All posts by Neeraj

Leaf miner in tomato plant

Leaf Miner in Tomato Plant: Treatment & Cure

How to Treat Leaf Miner in Tomato Plant?

Leaf miners pose a significant threat to the health and yield of tomato plant. These tiny pests, typically the larvae of moths, flies, or beetles, tunnel into the leaves, leaving behind distinctive serpentine patterns that hinder the plant’s ability to photosynthesize.

leaf miner on tomato leaves
leaf miner on tomato leaves

If left unchecked, leaf miner infestations can severely compromise the overall health and productivity of your tomato plants.

Young saplings are particularly vulnerable and can die from severe infestations. Even if a mature plant survives heavy larval infestation, its growth will be stunted, and it may never reach its full potential unless treated promptly.

Moreover, fully grown healthy plants will suffer too, experiencing decreased flower and fruit yields due to severe infestations. Additionally, the openings created by leaf miners provide entry points for fungi and bacteria, causing leaves to yellow and eventually fall off the plant.


Furthermore, such infestations render green leafy edible plants unfit for consumption. However, with proactive management strategies, you can effectively control and minimize the impact of these pests. 

Key steps to treat Leaf Miner from Tomato Plant

1. Vigilant Monitoring
Regularly inspect your tomato plants for any signs of leaf miner damage.

  • Look for winding, white or brown trails on the leaves, as well as the presence of small, whitish maggots near the tunnels. Early detection is crucial for effective management.

2. Prune and Dispose 

Pruning leaf miner infected leaves (1)

Immediately remove and dispose of any infested leaves to reduce the population of leaf miners.

  • Be sure to dispose of the affected foliage away from your garden to prevent the larvae from completing their life cycle and re-infesting your plants.

3. Using Neem Oil as Organic Pest Control for Treating Leaf Miners

Neem oil is a popular organic pest control method for managing leaf miners in tomato plants. Here’s how to use it effectively:

1. Dilution:

  • Mix neem oil with water according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Typically, you can use around 2 to 4 tablespoons of neem oil per liter of water.

neem oil treatment to cure Leaf miner

2. Application:

  • Use a spray bottle or garden sprayer to apply the neem oil solution to the affected plants.
  • Make sure to cover both the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves, as leaf miners can be present on either side.

3. Frequency:

  • Apply the neem oil solution every 3 to 5 days. Consistent application is crucial to disrupt the life cycle of leaf miners.

4. Timing:

  • Apply neem oil in the evening only to avoid exposing plants to direct sunlight, which can cause leaf burn.

5. Clean leaves with fresh water

  • On the next day, clean the leaves with fresh water using a spray bottle every morning. 

6. Repeat:

  • Continue applying neem oil until the leaf miner infestation is under control. Be patient, as it may take several applications to see significant results.

6. Prevention:

  • To prevent future infestations, continue using neem oil as a regular part of your pest management routine, especially during periods of high leaf miner activity.

Also, read:

How to Grow Tomatoes at Home from Seeds in Pot

How to Prevent Leaf Miners

tomato plant

Prevention is the most effective method for controlling leaf miners. Here are some suggestions:

1. Regularly inspect plants:

  • Check the leaves of susceptible plants and young seedlings frequently for any signs of damage. Leaf miners tend to target the first set of true leaves.

2. Examine new plants:

  • Leaf miners can enter home gardens via new plants. When purchasing plants from a nursery or garden center, carefully examine the leaves for any signs of leaf miner infestation.
  • Keep monitoring the plants for 2 to 3 weeks after bringing them home, as this is the typical life cycle of leaf miner larvae.

3. Maintain plant health:

  • Healthy plants have better resistance against pests and diseases.

4. Keep garden areas clean:

  • Certain weeds like chickweed, lamb’s quarters, and pigweed are favored by leaf miners, especially in the fall when other plants have become dormant.
  • Removing these weeds can help reduce leaf miner populations.

Also, read:

Leaf Curl in Tomato Plant – How to Treat Leaf Curl Disease?

In conclusion, managing leaf miner infestations in tomato plants requires a multifaceted approach that combines vigilant monitoring, proactive measures, and environmentally friendly pest control methods. By adopting these strategies, you can effectively safeguard your tomato plants and ensure a healthy and productive harvest.

Happy Gardening!

Make Your Own Garden!

Hibiscus in pot

गुड़हल में ये खाद डालने से आएंगे फूल ही फूल

गुड़हल में ये खाद डालने से आएंगे फूल ही फूल


कई बागवानों को अक्सर इस समस्या का सामना करना पड़ता है कि उनके स्वस्थ गुड़हल  (हिबिस्कस) पौधे अच्छी स्थिति में होने के बावजूद फूल नहीं दे रहे हैं।

परिणामस्वरूप, वे अनजाने में पौधे को गलत खादों से उपचारित करते हैं, जिससे नुकसान होता है।

एक ऐसे गुड़हल (हिबिस्कस) के लिए जो स्वस्थ है लेकिन खिलता नहीं है, इसमें कई कारक शामिल हो सकते हैं। सही खाद का चयन महत्वपूर्ण अंतर ला सकता है और फूल आने को बढ़ावा दे सकता है।

गुड़हल के फूल के लिए सर्वोत्तम खाद


अतः, ऐसा क्यों हो रहा है और इसके पीछे क्या कारण हैं? आइए उन परेशानियों की एक सूची की समीक्षा करें जो आपके गुड़हल का पौधा सामना  कर रहा है, यदि इसमें नहीं आ रहे हैं:

