All posts by Sudeepti

Night Blooming Jasmine (Harshringar) Plant Complete Care

Night Blooming Jasmine (Harshringar) Plant Complete Care


Harshringar, known by various names such as Parijata, Night-flowering Jasmine, Shiuli, or Shefali, is a tree that produces appealing flowers in orange and white colors. It can be grown in medium-sized pots to yield beautiful and aromatic blooms.

Night Blooming Jasmine (Harshringar) Plant complete care

Harshringar is considered a holy plant with numerous benefits. People worship this plant and offer it to gods. Additionally, it possesses various medicinal and health benefits. The leaves of this plant have the potential to cure fever, sciatica, and knee pain, and different medicines are processed from these leaves. The flowers can be used to add natural food color to various dishes, and dried flowers can be used as a substitute for saffron.

This perennial plant is very hardy and easy to care for. Once established, it can thrive for up to 100 years. This write-up will detail all aspects of the Night Jasmine (Harshringar) plant’s complete care to foster a better understanding for everyone interested in cultivating it.

Best Season for Night Blooming Jasmine (Harshringar) Plant 


night jasmine

The Night Jasmine (Harshringar) plant has distinct phases throughout the year:

1. Growing Season: Harshringar thrives as a typical summer plant, exhibiting vigorous growth for 8 months, from February to September. During this period, new branches and leaves emerge at a remarkable pace.

2. Blooming Season: The plant produces flowers during the autumn season, specifically from October to December.

3. Relaxing Period: Winter serves as the dormancy period for this plant. Particularly in North India, from the end of December until January, the plant undergoes a period of stress.

To maintain its health and encourage a continuous cycle of growth, blooming, and dormancy, it is advisable to perform pruning in February.

Propagation of Night Blooming Jasmine (Harshringar) Plant


1. Propagation from Cuttings:

    • Night Jasmine can be easily propagated from cuttings.
    • The optimal time for this method is in February.

2. Propagation from Seeds:

    • Growing the plant from seeds is another viable option.
    • February is considered the best time for seed germination.

3. Nursery Purchase:

    • Alternatively, Night Jasmine plants are available for purchase at nurseries.
    • The ideal time to acquire them from nurseries is from the end of March to April.

How to Identify Night Blooming Jasmine (Parijat) if buying from nurseries?


night jasmine leaves


Since the plant might not have flowers initially, focus on the leaves for identification:

Leaf Characteristics:

    • Leaves are slightly pointed with a rough texture, discernible by rubbing them with your hand.
    • The leaves have a matte finish on the outer surface, not shiny in appearance.
    • When touched, the leaves feel dry, exhibiting a slight dryness when folded with your hand.

Pot size for Night Blooming Jasmine (Parijat) plant


night jasmine in old pot

1. Preferred Pot Type: Large-sized clay or plastic pots are generally recommended.

2. Available Sizes: Opt for pots of various sizes, such as 12 inches, 16 inches, 18 inches, or 21 inches.

night jasmine in new pot

3. Transplanting: Shift the plant to a new, larger pot when it becomes sizable or when roots become bound.

Best Soil Mixture for Night Blooming Jasmine plant


Desired Soil Characteristics: The soil should be soft and friable. Avoid clayey and hard soil as these conditions are unfavorable for plant survival.

  • Soil Preparation:
    1. Take local soil and clean it thoroughly.
    2. Mix sand in half the quantity of soil.
    3. Add compost (preferably Cow dung compost) in half the quantity of sand.
    4. Ensure a thorough and even mixture of all components.

Important Note:

  • Hard or clayey soil, an inappropriate pot (it is recommended to use a clay pot for at least the first season), and over-watering can negatively impact the plant’s growth.
  • After transplanting the plant, follow additional measures to encourage bushier growth until it begins flowering.

Sunlight Requirement for Harshringar plant

Once the plant has settled after shifting, place it in an area with maximum sunlight.

  • Ensure a minimum of 4 hours of sunlight daily.

Pruning of Night Jasmine (Harshringar) plant


pruning night jasmine

To encourage new growth, prune the plant by cutting the tips of all branches just above the nodes.

  • Approximately 25 days later, new branches will emerge from the points where tips were removed.

Watering tips to Night Blooming Jasmine plant


Unlike many plants, Harshringar does not thrive in consistently moist soil. Follow these guidelines:

1. Initially, water the plant thoroughly in intervals until water drains from the bottom hole.

2. Subsequently, check the soil’s moisture level. If dry from the inside, water again.

3. Avoid watering if the soil is still wet. Harshringar is more prone to issues from overwatering than underwatering.

How to give Fertilizers to Night Blooning Jasmine plant


February to September:

  • Use Cow Dung Liquid Fertilizer once a month at a fixed date.
  • Alternatively, vermicompost tea can also be used during this period.

October to January:

  • Use liquid fertilizer made from mustard cake for these four months.

Additional Micronutrient Tonic:

  • During this period, provide a liquid tonic containing micronutrients such as Onion peel, Epsom salt, or Banana peel every 15 days.

Flowering Period:

  • Autumn is the flowering season for Night Jasmine. To support abundant blooming, provide appropriate fertilizers.

Unique Flowering Routine:

  • Night Jasmine follows a distinctive flowering routine. Flowers bloom during autumn nights and naturally fall the next morning. The blooming period lasts for around 1.5 months, followed by the dormancy period in winter.



Ensure the health of your Night Jasmine plant by following these fertilizer guidelines and enjoy a bountiful harvest of its beautiful flowers.

Also, read:

Night Jasmine Plant: Problems & Solutions

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How to Care Rose Plant? Check 11 Best Tips

How to care Rose Plant


Roses are attention-seeker and cautious plants. They love to be loved and pampered throughout the year. Being delicate flowers it is essential to understand their behavior and requirements before planting them at home.

So, before planting, let’s first understand how to care rose plant after getting them from the nursery. What are the necessities and preferences of the rose plant?

How to care Rose Plant

All the important points are detailed here to maintain the plant’s health because it will flower automatically if it is healthy.


