All posts by Neeraj

How Not to Kill Your Houseplant: Simple Tips for Beginners

How Not to Kill Your Houseplant


Are you a beginner or an avid gardener? Do you enjoy gardening for relaxation or to bring more greenery into your home? No matter your level of experience, the key to a successful indoor garden is knowing how not to kill your houseplants! Whether it’s overwatering, poor lighting, or neglect, many of us unintentionally harm our plants. But with a few simple, effective tips, you can keep your houseplants healthy and thriving.

how not to kill your houseplant
Indoor plants

1. Watering Wisely


Overwatering is one of the most common ways to kill a houseplant. While it’s tempting to water frequently, too much water can cause root rot. The trick is to water your plants only when they need it. Always check the soil before watering—if the top inch feels dry, it’s time to water. Ensure your pots have drainage holes to let excess water escape, preventing waterlogging.

Click here to read: How to water plant correctly


2. Choose the Right Soil


Not all soil is suitable for houseplants. Avoid using heavy, compact soil that retains too much moisture, as it can suffocate the roots. Opt for well-draining, loose soil mixtures that allow air and water to move freely. You can mix perlite or sand into your soil to improve drainage. A good-quality potting mix is key to keeping your plant’s roots healthy and oxygenated.

Click here to read: How to make soil mixture for plants


3. Proper Lighting


Every plant has different light requirements. Some need full sun, while others prefer low light. Research your plant’s specific needs and place it in the appropriate spot. For example, succulents and cacti thrive in bright, direct sunlight, while peace lilies prefer low, indirect light. If your plant looks leggy or isn’t growing well, it may need more light.

Click here to read: Discover lighting conditions for plants


4. Do not over fertilizer your plants


While plants need nutrients, over-fertilizing can cause more harm than good. Fertilize your houseplants once a month during the growing season (typically spring and summer). Too much fertilizer can burn the roots and stunt growth, so use a balanced fertilizer and follow the instructions carefully. In the dormant season (fall and winter), reduce or stop fertilizing entirely.

5. Avoid Frequent Re-Potting


Re-potting too often can shock your plants. Instead, repot only when the plant outgrows its current pot or the soil no longer drains well. Typically, this happens every one to two years, depending on the plant’s growth.

6. Monitor Humidity


Some plants, especially tropical ones, need more humidity than typical indoor environments provide. If you notice dry, crispy leaves, try misting the plants, using a humidifier, or placing them near other plants to increase moisture in the air.

7. Watch for Pests


Check your plants regularly for pests like aphids, spider mites, or mealybugs. If you find any, treat your plants immediately with insecticidal soap or a homemade solution of water and mild soap.

By following these simple tips, you can enjoy lush, healthy houseplants without fear of killing them. With proper care, your indoor garden will thrive, and you’ll help contribute to a greener, more vibrant environment!


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Happy Gardening!

हरसिंगार (पारिजात) पौधे को कैसे उगाएं और इसकी देखभाल कैसे करें?

हरसिंगार (पारिजात) पौधे को कैसे उगाएं और इसकी देखभाल कैसे करें?


हरसिंगार, एक पौधा है जिसमें नारंगी और सफेद रंग के आकर्षक फूल खिलते हैं। इसको पारिजात, रात्रि-फूल वाली चमेली (Night Jasmine), शिउली या शेफाली (Shiuli) जैसे कई नामों से भी जाना जाता है। सुंदर और सुगंधित फूल पाने के लिए इसे मध्यम आकार के गमलों में उगाया जा सकता है।

हरसिंगार (पारिजात) 


  • हरसिंगार एक पवित्र पौधा है जिसके बहुत सारे फायदे हैं।
  • लोग हरसिंगार पौधे की पूजा करते हैं और इसके फूलों को देवताओं को भी चढ़ाते हैं।
  • इसके विभिन्न औषधीय और स्वास्थ्य लाभ भी हैं। इस पौधे की पत्तियों में बुखार, साइटिका और घुटनों के दर्द को ठीक करने की क्षमता होती है। इन पत्तियों से कई औषधियाँ बनाई जाती हैं।
  • विभिन्न प्रकार के खाद्य पदार्थों में प्राकृतिक खाद्य रंग के रूप में इसके फूलों का उपयोग किया जा सकता है। व्यंजनों में केसर की जगह सूखे फूलों का इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है।

यह बारहमासी पौधा है, बहुत ही कठोर और इसकी देखभाल करना बहुत आसान है। एक बार स्थापित होने के बाद यह 100 वर्षों तक चलेगा। विविधता की दुनिया में, प्रत्येक जीवित प्राणी की ज़रूरतें, व्यवहार और आवश्यकताएं अलग-अलग हैं। इस आलेख में, हरसिंगार के सभी पहलुओं का विस्तार से वर्णन किया जाएगा, ताकि आप भी इस पौधे को उगा सके।

हरसिंगार (पारिजात) के लिए सबसे अच्छा मौसम


हरसिंगार (पारिजात)
हरसिंगार (पारिजात)