1. कलियाँ नहीं खिल रही:


Hibiscus buds

  • मिट्टी में फास्फोरस की कमी से फूलों के उत्पादन में बाधा आ सकती है, इसलिए खिलने को बढ़ावा देने के लिए ऐसे उर्वरक की तलाश करना महत्वपूर्ण है जिसमें फास्फोरस हो।


2. पौधा स्वस्थ लेकिन फूल नहीं:


    • कभी-कभी, गुड़हल के पौधे फूलों के बजाय पत्ते उगाने पर फोकस करते हैं।
    • समग्र पौधों के स्वास्थ्य और फूलों के उत्पादन को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए समान एन-पी-के अनुपात वाले संतुलित उर्वरक का विकल्प चुनें।


3. पीली पत्तियाँ:


hibiscus yellow leaves

    • पीली पत्तियाँ नाइट्रोजन की कमी का संकेत दे सकती हैं।
    • नाइट्रोजन की कमी को दूर करने और हरी पत्तियों को बढ़ावा देने के लिए उच्च नाइट्रोजन वाला खाद चुनें।


4. कलियाँ परिपक्व नहीं:


    • यदि गुड़हल (हिबिस्कस) कलियों को पर्याप्त पोटेशियम नहीं मिल रहा है तो वे परिपक्व होने में विफल हो सकती हैं।
    • कली के विकास और परिपक्वता में सहायता के लिए उच्च पोटेशियम वाले उर्वरक की तलाश करें।


5. कलियों का गिरना:

hibiscus bud falling

    • जड़ के खराब विकास या तनाव के कारण कलियाँ समय से पहले गिर सकती हैं।
    • जड़ों के स्वास्थ्य और लचीलेपन में सुधार के लिए मैग्नीशियम और आयरन जैसे सूक्ष्म पोषक तत्वों वाले उर्वरक पर विचार करें।


गुड़हल के पौधे पर फूल क्यों नहीं आ रहे हैं?


गुड़हल के पौधों में फूल न आने का मुख्य कारण अक्सर पोषक तत्वों की कमी होती है। इसका श्रेय दो कारकों को दिया जा सकता है:


1. पौधों के विभिन्न भागों में अकुशल पोषक तत्व वितरण


जब जड़ों को उर्वरक प्रदान किया जाता है, तो यह पौधे के अन्य भागों, जैसे तना, पत्तियों, शाखाओं या कलियों तक कुशलतापूर्वक वितरित नहीं होता है।


2. पौधों की जड़ों तक स्टार्च-आधारित भोजन का सीमित वितरण


इसके अतिरिक्त, जहाँ पौधे अपने पत्तों में स्टार्च के रूप में अपना भोजन उत्पन्न करते हैं, यह संभव है कि भोजन पत्तियों में ही रहे और पौधे की जड़ों के अन्य भागों में वितरित न हो।



  • स्टार्च पौधों, विशेषकर उनकी जड़ों को प्रतिरक्षा प्रदान करने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है।

उपरोक्त दो कारकों से संकेत मिलता है कि पौधों की “परिवहन प्रणाली” अच्छी तरह से काम नहीं कर रही है जिसे पोटेशियम की कमी के लिए जिम्मेदार ठहराया जा सकता है।

सौभाग्य से, केले और केले के छिलके में पोटेशियम अत्यधिक उपलब्ध होता है और इसका उपयोग पौधे की परिवहन प्रणाली को बेहतर बनाने के लिए किया जा सकता है।

  • यदि इस स्थिति में पौधे को केले के छिलके की खाद खिला दी जाए तो समस्या का समाधान हो जाएगा।

3. केले के छिलके की पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर संरचना


banana peel fertilizer

न केवल पोटेशियम बल्कि केले के छिलके में कैल्शियम, मैग्नीशियम, सल्फर और फास्फोरस जैसे कई अन्य पोषक तत्व होते हैं, जो पौधों की वृद्धि और विकास के लिए आवश्यक हैं।


4. केले के छिलके में सूक्ष्म पोषक तत्व की मात्रा


इसके अतिरिक्त, केले के छिलके में जिंक, तांबा और आयरन जैसे अन्य सूक्ष्म पोषक तत्व होते हैं, जो पौधों के स्वास्थ्य के लिए महत्वपूर्ण हैं।

केले के छिलके की खाद कब दें?

banana peel


1. छोटे पौधों को केले के छिलके की खाद न दें


उन पौधों पर केले के छिलके के उर्वरक का उपयोग करने से बचें जो अभी छोटे हैं या बढ़ने की अवस्था में हैं क्योंकि उस समय उन्हें नाइट्रोजन, फास्फोरस और पोटेशियम (एनपीके) की समान मात्रा की आवश्यकता होती है।

केले की खाद में नाइट्रोजन की मात्रा बहुत कम होती है. इससे पोषक तत्वों का असंतुलन हो जाएगा और नाइट्रोजन की कमी के कारण पौधे मर सकते हैं।


2. फूल आने या फल लगने की अवस्था के दौरान केले के छिलके की खाद डालें

केले की खाद हमेशा तब दें, जब पौधा फूल या फल लगने की अवस्था में हो।

3. केले के छिलके के उर्वरक को अन्य उर्वरकों के साथ संतुलित करना


जबकि केले के छिलके के उर्वरक का उपयोग सभी पौधों पर किया जा सकता है, पोषक तत्वों का संतुलन बनाए रखने के लिए इसे अन्य उर्वरकों के साथ बदलना महत्वपूर्ण है।

