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How to make Neem Cake fertilizer at home

Various types of fertilizers are used to increase the nutritional content of plants. It includes both organic and chemical fertilizers. But there is no doubt that organic fertilizers are better than chemical fertilizers.

In this post, we will discuss all the queries regarding neem cake fertilizers such as:

1. What is neem cake fertilizer?

2. Why Neem Cake fertilizer is necessary for gardening?

3. How to use neem cake liquid fertilizer for plants?

4. Why do we need neem cake fertilizer?

5. When to give neem cake liquid fertilizer to the plants?

6. What precautions are needed while using neem cake fertilizer?

neem leaves

Neem cake fertilizer act as a blessing for plants. We make this fertilizer by drying the neem seeds known as Kernels and after that grinding them into the form of powder. It has lots of benefits. Let’s discuss them one by one.

neem kernel
neem kernel

Benefits of Neem Cake Fertilizer

1. Complete Organic Fertilizer

neem cake powder
neem cake powder
    • Neem cake fertilizer is completely natural, pure, and the best fertilizer for plants.
    • It does not have any chemicals and that is why it is very beneficial for our plants.

2. Dual behaviour (Fertilizer + Pesticide)

Neem cake fertilizer works as a fertilizer as well as a pesticide.

fertilizer & pesticides
fertilizer & pesticides

(i) Firstly, it gives all the nutrients which are required by the plants for their growth and works as a fertilizer.

  • In fact, when we add this to the soil it improves the texture and quality of the soil.

(ii) Secondly, it works as a pesticide and fungicide also.

  • It protects our plants from bacteria, disease, fungi and different harmful insects.

3. Inexpensive and easily available

    • Neem cake fertilizer is very budget-friendly and easily available at nurseries or online also.
    • Pure neem fertilizer has a mild smell, you can check whether the fertilizer is pure or not.

4. Easy to prepare and use

neem cake liquid fertilizer
neem cake liquid fertilizer

Neem cake fertilizer is very easy to make and use. You do not need to decompose it for 2-3 months or mix it in water for 10-12 days.

5. Can be used for every plant

    • You can give neem cake fertilizer to all types of plants be it outdoor, indoor, flowering, or non-flowering plants.

6. Non-toxic for bees and useful insects

    • It does not do any harm to all the useful insects like bees, butterflies, caterpillars, and earthworms.
    • Some insects eat small – small harmful insects and neem cake fertilizer does not do any harm to those useful insects also.
butterfly in garden
butterfly in garden

Why Neem Cake Fertilizer?

neem cake powder
neem cake powder

When we add neem fertilizer to the soil, all the hidden insects and fungus get vanished from the soil. In fact, it prevents roots also from getting damaged by these organisms.

neem cake powder
adding neem cake powder

Roots absorb this fertilizer and distribute it in all the parts of the plants which makes plants strong internally. It boosts the immunity of the plant.

How to use Neem Cake Fertilizer?

You can give it to your plants by two methods as mentioned below.

1. First Method to give Neem Cake Fertilizer

(i) Mix the neem cake directly in the soil while you are preparing your soil mixture along with sand and compost.

(ii) Let’s say you are preparing a 5 kg soil mixture then you can add two handfuls of neem cake fertilizer to the soil.

(iii) Keep the quantity very less, when you mix it in the soil a very mild smell will start coming, at that point only you need to stop adding it further.

soil mixture
adding neem cake powder in soil mix

2. Second Method (neem cake liquid fertilizer)

(i) This is also called neem cake liquid fertilizer.

(ii) Here, you need to mix the neem cake fertilizer with the water and keep it for 24-48 hours to get absorbed in the water properly.

(iii) Let’s say you have 100 plants, then take 2 handfuls of fertilizer in 2-3 liters of water and keep it for 24-48 hours.

(iv) After 2 days you will see dark black-colored water, which means water has absorbed all the nutrients of the fertilizer and this is a very strong liquid.

(v) Before giving it to the plants, we need to dilute it. Mix this solution in approximately 30 liters of water.

(vi) Now, give this water to your plants like normal water but make sure the top layer of soil is dry because if the soil is wet then it would not absorb anything.

When and how to give Neem cake liquid fertilizer?

You can follow both above methods for optimal results. If you are not using any other fertilizer then you can give it to your outdoor plants once a month.

  • We ought to give it to plants before every rainy season because in the rainy season insects, and fungi are very common problems.

