Category Archives: Plant care

Check plant care tips for indoor and outdoor plants, including guidance on watering, soil mixture, fertilizers, and more.

Shami Plant Care Tips

The Shami plant, also known as Banni Mara or Khejri tree, holds sacred significance. Its botanical name is Prosopis Cineraria. The Shami plant is revered for bringing wealth, happiness, and peace, and it is utilized in various medicinal treatments for ulcers and stomach problems.

Just like all living beings, plants exhibit unique characteristics and require specific care and maintenance for optimal growth. This detailed article aims to explain and address every fact and question related to the Shami plant.

❖ Life Span of Shami Plant

  • This perennial plant, if nurtured properly, would sustain for years and years.

❖ Best Season for Shami Plant

    • It is a typical summer plant and grows best during February – October.
    • During winters, it should be kept in a shaded area to preserve it from cold waves and rainwater.

❖ Characteristics of the Shami Plant

1. It has small leaves.
2. Stems and branches are accompanied by thorns.
3. During the evening, it droops its leaves.
4. It is recommended to keep it in a sacred or holy place.
5. It is an outdoor plant, requiring direct sunlight for at least 3-4 hours.
6. During intense heat, it should be placed under shade or a green net for protection.

Pot size for Shami Plant

Pot Size for Shami plant
Shami plant in clay pot
    • Big-sized clay pots are recommended for the Shami plant. In large pots, Shami plants will grow and spread more quickly.

Soil Mixture for Shami Plant

1. Garden Soil – Use regular garden soil.

  • Ensure it is clean and free from debris such as glass pieces, plastic, termites, or dry roots.

2. Compost – Use half the quantity of soil.

3. Cocopeat – Use half the quantity of compost.

4. Sand – Use the same quantity as cocopeat.

5. Neem Cake Powder (Optional) – Add a small amount to prevent fungus, insects, diseases, or root rot.

6. Cinnamon Powder (Optional) – Add a few pinches to prevent insects and fungus.

Mix all these ingredients together to create the perfect soil mixture for the Shami Plant.

❖ Repotting the Shami Plant

repotting shami plant
Repotting Shami plant

1. After purchasing from the nursery, wait for 2-3 days before repotting.
2. Only shift it to a new pot once the plant has acclimated to its new environment and shows no signs of stress.
3. Give ample water after repotting and keep it in a shaded area for the next 2-3 days.
4. Gradually introduce sunlight to the plant thereafter.

❖ Watering for the Shami Plant

Watering Shami plant
Watering Shami plant

The soil mixture and clay pot combination will help maintain the perfect balance of water in the soil.

  • Water the plant when the topsoil feels dry to the touch by gently loosening the soil. Continue watering until water begins to drain out from the bottom hole of the pot.
  • This resilient plant is quite hardy and can withstand occasional instances of over-watering or under-watering. However, it’s best to avoid overwatering.

Hard Pruning of the Shami Plant:

If the plant experiences stress, particularly during winters, performing a hard pruning can help it recover.

  • It is advisable to do hard pruning only in February, avoiding the monsoon season. This practice can revive the plant and promote healthy growth.

❖ Fertilizers for the Shami Plant

Compost for Shami plant
Compost for Shami plant

Avoid using chemical fertilizers such as NPK, Epsom salt, DAP, or urea on this plant. Additionally, refrain from using strong fertilizers like banana peel fertilizer or seaweed fertilizer.

  • Instead, during March, provide the Shami Plant with mustard cake liquid fertilizer, but ensure it is diluted before application. This will help nourish the plant without causing any harm.

Suggested Fertilizers:

1) Cow Dung Liquid Fertilizer:

  • Take 1 mug of cow dung liquid tonic and dilute it with 10 parts tap water.
  • After mixing, apply it to the Shami Plant.

2) Vermicompost Tea:

  • Take a small amount of vermicompost and soak it in water for 24 hours.
  • Use the upper layer of this solution and mix it with 4 times more water. Apply it to your plant.


  • Always ensure that the topsoil is dry before applying the fertilizer, as this will facilitate better absorption of nutrients.
  • Loosen the soil before applying fertilizers.
  • Apply any of these fertilizers once a month to promote the booming growth of the plant.

❖ Pruning of the Shami Plant

pruning of Shami plant leaves
pruning of Shami plant leaves

Proper growth of the plant is not achievable solely through fertilizers or exposure to sunlight; timely pruning is essential.

  • From March to October, regularly perform soft pruning using pruners or scissors.
  • Every 15 days, trim the tips of the plant to encourage the emergence of new branches, facilitating healthier growth.

❖ Pest Protection for Shami Plant

While Shami plants are generally resistant to infections, they may occasionally be affected if surrounding plants are infested with mealybugs or aphids.

  • To prevent pest attacks, spray a solution made from neem leaves onto the plant once a week. If the plant is already affected by pests, use neem oil to remove them.

This was the complete care of the Shami Plant from the small plant (nursery) to the big, bushy, or blooming plant (at your home).

Enjoy Gardening!!

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bushy curry plant

How to make Curry Plant Bushy & Healthy

During the winter season, our curry plant enters a dormancy period, causing its leaves to wither and turn yellow. They do not receive adequate sunlight and warmth to grow well.

Now that spring has arrived, it is time to care for your curry plant to make it bushy and healthy. 

