosopis Cineraria. The Shami plant is revered for bringing wealth, happiness, and peace, and it is utilized in various medicinal treatments for ulcers and stomach problems. Just like all living beings, plants exhibit unique characteristics and require

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9 Best Plants Every Home Should Have for a Healthier Environment Top 6 Easy Low-Maintenance Hardy Plants for Beginners: They Never Die Easily! यह नीला फूल बहुत ही करामाती फूल है, इसकी चाय बहुत फ़ायदेमंद है गुड़हल का पौधा स्वस्थ है, लेकिन फूल नहीं आ रहे: तो करें ये उपाय, 100% फूल आएंगे 7 Spots to Keep Air-Purifying Plants at Home 5 Reasons Why Your Plants Are Dying: Check Solutions 7 Lucky Plants That Brings Peace & Prosperity At Home 7 Easy Tips to grow Coriander from Seeds at Home क्या आपको पता है, धनिया के अद्भुत औषधीय लाभ? यहाँ पढ़ें 10 Tips to get Flowering in White Aprajita Plant 7 Tips to Grow Healthy Plants At Home घर पर स्वस्थ पौधे उगाने के 7 बेसिक टिप्स 10 Small Plants to Grow At Home If your plant’s leaves look torn or cut, it’s likely a blanket worm infestation! Act fast with these tips Is Rubber Plant an Indoor or Outdoor Plant? 7 Indoor Plants that are Toxic in nature, keep children away from them ये 5 ऑर्गेनिक खाद आपके पौधों को रखेंगी हमेशा हरा-भरा: जानिए इनके फायदे पौधों के लिए टॉनिक का काम करता है ये फ़र्टिलाइज़र: सीवीड फर्टिलाइजर 10 Best Flowering Plants to Grow at Home 6 Tips to Get Maximum Flowering in Hibiscus
9 Best Plants Every Home Should Have for a Healthier Environment Top 6 Easy Low-Maintenance Hardy Plants for Beginners: They Never Die Easily! यह नीला फूल बहुत ही करामाती फूल है, इसकी चाय बहुत फ़ायदेमंद है गुड़हल का पौधा स्वस्थ है, लेकिन फूल नहीं आ रहे: तो करें ये उपाय, 100% फूल आएंगे 7 Spots to Keep Air-Purifying Plants at Home 5 Reasons Why Your Plants Are Dying: Check Solutions 7 Lucky Plants That Brings Peace & Prosperity At Home 7 Easy Tips to grow Coriander from Seeds at Home