Neem cake fertilizer will act as a prevention for all these problems of insects, bacteria, and fungus. Note:

  • For indoor plants, you can give them once a year.
  • Neem cake fertilizer can be given to plants in any season, be it spring, autumn, summer, winter, etc.
neem cake liquid fertilizer

Neem cake fertilizer makes plants very powerful from the inside. If by chance your plants get attacked by pests and you have given this fertilizer then it will help the plant to recover again very soon.

Advantages of Neem cake fertilizer

  • This fertilizer enhances soil fertility.
  • By using this fertilizer we can prevent up to 80 percent of plant diseases.
  • This fertilizer is an eco-friendly.
  • It also acts as an insecticide.


    • When we use neem cake fertilizer we need to keep it a distance from our eyes and make sure does not touch our eyes with the hands having traces of this fertilizer.

Also read,

How to make Neem Pesticide at Home

Enjoy gardening!

importance of gardening

Importance of Gardening in Our Life

Why is gardening important? What effect does it have on our lives?

Nowadays, people start gardening when they have retired from their job, or they have nothing else to do. People do not take gardening very seriously; they do gardening to pass the time.

But many people have made gardening their profession and do it with great pleasure and joy. There are many good reasons to start gardening and growing plants at home. Let’s talk about how gardening can make your life better.

Why is Gardening important in our lives?

1. It nurtures our physical, emotional, and environmental health

  • Amid our busy and technology-driven lives, gardening emerges as a simple yet profound solution that can add benefits to our overall well-being. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, gardening plays a vital role in nurturing our mental, physical, emotional, and environmental health.

gardening relax

2. Positive impact on our mental health

  • Engaging in gardening activities has been scientifically proven to have a positive impact on our mental health.
  • Nurturing plants and witnessing their growth instills a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

3. Reduce stress levels, elevate mood, and enhance mental clarity

  • Spending time amidst nature, breathing in the fresh air, and observing the vibrant colors of flowers and foliage can significantly reduce stress levels, elevate mood, and enhance mental clarity.

4. It also contributes to our physical fitness

  • Gardening provides a therapeutic escape from the pressures of modern life, offering solace and relaxation. Not only does gardening benefit our mental well-being, but it also contributes to our physical fitness.

  • The various tasks of digging, planting, weeding, and watering provide an excellent opportunity for low-impact exercise. These activities help improve our flexibility, enhance joint mobility, and strengthen our muscles.
  • Gardening can be particularly beneficial for individuals with sedentary lifestyles, as it encourages movement and helps maintain a healthy weight.

5. It fosters patience, perseverance, and a deeper understanding of the cycles of life

  • The emotional benefits of gardening are remarkable. Connecting with nature and witnessing the growth of plants can evoke a sense of awe, wonder, and gratitude.
  • Gardening is a form of self-expression, allowing us to channel our emotions into creating beautiful spaces.

  • The process of nurturing plants fosters patience, perseverance, and a deeper understanding of the cycles of life.
  • Furthermore, being able to harvest the fruits of our labor, whether it’s a bouquet of flowers or homegrown produce, can fill us with a sense of pride and joy.

6. It provides habitats for birds, bees, butterflies, and other pollinators

  • In an era where climate change and environmental degradation are pressing concerns, gardening offers a tangible way for individuals to make a positive impact.
  • By cultivating a garden, we contribute to biodiversity by providing habitats for birds, bees, butterflies, and other pollinators.

  • Moreover, growing our own food reduces our reliance on mass-produced, resource-intensive agriculture.
  • It promotes sustainable practices such as composting, water conservation, and organic gardening techniques, reducing our carbon footprint and fostering a healthier planet for future generations.

7. It brings people together

  • Community gardens serve as spaces where individuals from diverse backgrounds can bond over a shared love for plants and nature.

  • By working collectively towards a common goal, community gardening fosters a sense of belonging, encourages collaboration, and creates opportunities for knowledge sharing and skill development.
  • Additionally, gardens can become spaces for social gatherings, fostering relationships and nurturing a sense of community pride.

In conclusion, gardening offers us benefits that extend beyond the mere act of tending to plants.

  • It nourishes our minds, strengthens our bodies, uplifts our emotions, and empowers us to contribute to the greater good of our environment.
  • As we cultivate our gardens, we simultaneously cultivate a sense of well-being, physical health, emotional balance, and environmental consciousness.

So, let us embrace the transformative power of gardening and unlock its potential to enhance our day-to-day lives.

