Tag Archives: rose plant growing tips

How to Care Rose Plant? Check 11 Best Tips

How to care Rose Plant


Roses are attention-seeker and cautious plants. They love to be loved and pampered throughout the year. Being delicate flowers it is essential to understand their behavior and requirements before planting them at home.

So, before planting, let’s first understand how to care rose plant after getting them from the nursery. What are the necessities and preferences of the rose plant?

How to care Rose Plant

All the important points are detailed here to maintain the plant’s health because it will flower automatically if it is healthy.


Tips to care Rose plant


1. Do not remove new buds & flowers of the Rose plant


  • After fetching from the nursery, do not remove any buds or flowers from the plant.
  • Once the flowers start fading, remove them by cutting from the top of the node.
How to care Rose plant
rose flower and buds
  • At the flowering stage, plants shed all their energy into the flowers, and the rest of the plant’s growth gets hampered.
  • So, if the flowers are mature enough to be plucked, remove them, and the plant will use its energy to bloom more new flowers.
  • This is also called a process of pruning. It promotes the growth of the plant, and new branches and flowers will originate from the point where the old flowers were removed.

2. Remove all the unwanted weeds of the Rose plant


  • Whenever unwanted weeds appear, remove them immediately to prevent them from growing bigger.
weeds in pot

Why should we remove weeds from the rose plant?

  • Weeds take up all the energy and nutrients of the main plant which is required for growth.
  • They spread so fast, that there would be hardly any space left for tilling of the soil.  Also, they block air and sunlight from reaching the soil.
  • Moreover, it spreads downwards and absorbs a significant amount of moisture from the water. Additionally, it invites fungus, ants, and pests.

Important note:

  • The soil of the rose plant should be kept clean and free from fungus or pests.

3. Pruning and deadheading of the Rose plant


deadheading of roses
  • If the pruning is not done correctly and at the right time then the rose plant will become dense and it will not bloom.
  • Hence, pruning is a mandatory in gardening.

4. Feeding Fertilizers to the Rose plant


Fertilizers the rose plant
  • After pruning, hoe the soil and provide it with high NPK fertilizer. Any strong fertilizer, like cow dung compost, vermicompost, or kitchen waste compost is recommended here.
  • Mustard cake fertilizer can also be one good option.

5. Rose plant follows a specific pattern to grow


pink rose
  • Rose plant follows a specific pattern of growth and dormancy.
  • It follows a structured growth cycle that includes growth, pruning, fertilization, and harvesting.
  • After the flowers are harvested, rose plants enter a dormant phase approximately for 20 to 25 days before blooming again.

6. Give liquid tonic to the Rose plant


    • It is very important to give liquid tonic to the rose plant when it is about to bloom and after the formation of buds.

Suggested liquid tonics are –

  • Onion peel fertilizer
  • Banana peel fertilizer
  • Epsom salt
  • Vermicompost tea
  • Seaweed fertilizer
  • Mustard cake fertilizer

Important note:

  • Liquid tonics enhance the size and health of the flowers and also accelerate the growth of the rose plant. 

Read article:

Best Fertilizers for Rose plant

7. Best Season for the Rose plant


  • Rose plants are typically known as autumn-season plants and can be obtained from the nursery from October to March.


  • Native roses are only red or white in color and have fragrance while hybrid roses are available in different colors and varieties but generally do not have any fragrance.

8. Pot Specifications for the Rose plant


type of pots

  • Earthen pots are the most suitable pots for rose plants. Avoid using cement, ceramic, or plastic pots.
  • Choose those pots that are 10 to 12 inches.
  • Roses also have thorns, so if a small pot is taken, the thorns can harm the gardener’s hands during transplanting into a larger pot.
  • In small pots, the thorns take up a lot of space, making it challenging to transfer the plant to a new pot with the thorns intact.

9. Soil Mixture for the Rose plant


  • Creating the right soil mixture for rose plants is essential for their health and growth. Rose plant prefer well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter.