Tips to care Rose plant


1. Do not remove new buds & flowers of the Rose plant


  • After fetching from the nursery, do not remove any buds or flowers from the plant.
  • Once the flowers start fading, remove them by cutting from the top of the node.
How to care Rose plant
rose flower and buds
  • At the flowering stage, plants shed all their energy into the flowers, and the rest of the plant’s growth gets hampered.
  • So, if the flowers are mature enough to be plucked, remove them, and the plant will use its energy to bloom more new flowers.
  • This is also called a process of pruning. It promotes the growth of the plant, and new branches and flowers will originate from the point where the old flowers were removed.

2. Remove all the unwanted weeds of the Rose plant


  • Whenever unwanted weeds appear, remove them immediately to prevent them from growing bigger.
weeds in pot

Why should we remove weeds from the rose plant?

  • Weeds take up all the energy and nutrients of the main plant which is required for growth.
  • They spread so fast, that there would be hardly any space left for tilling of the soil.  Also, they block air and sunlight from reaching the soil.
  • Moreover, it spreads downwards and absorbs a significant amount of moisture from the water. Additionally, it invites fungus, ants, and pests.

Important note:

  • The soil of the rose plant should be kept clean and free from fungus or pests.

3. Pruning and deadheading of the Rose plant


deadheading of roses
  • If the pruning is not done correctly and at the right time then the rose plant will become dense and it will not bloom.
  • Hence, pruning is a mandatory in gardening.

4. Feeding Fertilizers to the Rose plant


Fertilizers the rose plant
  • After pruning, hoe the soil and provide it with high NPK fertilizer. Any strong fertilizer, like cow dung compost, vermicompost, or kitchen waste compost is recommended here.
  • Mustard cake fertilizer can also be one good option.

5. Rose plant follows a specific pattern to grow


pink rose
  • Rose plant follows a specific pattern of growth and dormancy.
  • It follows a structured growth cycle that includes growth, pruning, fertilization, and harvesting.
  • After the flowers are harvested, rose plants enter a dormant phase approximately for 20 to 25 days before blooming again.

6. Give liquid tonic to the Rose plant


    • It is very important to give liquid tonic to the rose plant when it is about to bloom and after the formation of buds.

Suggested liquid tonics are –

  • Onion peel fertilizer
  • Banana peel fertilizer
  • Epsom salt
  • Vermicompost tea
  • Seaweed fertilizer
  • Mustard cake fertilizer

Important note:

  • Liquid tonics enhance the size and health of the flowers and also accelerate the growth of the rose plant. 

Read article:

Best Fertilizers for Rose plant

7. Best Season for the Rose plant


  • Rose plants are typically known as autumn-season plants and can be obtained from the nursery from October to March.


  • Native roses are only red or white in color and have fragrance while hybrid roses are available in different colors and varieties but generally do not have any fragrance.

8. Pot Specifications for the Rose plant


type of pots

  • Earthen pots are the most suitable pots for rose plants. Avoid using cement, ceramic, or plastic pots.
  • Choose those pots that are 10 to 12 inches.
  • Roses also have thorns, so if a small pot is taken, the thorns can harm the gardener’s hands during transplanting into a larger pot.
  • In small pots, the thorns take up a lot of space, making it challenging to transfer the plant to a new pot with the thorns intact.

9. Soil Mixture for the Rose plant


  • Creating the right soil mixture for rose plants is essential for their health and growth. Rose plant prefer well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter.

For the perfect soil mixture follow the given steps:

  • Soil – Take local area soil and clean it to remove all the debris, glass, and plastic pieces.
  • Vermicompost – It should be half the quantity of the soil.
  • Sand – Rose grows best in sandy soil. So, use an equal amount of sand as vermicompost.
  • Coco peat – To balance the moisture level of the soil add cocopeat 1/4th of the sand.
  • Neem Cake powder – To prevent insects, add a little bit of neem cake powder.
  • Bone meal: You can also consider adding a bone meal if you wish.

Read article on:

How to prepare soil mix for rose plants


10. Watering the Rose plant


  • When the soil around the roots dries up, the leaves turn yellow and begin to dry out.
  • If the soil around the roots is too wet, black spots start to appear on the leaves. These black spots can be seen all over the plant.
  • Monitor the soil very carefully and water when it becomes slightly moist, as it will dry out in the next stage.
  • Check the soil with your hand, and if it begins to drain, water it accordingly.

11. Sunlight for Rose plant


  • Roses love sunlight, so give this plant as much sunlight as possible.
  • Flowers require at least 4 hours of sunlight to bloom.

Last but not least is to take care of it properly otherwise do not buy this plant.


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night jasmine care

Night Jasmine (Parijat) Plant Care: 8 Problems & Solutions

Night Jasmine, also known as Parijat, Harsingar, Shuili is a delicate and fragrant flowering plant. It is also commonly recognized under the scientific name Nyctanthes Arbor-tristis.

Its small, star-shaped white flowers with orange centers bloom at night, spreading a sweet, heady fragrance. Although this plant is relatively easy to grow, it can encounter some common problems.

Night Jasmine (Parijat) Plant Care

In this article, we will discuss some issues and provide effective solutions for nurturing a healthy Night Jasmine plant (Parijat/Harsingar). 

Night Jasmine (Parijat) Plant Care


Problem 1: Not pruned regularly: 


pruning night jasmine
pruning night jasmine
  • Night Jasmine can become leggy and unruly if not pruned regularly.


  • Prune your Night Jasmine in the early spring to remove dead or overgrown branches and encourage bushier growth.
  • This also promotes better air circulation and blooming.

Hard Pruning:

  • Perform a hard pruning of the plant after winter to stimulate new growth.

Check this article:

Night Jasmine Plant Complete Care


Problem 2: Overwatering


  • One of the most common mistakes made when caring for Night Jasmine is overwatering.
  • This plant prefers well-draining soil and doesn’t tolerate waterlogged conditions.


  • Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering.
  • Be sure the pot or planting area has good drainage, and consider using a well-draining potting mix.
  • Reduce watering during the winter months when the plant is dormant.

Problem 3: Chlorosis Treatment


If the leaves of the plant begin turning white instead of green, it’s a sign of chlorosis. This occurs when chlorophyll is not forming properly in the leaves due to stress.

Chlorosis in leaves
chlorosis in leaves


To treat chlorosis follow the tips:

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt in 5 liters of water.
  • Spray the solution on the plant twice, with a 15-day gap between applications.
  • Remove the white leaves.
  • Place the plant in direct sunlight for a maximum of 1 hour.
  • Over time, the plant will recover, and new green leaves will grow.