How to Repot a Plant

Children and plants both are the purest gifts of nature. If you will love them they will love you back. More care and affection you shower on them, the happier they will grow up. When a child comes out from the mother’s womb, she needs all caution and protection to stay healthy and to adapt to new surroundings. Similarly, when new plants come to your place, you need to be very particular in taking care of them.

When we buy plants from the nurseries and bring them home, we need to shift them into a new pot.  At the time of shifting, we need to follow the proper technique, otherwise, the plant will go under transplant shock and would not be able to recover back again.

So, in this article, I will share some of the key steps to repot the plant.

Steps to repot a plant

1. Soil 

  • Take normal soil which is available at your place.
  • Make sure there are no traces of glass, plastic, or any garbage in it.
  • It should be clean soil. Make a firm powder of it with your hand, lumps should not be there.
  • Mix some sand also in it, it shields the soil to become stone.
  • Add coco peat also if you have any, it will help the soil to maintain its moisture. Otherwise, normal soil will also work perfectly.

2. Pot size

Normally, take a 10-inch size pot and make two drainage holes at the bottom of your pot. Cover these holes with any stone or paper, so that soil does not come out but it can shed extra water.

3. Fill the pot with the soil

Now, fill the pot with soil and keep on tapping in between to avoid air gaps in the soil. Maintain the level of soil properly.

4. Remove the plant from plastic

  • The next step is to remove the plant from the existing plastic pot.

    Repotting at the correct time is important because sometimes the roots of the plant get bonded to each other and plants can come into problems.

  • If the roots are bounded to each other then first of all we need to open the bottom roots by removing their soil, then only these roots will be able to spread inside the pot properly.
  • Remove the soil carefully, it should not affect the main roots.

5. Shift the plant to a new pot

After opening the roots, now, we can place the plant in a new pot. Conceal the roots of the plant deep in the soil but make sure the stem is not going inside the soil. Otherwise, stems will start decaying inside the soil. After placing the plant inside the pot, fill the rest of the empty space in the pot with soil.

6. Watering

  • Give water to the plant in installments at a gap of a few minutes.
  • We need to give water to the plant till the point where excess water comes out from the drainage hole.
  • When water comes out from the drainage hole, it means roots at the bottom side also get water.
  • After that, if you feel there is any gap you can fill it with soil and adjust the position of your plant in the pot.

Now keep it in the shade for the next three days. It was all about shifting the plant to the new pot.

Enjoy Planting!!

Eco-friendly Plantable Seeds Pen

Plantable eco pens are environment-friendly and biodegradable pens. It decomposes very easily in the soil without affecting nature. These pens hold seeds inside them. After using when ink is finished, entomb them inside the soil and new plants will come out.

In this article, we will discuss the advantages of these plantable eco seeds pens.

  • Why do we need them?
  • What is the cost of these pens?
  • Are they working like normal pens?
  • How to plant them and many more.

So, keep reading.

Why do we need eco-friendly pens?


When we already have a wide range of plastic pens in the market, what is the point of switching to them?

  • Plastic is a curse to the environment because of its non-biodegradable nature and every year in factories tons of plastic are used to produce pens.
  • If we can replace plastic pens with these ecological pens, then it would be a highly appreciable contribution towards green and clean nature.
  • Sometimes small – small steps can make big changes.

“Let’s start writing our future with Green Pens”

Features of Biodegradable Pen 

  • They are easily available online or in the market.
  • These pens come in biodegradable boxes.
  • Almost all the seed pens are available. Like the tomato, lady finger, chilly, brinjal, and many others.
  • Only the nib and pen cap’s top are made up of plastic, the rest 80% material is ecological.
  • Seeds are stored at the bottom side of the pen. They are enclosed in starch-named material, not in plastic.
  • Starch is a degradable element.
  • These pens work like normal pens, with a smooth flow of writing. They are available in different colors like blue, and black. In schools, colleges or they can be used everywhere.

Generally, biodegradable things come a little bit costly in comparison to plastics but they are worth their cost. Many people love eco-friendly stuff, for them, it is a perfect gift or a gesture of love.

How to plant your Plantable Eco Pens?

  • When the ink is finished, it cannot be refilled again. So after using them, bury them inside the soil in the pot at an elevation of around 45 degrees.
  • The starch side containing seeds will go inside the soil and starch will get dissolved in water. After a few days, a new plant will come out.
  1. Different plantable stationery items like paper and pencils are available in the market.
  2. All the plantable items have seeds in them.