  • केले के छिलके की खाद डालने के बाद, अन्य खाद जैसे गोबर तरल खाद या किसी अन्य का उपयोग करने से पहले कम से कम 10 से 15 दिन तक प्रतीक्षा करें।

4.  प्याज के छिलके की तरल खाद


onion peel liquid

केले के छिलके की खाद के बाद, 10 से 15 दिनों तक प्रतीक्षा करें और फिर पौधे को प्याज के छिलके की तरल खाद दें।

  • यह उर्वरक फूलों के खिलने को भी बढ़ावा देता है, और आप कुछ ही दिनों में नई कलियाँ दिखने की उम्मीद कर सकते हैं।


  • ऐसे मामलों में जहां खिलते पौधे की पत्तियां पीली हो जाती हैं, यह अधिक पोषक तत्वों की आवश्यकता का संकेत है।

5.  गाय के गोबर का तरल उर्वरक


cow dung decompose

  • प्याज के छिलके की खाद डालने के 10 दिन बाद पौधे को गाय के गोबर से बनी तरल खाद दें।

हर 10 दिनों में अलग-अलग तरल उर्वरक लगाने के इस शेड्यूल का पालन करके, आप अपने गुड़हल में लगातार फूल खिलने को प्रोत्साहित कर सकते हैं।

पौधों को स्वस्थ विकास के लिए सूरज की रोशनी, पानी, हवा और पोषक तत्वों की आवश्यकता होती है। इन आवश्यकताओं की सावधानीपूर्वक निगरानी करें और उन्हें पूरा करें। फूल खिलते समय, अधिक पोषण से बचने के लिए खाद कम दें। उपचार लागू करने से पहले चेकलिस्ट का पालन करें।

शुभ बागवानी!

Jade plant

Watering Tips for Healthy Jade Plant

How to Water Jade Plant

Watering is a fundamental aspect of plant care, and Jade Plant is no exception. Proper watering ensures the plant receives essential moisture for growth while preventing issues such as root rot and dehydration.

watering jade plant
watering jade plant

Understanding Jade Plant Watering Needs

1. Require less water: Jade plant, being succulent, require less water compared to many other plants.

2. To gauge watering needs, touch the soil and it feels moist, then the plant does not need water.

3. Signs of Under-watering: If you notice the leaves beginning to shrivel or wilt, this indicates that the plant is not receiving enough water.

  • In such instances, only water the plant once the top layer of soil has completely dried out.

4. Signs of Over-watering include yellowing leaves, mushy stems, and soil that remains consistently wet. 

Frequency of Watering Jade Plant

watering jade plant

Jade plant prefers to dry out between watering to prevent root rot. Watering should be done when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.


  • Assess soil moisture by inserting your finger into the soil up to the first knuckle.
  • If it feels dry at that depth, it is time to water your jade plant.
  • If the soil still feels moist, there is no need to water at that moment.


  • In winter season, Jade plant need less water than normal, so you should always test the soil before watering.

Symptoms of healthy Jade plants

healthy jade plant
healthy jade plant

1. Healthy jade plant leaves are characterized by their thick and fleshy texture.

2. Leaves that appear yellowed or thinner than usual may indicate under-watering.

3. If thick, healthy leaves are falling off, over-watering may be the issue.

4. Black spots on the leaves suggest root problems, possibly because of fungus or infection, indicating a need to change the soil.

Importance of Drainage for Jade Plant

Jade plant

Proper drainage is critical for preventing waterlogged soil, which can lead to root rot and other issues. Ensure that pots have drainage holes to allow excess water to escape.

Additional Care Tips

Jade plants outdoor
Jade plants kept outdoor

Providing Adequate Humidity

Jade Plant thrive in moderate to high humidity levels.

  • Mist the leaves occasionally to increase humidity.

Spray watering jade plant

Pruning and Grooming for Healthy Growth

Regular pruning helps maintain the shape of the plant and encourages new growth.

  • Remove any dead or yellowing leaves to promote overall plant health.

Pruning jade plant

Preventive Measures for Maintaining Plant Health

Regularly inspect your Jade plant for signs of pests or diseases, and promptly address any issues to prevent them from spreading.

Why Consistency in Watering is Crucial

Consistency in watering helps maintain stable soil moisture levels, which is essential for promoting healthy root development and overall plant growth.

  • Proper watering promotes lush foliage, vibrant coloration, and robust growth in Jade plant.

Happy Gardening!

Make Your Own Garden!

Jade plants

Is Jade Plant an Outdoor or Indoor Plant?

Is Jade Plant an Outdoor or Indoor Plant?


The Jade plant is a popular succulent plant known for its hardiness and low maintenance requirements. There is always confusion regarding whether the Jade plant should be kept indoor or outdoor. Which is the best place to grow a jade plant?

Is Jade Plant an Outdoor or Indoor Plant?
Jade plant bushy

Let’s explore some facts about jade plant to clear up any doubts.

Is Jade Plant an Outdoor or Indoor Plant?


Unveiling the Truth

It may come as a surprise, but jade plant flourish in outdoor environments especially in places that are hot and dry, like deserts. They need lots of sunlight and do not like too much water, so they are perfect for gardens or patios.