Problem 4: Pests


mealybug in plant
  • Night Jasmine can be vulnerable to common pests such as aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites.


  • Regularly inspect your plant for signs of pests, including yellowing leaves or tiny insects.
  • You can use neem oil or insecticidal soap to treat the infestation.
neem oil spray
neem oil spray
  • In severe cases, consider moving the plant outdoors temporarily to allow natural predators like ladybugs to assist in pest control.

Problem 5: Yellowing Leaves


yellow leaves night jasmine
yellow leaves night jasmine
  • Yellowing leaves are often a sign of nutrient deficiencies or stress in Night Jasmine plants.


  • Feed your plant with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). 

Problem 6: Insufficient Light


  • Night Jasmine thrives in full sunlight.
  • Insufficient light can lead to leggy growth and reduced blooming.

sunlight to Night jasmine plant


  • Place your Night Jasmine in a location where it receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. 

Problem 7: Root Bound Issue


night jasmine in old pot
night jasmine in old pot
  • In the initial years, the plant may do well in the same pot, but after 2-3 years, it may become root-bound.
  • When this happens, the plant may show signs of stress, such as bent leaves, despite receiving adequate fertilizer and water.
  • Roots might even start emerging from the bottom hole or appearing at the top of the soil.
  • This is an indication that the current pot is no longer suitable for the plant.
root bound night in jasmine plant
root bound night in jasmine plant


  • To address this problem, you have two options:

Option 1: Change the pot and shift the plant into a larger pot

new pot
new pot
  • Gently remove the plant from the old pot.
  • Consider using a plastic pot as larger clay pots are not available. 
  • If using a plastic pot, make sure to create drainage holes at the bottom to prevent water stagnation.
night jasmine in new pot
night jasmine in new pot
  • Add a small amount of fungicide (less than a teaspoon) and incorporate cocopeat (half of the compost) into the soil mixture.
fungicide in soil mixture
fungicide in soil mixture
  • Larger pots can dry out quickly, especially if exposed to high levels of sunlight, so cocopeat helps retain moisture.
  • Fill the new pot with the soil mixture and place the old plant in it without disturbing the soil and roots.
soil mixture
soil mixture
  • Follow the same pruning process to encourage bushier growth.
  • Maintain the watering and fertilizing routine to support the plant’s growth for the next 3-4 years in the new pot.
watering night jasmine plant
watering night jasmine plant

Option 2: Root Pruning

  • Remove the plant from the pot, and trim the side roots without disturbing the main root.
  • Then, repot the plant in the same pot with fresh soil.

Also read;

How to Grow Night Jasmine from Cuttings & Seeds


Problem 8: Arrival of Seed Pods:


seed pots in night jasmine plant
seed pots in night jasmine plant


  • Occasionally, seed pods may develop at the tip of the plant, containing Parijat seeds.
  • These seed pods should be removed to prevent overcrowding, as excessive seed production can harm the plant.

night jasmine

In conclusion, Night Jasmine (Parijat) is a lovely plant with a wonderful fragrance. By taking care of it and solving the problems we discussed, you can enjoy its beautiful flowers and delightful scent for a long time. Just remember, it needs patience and regular care to grow well.


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How to grow Coriander from Seeds: 10 Easy Tips

How to grow Coriander from Seeds


Coriander is always in demand to garnish food or to satisfy the taste buds with its aromatic healthy taste. Consuming coriander is also beneficial for health.

It can be effective in increasing digestive power, maintaining cholesterol levels, diabetes, kidney, and many other diseases. It contains proteins, fats, fibers, carbohydrates, and minerals which make it a powerful food.

Apart from this, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, thiamin, potassium, and vitamin C are also found in green coriander.

How to grow Coriander from Seeds
Coriander from seeds in pot

The method of growing coriander in the ground or pot is quite easy. With a little care, you can consistently have fresh coriander to eat. It is easily available in the market or can be grown at home also by following some simple but proper techniques. All the easy-to-do modes are explained here which are followed by experts to grow healthy coriander. So, let’s start.


Coriander is a small plant of 6-10 inches, it is very easy to grow and take care of. It takes a total of 25-30 days from sowing the seeds to making the coriander plant ready for consumption.

Tips to grow Coriander from seeds

1. Soil for Coriander

    • Soil should be soft and porous to grow coriander. In compacted soil, coriander seeds may sprout initially, but they will eventually become buried within the soil.

      • It’s crucial for the soil to have effective drainage.
      • Coriander plants don’t like waterlogged soil, so a mix that allows excess water to drain away is crucial.
      • Coriander does not grow well in hard soil.

Tips to prepare soil mixture for coriander:


1. Take garden area soil

Garden area soil
Garden area soil
  • You can take soil from your garden or any other nearby location and ensure it is free from debris such as plastic, glass, or any other unwanted material by cleaning and sieving it.
  • However, it’s essential to note that the quality of your garden soil matters.
  • If it’s too heavy or clayey, it might be better to use a mix of potting soil or garden soil with added compost to improve drainage.

2. Take compost

  • Using compost is excellent for adding nutrients to the soil.
  • The quantity of compost should be half the amount of soil taken.
  • You can take any compost like – vermicompost, cow compost, kitchen compost, leaf compost, or any other.

3. River sand

River sand
River sand
  • River sand is an excellent choice for improving drainage in soil.
  • If the soil is not sandy, you should take comparatively in little less quantity of compost.
  • However, if the soil is already sandy, then there is no need to add sand.

4. Coco peat

Coco peat
Coco peat
  • Cocopeat helps retain moisture in the soil and is a good addition.
  • To prepare the soil, you should add coco peat in an amount equivalent to half of the quantity of sand you have taken.

5. Neem cake powder

neem cake powder
adding neem cake powder
  • Adding neem cake powder in soil is beneficial for pest control.
  • Additionally, you can add a small amount of neem cake powder to the mixture, if available with you.

Mix all the ingredients properly and this is the perfect soil mixture for “coriander”.

Pot shape & size for coriander

    • For growing coriander, it is recommended to use rectangular pots with a depth of 6 inches and holes at the bottom for drainage.
    • You can cover the holes with either clay pieces or newspaper.
    • Fill the pot with the prepared soil mixture and water it sufficiently to make it moist.