Buy them, use them, plant them, and present them to more people to spread more awareness. Actions taken at an individual level are more fruitful and effective.

Love your nature and save it for the future!!!

How to care for Aloe Vera plant

Aloe Vera is a magical and very famous plant. It can be found very easily in any nursery. It grows very fast without much care but sometimes it faces some problems like its growth getting stopped, tips starting getting brown, leaf color starting deteriorating, the arrival of black spots on the leaves, and sometimes the complete plant getting dull.

  • How did this happen?
  • Why does this happen?
  • How to fix all these problems?
  • What are the remedies for all these complications?

In this article, we will discuss “how we can take care of the Aloe Vera plant” at home:

About the Aloe Vera plant

  • Aloe Vera is a perennial plant. It does not survive only for 6 months or 1 year, its life span is of longer duration.
  • It is a succulent plant hence liquid is filled in its leaves. It does not need much water for survival.
  • It is a xerophytic plant and can survive in drought, where there is no water like a desert.

Due to all these features of Aloe Vera plant needs very less care. It is a very hardy plant.

Benefits of Aloe Vera plant

Slice Aloe Vera very useful herbal medicine for skin and hair.
  • Aloe Vera is an African plant with more than 500 species.
  • It is also a Medicinal plant that is used in making medicines and cosmetics.
  • It is very helpful for skin and hair care.
  • You can apply its gel on the burnt area also, it will give instant relief.

How to take care of the Aloe Vera plant?

1. Temperature and sunlight requirement for Aloe Vera plant 
  • It grows very fast between  10℃-30℃.
  • If it is extremely cold or hot, then its growth stops but plants do survive.
  • You can keep this plant outdoors as well as indoors. We have some reasons to keep it an indoor plant.
  • Firstly, it will survive in bright light as well as medium light. Secondly, they absorb harmful chemicals and purify the air.
  • Most importantly, they do not give carbon dioxide during night time. You can keep them near your bed also.
  • If you want fast growth of your plant, then keep it outside in the sunlight.
  • You can give 5 hours, 8 hours, 10 hours of sunlight or as much as possible, it would be good for it.
  • If it is extremely hot, there might be a chance of sunburn also, leaves will start to fade, start turning yellow and plants will be dull.
  • To avoid this you can keep your plant in shade or cover it with some cloth.
2. How often to water the Aloe vera plant
  • As it is a succulent, it needs very little water. Give water when the soil is completely dry.
  • It is also a xerophytic plant, so it can live for a longer duration without water.
3. Soil for Aloe vera plant

You do not need to prepare separate soil for Aloe Vera, you can use the same soil which you have prepared for the rest of the plants.

4. Pot Size for Aloe vera plant
  • The roots of this plant are very small so it does not need much depth or a deeper pot.
  • The pot has to be a wide pot because its roots spread widely.
  • If you want more Aloe Vera, then you can place it in a tub also.
  • The more area they will get, the more pups will come out.
5. Fertilizer for Aloe vera plant
  • You can give any organic fertilizer to the aloe vera plant once every 2 months.
  • Give only organic fertilizer because if you are using its gel for your face, hair, or drinking, it should be chemical-free.

It was all about this magical plant “ALOE VERA”.

Enjoy the soothing of this gel…!!!!!

How to Grow Spinach at Home

Spinach is a green leafy vegetable that originated from Persia now Iran there it was called Aspanakh. In India, Spinach is popularly known as Palak. It is a very healthy green vegetable having all the vitamins and minerals to build a strong immune system. Spinach can be grown at home. In this post, we will discuss how we can grow spinach at home.

Favorable season to grow Spinach

  • Spinach can be grown for both the summer and winter seasons.
  • For summers, it can mature from mid-February to April. If it is extreme summer, then seeds germinate but it will not grow properly.
  • For winters, it can be grown from mid-August to October. During severe cold, its seeds do not germinate.

How to Grow Spinach in Pots 


  • The roots of the spinach do not go very deep nor spread very much. So, this plant does not require a deep pot.
  • The pot should be wider in size in comparison to the depth of the pot, it can be 6 to 8 inches in height.
  • Any old tub or bucket or rectangular plastic pot can also be preferred for planting spinach.

Perfect Soil for Spinach  fertilizer

Soil is a very important factor in gardening. To prepare the soil mixture for Spinach, take normal garden soil, sand, and any compost or fertilizer. Keep the ratio as Soil 50%, Compost 30% and Sand    20%.