1. उगाने का मौसम – हरसिंगार एक सामान्य ग्रीष्मकालीन पौधा है और फरवरी से सितंबर तक 8 महीनों तक अच्छी तरह से पनपता है। इस अवधि में नई शाखाएँ और पत्तियाँ तीव्र गति से निकलती हैं।

2. खिलने का मौसम – हरसिंगार (पारिजात) में  फूल अक्टूबर से लेकर दिसंबर, जनवरी और फ़रवरी तक खिलते हैं।

3. सुप्त अवस्था  – ठंड के मौसम में यह पौधा थोड़ी सुप्त अवस्था  (dormancy period) में चला जाता है। विशेषकर उत्तर भारत में दिसंबर के अंत से जनवरी तक यह तनाव (stress) में रहता है। इसके विकास, फूल आने और सुप्तता चक्र के अनुरूप फरवरी में इसकी छंटाई (pruning) करें।

पौध प्रवर्धन (Plant Propagation)


  • इसे कलमों द्वारा प्रवर्धित (विकसित) किया जा सकता है।
  • इसके पौधे को उगाने के लिए बीजों का उपयोग किया जा सकता है।
  • उपरोक्त दोनों के लिए, पौधा उगाने का सबसे अच्छा समय फरवरी का महिना होता है।
  • इसे नर्सरी से भी खरीदा जा सकता है। इसे नर्सरी से प्राप्त करने का सबसे अच्छा समय मार्च का अंत और अप्रैल है।

नर्सरी से खरीदते समय हरसिंगार की पहचान कैसे करें?


प्रारंभ में, पौधे में कोई फूल नहीं होते हैं, इसलिए पौधे की पहचान करने के लिए पत्तियों की जाँच की जा सकती है।

  • इसकी पत्तियाँ खुरदरी बनावट वाली थोड़ी नुकीली होती हैं (जिन्हें उन पर हाथ फेरकर महसूस किया जा सकता है)
  • पत्तियां चमकदार नहीं होती हैं, बाहरी सतह पर मैट फ़िनिश के साथ बढ़ती हैं।
  • पत्तियां सूखी होती हैं, उन्हें हाथ से मोड़ने पर थोड़ी खुश्की महसूस होगी।

यह लेख पढ़े:

करी पत्ता कैसे उगाये और देखभाल कैसे करें?


हरसिंगार (पारिजात) के लिए गमला कैसा होना चाहिए


  • आमतौर पर यहां बड़े आकार के मिट्टी के गमले को प्राथमिकता दी जाती हैं।
  • 12 इंच से लेकर 16 इंच, 18 या 21 इंच तक के आकार का कोई भी गमला चुना जा सकता है।
हरसिंगार का पेड़ गमले में

यह लेख पढ़े:

गुलाब के लिए सही मिट्टी का मिश्रण कैसे बनाये?

पारिजात (हरसिंगार) पौधे की मिट्टी कैसी होनी चाहिए



इस पौधे की मिट्टी मुलायम और भुरभुरी होनी चाहिए। चिकनी और कठोर मिट्टी से बचें, उस मिट्टी में पौधे जीवित नहीं रह पाएंगे।

मिट्टी बनाने की विधि:

  • स्थानीय मिट्टी लें और उसे अच्छी तरह से साफ करें।
  • मिट्टी की आधी मात्रा के बराबर रेत लें।
  • रेत की आधी मात्रा में कम्पोस्ट (यहां गाय के गोबर की कम्पोस्ट ले सकते है) लें।
  • सभी चीजों को अच्छे से मिला लें।


  • कठोर या चिकनी मिट्टी, गलत गमला (इस पौधे के लिए कम से कम 1 सीजन के लिए हमेशा मिट्टी का गमला चुनें), और अधिक पानी देने से पौधे की वृद्धि में बाधा आ सकती है।

पौधे को स्थानांतरित करने के बाद, फूल आने तक इसे अधिक घना बनाने के लिए निम्नलिखित उपायों का पालन करना आवश्यक है।

हरसिंगार को सूर्य के प्रकाश की आवश्यकता


  • एक बार जब पौधा शिफ्ट होकर व्यवस्थित हो जाए तो उसे ऐसे स्थान पर रखें जहां सबसे ज्यादा धूप आती हो।
  • इस पौधे को  कम से कम 4 घंटे की धूप अनिवार्य है।

पारिजात (हरसिंगार) पौधे की छंटाई (प्रूनिंग)


  • सभी शाखाओं के सिरे को गाँठ के ठीक ऊपर से काटें।
  • लगभग 25 दिनों के बाद उस बिंदु से नई शाखाएँ उग आएंगी जहाँ से सिरे निकाले गए थे।

हरसिंगार को पानी देने का तरीका  


कई पौधों को जीवित रहने के लिए नम मिट्टी की आवश्यकता होती है लेकिन यहां इसकी सलाह नहीं दी जाती है। हरसिंगार को तब पानी की आवश्यकता होती है जब मिट्टी अंदर से भी सूखी हो।

  • पहली बार पानी ठीक से किश्तों में दें जब तक कि वह नीचे के छिद्र से बाहर न आ जाए।
  • उसके बाद ऊपरी मिट्टी को ढीला बनायें और यदि मिट्टी अंदर से सूखी हो तो पानी दें।
  • यदि मिट्टी गीली है तो पानी देने के लिए कुछ दिन और रुकें।
  • यह पौधा अधिक पानी देने से नहीं, बल्कि कम पानी देने से मर जाता है।