    • You have to give water to the soil before adding the seeds into the soil, otherwise, the seeds might get displaced from their place.

Make lines on the surface

    • You can use a trowel or any other tool to create lines on the surface of the soil mixture.
    • Then, fill these lines with coco peat, as this material can help seeds germinate more quickly.

Use high-quality coriander seeds

धनिये के बीज
coriander seeds
    • To grow coriander, it is recommended to purchase fresh Coriander (Dhani) seeds from near seed store or nursery or a reputable online seller.
    • Avoid using seeds from your kitchen, as they may be old and less likely to germinate successfully.
    • “Dhani” seeds are inexpensive and easily available.

Temperature required for growing coriander seeds

    • The ideal temperature for growing coriander is during the period from October to March, which corresponds to the mild and cool seasons.
    • While coriander can be cultivated year-round by experts, it may suffer from scorching during extreme summer heat.
    • The growth rate of coriander is low in extreme winter conditions.

How to sow coriander seeds in pot

  • After creating the coco peat lines, place the coriander seeds on the surface and cover them again with the cocopeat.

sowing coriander seeds in pot
sowing coriander seeds in pot

    • To maintain the moisture level in the soil, spray some water from the top.
    • Avoid using a mug, glass, or pipe to water the seeds, as this may displace them.

watering tips to coriander seeds
watering tips to coriander seeds


Always maintain moisture otherwise seeds will not germinate.

Always use a spray bottle to moisten the top layer.

Sunlight requirement for coriander seeds

    • Seeds can germinate in the absence of direct sunlight, but for optimal growth, especially after germination, it is essential to place coriander pot (in which we have sow the seeds) in an area where they can receive 3-4 hours of sunlight.
    • Sunlight is crucial for the overall growth of the plant.     

Coriander seeds germination till harvesting

    • On the 6th day after planting the seeds, small leaves will begin to emerge as the seeds germinate.

coriander seeds growing
coriander seeds growing

    • By the 10th or 11th day, there is a possibility that all the seeds will have germinated.

coriander seeds germinated
coriander seeds germinated

    • To maintain the moisture level of the coco peat, spray some water on it whenever it seems dry.
    • By the 16th or 17th day, the coriander plant should be bushy but not too dense.

coriander plant bushy
coriander plant bushy

    • Approximately on the 25th to 28th day, the coriander plant should be fully grown and dense enough for harvesting.
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    • When you need to use coriander, simply cut the plant from the top.

Watering tips for coriander

    • It is important to avoid pouring water from the top, as it may cause the coriander leaves to become enfolded.

watering coriander
watering coriander

    • Instead, water the plant from one corner of the pot, which will help to spread the water evenly throughout the soil.

Fertilizer for coriander

    • First harvesting: To start, the first harvesting, cut only the top half of the coriander plant.
    • Next, provide essential nutrients by using Mustard cake liquid fertilizer.
    • Second harvesting: After giving the fertilizer, the coriander will start growing again in about a week, and it will be time for the second harvesting.

fertilizer for coriander
fertilizer for coriander

    • During the third harvesting, you can harvest the entire coriander plant.

harvesting coriander
harvesting coriander

    • After harvesting, add some compost to the same soil and sow new seeds to grow coriander again.
Coriander in pot
use this soil again

It is a very easy process to grow organic and aromatic coriander at home.

If you also want to taste the real taste of coriander, then definitely try planting coriander in your home. If you like this article on how to grow coriander and the benefits of coriander, then do share and forward it to your friends.

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Enjoy healthy and Organic Coriander!

seeds germination

How to Germinate Seeds Successfully: 7 Tips: Check Complete Guide

How to Germinate Seeds Successfully


The first and crucial step in growing plants is seed germination. Many plants can be cultivated at home, including tulsi (holy basil), marigolds, capsicum, tomatoes, spinach, coriander, and more. You can obtain seeds for these plants from both the market and the vegetables you use in your daily cooking.

This article includes:

    • How to check good quality seeds
    • Perfect growing medium
    • Temperature required
    • How to place seeds
    • How to water
    • How to protect from birds and ants
    • Duration of seed germination

What if your seeds do not germinate?


Yes, it can be frustrating when seeds do not germinate despite your efforts, and it can be a waste of time and resources. However, there are several measures and key points that you can follow to increase your chances of successful germination.

How to Germinate Seeds Successfully


Here are some tips to help you germinate seeds successfully:

1. Take good quality seeds:

How to Germinate Seeds Successfully


1. Check the seed packets for the expiration date

  • Even after taking all the necessary measures, old or poor-quality seeds may not germinate. Hence, Check the seed packets for the expiration date and use them before the date has passed.

2. Perform a water test

  • To determine the quality of your seeds, you can perform a water test. Simply soak the seeds in a bowl of water for 10-15 hours.
  • The seeds that sink to the bottom of the bowl are typically of good quality, while the seeds that float at the top are typically of poor quality.
  • Therefore, it’s recommended to use the seeds that settle at the bottom of the bowl for planting.

2. Use the right growing medium for seed germination:

coco peat
coco peat

  • The choice of growing medium is crucial as seedlings are very soft and delicate. You can sow seed in the soil or in a coco peat.
  • If the soil is dry and hard, the seedlings may have trouble emerging after germination. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that the soil is not compact and hard if you are adding your seeds to it directly.
  • Alternatively, coco peat can be used as a growing medium as it is soft and gentle.
  • However, coco peat lacks nutrients, so after 10-15 days, the saplings may become weak and dull due to a lack of sufficient nutrients.

Also, read: All About Coco peat in gardening


To address this issue, there are two potential solutions:

1. You could add manure or liquid tonics after 15 days to provide nutrients.

2. Alternatively, you could create a soil mixture consisting of regular garden soil, sand, and compost (you can refer to a soil mixture article for the exact ratio).

  • Firstly, add the soil mixture to the pot, then on top, add a layer of coco peat approximately 1-1.5 inches thick, and finally add the seeds.
  • This method ensures that when the seedlings’ roots grow down into the soil, they will absorb sufficient nutrients.
  • Additionally, this method promotes fast germination due to the presence of coco peat.

As a result, your seedlings will be healthy, and there will be no need to transfer them to other pots for some days.

3. Temperature required for seed germination


Typically, seeds will germinate within a temperature range of 15℃ to 25℃.

seeds growing
seeds growing
  • The best seasons for the germination of your seeds are the Spring and Autumn seasons.
  • However, the germination of seeds gets stopped in extreme summers and winters.