Ideal conditions for Curry plants

curry leaf in pot


To encourage your curry plant to grow bushy, recreate its natural environment.

  • Use soil that drains well, ensure it gets plenty of sunlight, and water it moderately.
  • It is also important to keep humidity levels just right, especially if you live in a dry area.

Common issues hindering bushiness

There are a few common problems that can stop your curry plant from growing bushy. These include

  • not enough sunlight,
  • soil that does not drain well, and
  • not enough nutrients in the soil.

It is important to spot these problems early and fix them to help your plant grow bushy.

Methods to Encourage Bushiness

curry leaf bushy

1. Pruning Techniques

  • Regular pruning is crucial for shaping your curry plant and encouraging new growth. 

Curry leaf plant primarily grows from its tips, so pruning or plucking from the tip stimulates the emergence of 2-3 new shoots, leading to the development of new branches and leaves.

pruning curry leaves

Important Note:

  • When harvesting leaves for use, prioritize plucking leaves from the bottom of the plant.  Leaves at the top are still in the growth phase and should be allowed to mature.
  • Additionally, when you are harvesting leaves for use, it is advisable to remove entire branches rather than just individual leaves.

If your plant is relatively new, around 6 or 3 months old, it’s best to stick to light pruning.

  • From February to October, regular light pruning can be performed to encourage new branch growth, but avoid harsh pruning.
  • After new stems emerge, wait until they reach a length of 5-6 inches before further pruning.
  • Hard pruning of curry plant should be reserved for the month of February (during spring season).

For plants that are one or two years old, hard pruning can be quite beneficial.

  • By removing yellow leaves, dead, or leggy stems, you encourage the plant to grow more branches and denser foliage. This type of pruning helps maintain the plant’s shape and promotes healthier growth overall.
  • After hard pruning, add vermicompost into the soil. Avoid using heavy fertilizers as the plants are currently leafless.

Important note:

  • Perform hard pruning of your plant only in the evening and keep it shaded for at least 7 days until new leaves emerge. This will assist the plant in adapting to its new environment more effectively.

2. Change pot and add compost in the soil 

(i) For plants that are one or two years old, it’s advisable to consider changing the pot if the roots are bound. Till the soil and add compost to promote improved growth.

(ii) However, if your plant is relatively new, around 6 or 3 months old, there’s no need to change the pot. Simply tilling the soil and adding compost will suffice to promote healthy growth.

Important note:

  • Only repot your plant in the evening and keep it shaded for 3 to 4 days afterward as it may experience stress. This will help the plant adjust to its new environment more easily.

3. Sunlight for Curry Plant

Now that spring has arrived, it is time to focus on sunlight and temperature for your curry plant.

  • Curry plants love full sunlight, needing at least 5 to 6 hours of direct sunlight each day.
  • Place your plant in a sunny area with good air flow. Keep temperatures above 60°F (15°C) to avoid cold stress.

4. Best Fertilizers for Curry Plant

Just like other leafy plants, curry leaf plants need essential nutrients to grow well, including a balanced supply of Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K).

  • However, they especially benefit from a higher amount of nitrogen in their fertilizer mix.
  • Nitrogen is essential for encouraging lush foliage growth, which is a key characteristic of healthy curry leaf plants.

Use of Buttermilk to make Curry Plant Bushy

Buttermilk is an excellent tonic for promoting healthy and bushy foliage in curry plants.

  • To use buttermilk effectively, mix one-fourth glass of buttermilk with one litre of water for an 8-inch pot, and water the soil with this mixture.
  • Make sure the buttermilk is not too sour and is still suitable for drinking.

Curry plants belong to the citrus family, so they thrive in acidic soil conditions.

  • After applying any fertilizer, wait for at least 10 days before giving this tonic or Epsom salt to the plant.

5. Watering and Drainage:

Maintain a proper balance between watering and drainage.

  • Overwatering can lead to root rot, while underwatering can cause stunted growth.
  • Make sure there is adequate drainage to avoid waterlogging, especially for plants grown in containers.

Must read:

How to Grow & Care Curry Leaf Plant in Pot


In conclusion, turning your curry plant into a bushy beauty is completely possible with the proper knowledge and care. By using pruning methods, ensuring ideal growing conditions, and addressing problems promptly, you will see your curry plant flourish.

Happy Gardening!

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curry leaves

How to Grow and Care Curry Leaf Plant in Pot

Curry leaves or Curry Patta plant, cherished for their magical aroma, are an essential addition to any household. Though this outdoor plant is sensitive to grow, the results are remarkable when nurtured properly.

Let’s delve into its fundamental characteristics, needs, and how it responds to various conditions and environments. In this article, we will discuss important points on how we can grow Curry leaf plant at home.

1. Best season for Curry leaf plant

2. Ideal Temperature for Curry leaf plant

3. Sunlight Requirement for Curry leaf plant

4. Preferred Pot types for Curry leaf plant

5. Soil Mixture for Curry leaf plant

6. Watering tips for Curry leaf plant

7. Fertilizers for Curry leaf plant

8. Pesticides for Curry leaf plant

Curry Leaf Plant is a Perennial Plant

Curry leaves, being perennial plants, have the potential to thrive for many years if nurtured diligently and grown to their full potential.