Yes, Jade plant is an outdoor plant. 

Sunshine is Key: How Light Helps Jade Plant Grow


Jade plant is sun worshippers, requiring at least 4-5 hours of direct sunlight daily.

  • Sunlight serves as their primary energy source, fueling their growth and vitality.
  • To ensure optimal growth, position your jade plant in a spot where sunlight is abundant throughout the day.


Jade plant outdoor sun


Understanding Temperature Tolerance


While jade plant can withstand various temperatures but sensitive to frost and snow. Therefore, it is crucial to protect this plant from extreme cold to prevent damage to their delicate foliage.

healthy jade plant
healthy jade plant

Click here to read: 5 tips to make Jade plant bushy


Mastering Watering Techniques


One of the biggest challenges in jade plant care is finding the right balance of water. These succulents are prone to over-watering, which can lead to root rot and ultimately, plant demise.

  • Wait until the soil is completely dry before watering, as jade plant thrive in arid conditions.

Choosing right Soil: The Key to Healthy Roots


Soil mix

A well-draining potting mix is essential for jade plant to thrive.

  • Ensure your soil allows excess water to drain freely, preventing waterlogged conditions that can suffocate the plant’s roots.

Common Misconceptions: Why Nurseries Sell Them as Indoor Plant


Jade plant
Despite the fact that jade plant grow well in outdoor space, some stores or nurseries market them as indoor plant. This can cause confusion and misunderstandings among people who love plants.

  • As a result, people often keep jade plants indoors without giving them enough sunlight, which can lead to the plants suffering and eventually dying.


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neem cake powder

Benefits of Adding Neem Cake Powder in Soil Mixture

Introduction to Neem Cake Powder

Neem cake powder, derived from the neem tree (Azadirachta indica), has long been valued for its numerous benefits in agriculture. This natural byproduct is obtained after the extraction of neem oil from the seeds. Neem cake powder is rich in nutrients and bioactive compounds, making it an excellent addition to soil mixtures.

Nutritional Composition of Neem Cake Powder

Neem cake powder is packed with essential nutrients beneficial for plant growth, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. Additionally, it contains various secondary metabolites such as azadirachtin, nimbin, and salannin, which contribute to its pesticidal properties.

Importance of the Healthy Soil Mixture in container gardening

Soil mix

The healthy soil mixture serves as the foundation for plant growth in containers and plays a crucial role in providing essential nutrients, maintaining proper drainage, pH balance, weed and pest control, and moisture retention.

In container gardening, plants rely entirely on the soil mixture for their nutrition, as they cannot access nutrients from surrounding soil like plants in traditional gardens. Therefore, the soil mixture we use should have pest and disease repellent properties, which can be enhanced by adding neem cake powder. So, let’s delve into the benefits of incorporating neem cake powder into the soil mixture.

Benefits of Adding Neem Cake Powder in Soil Mixture

neem cake fertilizer

1. Complete Organic Fertilizer

Neem cake fertilizer is completely natural, pure, and the best fertilizer for plants. It does not have any chemicals, and that is why it is very beneficial for our plants.

2. Enhanced Soil Fertility

Neem cake powder acts as an organic fertilizer, gradually releasing nutrients into the soil as it decomposes.

  • The presence of nitrogen promotes vigorous vegetative growth, while phosphorus and potassium support root development and flowering, respectively. This improves overall soil fertility and enhances crop yields.

Soil health

3. Improves texture and quality of the soil

By adding Neem cake powder in the soil it improves the texture and quality of the soil.

4. Natural Pest Repellent

One of the most significant advantages of neem cake powder is its natural pest repellent properties.

  • Compounds like azadirachtin disrupt the life cycle of insects, inhibiting their feeding and reproduction. This makes neem cake powder an eco-friendly alternative to chemical pesticides, reducing the reliance on synthetic inputs and minimizing environmental pollution.

Important note:

If insects, pests or fungus appear on plants, we can easily detect and treat them promptly.

  • However, when insects or fungus infest the soil, it is challenging to notice the problem. This is where Neem Cake Powder plays a crucial role.
  • It effectively eliminates insects and fungi from the soil, there by enhancing soil health. Additionally, Neem Cake Powder enriches the soil with beneficial nutrients and organic matter, promoting overall plant growth and vitality.

3. Weed Suppression

weed removing

Incorporating neem cake powder into soil mixtures can help suppress weed growth.

  • The allelopathic effects of neem compounds inhibit the germination and growth of weed seeds, creating a weed-free environment for crops to thrive. This not only reduces the competition for nutrients and water but also minimizes the need for herbicidal treatments.

4. Disease Prevention

Neem cake powder possesses antifungal and antibacterial properties that help protect plants from soil-borne diseases.

  • By inhibiting the growth of pathogens such as Fusarium, Pythium, and Rhizoctonia, neem cake powder reduces the risk of root rot, damping-off, and other common plant ailments. This promotes healthier plant growth and improves overall crop resilience.

Must read:

How to make Neem Cake fertilizer at home

How to Use Neem Cake Powder in Soil Mixture

To reap the benefits of neem cake powder, it is essential to use it correctly in soil mixtures.

(i) Mix the neem cake powder directly in the soil while you are preparing your soil mixture along with sand and compost.

(ii) Let’s say you are preparing a 5 kg soil mixture then you can add two handfuls of neem cake powder or cake to the soil.