❖ Clean the garden soil properly and add sand to it. In sand, seeds germinate faster plus sand does not make soil hard.

❖ To add nutrition to the soil, add any fertilizer or compost. We can also add liquid cow dung fertilizer.

❖ Mix all three things properly and keep this mixture for 3 days.

❖  Soil would be ready to use after 3 days.

How to Grow Spinach from Seeds?

  • Spinach can be grown from seeds very easily and quickly.
  • Seeds can be bought from nurseries or online and they are inexpensive.
  • Spinach cannot be transplanted in another pot or container.
  • From seeds sowing till the final product, only one container would be used. So select all the apparatus attentively.

Below are the steps to grow spinach from seeds: 

  • Take the pot, make holes in its bottom, and cover the hole with any paper.
  • Fill the pot with the prepared soil mixture.
  • Place the seeds on the surface of soil at optimum distance, so that seeds can germinate properly.
  • Cover the seeds with another layer of soil mixture.
  • Spray water on the top layer of the soil. This layer should always be wet. Moisture needs to be maintained in the topmost layer of the soil.
  • Keep the pot in a warm place but not under direct sunlight.
  • Within five days, few germinated seeds can be seen.

By the 7th day, leaves would start coming but not true leaves, only cotyledon.

When seeds germinate, in the initial phase we get two types of leaves. The first two leaves (smaller one) which we get are called cotyledon. Cotyledons are part of the seeds only.

  • After cotyledon, the second type of leaves that comes out are called true leaves. The structure of these two leaves is completely different from cotyledon.
  • Be regular in giving water but do not keep the pot in direct sunlight till the point we get true leaves of spinach.
  • Give water or fertilizer carefully, it should not disturb the seedlings as they are weak in the beginning phase.

Sunlight requirement for Spinach 

  • Shift the pot in sunlight when true leaves have arrived.
  • Initially, keep the pot in sunlight for 1 hour, the next day for 2 hours, and so on.
  • Spinach can bear 2-8 hours of sunlight but the temperature should not be very high.
  • Once a month, any fertilizer can be given to it.

How to harvest Spinach 

  • Approximately, after 40-45 days homemade organic spinach can be harvested. It would be very fresh and pure.
  • Spinach leaves are used not only once but many times, meaning after a few days of harvesting, they will grow again in 25-30 days and can be harvested again. Therefore, while harvesting, take care not to damage the plant and its roots.
  • You can pluck this spinach 3-4 times, not more than that because of nutrition factors.
  • For this, you can use garden scissors while cutting or pinching with light hands.

This was all about spinach planting. Grow it and enjoy it.

Areca Palm Plant Complete Care

All About Areca Palm Plant

1. Areca palm size 

  • Areca palm plants are available in different sizes from 4 feet to 6 feet and some are very small called young plants.
  • You can keep plants of smaller sizes on the table also. You can buy it according to your needs.

2. Propagation of Areca palm

  • You can grow areca palm from seeds. Seeds are available in the market. This plant grows very slowly, seeds will take around 2-3 months to get germinated and they arrive with 1-2 leaves.
  • If you have a healthy and bushy Areca plant then you can divide it into many plants from the roots.
  • The best option for having this plant is to buy it from a nursery.
  1. Choose healthy areca palms from the nursery.
  2. If you see brown leaves or weak plants then don’t buy them.
  3. Sometimes nursery people try to misguide you but we should monitor carefully before buying it. Select green and healthy plants.

3. Pot size for Areca Palm

  • We can grow this plant in any type (ceramic, plastic, clay, etc) of pot but select a medium size pot.
  • If you are not experienced with areca plants then, you should use clay pots over other pots.

4. Soil Mixture for Areca Palm plant

  • The soil of this plant should be well drained as well as compact.
  • The upper portion i.e. leaves of this plant are very big in size as compared to the roots.
  • If we take soft soil then, its roots and the grip of the plant inside the soil will get spoiled.
  • The plant won’t be able to stand straight, it will start bending after some time. If we take compact soil then it will help in keeping the plant straight.
  1. We can take 60% of garden soil, 25% construction sand, and 15% compost for its soil mixture.
  2. We should not add coco peat here plus we are keeping compost quantity also very low because both these things make the soil very soft.
  3. You can add neem cake powder, fungicides, or any insecticides also in very small quantities.

5. Temperature requirement for Areca Palm

  • The ideal temperature for an areca plant is 15-25℃.
  • If the temperature goes beyond 30 degrees and below 11 degrees, this plant goes into stress.
  • Tips of the leaves start getting brown and the growth of the plant stops there only.