हरसिंगार को खाद कब दें 


हरसिंगार को खाद देने का तरीका थोड़ा अलग है।

  • फरवरी से सितंबर – इस समय गाय के गोबर की तरल (cow-dung liquid fertilizer) खाद देनी चाहिए। यह खाद महीने में एक बार एक निश्चित तारीख को को ही देनी चाहिए।
  • वैकल्पिक रूप से, इस अवधि में वर्मीकम्पोस्ट टी (vermicompost tea) का भी उपयोग किया जा सकता है।
  • अक्टूबर से जनवरी – इन 4 महीनों के लिए सरसों की खली(mustard cake liquid fertilizer) की तरल खाद को प्राथमिकता देनी चाहिए।
  • इसके अलावा इस समय कोई तरल टॉनिक (प्याज का छिलका, एप्सम नमक या केले का छिलका) यानी सूक्ष्म पोषक तत्व भी 15 दिन के अंतराल में देना चाहिए।
  • शरद ऋतु इस पौधे के फूल आने का समय है, इसलिए इसमें लगातार फूल खिलने के लिए उचित उर्वरक डालना चाहिए।


  • हरसिंगार पौधे में फूल आने की अनूठी दिनचर्या होती है।
  • फूल शरद ऋतु में आते हैं और रात के दौरान खिलते हैं और अगली सुबह वे अपने आप झड़ जाते हैं।
  • हरसिंगार लगभग 1.5 महीने तक खिलता है और उसके बाद सर्दी के मौसम पौधे में इस  की सुसुप्त अवधि (dormancy period) होती है।


उपरोक्त विवरण पारिजात पौधे के बारे में थी। इस उगाएं। और इसका आनंद लें।

इस पौधे की देखभाल करके इससे ढेर सारे फूल प्राप्त करें।

हमारे सोशल मीडिया चैनल को फॉलो करें:

1. Voice of Plant – YouTube Channel

2. Voice of Plant Facebook Page

3. Instagram Voice of Plant Channel

शुभ बागवानी!!


5 Plants with Nutrient-Rich Leaves

Must Grow 5 Plants for their Beneficial Leaves (Ayurvedic)

 5 Plants for their Beneficial Leaves (Ayurvedic)

Plants are truly a blessing on earth, offering countless benefits, from providing food and medicine to enhancing our environment and well-being.

In this article, we will learn about five such plants that are especially beneficial for health due to the medicinal (ayurvedic) properties present in their leaves.

5 Plants for their Beneficial Leaves (Ayurvedic)

These plants are easy to grow at home and can be incorporated into your daily routine to improve overall health.

1. Curry Leaf plant

2. Tulsi (Holy basil) plant

3. Moringa plant

4. Night Blooming Jasmine (Parijat/Harsringar) Plant

5. Guava plant

1. Curry Leaves: A Natural Elixir for Hair and Health


curry leaves
Curry leaves

Curry leaves are well-known for their remarkable benefits, especially in promoting healthy hair, treating hair fall and making it thicker and more resilient.

Incorporating curry leaves into your diet can also aid in weight loss, regulate cholesterol levels, enhance brain function, and combat cancer cells.

The versatility of curry leaves allows them to be added to meals in various ways:

1. Tempering: Use curry leaves as a flavorful addition to vegetables, pulses, and other dishes.

2. Chapatis: Mix curry leaves into flour to make nutritious chapatis.

3. Chutneys: Prepare chutneys by blending curry leaves with coriander and mint leaves.

The curry leaf plant is easy to grow and care for, making it a must-have in every home to take advantage of its numerous health benefits.

Click here to read: How to grow & care Curry Leaf Plant

2. Tulsi Leaves: The Holy Basil for Immunity and Vitality



tulsi ji

Tulsi, often referred to as an herb for all seasons, is revered for its ability to boost immunity and provide relief from common ailments like cold and cough.

  • It is particularly beneficial for those managing diabetes, as tulsi extract, when consumed alongside medication, can accelerate recovery.
  • Tulsi also helps regulate blood pressure, supporting both systolic and diastolic levels.

By improving the function of beta cells in the pancreas, tulsi addresses the root cause of diabetes—insulin resistance.

Tulsi can be consumed in various ways:

1. Herbal Tea: Make a kadha by boiling tulsi leaves in water.

2. Morning Ritual: Swallow 3-4 leaves on an empty stomach.

3. Infused Water: Add a few leaves to your drinking water for a refreshing sip throughout the day.

As a sattvic plant, tulsi is believed to bring positivity and promote vibrant energy. Tulsi plants are easy to grow, and their seeds spread naturally, allowing new plants to sprout effortlessly.

Click here to read: How to grow & care Tulsi plant at home

3. Moringa Leaves: A Nutrient-Packed Superfood


Moringa leaves
Moringa leaves

Moringa leaves, derived from the Moringa tree (often called Sahjan), are recognized as a superfood due to their impressive nutrient profile.


