How to Care &  Grow Fern Plant

Fern plant is one of the popular houseplant among plant lovers.

With its delicate, curled leaves and unique shape, it adds a beautiful touch to any space.

Let's check simple and easy tips to grow and care for this lovely plant at home.

1. Provide bright Light to Fern

– Place your fern in a spot with bright, indirect light.

Avoid direct sun exposure, to avoid leaves burn.

2.  Best place to keep fern at home

Place your Fern plant in a shaded area of your balcony where they receive bright light or gentle morning sunlight.

3. Soil Mixture

Ensure the soil should not be too tight. It should be loose and well-draining..

4. Keep the Soil Moist

Ferns love moisture but dislike waterlogged soil.

5. Best Pot for Fern

Ferns grow best in medium-sized pots, ideally 8 to 10 inches in diameter.

6. Pruning

– Removing brown, yellow, or damaged leaves helps improve airflow, prevents disease, and encourages new growth.