How to Grow and Care Curry Leaf Plant in Pot

curry leaves


1. How to get Curry leaf plant?

  • Purchase from nursery: Curry leaf plants can be bought from nurseries.
  • Seeds: Alternatively, seeds can be used to grow this plant.
  • Cuttings: It can also be propagated through cuttings.
  • Self-Propagation: Sometimes new curry leaves start germinating on their own from the existing plant through its roots.

2. Best season for Curry leaf plant

curry plant 1
curry leaves plant in pot (pic credit: Pinterest)

The ideal time to purchase curry plants from a nursery is during the spring season, typically from February to March. As a summer plant, it flourishes well until October.

Dormancy Period: During the winter season, the curry leaf plant enters a period of dormancy, and the growth of the plant becomes slow. Leaves start turning yellow and wither.

2. Ideal Temperature for Curry leaf plant

The ideal temperature for curry leaf growth is 18-35 degrees Celsius. Beyond this range, the plant struggles to survive, with leaves turning black or brown and drying out.

  • Providing shade during intense heat and covering the plant in winters when temperatures drop to 8-10 degrees Celsius helps protect it.

3. Sunlight Requirement for Curry leaf plant

When grown in pots, curry leaf plants require at least 4 to 5 hours of direct sunlight for robust growth.

Also read:

How to Grow & Care Tulsi Plant

4. Pot types for Curry leaf plant

curry leaves plant in pot
curry leaves plant in pot (pic credit: Pinterest)

Curry leaves can be grown in various containers such as fabric bags, plastic buckets, clay pots, ceramic pots, cement pots, plastic pots, or grow bags. For beginners, it’s recommended to start with a clay pot.

  • Choosing a minimum 10-inch pot is advisable.

5. Soil Mixture for Curry leaf plant

Soil mixture

A well-draining soil mix is best for curry leaf plants.

  • This mix typically includes garden soil, compost (vermicompost or leaf compost or cow dung compost), sand for improved drainage, and optionally, cocopeat for moisture retention. Thoroughly blending these components creates an ideal growing medium for curry leaf plants.

6. Watering tips for Curry leaf plant

watering can

Water the curry leaf plant only when the soil is completely dry, as overwatering can lead to root rot.

  • Ensure that water flows out from the bottom hole of the pot to prevent waterlogging. Adjust the watering schedule based on factors such as climate, humidity, and pot size to maintain optimal soil moisture levels.

7. Fertilizers for Curry leaf plant

curry leaves

Just like other leafy plants, curry leaf plants require essential nutrients to thrive, with a balanced supply of Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K).

  • However, they particularly benefit from a higher proportion of nitrogen in their fertilizer mix. Nitrogen is crucial for promoting lush foliage growth, which is characteristic of healthy curry leaf plants. 

8. Pesticides for Curry leaf plant

To prevent potential attacks by pests and diseases, it’s advisable to take proactive measures to protect your curry leaf plant.

  • One effective method is to regularly spray a neem water solution on the leaves.
  • Additionally, adding neem solution to the soil once a week can further enhance the plant’s resilience against pests and diseases.  

In conclusion, growing and caring for a curry leaf plant in a pot requires attention to detail and adherence to specific conditions. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the delightful aroma and flavor of freshly picked curry leaves right from your own home garden.

Happy Gardening!

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tulsi plant

How to grow and care Tulsi plant (Holy Basil)

Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, Vrinda, Vaishnavi, among other names, is a popular perennial plant in many regions. Despite careful attention, it may sometimes dry out, particularly in winter.

We need to take certain steps to keep our plants healthy. Let’s discuss each point one by one.

Tulsi ji

How to grow and care Tulsi plant (Holy basil)

Here are some tips on how to care for a Tulsi plant:

1. Location of Tulsi plant or Temperature for Tulsi plant

Tulsi plants thrive in full sunlight. Choose a spot in your garden or balcony where the plant can receive at least 6-8 hours of sunlight daily.

Important to note:

(i) During the winter season when temperatures drop to 15℃-16℃, Tulsi leaves may start to dry out.

(ii) Conversely, in the summer when temperatures rise significantly, the leaves may become burnt, darken, and shrink in size.

(iii) In both cases, it’s advisable to provide some shade for the Tulsi plant. Keeping the plant in a shaded area can help mitigate the effects of extreme temperatures, whether they are too high or too low.

2. Soil for Tulsi plant

Soil mixture

  • Tulsi prefers well-draining soil rich in organic matter. A mix of garden soil and compost works well. Make sure the soil is not too compacted.

3. Pot Size for Tulsi plant

tulsi plant in 12 inch clay pot
Tulsi plant in 12 inch clay pot

To ensure healthy growth of your Tulsi plant, use a pot that is at least 12 inches in diameter.

  • Larger pots allow the roots to spread freely, preventing them from becoming tangled and ensuring efficient water absorption. This promotes overall plant health and longevity.

Also read:

How to grow Tulsi plant from seeds


4. Watering tips for Tulsi plant


Watering tulsi plant

Here are the key points to consider before watering a Tulsi plant:

1. Tulsi is a tropical plant and does not require excessive watering. The soil should be moist, not muddy. Water only when the soil is completely dry.

2. Check the soil’s moisture level by touching the surface. If the top layer is wet, the inner soil is likely moist enough, so avoid watering.

3. Before watering, loosen the soil up to 2-3 inches to ensure thorough absorption and promote aeration.

4. Water the plant in the early morning or evening to avoid water evaporation and prevent the soil from getting too hot, which can potentially harm the plant’s leaves and lead to its demise. Avoid watering during the afternoon when the sun is intense.