(iii) Keep the quantity very less, when you mix it in the soil a very mild smell will start coming, at that point only you need to stop adding it further.

soil mixture
adding neem cake powder in soil mix


  • Excessive application of neem cake powder may lead to nitrogen immobilization or phytotoxicity in sensitive plants. Moreover, its effectiveness against certain pests and diseases may vary depending on environmental conditions and pest pressure.

Must read:

How to make Neem Pesticide at home


In summary, the benefits of adding neem cake powder to the soil mixture in container gardening are manifold. It serves as a natural pest and disease repellent, promotes soil health, and enhances plant growth and productivity. By harnessing the power of neem cake powder, gardeners can cultivate thriving container gardens while minimizing environmental impact and ensuring sustainable gardening practices.


FAQs on Neem Cake Powder

1. Is neem cake powder safe for organic farming?
Ans: Yes, neem cake powder is widely used in organic farming as it is derived from natural sources and does not contain harmful chemicals.

2. Can neem cake powder be used for all types of crops?
Ans: Neem cake powder is suitable for a wide range of crops, including vegetables, fruits, grains, and ornamentals.

3. How often should neem cake powder be applied to the soil?
Ans: The frequency of neem cake powder application depends on factors such as crop type, soil condition, and pest pressure.

  • Generally, it can be applied once or twice during the growing season.

4. Does neem cake powder have any adverse effects on beneficial insects?
Ans: Neem cake powder is relatively safe for beneficial insects such as bees and earthworms. However, it is essential to avoid direct contact with pollinators during application.

5. Where can I purchase high-quality neem cake powder?
Ans: Neem cake powder is available at agricultural supply stores, garden centers, and online retailers specializing in organic farming inputs.

Aloe Vera plant

Best Soil Mixture for Aloe Vera Plant

Soil Mixture for Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe Vera, known for its numerous health and skincare benefits, is a resilient plant that can thrive in various conditions. However, to ensure optimal growth and health, selecting the right soil mixture is crucial.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the best soil mixture for Aloe Vera plants, ensuring they flourish and thrive in your care.

Soil mix
Soil mixture for aloe vera plant

Understanding Aloe Vera’s Soil Needs

Aloe Vera’s Adaptability

Aloe Vera is renowned for its ability to adapt to different environments.

  • While it can survive in various soil types, it thrives best in well-draining, porous soil that allows for proper root aeration.

Avoid Clayey Soil

Given Aloe Vera’s xerophytic nature, clayey soil, which tends to compact and retain water, is unsuitable. It inhibits proper drainage and can lead to root rot, hampering the plant’s growth.

Components of the Ideal Soil Mixture

Soil Collection and Preparation

Soil mix
Local soil

Begin by collecting soil from your local surroundings.

  • Ensure to sieve and clean it thoroughly, removing any debris such as plastic or glass pieces.

Adding Sand

River sand
Adding River sand

Next, add grey-colored construction sand to the soil mixture, comprising approximately one-third of the total volume.

  • Sand aids in improving drainage and preventing soil compaction.

Utilizing Compost

Adding compost in the soil mix

Incorporate compost into the mixture, using an amount nearly equal to or slightly less than the quantity of sand.

  • Compost enriches the soil with essential nutrients, fostering healthy growth.

Considering Coco Peat (Optional)

Coco peat
Adding Coco peat in the soil mix

While Aloe Vera inherently retains water, coco peat can be beneficial, especially if the plant is exposed to prolonged sunlight.

  • Add coco peat in moderation, around one-fourth of the soil volume, to enhance moisture retention.

Neem Cake Powder for Pest Prevention

Adding neem cake powder in soil
Adding neem cake powder in the soil mix

To safeguard the plant’s roots from pests, fungi, and bacteria, incorporate a small amount of neem cake powder into the soil mixture.

  • Neem cake powder acts as a natural deterrent, promoting the plant’s overall health.

Minimal Fertilizer Requirement

Aloe Vera typically does not require additional fertilizer. However, if necessary, opt for liquid fertilizer sparingly.

  • Excessive fertilizer can lead to nutrient imbalances and affect the plant’s growth.

Proper Mixing Technique

Soil mix

Thoroughly blend all the ingredients to create a porous soil mixture. The resulting mixture should be loose and crumbly, ensuring optimal drainage and root aeration.

Caring for Your Aloe Vera Plant

Ensuring Adequate Sunlight

Place your Aloe Vera plant in a location with ample sunlight exposure, preferably receiving 5-7 hours of sunlight daily.

  • Adequate sunlight is essential for the plant’s photosynthesis and overall growth.

Watering Tips for Aloe Vera

aloe vera watering

Due to its succulent nature, Aloe vera requires minimal watering.

  • Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it is essential to allow the soil to dry out between watering sessions.
  • Aim for infrequent but deep watering, ensuring the soil is completely dry before the next watering to promote healthy growth.


Selecting the right soil mixture is paramount for the health and vitality of your Aloe Vera plants. By adhering to the guidelines outlined in this article, you can create an optimal soil blend that promotes robust growth, ensuring your Aloe Vera thrives in its environment.

FAQs on Soil Mixture for Aloe Vera Plant

1. Can I use garden soil for my Aloe Vera plant?

Ans: While garden soil can be used, it’s essential to ensure it’s well-draining and free from contaminants.