Moringa leaves contain:

1. Iron: 25 times more iron than spinach

2. Potassium: 15 times more potassium than bananas

3. Vitamin A: 10 times more vitamin A than carrots

4. Protein: 9 times more protein than curd

5. Vitamin C: 7 times more vitamin C than oranges

6. Calcium: 14 times more calcium than milk

Moringa is one of the few natural foods with multivitamin properties and is rich in vitamin B12.

The leaves can be added to various dishes such as vegetables and pulses, or even mixed into chapati dough. While Moringa powder is available in the market, fresh leaves are healthier and more flavorful.

The Moringa plant grows easily and quickly, making it suitable for home gardening. It’s best to plant it in a large pot to accommodate its rapid growth.

4. Parijat Leaves: A Remedy for Pain and Fevers


night jasmine leaves
Parijat leaves


Parijat, also known as Harshringar or Night blooming jasmine, is renowned for its medicinal properties, particularly in treating three primary health issues:

1. Body Pain and Arthritis:

Parijat leaves are highly effective in relieving body pain, arthritis, and sciatica.

  • Prepare a remedy by crushing 3-4 leaves, boiling them in water, and drinking the strained liquid.

2. Fever Reduction:

A decoction made from Parijat leaves helps reduce body temperature, offering a natural alternative to paracetamol, especially during fevers caused by malaria, chikungunya, and dengue.

3. Respiratory Health:

Parijat leaves also address respiratory issues such as asthma, excessive phlegm, or breathing difficulties.

  • Their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties promote a healthy, glowing complexion.

Parijat plants can be easily grown in pots and are available at nurseries. They can also be propagated from cuttings.

Click here to read: How to grow & care Parijat plant at home


5. Guava Leaves: Natural Care for Oral and Digestive Health


Guava plant
Guava plant

Guava tree leaves are highly effective in treating mouth ulcers, bad breath, tooth decay, pain, and bleeding gums. Simply chew 1-2 leaves under your teeth, swallow the juice, and discard the leftover residue.

Guava leaves can also be used to make a decoction by boiling chopped leaves in water.

For women, guava leaf extract acts as a natural painkiller during menstruation.

It is also beneficial for treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and contains an oil that is four times more potent in fighting cancer than conventional medicines.

  • Guava plants are easy to grow and readily available at nurseries.


These five plants for their beneficial leaves (ayurvedic) offer remarkable health benefits and can serve as natural alternatives to allopathic supplements. They are easy to grow at home and, in addition to treating various ailments, can help prevent future diseases. Incorporating these plants into your daily routine can bring about transformative changes, essential for maintaining a healthy body.

Follow our Social media channel:

1. Voice of Plant – YouTube Channel

2. Voice of Plant Facebook Page

3. Instagram Voice of Plant Channel

Happy gardening!

Why Do Plants Dry Up After Bringing Them Home from the Nursery? Causes and Solutions

Why Do Plants Dry Up After Bringing Them Home from the Nursery?


Bringing a new plant home from the nursery is always exciting, but it can be disheartening when that fresh, vibrant plant starts to dry up just days after you have settled it into its new environment.

Many gardeners often complain that their plants dry up soon after bringing them home from the nursery. What causes this, and how can you prevent it?

Why Do Plants Dry Up After Bringing Them Home from the Nursery?
Croton in stress

Let’s dive into the possible reasons and how you can ensure your new plant thrives.

Why Do Plants Dry Up: Causes and Solutions


1. Young plants are more prone to stress 


Did you know that young plants are more prone to stress compared to older ones?

  • Most of the plants we get from nurseries are young, which is why they often go into stress after being brought home.
  • However, if a plant is at least a year old, it’s less likely to experience stress and can adapt better to its new environment.
plant in grow bag
Young plant from nursery in poly bag


2. Transition Shock: Why It’s a Big Deal


When plants move from the controlled environment of a nursery to your home, they often experience “transition shock.”

  • Nurseries offer different conditions: watering, lighting, and humidity, plus they give heavy fertilizers like DAP, Urea, etc. 
  • Your home might not match these conditions, leading to stress that causes your plant to dry up.

2. Temperature Fluctuations


Sudden changes in temperature, especially if the plant was transported in cold or hot conditions, can stress the plant.

  • The temperature in your home might also be different from the stable climate of the nursery, which could contribute to the drying process.

3. Give your new plants time to settle down in new environment

Do not transplant the plant immediately after bringing it.

Many gardeners tend to transplant their plants immediately after bringing them home from the nursery. However, it’s best to avoid this practice.

  • Instead, allow the plants some time to acclimatize to their new environment.
Balcony garden




  • Keep the new plants alongside your other plants in the garden, and wait at least 4-5 days before transplanting them into pots.

4. Avoid direct Sunlight for the first two days


When you bring your plant home, do not place it in direct sunlight for the first two days to prevent sunburn.

5. Ensure Proper Lighting

Make sure your plant is not kept in a dark place; find a bright spot for it to acclimatize.

6. Monitor Your Plant’s Health


After two days, if the plant appears healthy, you can place it in sunlight and water it when the topsoil dries out. If it continues to look good after five days, it’s ready for a new pot.