5. Pruning tips for Tulsi plant


Tulsi ji pruning

Pruning is essential for maintaining the health and longevity of plants. It involves cutting back or removing overgrown or dead parts of the plant.

Regular pruning, especially during the growing season, is crucial for promoting healthy growth.

For flowering plants, pruning can be done regularly to remove spent flowers (deadheading) to encourage continuous blooming.


Important note:

  • It is important to remove flowers before they mature into seeds, as this redirects the plant’s energy towards growth rather than seed production.

6. Fertilizer for Tulsi plant


For fertilizing Tulsi plants, it is generally unnecessary if proper care and watering are maintained, especially during winter.

  • However, during summer, if fertilizers are used for other plants, you can use chemical-free options like “Cow-dung liquid fertilizer” or “Vermicompost” once a month. Ensure cow dung is decomposed to prevent pest issues.

7. Pesticide for Tulsi plant


As for pesticides, the need for them is rare due to Tulsi’s natural immunity. Pests may occur due to weakened immunity from over or under watering. In such cases, opt for chemical-free options like neem oil spray.

Happy Gardening!

rose plant repotting

How to repot a Rose plant?

Repotting is the process of transplanting a plant from one pot to another.

Why should you repot a rose plant?

rose flower
rose plant

The main objective behind repotting the plant is:

  • to provide more space to grow,
  • to avoid root-bound,
  • to provide better soil conditions,
  • to provide adequate supply of nutrients for healthy growth,
  • to ensure the plant’s continued health and well-being.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of repotting new rose plant, ensuring that it thrives in its new pot.

When to repot a rose plant?

rose plant in pot
rose plant in pot

The best time to repot your new rose plant to a bigger pot is in early autumn during October month. If you received a potted rose as a gift or you bought one, and its roots are coming out of the pot or it feels unstable, it is time to repot it.

Steps to follow before repotting a rose plant

rose plant in clay pot
rose plant in clay pot

1. When you bring the plant home, don’t put it in direct sunlight for the first two days to prevent it from getting sunburned.

2. Make sure it is not kept in a dark place, look for a bright place to keep it.

3. After two days, if the plant looks healthy, you can place it in the sun and water it when the top soil dries.

4. If the plant still looks good after five days, it’s ready for a new pot.

5. Only transplant your rose plant in the evening.

6. Roses don’t like clayey soil, so use the right soil mixture.

What is needed for repotting?

1. New pot: Select a pot that is at least 2-3 inches larger in diameter than the current pot. Ensure it has drainage holes at the bottom.

2. Fresh soil mixture: Use good soil mixture which is prepared for roses or other flowering plants.

3. Gloves: Rose plants have thorns, so protect your hands with gloves.

4. Watering can: To water the plant once it is in its new pot.

5. Pruner: To trim roots and prune the leaves of the plant if needed. 

Steps to repot rose plant:

1. Remove the plastic: If the plant is in plastic bag, first, remove the plastic covering and soil from the roots.


1. Remove the rose plant from its current pot: If the plant is in old pot, gently tap the pot to loosen the root ball. 

2. Immerse the roots of the rose in water: After removing, immerse the roots of the rose in water, so that the remaining soil also gets removed in the water.

3. Trim if needed: Check the roots for any damaged parts and trim them if needed to help the roots grow well.

4. Fill new pot with soil: Always use clay pot. Fill the new pot with the right soil mixture, after covering the bottom hole with any newspaper.

soil mix
soil mix

5. Place the rose in the new pot: Put the plant in the new pot and press the soil gently so it stays in place. Add more soil, pressing it down gently to remove air gaps.

6. Water thoroughly: Water it well but in installments, until you see water draining from the bottom hole. 

watering to rose plant
watering to rose plant

7. Keep rose plant in a shade: Now, keep the plant in the shade for two more days.

Read here:

How to prepare Soil Mix for Rose plant


Repotting your rose plant is important to help it stay healthy and beautiful. With the right tools and a little care, you can give your rose the space it needs to grow and thrive. Doing this regularly, along with proper care, will reward you with a beautiful, fragrant rose that will brighten your garden for years to come.

Plant it! Love It !

Happy gardening !

Night Blooming Jasmine (Harshringar) Plant complete care

How to Grow Night Jasmine (Parijat) from Cuttings & Seeds

How to Grow Night Jasmine (Parijat) from Cutting


Night Jasmine or Night blooming Jasmine or Coral Jasmine, also known as Harshringar or Parijat is a large tree that typically grows easily when planted in the ground. However, it can also be successfully grown in pots or containers with proper care and maintenance.

The scientific name of Night blooming Jasmine is “Nyctanthes arbor-tristis”.

  • “Arbor-tristis” means “sad tree” in English. It is called a sad tree because the flowers bloom at night and fall before the first rays of the morning sun shine.
night blooming jasmine
night blooming jasmine

In this article, we will explore three methods of propagating Night Jasmine, ensuring that you can enjoy its blooms in your garden.


  • The optimal time for propagating the Night Jasmine plant is during the month of February, which falls within the spring season.

Propagation of Night Jasmine (Harshringar) Plant

night jasmine in new pot
night jasmine plant in big  pot

1. Propagation from Cuttings:

Night Jasmine can be easily propagated from cuttings. Follow below steps for successful propagation of Night Jasmine from cuttings.