For the perfect soil mixture follow the given steps:

  • Soil – Take local area soil and clean it to remove all the debris, glass, and plastic pieces.
  • Vermicompost – It should be half the quantity of the soil.
  • Sand – Rose grows best in sandy soil. So, use an equal amount of sand as vermicompost.
  • Coco peat – To balance the moisture level of the soil add cocopeat 1/4th of the sand.
  • Neem Cake powder – To prevent insects, add a little bit of neem cake powder.
  • Bone meal: You can also consider adding a bone meal if you wish.

Read article on:

How to prepare soil mix for rose plants


10. Watering the Rose plant


  • When the soil around the roots dries up, the leaves turn yellow and begin to dry out.
  • If the soil around the roots is too wet, black spots start to appear on the leaves. These black spots can be seen all over the plant.
  • Monitor the soil very carefully and water when it becomes slightly moist, as it will dry out in the next stage.
  • Check the soil with your hand, and if it begins to drain, water it accordingly.

11. Sunlight for Rose plant


  • Roses love sunlight, so give this plant as much sunlight as possible.
  • Flowers require at least 4 hours of sunlight to bloom.

Last but not least is to take care of it properly otherwise do not buy this plant.


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Happy Gardening!!

rose plant repotting

How to repot a Rose plant?

Repotting is the process of transplanting a plant from one pot to another.

Why should you repot a rose plant?

rose flower
rose plant

The main objective behind repotting the plant is:

  • to provide more space to grow,
  • to avoid root-bound,
  • to provide better soil conditions,
  • to provide adequate supply of nutrients for healthy growth,
  • to ensure the plant’s continued health and well-being.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of repotting new rose plant, ensuring that it thrives in its new pot.

When to repot a rose plant?

rose plant in pot
rose plant in pot

The best time to repot your new rose plant to a bigger pot is in early autumn during October month. If you received a potted rose as a gift or you bought one, and its roots are coming out of the pot or it feels unstable, it is time to repot it.

Steps to follow before repotting a rose plant

rose plant in clay pot
rose plant in clay pot

1. When you bring the plant home, don’t put it in direct sunlight for the first two days to prevent it from getting sunburned.

2. Make sure it is not kept in a dark place, look for a bright place to keep it.

3. After two days, if the plant looks healthy, you can place it in the sun and water it when the top soil dries.

4. If the plant still looks good after five days, it’s ready for a new pot.

5. Only transplant your rose plant in the evening.

6. Roses don’t like clayey soil, so use the right soil mixture.

What is needed for repotting?

1. New pot: Select a pot that is at least 2-3 inches larger in diameter than the current pot. Ensure it has drainage holes at the bottom.

2. Fresh soil mixture: Use good soil mixture which is prepared for roses or other flowering plants.

3. Gloves: Rose plants have thorns, so protect your hands with gloves.

4. Watering can: To water the plant once it is in its new pot.

5. Pruner: To trim roots and prune the leaves of the plant if needed. 

Steps to repot rose plant:

1. Remove the plastic: If the plant is in plastic bag, first, remove the plastic covering and soil from the roots.


1. Remove the rose plant from its current pot: If the plant is in old pot, gently tap the pot to loosen the root ball. 

2. Immerse the roots of the rose in water: After removing, immerse the roots of the rose in water, so that the remaining soil also gets removed in the water.

3. Trim if needed: Check the roots for any damaged parts and trim them if needed to help the roots grow well.

4. Fill new pot with soil: Always use clay pot. Fill the new pot with the right soil mixture, after covering the bottom hole with any newspaper.

soil mix
soil mix

5. Place the rose in the new pot: Put the plant in the new pot and press the soil gently so it stays in place. Add more soil, pressing it down gently to remove air gaps.

6. Water thoroughly: Water it well but in installments, until you see water draining from the bottom hole. 

watering to rose plant
watering to rose plant

7. Keep rose plant in a shade: Now, keep the plant in the shade for two more days.

Read here:

How to prepare Soil Mix for Rose plant


Repotting your rose plant is important to help it stay healthy and beautiful. With the right tools and a little care, you can give your rose the space it needs to grow and thrive. Doing this regularly, along with proper care, will reward you with a beautiful, fragrant rose that will brighten your garden for years to come.

Plant it! Love It !

Happy gardening !