4. Correct way to place the seeds in the growing medium/soil/pot

1. Step 1 – To germinate the seeds, start by placing the fresh seeds or soaked seeds at a distance on top of the coco peat without pressing or burying them.

    • This will provide enough space for the seeds to germinate properly and make it easier for you to transfer them later.

seedling tray
seedling tray

2. Step 2 – Next, cover the seeds with a thin layer of coco peat and gently spray water over the top.

    • Avoid using a mug or pipe as this can disturb the seeds and can rot the seeds.
watering tips to seedlings
watering tips to seedlings


    • If you don’t have a spray bottle, you can place the pot in a container filled with water, and the soil will absorb water through the drainage hole at the bottom as required.

5. Location of the pot


Sunlight is not necessary for the germination of seeds.

  • This can be illustrated by the example of making chickpea sprouts at home, where they are kept in a wet cloth for a few hours and sprouts emerge without sunlight. Therefore, the pot can be placed in a shaded area without sunlight.
sprouts in wet cloth
sprouts in wet cloth

However, if the pot is kept outside on a balcony in the sunlight, the topsoil can become dry and hot, potentially damaging the seeds.

  • To avoid this, it is better to grow seeds during spring and autumn when the weather is more suitable.

6. Correct way to water for successful seed germination


    • To ensure the successful germination of seeds, it is important to keep the soil moist.
    • Moist the soil as soon as you notice that the top layer is drying out.
    • Remember not to let the soil get completely dry, as this may hinder germination.
    • However, be careful not to overwater the soil, as this can create conditions favorable for the growth of fungus.
    • Using coco peat can help maintain the moisture level in the soil and keep it well moisturized.
    • It is recommended to use a spray bottle to water the seeds, as using a mug or a pipe can disturb the seeds.

7. Duration of seed germination

    • The duration of germination may vary from three to ten days, and it is important to be patient and wait for at least ten days for the seeds to germinate.
    • If the seeds do not germinate even after ten days, the chances of them germinating are very less.
    • Therefore, it is crucial to consider all the above-mentioned factors carefully to ensure successful germination.

From where to buy good quality seeds

1. Nurseries or from good seed stores:
    • Buying seeds from nurseries or from good seed stores is a pocket-friendly and convenient option.
    • It is advisable to check the manufacturing and expiry dates before buying the seeds.
2. Buy Online:
    • You can also purchase seeds online, but make sure to check the reviews and manufacturing and expiry dates before making the purchase.
3. Kitchen Vegetables:
    • If you have large-sized vegetables that are overripe or rotten, you can take the seeds out from them and use them for growing plants.
    • The mature seeds of such vegetables can be easily grown into plants.

It is important to note that seeds available in the market are often chemically treated to prevent fungus and pests and also germinate faster compared to seeds taken from vegetables.

Follow the above tips and make your gardening exciting!!!


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Gardening in Monsoon Season

Gardening in Monsoon Season


Plants behave differently in each season, each having its advantages and disadvantages for plant growth. The rainy season is particularly beautiful and beneficial for both us and the plants, as they grow much faster compared to other seasons. However, we need to be attentive to certain aspects of plant care.

While rain itself usually poses no problems, there can be side effects afterward, such as issues with fungus, ants, and insects. Overwatering can also damage plants, causing leaves to turn yellow.

By following the small precautions outlined below, you can ensure your plants remain healthy after the rain.

Precautions in Rainy Season


1. Shift Succulents


Shift all the succulents inside the home because succulents already have the optimum level of water stored inside them. They do not need much water like Aloe vera, Jade plants, Echeveria, etc.

succulents plant

2. Well-drained soil


tulsi soil


If you are gardening directly in the ground, it’s generally fine because the soil naturally absorbs water. However, when gardening in pots, it is crucial to use well-draining soil since pots have limited water-holding capacity.

Let’s discuss what actions can be taken in this regard.

(i) Shift plants into shaded area:

If you have fewer plants say 5-6 only then you can shift them to a shaded area after showering 2-3 days of rain.

(ii) Cover your plants with a green net:

green net

If you do not want to shift your plant then cover your plants with a green net.

  • Air and water both keep on passing through this net and plants will get rain water also.

(iii) Use well-drained soil

To avoid over-watering, the soil should be well drained.

  • If water is entering from the top, then it should be able to drain out from the bottom. Water should not be sustained inside the soil or pot.

Also, check – Why Rainwater is best for plants


3. Check the bottom hole of the pot


water flows out from the bottom hole

If water is not coming out from the bottom of the pot, then there are no benefits of well-drained soil.

  • Check the functionality of the bottom hole properly, sometimes roots or any other things might get obstructed inside these holes and water would not be able to come out.

Keep watering your plant till water comes out from the bottom hole. Some people give little water on a daily basis which is actually totally wrong.

By this method, the outer soil of the pot would be moisturized but the bottom soil would become like a stone. So give water to the plant till the point water comes out from the bottom hole.

Gardening in monsoon season

4. Fill the pot completely


zz plant soil

Fill the soil in the pot completely. Do not leave any space on the top, normally we leave 2-3 inches of space.

  • During heavy rain, water starts standing on the top of the soil and it might lead to fungus and green algae on the top of the soil.

5. Remove the bottom leaves


When filling your pot completely with soil, make sure to remove the bottom leaves of the plant.

  • These leaves can come into constant contact with the wet soil, increasing the risk of infection and fungus. Removing them will help prevent these issues.

6. Remove unwanted weeds

During the monsoon, the moderate temperature causes unwanted weeds in the pots to grow rapidly.

  • It is important to remove these weeds from the roots; otherwise, they will deplete the plant’s nutrients.

7. Remove the plates from the bottom of the pots


Generally, we place pots on plates to prevent staining the surface beneath them.

  • However, during the rainy season, it is important to remove these plates to prevent water from accumulating and flooding the pots.

8. Raise the level of plants


During the rainy season, place plants on stands to allow water to drain easily.

  • If your pots have flat bottoms or you are using gardening bags, elevate them with bricks or any other objects to raise their level.
all plants outdoor

9. Give support to your plants


wooden support sticks
wooden support sticks

During the monsoon, heavy rains are often accompanied by strong winds.