(i) Select healthy plant:

  • Begin by selecting healthy stems from a mature plant.

(ii) Choosing the right cuttings:

  • These stems should be approximately six inches long and free from any signs of disease or damage.

(iii) Preparation

  • Once you have chosen your cuttings, remove any leaves from the lower half of the stem. This will prevent excess moisture loss and encourage root development.
  • Dip the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone to promote faster root growth.

(iv) Plant in well-drained Soil mix

soil mixture
soil mixture
  • Plant the prepared cuttings in a well-draining potting mix, ensuring that at least two nodes are buried beneath the soil.

(v) Watering:

  • Water the cuttings thoroughly and place them in a warm, bright location away from direct sunlight.

(vi) Care and maintenance:

  • To ensure successful propagation, keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.
  • Monitor the cuttings for signs of root development, which typically occurs within four to six weeks.
  • Once roots have formed, transplant the cuttings into individual pots filled with a suitable potting mix.

Must read:

Night Jasmine (Harshringar) Plant Complete Care…

2. Propagation from Seeds:

Growing the Night Jasmine plant from seeds is another viable option. Follow below steps for successful propagation of Night Jasmine from seeds.

February is considered the best time for seed germination.

seed pots in night jasmine plant
seed pots in night jasmine plant

(i) Seed selection and preparation:

  • Another method of propagating Night Jasmine is from seeds.
  • Begin by harvesting mature seeds from the plant.
  • Allow the seeds to air dry for a few days before storing them in a cool, dry location.

seedling tray

(ii) Germination process

  • Sow the seeds in a seed tray filled with a well-draining potting mix.
  • Lightly cover the seeds with coco peat for faster result and water them gently.
  • Place the tray in a warm location with indirect sunlight.

(iii) Transplanting Seedlings:

true leaves
true leaves
  • Once the seedlings have developed several sets of true leaves, they can be transplanted into individual pots.
  • Ensure that each seedling has enough space to grow and continue to provide them with adequate water and sunlight.

Must read:

Night Jasmine (Parijat) Plant Care: Problems & Solutions…

3. Purchase from Nursery

night jasmine in old pot
night jasmine in pot

Alternatively, Night Jasmine plants are available for purchase at nurseries.

The ideal time to acquire them from nurseries is from the end of March to April.

(i) Timing and Selection

  • For those who prefer a more convenient option, Night Jasmine (Parijat) plants are readily available for purchase at nurseries.

  • Visit your local nursery from the end of March to April, when they are likely to have a fresh supply of plants.

(ii) Inspection and Care

  • When selecting a plant from the nursery, choose specimens with healthy foliage and no signs of pest infestation or disease.
  • Upon bringing the plant home, transplant it into a larger pot filled with quality potting mix.
  • Provide the plant with regular watering and fertilization to support healthy growth.


Propagation of Night Jasmine offers enthusiasts the opportunity to expand their collection and enjoy the beauty of this exquisite plant. Whether you choose to propagate from cuttings, seeds, or opt for a nursery purchase, following these guidelines will ensure success in growing your own Night Jasmine plant.


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FAQs rose watering

FAQs on How to Water Rose Plants

Roses are beautiful flowers that need just the right care to grow strong and healthy. In this post, we will cover some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about how to watering rose plants along with their answers.

How to Water Rose Plants

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q.1 How often should I water my rose plant?

watering to rose plant
watering to rose plant

Ans: Watering frequency depends on factors such as weather conditions and soil type. Generally, roses benefit from deep, infrequent watering rather than shallow, frequent watering.

  • Aim to water deeply ensuring the soil is moist but not waterlogged. 

Q.2 Can rose plant survive in dry soil?

rose plant soil

Ans: No. While roses are resilient plants, prolonged drought conditions can stress them and affect their growth and flowering. Adequate watering is crucial, especially during hot and dry periods.

Q.3 What are the benefits of moist soil for rose plant?

Ans: Moist soil promotes nutrient uptake, supports root development, and helps regulate temperature, contributing to healthier plants with vibrant blooms.

Must read:

Does Rose really Love Moist Soil?

Q.4 How do I know if my rose plant are getting enough water?

Ans: Signs of insufficient water include wilting leaves, drooping stems, and dry, crumbly soil.

  • Regularly monitoring soil moisture levels and observing plant behavior can help gauge watering needs accurately.

Q.5 Is it good to overwater rose plant?
Ans: No, overwatering can pose a risk to rose plants, leading to root rot and other moisture-related issues.

  • It is essential to strike a balance and avoid saturating the soil excessively. Allow the top few inches of soil to dry out between watering sessions to prevent waterlogging.

Must read:

Rose Plant Care: Complete guide…

Q:6. Can I use a sprinkler system to water my rose plant?
Ans: Yes, while sprinkler systems can provide convenience, they may not always deliver water precisely where it’s needed.

  • For optimal results, consider hand-watering or using drip irrigation to ensure thorough coverage while minimizing water wastage.

Q:7. Should I water my rose plant in the morning or evening?
Ans: Both morning and evening are suitable times for watering roses, but morning watering is generally recommended.

  • Watering in the morning allows foliage to dry quickly, reducing the risk of fungal diseases. However, if morning watering is not feasible, evening watering is also acceptable, provided foliage has ample time to dry before nightfall.