6. Sunlight requirement for Areca Palm

  • Areca palm plants need bright and indirect sunlight.
  • If you have kept it at places where light is dim like stairs or corridors then, its growth would stop there only.
  • There should not be direct sunlight falling also otherwise its leaves will start turning brown.
  • In fact, areca plants which are planted on the ground and have direct sunlight also face the issue of sunburn. Their leaves also burn and become brown.
  • If you want to keep Areca in the sun, then keep her in the same sunlight that you can bear.
  • Keep these plants near windows and doors where fresh air comes along with bright and indirect sunlight.

7. Watering for Areca Palm

  • The water requirement of this plant is different in comparison to other indoor plants.
  • Areca palm likes moisture very much so if the topsoil of this plant is completely dry then, the tip of the leaves will turn brown due to underwatering.
  • Check the top layer of soil with your hand and if you notice that it does not have any moisture in it then, give water. It can become completely dry if we do not give water at that time.
  • Give water in installments, like giving one mug of water first then, after some time one more mug and keep on giving in regular intervals till the point water comes out from the bottom drainage hole.
  • If the soil is wet and still you are giving water then, there would be a problem of over-watering. It might catch fungus and pests (like mealybugs and all), plus the tips of the leaves will turn brown. Roots will also get spoiled and it will damage the whole plant.
  • One more thing, If you give water again and again in wet soil, then some white thing starts accumulating in it. It can be fungus or salt present in water.

Now, You can care for your Areca Palm

Keep Planting!!!!

Aromatic flowers for your garden

10 Aromatic Flowers for your Garden

Welcome to the world of fragrant gardens, where enchanting scents and delightful blooms await you! As a gardening enthusiast, you understand the magic flowering plants bring to your space. From classic favourites to exotic wonders, these aromatic treasures will elevate your garden experience and fill the air with captivating fragrances.

10 Aromatic Flowers for your Garden

Get ready to embark on a journey of sensory bliss as we explore the top 10 fragrant flowering plants that will transform your garden into a fragrant oasis.

10 Aromatic Flowers for your Garden


1. Rose:


Ah, the timeless beauty and captivating scent of roses!

These lovely blooms are every gardener’s dream come true. With various colours and sizes to choose from, you can create your rose haven.

Must read:

Tips to care rose plant

2. Jasmine:



Imagine strolling through your garden in the evening and being embraced by the sweet fragrance of Jasmine.

Known as the “queen of the night, Mogra, Juhi, Chameli etc” Jasmine’s scent turns stronger as the sun sets.

As a homemaker, you’ll adore these evergreen climbers that bloom throughout the summer, creating a dreamy, tropical paradise right at home.

Night Jasmine:

Harshringar/ Parijat

Looking for a fragrant beauty that blooms at night? Night Jasmine, also known as Parijat or Harshingar, is your answer! The charming white flowers release a mesmerizing scent after dark; it’s the perfect addition to your outdoor space. Plus, this compact shrub fits like a charm on your balcony or patio.



Gandhraj, or Crape Jasmine, is here to wow you with its star-shaped white flowers and captivating fragrance. From late spring to fall, these beauties bloom abundantly, adding an elegant touch to your indoor or outdoor garden. The best part? You can prune them to your heart’s content, keeping them how you like.



Who doesn’t love a touch of the exotic in their garden? With Plumeria, better known as Champa, you’ll have the feel of a tropical paradise right at your home. These vibrant and fragrant blooms come in various colours, making your garden feel like a dreamy escape. Easy to care for, Plumeria will become your new gardening obsession.

Rangoon Creeper:

Rangoon Creeper

Madhu Malati, Prepare to be amazed by Rangoon Creeper’s colour-changing flowers, transforming from white to pink to red as they bloom. The sweet fragrance attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, creating a lively and enchanting garden. Let it climb or grow as a bush – it’s your call!

Madhu Kamini:

Madhu Kamini

Need a refreshing burst of citrusy fragrance? Madhu Kamini, or Orange Jasmine, has got you covered! With its small, white flowers and evergreen charm, it blooms all year round, turning your indoor garden into a fragrant haven.



As someone who cherishes relaxation, Lavender is your best friend. Its calming fragrance will whisk you away to a world of tranquillity. With its vibrant purple spikes and compact size, you can grow it indoors and outdoors.



