How To Save  Dying Tulsi Plant

During the winter season, our Tulsi (Holy basil) plant enters a dormancy period, causing its leaves to wither and turn yellow.

They do not receive adequate sunlight and warmth to grow well.

Our Tulsi (basil) plant dries up causing concern about how to revive it.

1. Pruning Tips

Regular pruning is crucial for shaping your Tulsi plant and encouraging new growth.

Tulsi plant primarily grows from its tips, so pruning or plucking from the tip stimulates the emergence of 2-3 new shoots.

For young plants, 6-3 months old, stick to light pruning. 

From February to October, light pruning encourages new branches, but avoid harsh cuttings.

2.   Regular Soil Maintenance

Regularly check the soil texture every two months to maintain optimal conditions for Tulsi plant.

Loosen the soil around the plant and add compost to keep it soft and rich in nutrients.

Vermicompost is optimal. Just till the soil and add it for healthy growth.

3.  Adjusting Watering Techniques

Maintain a proper balance between watering and drainage.

Overwatering can lead to root rot, while underwatering can cause stunted growth.

4.  Sunlight for Tulsi plant

Sunlight plays a vital role in the growth and development of Tulsi plants.

Choose a location that receives 5 – 6 hours of sunlight daily, preferably outdoors in a sunny spot.

5.  Best Fertilizers for Tulsi Plant

Tulsi plant benefit from a higher amount of nitrogen in their fertilizer mix.

(1) Cow Dung Cake Liquid Fertilizer:

Cow dung cake liquid fertilizer, high in nitrogen, promotes lush foliage growth and enhances plant health.

(ii)  Vermicompost

Vermicompost provides essential nutrients to Tulsi plants, making them bushy and healthy.

Reviving a dried Tulsi plant requires patience, diligence, and proper care.

By using pruning methods, ensuring ideal growing conditions, and addressing problems promptly, you will see your Tulsi plant flourish.