Q:8 How can I know if my rose plant needs water?
Ans: You can easily gauge the moisture level of your rose plant’s soil with a simple test.

  • Begin by gently inserting your finger into the soil near the base of the plant. If the soil feels dry to the touch, it is a clear indication that your rose plant is in need of watering.


  • Remember to check the soil regularly, especially during warmer months or in dry climates, to ensure your rose plant receives the hydration it requires to thrive.

Q: 9 Is it beneficial to use hot water when watering rose plants?
Ans: It is best to use normal temperature water when watering rose plants.

  • During hot weather, the water in tanks or containers may become warm due to the rise in temperature. Avoid giving warm or hot water to your plants, as this can potentially stress them.
  • Opting for water at room temperature ensures that your rose plants receive hydration without any adverse effects.

Q: 10 Should I avoid using chilled water for my rose plants during the winter season?
Ans: Yes, it is advisable to refrain from using chilled water when watering your rose plants, especially during the winter season.

  • Just as warm water can stress plants during hot weather, cold water can have a similar effect during colder months.

Important note:

  • Using water at room temperature ensures that your rose plants aren’t subjected to temperature extremes that could potentially shock their roots or inhibit proper hydration. 

Q:10 Can I water my rose plants multiple times a day during summer?
Ans: During the summer months, it may be tempting to water your rose plants frequently to combat the heat. However, it is essential to exercise caution to prevent issues such as root rotting.

  • While it is acceptable to water your rose plants twice or even thrice a day in hot weather, be mindful not to overdo it.
  • Ensure that the frequency of watering does not lead to waterlogged soil or excessive moisture around the roots, as this can harm the plant.
  • Strike a balance by monitoring soil moisture levels and adjusting your watering schedule accordingly to maintain optimal plant health.


Happy Gardening!

rose flower

Does Rose really Love Moist Soil?

Does Rose really Love Moist Soil?


One question that always arises in the minds of most gardeners is: Do roses really like moist soil? This article is here to help you understand everything about taking care of your roses, including how much water they need and when to give it to them.

The answer is Yes. Rose love moist soil.

Moist soil, in particular, plays a crucial role in facilitating the absorption of water and nutrients vital for the rose’s development.

Does Rose really Love Moist Soil?
Rose prefer well drained soil

The importance of Soil

Soil serves as the foundation for plant growth, providing essential nutrients, stability, and moisture.

Soil mixture

Roses prefer soil that drains well, meaning water can move through it easily. If the soil is soggy or waterlogged, it can cause problems like root rot, fungus, or pest attack, which is not good for any plants, including rose as well. Hence, it is important to plant your roses in a well-drained soil in which water won’t get stuck too much.

Important to note:

  • It is important to note that roses don’t enjoy being in soil that is super-dry.

Must read:

How to Prepare Soil Mixture for Rose Plant?

Regularly check Rose plant


You should check your roses regularly to make sure they are getting just enough water.

  • When you first plant them, they need more water than when they have been growing for a while. In hot weather, they might need even more water.

Regular monitoring of soil moisture levels and adjusting watering practices accordingly can help maintain an ideal environment for growth.

Must read:

Rose plant care: Fertilizer

Challenges of overwatering


However, like any plant, roses can suffer adverse effects from excessive moisture.

Overwatering, in particular, poses a significant risk, leading to root rot, fungal diseases, and diminished overall health.

Rose care tips


deadheading of rose flowers
deadheading of rose flowers

Beyond soil moisture management, routine care practices such as pruning and fertilization play integral roles in nurturing healthy roses.

  • Pruning encourages new growth and enhances airflow, while fertilization supplies essential nutrients for robust development.



In conclusion, while roses undeniably thrive in moist soil, achieving the perfect balance of moisture is key to unlocking their full potential. By understanding and addressing their specific needs, gardeners can cultivate flourishing rose gardens brimming with beauty and vitality.

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Fertilizer for Money Plant (Pothos)

Money plants also known as Pothos, can benefit significantly from occasional fertilization, especially during their active growing season, which typically spans from spring to fall. Proper fertilization provides them with essential nutrients to promote vigorous growth and lush foliage.

pothos money plant

In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the importance of fertilizing your money plant and provide valuable information on how to do it effectively.

Understanding the need for Fertilizer


Fertilizing your Money plant serves several crucial purposes:

1. Nutrient Enrichment:

  • Money plants require essential nutrients for their growth.
  • In their natural habitat, these nutrients are drawn from the soil. However, when cultivated indoors in pots, they depend on you to supply these nutrients.

2. Vigorous Growth:

  • Regular fertilization ensures your Money plant has an abundant supply of vital nutrients, promoting robust growth and lush foliage.
  • Proper nourishment can lead to more extensive vines and larger, more vibrant leaves.

money plant

3. Soil Rejuvenation:

  • Over time, the potting soil your Money plant resides in may become depleted of nutrients.
  • Fertilizing helps rejuvenate the soil, making it more conducive to sustained plant health and vitality.

4. Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal:

  • Well-fed Money plants are more likely to exhibit the attractive variegation and lushness that makes them so appealing.
  • Proper fertilization can contribute to the plant’s visual charm, making it a stunning addition to your home decor.

Choosing the Right Fertilizer

NPK fertilizer

The choice of fertilizer is crucial. It is advisable to alternate between fertilizers with different formulations to ensure your Money plant receives a balanced supply of nutrients.