2. How often should I water my Aloe Vera plant?

Ans: Water your Aloe Vera plant sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out between watering sessions to prevent root rot.

3. Is fertilization necessary for Aloe Vera plants?

Ans: Aloe Vera typically does not require additional fertilization, but if needed, opt for minimal amounts of liquid fertilizer.

4. Can I use perlite instead of sand in the soil mixture?

Ans: Yes, perlite can be used as an alternative to sand to improve soil drainage and aeration.

5. What are the signs of overwatering in Aloe Vera plants?

Ans: Overwatering can cause the plant’s leaves to become soft and mushy, indicating root rot. Ensure proper drainage to prevent this issue.

Happy Gardening!!

Make Your Own Garden!

root pruning of plants

What is Root Pruning? How to do Root Pruning of Plants?

What is Root Pruning?

Root pruning is when you trim the roots of a plant that has outgrown its container. You take the plant out, cut back the roots, and then put it back in the same or a bigger pot. It helps the plant stay healthy and grow better.

This article is about why root pruning is important for plants and it covers basic and advanced questions about it. By reading this, you will understand why root pruning matters and get answers to many questions about taking care of plants.

root pruning

1. Why is root pruning important?

2. How to do root pruning?

3. Which is the best season for root pruning?

4. What precautions need to be followed pre and post root pruning?

5. What will happen if root pruning is not done at time?

6. What are the symptoms of plants showing need for root pruning?

Before answering all these queries lets understand first understand the need of root pruning.

What is the need of Root Pruning?

The need for root pruning arises mainly in container gardening, where plants are grown in pots or containers instead of in the ground.

In traditional ground gardening, plants have plenty of space for their roots to spread out. However, in container gardening, the limited space confines root expansion.

Without enough room for the roots to grow, plants become vulnerable to a condition called root binding.

root bound in hibiscus plant

This happens when the roots become tightly packed and start circling around the inside of the pot.  If left unchecked, root binding can suffocate the plant and hinder its growth. Therefore, root pruning is necessary to prevent this problem and ensure the health and vitality of container-grown plants.

What to do in Root Bound?

ZZ root bound

If a plant is root-bound, there are three potential solutions:

1. Remove the plant from its current pot and transplant it into the ground.

2. Transfer the plant to a larger pot.

  • This option is suitable for smaller plants.
  • For larger plants already in sizable pots that cannot be accommodated in an even larger container, another approach is necessary.

3. Perform root pruning.

 How is Root Pruning different from Hard pruning?

Root pruning and hard pruning are two different techniques used in gardening:

Root Pruning:

root pruning of plants (1)

  • It involves trimming the roots of a plant without affecting its above-ground parts like stems, branches, or flowers.
  • Primarily applied to container-grown plants to manage root growth and prevent root binding.

Hard Pruning:

hard pruning

  • It involves cutting back or removing all visible parts of a plant, including branches, stems, buds, and flowers.
  • Used to shape or rejuvenate the plant, promote new growth, or control its size.

Which plants can be root pruned?

Plants Suitable for Root Pruning:

(i) Recommended for permanent plants especially those grown in containers such as

  • tulsi (Holy basil),
  • curry Leaf,
  • hibiscus,
  • night jasmine,
  • areca palm,
  • monstera,
  • aglaonema,
  • jasmine,
  • clitoria,
  • bougainvillaea, etc. 

(ii) Root pruning is generally not necessary for seasonal plants like

  • tomato,
  • bitter gourd,
  • okra,
  • cauliflower,
  • capsicum
  • petunia, and
  • dianthus, etc.

These plants complete their life cycle within a single growing season and are typically replanted annually, making root pruning unnecessary.

Important note:

  • Furthermore, it is crucial to understand that root pruning is mainly relevant to plants cultivated in containers rather than those grown directly in the ground.

Favorable Season For Root Pruning

Root pruning should always be practiced in spring or monsoon season.

  • It should not be done during extreme hot or cold weather.

Important note:

  •  Hard pruning usually occurs in early spring, while root pruning can be done later in the spring season or monsoon season. 

Symptoms Indicating the Need for Root Pruning:

1. Plants are in stress

Plants can experience stress for various reasons, such as excessive fertilizer, insufficient sunlight, or neglect.

  • In these cases, signs of stress typically manifest quickly. However, when a plant is stressed due to being root-bound, the symptoms emerge gradually or slowly. The plant may gradually wilt and wither over time.

2. Roots start coming out of the pot

When root binding happens, roots may extend through the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot, and they may also become visible on the surface of the soil.

3. Check While Repotting

Inspect all mature plants during the spring season by taking them out of their pots.

  • Look for signs of root binding, and if you see any, perform root pruning.
  • If there are no signs of root binding, check the soil condition and replant the plant in a pot of suitable size if necessary.

Precautions While doing Root Pruning 

1. Ensure the soil is neither too wet nor too dry.

2. If you watered the plant recently, wait a couple of days before root pruning to avoid excess moisture.

3. Perform root pruning in the evening.

5. Clean and sanitize your pruning tools before use.

6. Beginners should prioritize hard pruning before attempting root pruning.

7. Start with small, resilient plants to boost confidence.

8. Practice root pruning when you feel confident in your abilities.

How To Do Root Pruning?