  • Wet soil increases the risk of plants being uprooted, so it is important to provide them with support. This will help them remain upright even during heavy winds.

10. Fertilizer for plants


Apply neem cake fertilizer to your plants before the rain starts; it will help prevent problems like fungus and insects.

  • Since rainwater contains a good amount of nitrogen, there’s no need for additional fertilizers. Plants will thrive naturally during the rainy season.

11. Fungicides and Pesticides


During the rainy season, you can use neem oil solution, neem soap solution, cinnamon powder, and cinnamon liquid solution.

  • Spray your plants with a neem solution weekly to protect them from fungus and pest attacks.

Care for Indoor Plants


all plants indoor

During the monsoon season, the increased moisture in the air requires careful attention to indoor plants.

You may notice that the soil of indoor plants remains wet for longer periods.

  • Be cautious when watering your plants to prevent the appearance of white fungus on the soil surface.
  • If you see any white fungus, simply remove it and sprinkle cinnamon powder on the affected area.

Due to the higher humidity, ensure proper ventilation for indoor plants by keeping doors and windows open.

It was all about monsoon season for plants.


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Enjoy the Monsoon!

vermicompost tea

How to make Vermicompost tea? Benefits & Uses

Vermicompost is an organic and most powerful compost made up of earthworms. Today, Vermicompost is widely used by many gardeners and farmers in gardening activities.

Vermicompost is also known as earthworm manure. It is a natural process in which earthworms consume the remains of organic matter such as plants and fruit and converts them into nutrient-rich manure in the form of feces. This natural process of composting is beneficial in improving the quality of the soil, making it more suitable for plant growth.

vermicompost manure
Vermicompost manure

What is ‘tea’ in gardening?

  • Any solid manure, when diluted in water to make liquid fertilizer, is commonly known as compost tea in gardening.
  • Examples include cow dung manure tea, kitchen manure tea, and vermicompost tea. The methods of making tea from these fertilizers may vary.

How to make Vermicompost tea?

Vermicompost tea
Vermicompost tea
  • Take good quality vermicompost in the bucket.
  • Add lots of water to the bucket. After some time the manure may expand, so keep extra water so that it dissolves well.
  • Cover the bucket with a lid and place it in a cool place, shaded area, away from direct sunlight.
  • Water extracts the nutrients of vermicompost when it starts mixing with water.
  • Before using the solution (tea), strain it through a cloth or fine mesh to remove any compost particles that may clog your spray bottle.
vermicompost tea
strain vermicompost tea before using

Important note:

Soaked vermicompost can be used in two ways.

  • It can be used after 24 hours of soaking.
  • It can also be used after 1 week of soaking.

 Both solutions have different benefits and can be used in different ways.

1. Benefits of using Vermicompost tea after 24 hours of soaking

Steps to use it:

  • Sieve the solution and dilute the obtained tea with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Fill the diluted tea in a spray bottle for multipurpose use.

You can use this diluted vermicompost tea in the following ways:

  • Spray it on small seedlings and the leaves of plants.
  • Use it as a mild nourishing tonic for cuttings.
  • Apply it to plants during times of stress, such as after pruning, repotting, or when propagating new plants.

Vermicompost tea is a quick and effective fertilizer that can be made in 24 hours.

spray vermicompost tea
you can spray liquid tonic in plants
  • It can be sprayed on plants every 15 days in the evening.
  • This treatment promotes healthy growth and makes leaves shiny.

2. Benefits of using Vermicompost tea after 1 week of soaking

If compost is soaked for 1 week in water, it will result in a more concentrated, dark-colored solution. While soaking vermicompost in water, it is important to stir the solution occasionally to ensure proper mixing of the compost with water.

  • Strong fertilizer: Vermicompost tea obtained by this method is indeed a strong fertilizer due to its higher concentration.

Steps to use it:

  • Take this tea (there’s no need to sieve it at this point) and dilute it with water at a ratio of 1 part tea to 4 parts water.
  • Give this diluted tea to your plants gradually until it starts to flow out from the bottom hole of the container.
  • The compost residue left after separating the tea can be incorporated into the soil as a soil conditioner.

Vermicompost tea can be applied to all types of plants

vermicompost tea
liquid tonic can be given to all types of plants

This vermicompost tea is enriched with nutrients and can be given to all types of plants, including indoor and outdoor plants, flowering and non-flowering plants, and succulents.

a) For indoor plants when using only vermicompost tea, apply it once every 45 to 60 days.

vermicompost tea in indoor plants
liquid tonic can also be given to indoor plants

b) For outdoor plantswhen using only vermicompost tea, apply it every 20 to 25 days.


  • Ensure that no other fertilizer is applied to the plants for 10 days both before and after using vermicompost tea.

Why is Vermicompost Tea recommended instead of solid form?

Vermicompost tea is often recommended over vermicompost (solid form) for many reasons:

1. Vermicompost (s0lid form) cannot be used as a spray for plants. 

2. For small seedlings, a liquid tonic is recommended. A liquid form of nutrition is suitable for small seedlings.

liquid tonic is easy to give in seedlings

3. Additionally, for cuttings and Lecca balls, vermicompost (solid form) cannot be added directly. It is preferable to use liquid tea filled in a spray bottle.

4. Some plants require regular nutrition every 15-20 days for optimal growth. Adding vermicompost (solid form) again and again every 15 days may disrupt soil structure. Therefore vermicompost tea is a more suitable option.

5. A small amount of compost can produce significant amounts of tea, which can effectively nourish all plants. In contrast, solid manure, if available in limited quantities, may not be sufficient for all plants.

6. When adding fertilizer or manure to plants, it is also important to water the soil. This helps the soil absorb nutrients from the compost, which is a slower process than providing a nutrient-rich tonic (like compost tea) directly.

At last:

  • Liquid tonics significantly enhance plant growth, and vermicompost tea is particularly effective when used as a nutrient source for plants.

Also read:

1. Benefits of Seaweed Fertilizer

2. How to make Cow Dung Fertilizer

Happy Gardening !!!

aloe vera propagation

How to Propagate Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is not just good for your skin; it is a plant that you can easily grow and share with others. Whether you are a pro at gardening or just starting out, growing Aloe Vera can be fun and satisfying. It has become a favorite in gardens and homes globally.