How to transplant new plant?


1. Best Time to Transplant


Only transplant your plants in the evening to minimize stress.

2. Do not disturb the roots of plant


When removing a plant from the nursery bag, be careful to tear the bag gently so as not to disturb the roots.

  • This helps prevent wilting or death of the plant.

4. Choose the right pot Size


Select a pot that is the appropriate size to accommodate the plant’s roots.

  • Use a smaller pot for young plants and transfer to a larger one as they grow.

5. Prepare the soil


Preparing soft soil is essential for your plant’s growth.

  • Hard soil can restrict root development and hinder growth.

Must read:

How to make perfect soil mix for plants

6. Add nutrients in soil mix


Mix compost into the soil before planting.

  • Since nursery plants are often chemically treated, using soft compost helps in their adjustment.

7. After repotting add Water thoroughly


Water it well but in installments, until you see water draining from the bottom hole.

  • When water comes out from the drainage hole, it means roots at the bottom side also get water.

Must read:

How to water plants 

8. After transplant, keep plant in shade


After transplanting, keep the plant in a shaded area for 7 to 10 days, allowing it to receive indirect sunlight before moving it to full sunlight or semi-shade according to its needs.

9. Add Organic matter later


After 1 or 2 months, once the plant is established in your garden, you can add vermicompost along with bone meal or rock phosphate.

  • Adding manure or kitchen waste compost can further enhance the plant’s growth.

10. Regular Monitoring and Adjustments

Keep a close eye on your plant in the first few weeks after bringing it home.

  • Look for signs of stress, such as yellowing leaves or wilting, and make adjustments as needed.

Click here to read: Best Organic Fertilizers for Plants

By paying attention to its needs and making necessary adjustments, you can enjoy a healthy, flourishing plant.

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How to Make Aglaonema Bushy: Top Tips for a Lush, Full Plant

How to make Aglaonema Bushy

Aglaonema commonly known as Lipstick or Chinese Evergreen, is known for air-purifying plant not only cleanses the air but also adds a magical burst of colour to your home.

 This plant symbolizes peace, vibrancy, elegance, and love.

How to Make Aglaonema Bushy


Tips to make Aglaonema plant bushy


1. Select a healthy plant from nursery


For a bushier Aglaonema, start by selecting a healthy plant with 3-4 pups from the nursery.

2. Sunlight


Place the plant in a spot where it receives gentle morning sunlight, which helps in the development of new pups.

  • Position it in bright or medium sunlight.
  • When exposed to sunlight, it produces delightful white flowers.

3. Pot size


Opt for a smaller pot, as this can stimulate quicker pup growth due to the confined space encouraging the plant to spread out.

  • A pot size of 6-8 inches is generally adequate, with clay pots being the preferred choice.

4. Optimal watering


Water your aglaonema plant when the upper inch of soil becomes dry.

  • The leaves will show signs of wilting when the plant is in need of water.
  • Ensure thorough watering until water starts draining from the pot’s drainage holes, but be cautious to avoid overwatering.

5. Strategic Pruning


Regularly trim any long or thin stems.

  • This allows the plant to focus on growing new, thicker shoots, leading to a fuller and more compact shape.

6. Consistent Rotation


Ensure your Aglaonema gets light evenly by rotating the pot every couple of weeks.

  • This simple habit prevents uneven growth and promotes a symmetrical, bushier form.

7. Smart Fertilization


During the active growing months (spring and summer), feed your Aglaonema with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks.

  • Groundnut cake and onion peel liquid fertilizer are effective fertilizers.
  • Fertilize sparingly, especially avoiding the scorching summer months and the winter season.
  • This nutrient boost encourages vibrant, new growth and keeps the plant lush.

8. Choosing the Right Soil


For healthy growth, use a well-draining potting mix.

  • A blend that includes compost, coco peat, sand and standard potting soil works best, as it prevents water from sitting around the roots, which could stunt growth.

Following these practices will help your Aglaonema develop into a lush, bushy plant that’s both healthy and attractive.

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Lemongrass Tea Benefits: Cleanse Your Gut, Improve Digestion, and Boost Overall Health

Lemongrass Tea Benefits: A Healthy Alternative to Traditional Teas


In today’s world, there is no shortage of tea options. With a wide variety of teas available in the market, herbal teas have gained significant popularity.

lemongrass tea benefits

For instance, many people now prefer drinking chamomile tea. As more individuals become health-conscious, they are moving away from traditional milk tea and opting for teas made from various herbs. Among these, lemongrass tea has emerged as an excellent alternative.


What is Lemongrass Tea?


Lemongrass is a plant with long, thin green leaves. It has been used in Ayurveda for treating various ailments.

  • To make lemongrass tea, the leaves and stalks of the plant are boiled in water, releasing its natural essence.
  • It can also be consumed in the form of juice.

Lemongrass Tea Benefits


Lemongrass tea, a herbal infusion made from a grassy plant, is different. It’s packed with medicinal properties that can do wonders for your body, making it an excellent addition to your daily routine.

1. Enhances Digestion


Lemongrass tea is known to strengthen the digestive system.