Are you looking for a flower that captivates with its intense and mesmerizing scent? Rajnigandha, or Tuberose, is the answer! Its pure white flowers add a touch of elegance to your garden, and the fragrance is pure bliss. Cultivate them in containers or garden beds, and let their enchanting aroma fill your home.

Sweet Pea:

Sweet pea

Finally, we have the cheerful and sweet-scented Sweet Pea! These climbers will be a highlight in your garden, adorning trellises and arches with charming blooms. Their scented flowers are a joy to behold during spring and early summer, making you fall in love with gardening all over again.

Incorporating fragrant flowering plants into your garden is a surefire way to elevate your gardening adventure.

With Roses and Jasmine evoking timeless allure and Plumeria and Rangoon Creeper adding an exotic touch, your garden will become a paradise of delightful aromas.

So, roll up your sleeves and embrace the magic of nature as you create a fragrant sanctuary that will delight your senses and bring joy to your heart.

Happy gardening, and may your garden be a fragrant haven of beauty and tranquillity!

mustard cake fertilizer

How to make Mustard Cake Fertilizer: Benefits & Uses

The mustard cake is an excellent eco-friendly organic fertilizer that offers numerous benefits for plant growth and soil nutrition.

Benefits of Mustard cake fertilizer

Mustard cake fertilizer has several benefits, including:

1. Provides nutrients:

  • Mustard cake is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential nutrients for plant growth. It has the potential to enhance the production capacity of plants.

2. Improves soil fertility:

  • The organic matter in the mustard cake helps improve soil fertility by increasing soil structure and water-holding capacity. It addresses nutrient deficiencies in the soil.

3. Environmentally friendly:

  • Mustard cake is an organic fertilizer and does not contain any harmful chemicals or synthetic ingredients.
  • It is a sustainable alternative to chemical fertilizers.

What is Mustard Cake?

mustard seeds

In the process of making mustard oil,

  • Mustard seeds are crushed in the machine.
  • After extracting the oil, the leftover material also called a ‘Khali’ or ‘Khal’ or ‘cake’ is obtained. This Khali is a mustard cake.
  • It is a high-protein supplement and can be used as an organic fertilizer for plants.

Natural source of NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium). It is a natural source of NPK, with a typical ratio of 4-1-1 for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Why is mustard cake fertilizer important in gardening?

1.  It is a nitrogen-rich fertilizer.

  • Everybody is aware of the fact that all types of plants (outdoor, indoor, flowering, non-flowering, or vegetables ) need nitrogen in ample amounts.


  • A deficiency of nitrogen might spoil the plant.

Mustard cake

2. Protein is needed for the growth of the plant and chlorophyll is required for the photosynthesis process. For protein and chlorophyll, nitrogen plays an important role.

3. Enhanced plant growth:

  • Mustard cake fertilizer has proven to be very beneficial for many plants, especially vegetable plants. Growth of the plants gets enhanced at a notable pace after providing this fertilizer.

How to use Mustard Cake Fertilizer at home?

Mustard cake fertilizer is easily available in the market and can be purchased once and lasts for a longer period of time. There are two methods to use it.

1. Use mustard cake fertilizer in liquid form
  • Take a small amount of cake (break the big pieces into small pieces) and

mustard cake

  • dilute it with water

musatrd cake dilute

  • Cover the vessel and keep it undisturbed for 24 hours. Always make it in a little quantity as it is very dense by nature.

  • It will dissolve in the soil itself. So, do not keep it for more than 24 hours.


  • If it is too cold, then you can keep it for one to two days, but it should not be left for more than two days in water to decompose.
  • After 24 hours, the cake will have dissolved completely.

mustard cake liquid fertilizer

  • There will be some smell of mustard cake in this liquid fertilizer.
  • Dilute the mixture with 10 times more water, which means mixing 1 part of mustard cake liquid fertilizer with 10 parts of water.

mustard cake liquid fertilizer

  • After mixing very well with a mug or jug, you can give this fertilizer to the plants.
  • It will show results after 4-5 days on the plants and would last for a longer duration.

2. Use mustard cake in powder form

  • Grind the mustard cake into a powder using a grinder.
  • In the pot, remove the top layer of soil, sprinkle the mustard cake powder, and water the soil.

musatrd cake powder

  • Additionally, the powder can be incorporated into the soil mixture to enhance its fertility.

musatrd cake powder

Important points to keep in mind while using mustard cake fertilizer in plants:

1. Do not spray mustard cake liquid fertilizer on the leaves, recommended only for the soil.

2. This fertilizer locks the moisture in the soil. Feed the plant with this when the soil is dry.

3. After giving this, give water when the soil is completely dry.

4. Mustard cake fertilizer can be given to the plants at intervals of 20-25 days.

5. The mustard cake should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. This will help to preserve the nutrients and prevent the cake from becoming rancid.