How to Propagate Aloe Vera: Tips

In this article, we will explore how to grow Aloe Vera, make it healthier. Let’s jump into the simple steps to propagate Aloe Vera.

Why Propagate Aloe Vera?

Although it is common to purchase mature Aloe Vera plants, there is a joy in watching new shoots emerge from the roots, forming clusters of vibrant, green offspring.

Propagation not only expands your Aloe Vera family but also allows you to share this resilient plant with friends and family. Additionally, propagating Aloe Vera is a great way to breathe life back into stressed or aging plants, ensuring a continuous cycle of growth and rejuvenation.

Setting the Stage: Planting Aloe Vera

The journey begins with a careful selection of pots and soil, creating an environment conducive to Aloe Vera’s preferences. 

Follow below steps, 

1. Selecting a Pot:

    • Choose a broad-sized pot with drainage holes at the bottom.

well-draining soil mix


2. Preparing the Pot:

    • Cover the bottom hole with newspaper to prevent soil from washing out.
    • Fill the pot with a well-draining soil mixture.

3. Planting the Main Aloe Vera:

  • Plant the main Aloe Vera in a slightly tilted position at the corner of the pot.
  • Fill the soil around the plant for support.
  • Water the soil until water drains out from the bottom hole.

4. Adding Pups:

  • Once the main plant is established, place pups in the soil at an appropriate distance.
  • Ensure the soil is well-moisturized before adding pups.
  • Do not water again after placing the pups.

Important note:

1. First, make sure the soil is wet enough by giving it a good amount of water.

  • It is important to water until you see water coming out from the bottom of the pot.

2. After that, you can place the baby plants (pups).

  • But here is the trick – don’t water again right away.
  • Succulents like Aloe Vera or Snake plant have small roots, and giving them too much water can be harmful. They might not like it, and their roots can get messed up.

3. So, the rule is to wet the soil well first, put in the baby plants, and then hold off on more water.

  • Let the soil dry out a bit before watering again.

This way, your aloe vera and similar plants can stay happy and healthy.

Propagation of the Pups & Repotting

1. Pup Propagation:

    • Wait for the pups to grow into small plants.

2. Precautions for Repotting:

    • Ensure the mother plant is healthy before repotting.
    • Gently remove pups with some soil to avoid damaging roots.

3. Repotting Process:

    • Place pups in separate pots, ensuring leaves do not touch wet soil.
    • Cover wet soil with dry soil and set the pups.
    • Always do the repotting in the evening.

4. Acclimating to Sunlight:

    • Initially, place repotted plants in indirect sunlight.
    • After 2 days, expose them to sunlight for 2-3 hours.
    • Monitor for signs of stress; if observed, wait a few more days before introducing direct sunlight.

5. Repeat Propagation:

    • After 2 months, new pups will appear, and the repotting process can be repeated for further propagation.

Reviving Stressed Aloe Vera:

1. Identifying Stress Signs:

    • Yellowing with black spots on dried leaves indicates stress.

black spot on aloe vera

2. Reviving Process:

    • Remove all damaged leaves, roots, and branches.
    • Repot the plant following the above-mentioned steps.

3. Survival Period Without Soil and Water:

    • Uprooted Aloe Vera plants can survive for 6-7 days without soil and water.
    • Repot within this timeframe to ensure survival.

By following these steps, you can successfully propagate, care for, and revive Aloe Vera plants.

Must read:

Aloe Vera Care: Pest Attack & Black Spot

Happy Gardening!!

rose plant

How to Care Rose Plant in Summer Season

Roses thrive in winter, blooming beautifully from October to March (in India). However, they struggle during the summer months. High temperatures make them sluggish, causing slow growth with little blooming.


Caring for rose plant during the summer season is crucial for maintaining their health and ensuring they bloom beautifully later on. Roses require different care depending on the season. Let’s discuss how to treat them during the summer.

How to Care Rose Plant in Summer Season

1. Promote Root and Leaf Health

Since roses tend to produce fewer flowers during hot temperatures, prioritize nurturing the roots and leaves. Healthy green leaves can withstand heat better and will support robust flowering later in the season.

pruning rose plant
pruning of buds & flowers
  • Remove any buds or flowers that start to grow to prevent the plant from channeling its energy into blooming, which can weaken the overall plant.

2. Protect from Sun and High Temperatures

Temperature and Sun heat both are at their top during this time. Both of them have a leading hand in spoiling this plant during summer.

  • If temperature and sunlight are controlled to some extent then plants would recover to a great extent.

(i) Avoid Direct Sunlight:

Dry soil of rose plant
Avoid direct sunlight

Shield rose plants from direct sunlight during the hottest parts of the day. Place them in a shaded area or under a green net to reduce exposure to intense sunlight.

(ii) Prevent Heat Transfer:

High temperatures can cause the floor beneath the pots to become hot, transferring heat to the plants.

  • Place jute bags on the floor and wet them with water to create a barrier between the hot floor and the pots. This helps regulate the temperature around the roots.

(iii) Misting On Plant

Contrary to the belief that misting can lead to fungal issues, lightly misting the leaves of rose plants can be beneficial during hot weather.

  • This helps cool down the plant and prevents excessive water loss through evaporation. It also helps remove dust from the leaves, promoting better photosynthesis.

3. Watering Tips

Watering is a critical aspect of caring for rose plants, particularly during the hot summer months. Here are some essential tips to ensure your roses receive the right amount of water and maintain optimal moisture levels:

watering rose plant 1

(i) Monitor Soil Moisture:

Keep a close eye on the moisture level of the soil around your rose plants. The soil should always retain a slight amount of moisture to prevent the branches from bending and withering. Ensure that the soil doesn’t dry out completely, especially during the summer heat.

(ii) Timing of Watering:

Water your rose plants either in the morning or evening. Providing water in the morning helps kickstart the process of photosynthesis, as it occurs in the presence of sunlight.

  • Morning watering also helps replenish moisture lost during the heat of the day. If necessary, you can water in the evening as well, but always check the soil’s moisture level first.

(iii) Use Normal Temperature Water:

watering rose plant
watering rose plant

Always use water at normal temperature for watering your rose plants. Avoid using warm or hot water, as it can shock the plants and cause damage.

  • Ensure that water from water tanks is not too hot before using it for watering. Additionally, when using sprays, ensure the water is at a normal temperature.