  • It aids in smooth digestion, alleviates bloating, gas, and acidity, and keeps your gut clean.
  • Regular consumption of lemongrass tea can also help prevent common digestive issues like nausea, diarrhea, and stomach pain.

Must read:

Health Benefits of Aprajita Blue Flower Tea

2. Controls Cholesterol Levels


Drinking lemongrass tea regularly can help maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

  • It reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) and supports heart health by preventing the buildup of cholesterol that could lead to heart disease.
  • Incorporating lemongrass tea into your diet is a simple yet effective way to keep your heart healthy.

3. Aids in Weight Loss


If you’re struggling with weight management, lemongrass tea can be a valuable ally.

  • It boosts metabolism, which helps in burning fat more efficiently. This makes it an excellent choice for those looking to shed a few pounds naturally.
  • Drinking lemongrass tea daily can contribute to faster weight loss and help you maintain a healthy weight.

4. Regulates Blood Pressure


Lemongrass tea has been found to help regulate blood pressure levels, making it beneficial for those with hypertension.

  • It also aids in controlling blood sugar levels, making it a good choice for individuals with diabetes.
  • By incorporating this tea into your routine, you can help manage these conditions more effectively.

5. Rich in Antioxidants and Anti-Cancer Properties


Lemongrass is loaded with antioxidants, which protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals.

  • It also possesses anti-cancer, antifungal, antibacterial, and antidepressant properties.
  • The presence of essential nutrients like Vitamin A, folic acid, zinc, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and manganese makes lemongrass a powerhouse of health benefits.

Regular consumption of lemongrass tea can contribute to overall well-being and may even reduce the risk of certain cancers.

Incorporating lemongrass tea into your daily routine can be a simple yet powerful way to enhance your health.

  • From improving digestion to reducing stress, this herbal tea offers a wide range of benefits that can help you maintain a healthier lifestyle.


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Where to Place a Jade Plant in Home: A Guide for New Gardeners

Where to Place a Jade Plant in Home: A Guide for New Gardeners


Choosing the right location for your jade plant is crucial for its health and growth. Here’s what you need to know about finding the perfect spot for this popular succulent.

Where to Place a Jade Plant in Home

Where to Place a Jade Plant in Home


1. Light Requirements


Jade plants thrive in direct sunlight.

Sunlight is their primary energy source, fueling their growth and vitality.

  • Adequate sunlight exposure promotes sturdy stems and lush leaf growth, enhancing the plant’s overall appearance and health.
  • It also influences the production of pigments, contributing to the vibrant green coloration of the leaves.

Where to place it:

Position your jade plant in a spot where it can receive direct sunlight for several hours a day.

  • The best spot is an open balcony or terrace.

2. Can we keep a Jade plant Indoors?


No, do not place your plant indoor.

  • The growth of jade plant will stop after sometime and plant will die.
  • They are better suited to outdoor environments where they can receive direct sunlight.


3. The Role of Sunlight in Jade Plant Growth


jade in sunny area


Sunlight is essential for the healthy growth of a jade plant.

  • It not only fuels photosynthesis but also contributes to the development of strong stems and vibrant leaves.
  • Ensuring your jade plant gets enough sunlight will help it grow into a robust and attractive plant.

Key Points to Remember:

1. Position your jade plant where it can get abundant sunlight throughout the day.

2. Direct, bright sunlight is ideal for promoting healthy growth and maintaining the plant’s vibrant green color.

3. If possible, place your jade plant outdoors during warmer months to maximize its exposure to natural light.

Must read:

5 Best Tips to Make Jade Plant Bushy


FAQs About Jade Plant Placement


Q1: Can a jade plant survive in low light?

Ans: Jade plants prefer direct and bright light and may not thrive in low-light conditions.

  • While they can tolerate lower light levels for short periods, prolonged exposure to inadequate light can lead to weak stems and pale leaves.

Q2: How often should I move my jade plant to ensure it gets enough sunlight?

Ans: It’s best to find a suitable location with consistent sunlight and avoid moving the plant frequently.

  • Moving the plant too often can stress it and disrupt its growth.

Q: Can I place my jade plant in direct sunlight?

Ans: Yes, for better growth place your jade plants in direct sunligh.

  • Sudden exposure to intense sunlight can cause sunburn on the leaves, so introduce direct sunlight gradually if your plant has been kept in lower light.

By choosing the right spot and providing adequate sunlight, your jade plant will thrive and add a touch of natural beauty to your home.

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How to Care for Aglaonema Plant: Complete Indoor Plant Guide

How to Care for Aglaonema Plants: Complete Indoor Plant Guide


The Aglaonema, also known as the Chinese Evergreen, is a highly desirable plant for any home, celebrated for its beauty and decorative qualities. It adds a touch of elegance to home gardens and indoor spaces.

How to Care for Aglaonema Plants: Complete Indoor Plant Guide

However, many people find that despite their best efforts, Aglaonema plants do not thrive as well as they do in nurseries. In this article, we will explore all aspects of care and treatment necessary to help your Aglaonema flourish.

