06 Best Plants That Need Less Water

top 6 less water requirements plants (2)

Welcome to the world of low-maintenance greenery! In this article, we will explore a great range of plants that do not require a lot of water. Whether you’re a seasoned plant lover or just starting your indoor garden, these plants are the perfect companion.

From the sturdy snake plant to the stylish jade plant, let’s discover the top 06 plants that thrive on less water, making them ideal for those who want lush, vibrant greenery without the constant watering routine.

Here is the list of 06 best plants that need less water

1. Snake Plant

2. ZZ Plant

3. Echeveria

4. Aloe Vera

5. Cactus

6. Jade Plant

06 Best Plants That Need Less Water

1. Snake Plant

snake plant

Snake plant is one of the best and hardy indoor plant which requires less water. The Snake plant, being a succulent, has unique needs compared to other plants.

watering snake plant

  • With moisture is already stored in its leaves, frequent watering is not necessary.
  • Watering every 15 to 20 days, when the soil appears completely dry, is sufficient.
  • The primary factors leading to the plant’s failure are either overwatering or underwatering.

Snake Plants is a great option for those people who may forget to water their plants regularly.

Special feature

  • The Snake plant can grow well even in low light conditions and is also known for its air-purifying properties.

2. ZZ Plant

zz plant

The ZZ Plant is a popular indoor plant known for its resilience and low-maintenance care requirements.

ZZ plant green

The ZZ plant has thick rhizomes that store water, which helps the plant stay healthy even if you forget to water it for a week. 

  • When it comes to watering, it is important to let the soil dry out completely.
  • As overwatering can lead to root rot.
  • Generally, a thorough watering every 2-3 weeks is sufficient.
  • Reduce watering frequency during the winter months or if the plant is placed in low-light conditions.

As a result, the ZZ Plant is an excellent choice for busy working professionals or those who travel most of the time. 

Special feature

  • The ZZ plant grows well in low to bright indirect light and is also known for its air-purifying qualities which can be kept inside the bedroom also.

3. Echeveria


Echeveria is indeed a low-maintenance plant, known for its striking rosette-shaped leaves and resilience.


Echeverias are succulents, and like many succulent plants, they have low water requirements. Give water in the gap of  15 to 20 days.

  • Before watering to this plant, allow the soil to dry out completely to prevent overwatering, which can lead to root rot.
  • Water sparingly, and ensure that the pot has good drainage to prevent waterlogged soil.

Key to successful Echeveria care is a well-draining soil mix, proper watering practices, and providing adequate light.

Special feature

  • Echeverias thrive in bright, indirect light. Like all plants, they can help improve air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.

4. Aloe Vera


Aloe Vera is a versatile and easy-to-care-for succulent with not only cosmetic and medicinal uses but also some positive effects on indoor air quality.

  • Aloe Vera’s water requirements are minimal; if kept indoors, watering once or twice a month will suffice.
  • Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it’s crucial to let the soil dry before adding more water.

Slice Aloe Vera very useful herbal medicine for skin and hair.

Special feature

  • Aloe Vera, not just a pretty face, is also a medicinal powerhouse. The gel derived from its leaves provides instant relief when applied to burnt areas.

5. Cactus


Cacti are fascinating and resilient plants with unique adaptations that make them well-suited for arid environments.


Cacti are adapted to store water in their thick stems, allowing them to survive extended periods (1 month) without rainfall. Cacti prefer infrequent but deep watering.

  • Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings.
  • Overwatering is a common issue, so it’s crucial to err on the side of underwatering.
  • Avoid overwatering, especially during dormant periods, to prevent root rot.
  • Rotate indoor cacti periodically to ensure even exposure to sunlight.

Special feature

Unlike most plants, cacti carry out photosynthesis at night to minimize water loss during the day, a feature known as Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM).

  • While many cacti are outdoor plants, some smaller varieties can adapt to indoor conditions with bright, indirect light.

6. Jade Plant

Jade plant

Jade plant popularly known as “lucky plant” and is cherished for its attractive, fleshy green leaves and its reputation for bringing good fortune.

watering a jade plant

Jade plants, being succulents, have lower water requirements. Give water in the gap of 7 to 10 days.

  • If you touch the soil and it feels damp, then the plant does not require additional watering.

  • Conversely, if you observe the leaves wilting, it signals that your plant is not getting enough water.
  • In such instances, water the plant when the topsoil has completely dried out.
  • During winter seasons, Jade plants require less water than usual, so always check the soil before deciding to water.

Special feature

  • Jade Plants thrive in bright, indirect light. While they can tolerate some direct sunlight also. 


Also read:

Best Indoor Air Purifier Plants

Embrace the beauty of low-maintenance plants that thrive with minimal water, allowing you to indulge in the joy of gardening effortlessly while balancing your work. These resilient plants not only bring greenery into your space but also add a touch of nature’s tranquility to your busy life.

Happy reading!

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