(iv) Avoid Overwatering:

Avoid overwatering
overwatering in rose plant

While roses may require more frequent watering during the summer, be cautious not to overwater.

  • Overwatering can lead to root rot and fungal issues. It’s better to water deeply once rather than multiple shallow waterings. This helps prevent root rot by allowing the soil to retain moisture for a longer duration.

4. How to Keep soil moist for a longer duration?

moist soil of rose plant
moist soil of rose plant

To keep the soil around your rose plants moist for an extended period, you can employ the following techniques:

(i) Adding Potting Mixture to the Soil:

Create a potting mixture by combining compost and coco peat in equal parts, along with a quarter portion of sand and rose-bloom fertilizer. Ensure thorough mixing of all components.

Loosen the existing soil around the plant and remove the top layer.

  • Incorporate the prepared potting mixture into the soil. Both compost and coco peat have excellent water retention properties, effectively locking moisture within the soil for a longer duration.

(ii) Mulching:

Mulching involves covering the soil surface with materials that absorb and retain water, preventing direct exposure to sunlight.

  • Various materials can be used for mulching, such as dry leaves, rice husks, water-absorbing fabric, water-absorbing carry bags, or even a green net. These materials allow air to pass through while keeping the soil moist.

Tips to do mulching:

  • Cover the soil with your chosen mulching material and water as usual. The mulch helps slow down evaporation, ensuring the soil stays moist for longer periods.
  • When it’s time to apply fertilizer, simply remove the mulch, apply the fertilizer, and then replace the mulch.
  • Additionally, mulching helps suppress weed growth.

5. Black Spot on Rose leaves

black spot on rose leaves
black spot on rose leaves

Sometimes, rose leaves may develop black spots or show signs of damage, turning yellow, which are often caused by fungal infections. 

  • Apply fungicide monthly to prevent black spots and yellowing caused by fungal infections. Mix 2-3 pinches of fungicide in 5 liters of water and apply to the plant.

6. Pest Attack on Rose Plant

During summer, protect roses from pests like mealybugs with neem spray.

  • Boil neem leaves, dilute the decoction, and apply weekly. Neem oil spray is an alternative if neem leaves aren’t available.

Taking these measures helps safeguard rose plants during the challenging summer season. It’s crucial to show care and attention to the plants during this period of intense heat, focusing on their sustainability rather than expecting abundant flowering.

Happy Gardening !!

gardening mistakes

6 Common Mistakes to avoid in Gardening

While doing gardening, we often make some mistakes, which we should not do. Due to this, our plants are not able to grow that well. Whether you are experienced or a beginner, you should know these few things which I am going to tell you through this article.

1 – Do not ignore “Tilling of Soil”

Soil tilling

Generally, people make lots of efforts for the growth of their plants like giving fertilizers on time, feeding humic acid or bio enzymes, pruning at regular intervals, and many more things but they do not give much importance to the basics of gardening that is doing “tilling of the soil”.

The tilling process is important for various reasons-

  • It makes the soil soft.
  • Soil nutrients get shuffled up and down.
  • It maintains good aeration.
  • Roots become strong and healthy.

Once a week, tilling of the soil should be done for the optimal growth of the plants.

2 – Not using the proper technique of spraying pesticides

Pests attack is very common in plants and in particular season insects like mealy bugs, aphids, ants, spider mites plus many others start growing.

Pesticide spray
  • To get rid of them various pesticide solutions are available and prepared. To refrain from insects proper process of spraying needs to be followed.
  • First of all remove all the insects from affected plants by using cotton buds, tissue paper, or any cotton cloth. Clean all the leaves, branches, and all the parts of the plants.
  • After that, spray the solution on each and every part of the plants, the side of the leaves, all the branches, on buds or flowers. If even a single insect remains on the plant then there would be a pest attack again and questions will arise on the effectiveness of the solution.
  • So, here solution would not be a culprit but proper methodology needs to be followed.
  • Follow the treatment on every alternate day until the plant is pest-free.

neem pesticide spray

3 – Selecting the wrong Pots Structure

Despite the material, the structure of the pot matters a lot.

  • Avoid narrow pots because, at the time of tilling, repotting, giving compost or fertilizer, and removing weeds, space is needed to loosen the soil. In narrow pots, we do not get proper space, either the pot will break or the plant will get damaged.
  • Be it, ceramic, plastic, or cement but opt for broad-size pots. Soil would get enough sunlight, tilling can be done easily and the aeration process would be maintained in broad-size pots.

4 – Adding chemicals to compost

kitchen waste


When composts are made at home (any compost – leaf compost, kitchen or cow dung compost), naturally it takes 2 and 2.5 months to make. All the material gets decomposed in the presence of bacteria and fungus which is a slow process.

  • Some people are accelerating this process by adding chemicals to it and compost gets ready in 7-10 days, which is not the correct method.
  • No chemicals should be added to get pure organic compost, moreover, if anything chemically manifested things (compost) is added to the plant then it will deplete the nutrition level of the soil.
  • Fruits, flowers, or vegetables grown by adding this compost would not be organic hence they would be chemically injected which is not good for health.
  • To fasten the process of compost making, add organic or natural; things like buttermilk, vermicompost, sour curd, or worms. All these things will accelerate the process of decaying material.

5 – Not feeding Fertilizers to the plant

Heavy feeder plants like flowering, fruiting, and vegetable plants need fertilizers at regular intervals. They will look beautiful and tempting at nurseries because proper care of them is taken there but after getting them at home, many of them would stop growing.

  • These plants need fertilizer every 20-25 days.
  • NPK, micronutrients, or any other organic fertilizer should be given to the plant to meet the nutrient level of the soil for the booming growth of the plant.

6 – Incorrect way of using Neem Oil

Neem oil is an organic oil and the best pesticide but many people complain that after using neem oil their plants get burnt. Well, the problem is not the neem oil here but the problem is how it is used.

  • Neem oil is strong so when applied to the leaves, the pores of the leaves get blocked and the process of photosynthesis gets seized.
  • To refrain from this, always spray neem oil in the evening and keep the plant for the night as it is. The next day, in the morning before sunrise, wash the plant properly with ample water.
  • Neem oil will do its work at night so make sure leaves with neem oil do not get exposed to sun. While washing, oil might fall in the soil but that is ok.

Happy Gardening!!