Basic Nature of Aglaonema Plant


Aglaonema is renowned for its stunning ornamental leaves, which come in various colors like red, pink, and green.


  • It is one of the most attractive plants for enhancing home decor and is also valued for its air-purifying qualities.

Aglaonema is a perennial plant that, with proper care, can thrive for many years and even multiply over time.

Tips to Care Aglaonema Plant


1. Temperature for Aglaonema plant


The ideal temperature range for this plant is between 18-35°C.

  • Aglaonema plants are not inherently hardy; they gradually adapt to their environment.

2. Pot size for Aglaonema plant


This plant thrives in medium-sized pots. The roots of Aglaonema are relatively short and thin, so it does not require a large pot.

Using an oversized pot can lead to excessive moisture retention in the soil, which can cause root rot.

  • A pot size of 6-8 inches is generally adequate, with clay pots being the preferred choice.

3. When to repot Aglaonema plant


Aglaonema is a slow-growing plant, so repotting is only necessary when the roots begin to emerge from the top or bottom of the pot, indicating that the plant has outgrown its container.

If you wish to separate the plant’s pups—multiple Aglaonemas growing in a single pot—then repotting is appropriate.

  • Use a pot that is only slightly larger than the current one.

4. Ideal Location and Sunlight for Aglaonema plant


Aglaonema plant does not require direct sunlight, making it ideal for indoor spaces with low light conditions.

  • Aglaonema should not be placed in direct sunlight or complete darkness.
  • It thrives best with about two hours of morning sunlight.
  • A location with bright, indirect light is ideal spot for this plant.
  • Avoid moving the plant unnecessarily, both indoors and outdoors.

Once you find a suitable spot, let the plant remain there.

Check here

Different lighting conditions for plants

5. Soil Mixture for Aglaonema plant


Aglaonema plants thrive in soil rich in organic matter.

  • To provide the nutrients they need, opt for a high-quality potting mix that includes coco peat, compost, or other organic materials.

Avoid using heavy or clayey soil, as it can hinder the plant’s growth.

Check here

How to prepare soil – mix for plants

6. Watering tips for Aglaonema plant


Aglaonema plants have delicate roots and do not require frequent watering.

Overwatering can lead to root rot, causing the leaves to turn yellow and decay.

  • Water the plant only when the top layer of soil appears dry.
  • Use a stick to check the soil’s moisture level near the roots before watering.

7. Pruning tips for Aglaonema plant 


Pruning is not always required, but it can be done to promote new growth, remove damaged leaves, or trim seasonal blooms.

  • The best time to prune is in the spring or in monsoon season.

8. Fertilizers for Aglaonema plant 


The plant grows slowly, so it requires very little fertilizer.

With these care tips, your Aglaonema will thrive, adding beauty and elegance to your home for years to come.


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Areca palm indoor or outdoor plant

Where to Place Areca Palm for Healthy Growth

Where to Place Areca Palm for Healthy Growth


The Areca Palm is a beautiful indoor plant that adds a tropical feel to your home with its soft, feathery leaves. Many gardeners often feel confused about whether to keep the Areca Palm indoors or outdoors. 

Where to Place Areca Palm for Healthy Growth
Areca palm in living room near window

However, to keep your Areca Palm healthy and vibrant, proper placement is crucial. Let’s explore the best locations to position your Areca Palm indoors, so it thrives in its environment.

Areca Palms Need Bright, Indirect Sunlight


The first rule for keeping your Areca Palm healthy is ensuring it gets the right kind of sunlight.

Areca Palm thrive in bright indirect light.

  • They need several hours of filtered sunlight each day to promote healthy growth and ensure that their leaves remain vibrant and green.

1. Avoid Direct Sunlight


One common mistake is placing the Areca Palm in direct sunlight.

  • The intense rays can scorch the delicate fronds, causing them to turn yellow or brown.
  • Over time, direct sun exposure may even kill parts of the plant.
  • If you notice any of these signs, consider moving your palm to a more suitable location.

2. Do Not Keep in Low-Light Conditions


On the flip side, keeping the Areca Palm in low light will not do it any favors either.

Low light slows down the plant’s growth and results in weaker, less vibrant fronds.

  • While the plant can survive in low light for a short period, it won’t thrive.
  • For the best results, choose a spot with plenty of indirect sunlight.

Must read:

Tips to treat White Patches on Areca Palm Leaves

Areca Palm Placement in the Living Room


A living room is often the ideal location for an Areca Palm.

  • Place it near a window where it will get ample indirect light, such as a north or east-facing window.
  • These windows provide the right amount of sunlight without the risk of direct exposure.

Additionally, placing your Areca Palm near doors or windows where it can receive fresh air, along with indirect sunlight, can create an even healthier environment for the plant.

Fresh air circulation helps to keep the palm vibrant and free from pests.

With the right placement and care, your Areca Palm can flourish indoors, adding beauty and freshness to your home.

Must read:

Areca Palm Care: Fertilizer and Pruning


Some frequently asked questions (FAQs) on Areca Palm


1. Can Areca Palms survive in low-light rooms?

Ans: While they can tolerate low light for short periods, Areca Palms need bright, indirect sunlight to truly thrive.