  • High NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) fertilizers are suitable choices, but also consider using micronutrient-rich options to provide a comprehensive nutrient profile.

Click here to read: Money Plant Complete Care Guide…

Maintaining the health of your Money plant can be challenging when it becomes densely vegetated, making it difficult to change the soil or add additional substrates like cocopeat.

dense money plant

  • In such situations, liquid fertilizer can serve as an effective solution, as it can be easily applied to the plant without disturbing the root system.

When to give Fertilizer to Money Plant

When it comes to fertilizing your Money plant, it is important to establish a regular schedule. Fertilizing every 25 days can be a useful guideline, but the specific timing may vary based on factors such as the type of fertilizer used, environmental conditions, and the growth rate of your plant.

Here’s a suggested schedule for fertilizing your Money plant:

1. Start with a Cow dung liquid fertilizer (with high NPK) and apply it every 25 days.

cow dung decompose
Cow dung liquid fertilizer

2. After the next 25-days interval, switch to Seaweed fertilizer to provide additional micronutrients.

seaweed liquid fertilizer
Seaweed liquid fertilizer

3. Follow this sequence with Mustard cake fertilizer, also at 25-day intervals.

Important note:

  • Avoid using mustard cake fertilizer in extreme temperature, during hot weather. 
mustard cake liquid fertilizer
mustard cake liquid fertilizer

4. Subsequently, use Epsom salt as a magnesium source, followed by neem cake fertilizer, and continue with other nutrient sources in a similar pattern.

epsom salt
Epsom salt

Important note:

  • When applying fertilizer, remember to dilute it properly by using more water and less fertilizer in the mixture.
  • This helps prevent over-fertilization, which can lead to issues such as yellowing leaves and stunted growth.

Reduce fertilizer during winter season

pothos money plant

One important thing to note is that money plant growth slows down during the winter months.

  • As a result, it is advisable to reduce or even stop fertilization during this period to avoid overstimulating the plant when it is not actively growing.

Avoid using strong liquid fertilizers

watering tips to money plant

Lastly, avoid using strong liquid fertilizers, as they can potentially harm your Money plant.

  • Over-fertilization should always be avoided, as it can lead to a range of problems, including yellowing leaves, stunted growth, and other issues.

In summary, the key to giving fertilizer to the money plant is to keep it simple, provide balanced nutrients during the growing season, and reduce or eliminate fertilization during the winter months. It is essential to monitor your plant’s condition and adjust your care routine as needed.

Happy Gardening!

hybrid vinca

Complete Care of Hybrid Vinca Plant: 11 Tips

11 Tips to Care Hybrid Vinca Plant

Hybrid Vinca, also known as periwinkle, is a stunning plant that comes in various colors and is typically available during the winter season. However, due to its delicate nature, these plants often struggle to thrive once brought home from the nursery, despite diligent care and precautions.

Red Hybrid Vinca plant
Red Hybrid Vinca plant

If they manage to survive the initial days, sustaining their well-being beyond one or two weeks becomes a challenge. This unique plant requires distinctive care in various aspects, including the application of pesticides, fertilizers, the best soil, a suitable pot, pruning, meeting specific sunlight and water requirements, and finding the optimal location for its growth.

In this article, we aim to uncover 11 important tips to care for the thriving of hybrid vinca, demystifying the challenges associated with its cultivation.

1. Hybrid Vinca is Fungus Prone

Hybrid Vinca affected by Fungus
Hybrid Vinca affected by Fungus

Well! Before understanding its care, let’s analyze its problems first, which it faces after being brought home from the nursery.

Within 4-5 days of acquiring the plant from the nursery, signs of deterioration become evident. In typical gardening fashion, individuals often resort to supplementing the plant with substances like Epsom salt, NPK, Neem oil, or other fertilizers to expedite its growth. However, it is crucial to note that when purchased from the nursery, the plant is already enriched with essential nutrients, as nurseries typically ensure proper fertilization before selling their plants. Furthermore, distinct symptoms manifest when the plant is nutrient-depleted, such as reduced leaf size, lack of flowering, and wilting, but the plant does not necessarily succumb entirely.

The primary challenge lies in the plant’s heightened susceptibility to fungus attack. Hybrid Vinca is very much prone to fungus attacks (usually not a local Vinca).

Fungal attacks can lead to the decay of the plant, presenting a significant hurdle in its overall health and well-being.

2. Repotting of Hybrid Vinca

This plant dislikes being repotted, so it is advisable to refrain from repotting for at least 6-7 months after bringing it home from the nursery.

  • Only consider repotting if it becomes absolutely necessary, such as when the roots start protruding, and the current pot is insufficient to accommodate the plant.

When repotting is unavoidable, follow a careful procedure:

  • Begin by removing the bottom polythene of the plant and then place it into the new pot.
  • Next, gently pull the side polybag upward, ensuring the roots remain undisturbed to prevent unnecessary stress on the plant.
  • There may be instances where the plant shows suboptimal growth, and repotting can be considered as a solution, but here keep repotting as the last option. Follow all other treatments first to revive the plant.

3. How to Grow Hybrid Vinca

1. Buy From Nursery:

Vinca at nursery
Vinca at nursery

Hybrid Vinca is available at nurseries from October to November and January to February.