1. To remove the plant from the pot, gently pull it along with the soil, avoiding root disturbance.

2. Tap the pot’s sides to loosen the soil.

3. When examining roots, white indicates new growth, while brown or black roots are older.

4. Two types of roots may be visible: thin roots and stem-like roots. Trim both types by 70-80% before replanting in a pot with a healthy soil mixture. Beginners should only remove thin roots and avoid touching thick ones.

5. For larger pots, use your feet to stabilize the pot while pulling the plant out.

  • Once the plant is removed, use a knife to trim the soil from all sides and inspect for root binding.
  • If root binding is present, carefully remove the roots.
  • Otherwise, assess the soil condition and replant the pot accordingly.

Soil Mixture After Root Pruning:

1. After trimming roots, plants may feel a bit stressed and prefer familiar conditions.

  • So, for small plants, you can reuse the old soil after cleaning it. Just refill the pot with the cleaned soil; no need for extra compost, fertilizers, or fungicides—the old soil works fine.

2. For larger pots, use a fresh soil mixture with additives like compost and fungicides at the bottom. 

  • Reuse the old soil mixture near the roots of plant. Before using, just clean the soil mixture. 

Process After Repotting

After repotting, gently tap the pot to settle the soil, avoiding shaking.

1. Water properly and add a bit of fungicide to the water.

2. Put the plant in a bright light area (under shade), but keep it away from direct sunlight. The plant may feel stressed for 4-5 days after root trimming.

3. Water the plant sparingly, and check the moisture level of the soil at a depth of 1-2 inches.

  • Since the roots have been trimmed, the plant will require less water. Only water when the soil is dry.

4. Allow the plant to recover undisturbed for 20-25 days, avoid giving any fertilizer’s like Epsom Salt, Onion peel liquid fertilizer or any other fertilizer.

5. Resume watering the plant only when the soil is dry, and make sure to continue providing bright light. After about a month, the plant should start growing again and produce flowers.

For plants aged 2-3 years, thoroughly inspect the roots during repotting for signs of root binding. If you find any signs of root binding, consider root pruning to address the issue.

Happy Gardening !

Make Your Own Garden!

watering Tulsi plant

Watering tips for Tulsi (Holy Basil) Plant

Tulsi, or Holy Basil, is not just a herb but also holds immense significance in Hindu culture. It’s revered for its medicinal properties and spiritual importance. However, to thrive and flourish, Tulsi plants require adequate care, especially when it comes to watering.

Understanding Tulsi Plant’s Watering Needs

tulsi plant

Tulsi is native to the Indian subcontinent and is accustomed to tropical climates. This means it does not tolerate excessive watering well.

  • Unlike some other plants, Tulsi prefers slightly drier conditions. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other detrimental effects on its health.

How to Determine When to Water Your Tulsi Plant

Tulsi plant watering

A simple and effective method to assess if your Tulsi plant needs watering is the touch test.

  • Simply touch the soil’s surface.
  • If it feels dry to the touch, it is time to water. However, if it still retains moisture, hold off on watering for a while longer.

Preparing the Soil for Watering

tulsi plant

Before watering, it is crucial to ensure that the soil is adequately prepared to receive the water.

  • Loosen the soil around the plant, ideally up to 2-3 inches deep.
  • This practice facilitates better water absorption and promotes proper aeration, which is vital for healthy root development.

Best Time to Water Tulsi Plants

The timing of watering plays a significant role in the health of your Tulsi plant.

It is best to water early in the morning or late in the evening.

During these times, the temperatures are cooler, and there is less risk of water evaporation.

  • Watering during the afternoon, especially when the sun is intense, can lead to water loss through evaporation and potentially scorch the leaves.

Avoiding Common Mistakes in Tulsi Plant Watering

1. One of the most common mistakes in caring for Tulsi plants is overwatering.

  • Remember, it is better to underwater than overwater.
  • Overwatering can suffocate the roots and lead to fungal diseases.
  • Additionally, be mindful of water evaporation, especially in summer.
  • Always water at the base of the plant to minimize evaporation and ensure efficient water uptake.

Additional Tips for Proper Tulsi Plant Care

While watering is crucial, it is just one aspect of caring for your Tulsi plant.

1. Ensure it receives adequate sunlight, preferably 4-5 hours a day.

2. Monitor the temperature as Tulsi thrives in warm conditions but can suffer in extreme heat.

3. Also, choose an appropriately sized pot that allows for proper root growth and drainage.


Proper watering is essential for the health and vitality of your Tulsi plant. By understanding its specific needs and following these watering tips, you can ensure that your Tulsi thrives and continues to bless your home with its beauty and benefits.


11 Mistakes to Avoid While Growing Tomatoes At Home

Growing tomatoes at home can be a rewarding experience, but it requires careful attention to detail to ensure a bountiful harvest. In this guide, we will explore some common mistakes that many gardeners make when cultivating tomatoes and provide practical tips on how to avoid them.

1. Poor Selection of Seeds

Choosing inferior seeds from nurseries or saving seeds from low-quality tomatoes and not adequately fertilizing with the necessary heavy fertilizers.

  • Opt for high-quality seeds from good seed shops to ensure healthy plants. 

2. Wrong Pot Selection

grow bags for gardening

Selecting the appropriate containers for growing tomatoes is essential.

  • Instead of traditional pots, opt for grow bags that provide ample space for root growth.
  • Choose grow bags with a minimum size of 12 inches to accommodate the expansive root system of tomato plants.