Use of Mustard Cake Fertilizer during Summer season:

The mustard cake should be applied during the growing season when the plants are actively growing and can benefit from the nutrients.

  • It’s also a good idea to avoid using it during hot, dry weather as it can burn the plants.
  • During summer months, large quantities of mustard cake should be avoided and when used, it should be diluted with additional water in its solution.

By keeping the above points in mind, you can use mustard cake fertilizer effectively to improve soil health and promote healthy plant growth.

Love plants !!

Make Your Own Garden!

Best Indoor Plants

Indoor plants are thriving very much nowadays mainly used for giving positivity, and freshness, glorifying the different corners of homes, workplaces, and offices.

Luckily! we can keep some plants with us inside the house, even in the bedrooms.

Neither we will have any problem nor those plants will have any problems.

All about Indoor Plants

❖ Indoor plants absorb pollutants and all the harmful chemicals from the air.

❖ They reduce stress. Moreover, physically or psychologically they are also good for health.

❖ Most of the indoor plants are those plants that were lying under the trees in dense forests without any direct sunlight or water. They were growing on their own.

❖ Plants which were very beautiful and attractive, people got them from the forests to their homes. Later on in the research also they won the battle and proved beneficial for the health of human beings.

❖ So, by nature these plants do not need any direct sunlight or care. If you provide some direct sunlight it is good, if you can not provide it, it is ok for them.

❖ The biggest reason for the non-survival of indoor plants is overcared. They need the least care and maintenance.

❖ Steadily available in variable sizes.

Some of the small size indoor plants are amplified over here:


Snake plant

● They are called Snake plants due to their appearance.

●They are the best air purifier and oxygen-ceding plants.

● It can be kept in bright, medium, or low light.

●Give water when the soil inside is completely dry. Ideally, a gap of 7-8 days can be maintained in giving water.

● Its roots are very small, if the soil stays wet for a longer duration then the roots may lose their grip and its leaves might start shedding down.

Overwatering is the main cause of the deterioration of this plant. Prevent leaves also from becoming wet.

● Its growing medium consists of normal garden soil and sand, little mustard cake fertilizer can also be added.

● Coco peat is not required because this plant does not need much water.



● This beautiful plant stays best in bright or medium light. In direct strong sunlight, it goes under stress.

● Optimum water is needed by this one. Over-watering is the biggest reason, it starts rotting.

● Give water when the soil is completely dry. Some water can be sprayed on the leaves also to remove the dust from them.

● For its growing medium, normal soil, compost with sand, and topped with cocopeat can be opted for.

● Leaves and stems are very delicate, so try to use a spray bottle to give water and to prevent over-watering also.

3) GOLDEN MONEY PLANT ( Golden Pothos)

Money plant

● The leaves of this one are yellowish which differentiates them from other Pothos (money plants).

● They look beautiful when kept in bright or medium light.

● If kept in direct sunlight, then leaves will start turning dark in the shade.

● In comparison to other indoor plants, they need a little more water. Neither over-watering nor under-watering is allowed here. Check the soil every 3-4 days and give water if the topsoil looks dry.

● In the growing medium, take normal soil, and a little bit of compost with sand.



● This indoor plant bears flowers but without any sunlight.

● This plant loves early morning sunlight otherwise do not place it in direct sunlight.

● Give water when the soil is dry.

● Mix sand and soil in a growing medium. Do not add coco peat.



● This pretty plant comes in various colors.

● It grows very easily and can be kept in any corner where there is a bright, medium or low light.

● There should be some moisture in its soil. Check the soil every 3-4 days and give water followed by the spray.

● In the growing medium, keep the soil mixed with sand. Coco peat is not required here.

Some common key points of Indoor Plants

➔ All these indoor plants need fertilizers in the interval of 2 months. Any fertilizer can be given like cow dung, mustard cake, vermicompost, or any other.

➔ These plants grow very slowly except Pothos, so there is no need to change the pots for a year.

➔ Some of them emit carbon dioxide during the night but they would not affect the health of human beings as it is too less in quantity.

➔ There is no impact of room lights on these plants.

This is all about Indoor plants.

Happy Gardening!