2. How often should I water my Areca Palm?

Ans: Water the Areca Palm when the top inch of soil feels dry.

  • Overwatering can lead to root rot, so ensure proper drainage.

3. Can I place my Areca Palm outside?

Ans: Areca Palms prefer warm, indoor environments.

  • If placed outside, ensure it’s in a shaded area without direct sunlight.

4. What should I do if my Areca Palm leaves turn brown?

Ans: Brown leaves often indicate too much direct sunlight or dry air.

  • Move the plant to an area with filtered sunlight and increase humidity.

5. How big do Areca Palms grow indoors?

Ans: Areca Palms can grow up to 6-7 feet indoors, provided they receive proper light, water, and care.

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Top Low Maintenance Plants for Beginners & Busy People

Top Low Maintenance Plants for Beginners and Busy People

Top Low Maintenance Plants for Beginners and Busy People


Are you a beginner gardener looking for plants that can survive almost anything? Whether you are new to gardening or just too busy to care for high-maintenance plants, we have got you covered.

Top Low Maintenance Plants for Beginners and Busy People
Balcony garden

Here is a list of  top low maintenance plants for beginners and busy people. 

Top Low Maintenance Plants for Beginners and Busy People


1. Devil’s Backbone (Euphorbia tithymaloides)


Devil's Backbone 1
Devil’s Backbone

Devil’s Backbone plant is drought-tolerant and can handle neglect. It is a great option for busy plant owners or those who often forget to water.

1. Light: Prefers direct, bright light conditions.

2. Water: Water sparingly. Allow the soil to dry out between watering.

3. Location: Keep this plant in an outdoor location like balcony or terrace for better growth.

4. Bonus: It is also known for its unique zig-zag stems, adding an interesting look to your space.

2. Dracaena (Song of India)



Dracaena is extremely resilient and can handle neglect. This plant requires very little attention, making it perfect for beginners and busy plant owners, or even those who often travel.

1. Light: Thrives in direct, bright light conditions.

2. Water: Water when the top inch of soil is dry. 

3. Location: Keep this plant in an outdoor location like balcony or terrace for better growth.

4. Bonus: This plant is resistant to pests and diseases, making it ideal for beginners.

3. Aloe Vera 


Aloe vera
Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a magical and very famous low – maintenance plant. This plant thrives in dry conditions and requires very little attention, making it perfect for beginners, busy plant owners

1. Light: Prefers bright, direct sunlight but can adapt to partial shade.

2. Water: Aloe Vera’s water requirements are minimal; if kept indoors, watering once or twice a month will suffice.

3. Location: This hardy outdoor plant seamlessly adapts to various environments, including bedrooms, making it a versatile choice.

4. Bonus: The gel inside the leaves has healing properties and can be used for burns, cuts, and skincare.

Must read:

Tips to Care Aloe Vera Plant


4. Purple Heart (Tradescantia pallida)


Purple Heart
Purple Heart

Purple Heart (Tradescantia pallida) is one of the hardiest flowering plants, making it an excellent choice for office-goers and beginner gardeners. Its vibrant purple leaves and delicate flowers add a pop of color, while its low-maintenance nature makes it easy to care for.


1. Light: Enjoys direct and bright light conditions.

2. Water: Water when the top of the soil feels dry, but avoid overwatering.

3. Location: Place it in a sunny location. Perfect for outdoor environments, making it a good addition for balcony or terrace garden.

4. Bonus:  It’s a fast grower plant. You can grow more plants from it’s cutting. Prune occasionally to maintain shape and promote new growth.

5. Jade Plant


Jade plant in pot
Jade Plant

The  Jade plant is a popular  succulent plant known for its hardiness and low maintenance requirements. 

1. Light: Jade plant is sun worshippers, requiring at least 4-5 hours of direct sunlight daily.

2. Water: Water when the soil is completely dry. Overwatering can cause root rot.

3. Location: Place it in a sunny location. Perfect for outdoor environments, making it a good addition for balcony or terrace garden.

4. Bonus: Jade plants are considered to bring good luck and prosperity, making them a popular choice for home decor.

Must read:

Jade Plant Care Complete Guide


6. Sadabahar (Periwinkle / Vinca)


Sadabahar (Periwinkle)


Periwinkle (Vinca) is another great option for those seeking an easy-care plant. It’s also resistant to pests and diseases, making it ideal for beginners.

1. Light: It’s incredibly hardy and can tolerate a range of conditions, from full sun to partial shade.

Watering: Periwinkle requires minimal watering once established and can thrive in both garden beds and containers.

3. Location: Perfect for outdoor environments, making it a good addition for balcony or terrace garden.

4. Bonus: Its vibrant flowers bloom continuously, adding color to your garden with very little effort.

General Care Tips for Hardy Plants


1. Use well-draining soil to prevent root rot.

2. Avoid overwatering. Most hardy plants prefer their soil to dry out between watering.

3. Occasional pruning can encourage new growth and maintain the plant’s shape.

4. Fertilize sparingly, as these plants don’t need heavy feeding.

With these easy-care tips, your hardy plants will not only survive but thrive, even if you’re new to gardening or have a busy schedule!


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