  • The most convenient method is to purchase a young plant directly from a nursery, typically priced between Rs 20-30.

2. Grow From Seeds:

Seedpods of Vinca plant
Seedpods of Vinca plant

Seeds can be purchased online from various websites. However, growing from seeds is a somewhat tricky process.

    • Alternatively, seeds can be collected from mature seed pods produced when the flowers bloom.
    • Allow the pods to mature and naturally fall off; collect the black-colored seeds for growing new plants.

3. From Cuttings:

After pruning, remove leaves and flowers from the lower sections of the branches.

    • Submerge the pruned branch with its remaining leaves into water, ensuring that 2-3 nodes of the branch are submerged.
    • Plants grown from cuttings take at least 1-1.5 months to grow and will be of the hybrid category only.

By following these methods, you can successfully cultivate hybrid vinca while considering factors like seasonality, seed collection, and the preferred method of propagation.

4. Soil Mixture for Hybrid Vinca

Soil mixture


Soil for this plant should be porous and soft to hold the delicate roots properly.

  1. Local Soil- Strain and thoroughly cleanse the soil, ensuring the removal of all debris, insects, and fungus. Expose the soil to sunlight to promote its rejuvenation.
  2. Compost – Take compost one –  third quantity of soil. Prefer vermicompost or cow dung compost here.
  3. Sand – Add the same quantity of sand as of compost.
  4. Fungicide – Add fungicide approximately one – third of a spoon in 5 kg of soil.

Mix all these ingredients and the resultant mixture is the perfect soil for Hybrid Vinca.

5. Preferred Pot Size for Hybrid Vinca

Pot size for Hybrid Vinca


Regardless of the pot material, the size of the pot plays a crucial role. Whether it is made of cement, clay, plastic, or ceramic, the pot’s size should ideally be one size larger than the plant.

  • Avoid choosing a larger pot if the plant is small in size.
  • When water is provided to the plant, the roots will absorb the necessary moisture.
  • However, if the plant is smaller than the pot, excess soil can retain moisture, leading to fungal issues.
  • Matching the pot size to the plant ensures that water accumulation aligns with the root system’s requirements.
  • Soil in smaller pots dry out faster compared to those in larger pots.

6. Location of Plant:

When fetched from the nursery during October-November, keep this plant in direct sunlight.

  • When the weather changes from winters to summers, shift the plant under a green net.
  • During extreme summers, it may undergo some stress.
  • In the rainy season, keep it under a green sheet to protect against direct rainfall, which may invite fungal attacks. Store rainwater for the plant, but avoid exposing it to direct rainfall.
  • After rain, expose the plant to maximum sunlight.
  • This plant thrives in moderate weather, neither too sunny nor too cold.

7. Watering tips for Hybrid Vinca

watering Hybrid Vinca plant

Before watering, aerate the soil and allow it to dry thoroughly from the inside. The following day, provide water adequately.

  • When spraying any fungicide or water on leaves and flowers, ensure they do not retain water and completely dry out after spraying.
  • Opt for a morning temperature so that any stagnant water on the leaves and flowers dries promptly, preventing the risk of fungal attacks.

8. Pruning of Hybrid Vinca

Pruning of Hybrid Vinca

Regular pruning is not recommended within the first year; a single instance of cutting the tips is sufficient to stimulate blooming.

  • Frequent pruning can increase the risk of fungal attacks.
  • If the plant appears leggy around February, perform standard pruning once.
  • For very bushy plants, opt for hard pruning in October or February, limiting it to once a year.
  • Maintain cleanliness by sanitizing your pruner before use.
  • Apply fungicide to both the pruner and the pruned parts of the plant. Alternatively, spray the fungicide on the plant after pruning, diluting ⅓ spoon of fungicide in 2 liters of water and apply it to both the leaves and the soil.
  • Remove dry and withered leaves from the lower side, as they may potentially attract fungal infections.

9. Fungicides Treatment:

Fungicide treatment on Vinca plant
Giving Fungicide in soil

If the plant shows signs of a fungal attack, trim away the affected parts and apply a fungicide solution to both the leaves and the soil.

  • Administer the same treatment to the plant once a month, even in the absence of issues, as a preventive measure against fungal attacks.

10. Fertilizers for Hybrid Vinca plant

This plant does not require heavy feeding; it thrives well with adequate sunlight and in the absence of fungal attacks.

  • Any fertilizer, such as cow dung, mustard cake, peanut, or others, applied once a month, is ample for its nutritional needs.
  • During peak flowering periods in October-November, February-March, and the rainy season, supplement regular fertilizer with additional banana peel fertilizer after 15 days of the initial application.
  • No other fertilizers are recommended or necessary for this plant.

11. Pesticide Treatment for Hybrid Vinca plant

Black Aphids on Vinca plant
Black Aphids on Vinca plant

Generally, this plant is not prone to pest attacks, but occasional infestations of small black aphids may occur.

  • If aphids are present, wash the plant thoroughly by spraying it with water to remove all insects and pests.
  • Prepare a solution comprising neem oil, soap, and garlic. Apply this solution by spraying it on the plant to deter further insect attacks.

Click here to read: How to Remove Aphids from the Plant

Hybrid Vinca is an exceptionally beautiful plant that can enhance the aesthetics of your garden. To ensure its well-being, decorate your garden with this plant and provide attentive care by adhering to the recommendations outlined above.

Happy Gardening!