3. Using Low Quality Soil

Soil mixture for radish (1)

The quality of the soil directly impacts the health and productivity of your tomato plants.

  • Invest in nutrient-rich soil that provides essential nutrients for robust growth.
  • Consider adding organic matter such as compost or manure to improve soil structure and fertility.

4. Planting Too Close

Tomato plant

Planting tomato seedlings too close together can lead to overcrowding, competition for resources, and increased susceptibility to diseases.

  • Follow spacing recommendations provided for each tomato variety to ensure adequate airflow and room for growth.

5. Neglecting to Harden Seedlings

Tomato seedlings
Tomato seedlings

Before transplanting seedlings into the garden, it’s essential to harden them off gradually. Exposing seedlings to outdoor conditions such as sunlight, wind, and fluctuating temperatures helps them acclimate to their new environment and reduces transplant shock.

6. Planting the Wrong Varieties

Not all tomato varieties are well-suited for every climate or growing conditions.

  • Research and select tomato varieties that are suitable for your region’s climate, soil type, and sunlight exposure.
  • Consider factors such as disease resistance, fruit size, and maturity date when choosing varieties.

Must read:

How to Grow Tomatoes at Home from Seeds

7. Planting Tomatoes in Shade

Tomatoes thrive in full sunlight, so planting them in shaded areas can hinder their growth and productivity.

  • Choose a location in your garden that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily for optimal results. Avoid planting tomatoes near tall trees or structures that may cast shade during peak sunlight hours.

8. Not Giving Heavy Fertilizer

Providing sufficient fertilizer is essential for the healthy growth of tomato plants.

  • Neglecting to provide adequate amounts of fertilizer can result in stunted growth and poor fruit development. Follow recommended fertilization guidelines and adjust based on the specific needs of your plants.

9. Over Fertilizer – Excess Nitrogen

While fertilizing is essential, overdoing it can have detrimental effects on tomato plants.

  • Excessive nitrogen in fertilizer can lead to lush foliage growth at the expense of fruit production.
  • Monitor the nitrogen levels in your soil and adjust fertilization accordingly to maintain a balanced nutrient profile.

10. Not Pruning

Pruning tomato plants helps promote airflow, reduce disease risk, and focus energy on fruit production.

  • Neglecting to prune can result in overgrown, unruly plants that are more susceptible to pests and diseases. Regularly remove suckers and trim back excessive foliage to maintain healthy, productive plants.

11. Not Watering Enough

watering tomatoes

Proper watering is critical for the health and productivity of tomato plants.

  • Insufficient watering can lead to wilting, blossom-end rot, and reduced fruit production. Monitor soil moisture levels regularly and provide consistent watering, especially during hot and dry periods.


By avoiding these common mistakes and following best practices for growing tomatoes, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of flavorful, homegrown tomatoes. Remember to select quality seeds, provide adequate space and sunlight, and maintain proper soil fertility to ensure healthy plant growth and abundant fruit production.


Watering Tips for Healthy Rose Plant

How to Water Rose Plant

Watering rose plants does not demand any extraordinary habits, but it does require attention to your plants. Many gardeners frequently make mistakes when watering their rose plants, which can negatively impact their health.

rose flowers plant

Some may overwater, while others may underwater, causing damage to the overall well-being of the plant. In this article, we will address this issue and provide guidance on how to properly water rose plants.

Watering Tips for Healthy Rose Plant

1. Deep, Infrequent Watering:

watering to rose plant
watering to rose plant

Roses benefit from deep watering rather than frequent shallow watering.

  • Aim to water deeply, ensuring the soil is moist but not waterlogged. This encourages robust root growth and resilience to drought conditions.

2. Regular Monitoring:
Check your roses regularly, especially during hot weather, to ensure they receive adequate water.

  • Adjust watering frequency based on weather conditions and soil moisture levels.

Must read:

How to Care Rose Plant

3. Signs of Watering Needs:
Monitor your rose plants for signs of insufficient water, such as wilting leaves, drooping stems, and dry soil.

  • Adjust watering accordingly to prevent stress and maintain plant health.

Important point to note:

Always plant roses in well-drained soil

soil mixture
Well drained soil mixture

Plant roses in well-drained soil to prevent waterlogging, which can lead to root rot and other issues.

  • Soil that allows water to move through easily promotes healthy root development and prevents water-related problems.

    Must read:

    Best Soil Mixture for Rose Plant

4. Morning Watering Preferred:

watering rose plant
watering rose plant

While both morning and evening are suitable for watering, morning watering is generally recommended.

  • It allows foliage to dry quickly, reducing the risk of fungal diseases. However, if morning watering is not feasible, evening watering is also acceptable, provided foliage has ample time to dry before nightfall.

5. Water Temperature:

Use normal temperature water for watering rose plants.

  • Avoid hot or chilled water, as extremes in temperature can stress the plants, especially during hot or cold weather.
  • Opting for water at room temperature ensures that your rose plants receive hydration without any adverse effects.

6. Avoid Overwatering:

Avoid overwatering
overwatering in rose plant

Overwatering can harm rose plants, resulting in root rot and other problems related to excessive moisture.

  • To avoid waterlogging, let the top layer of soil dry out between each watering session.

Query of a user –

Can I water my rose plants multiple times a day during summer?

Answer: In the summer, it’s tempting to water your rose plants often because of the heat. But be careful not to overdo it, as this can lead to root rot.

  • While it is okay to water them two or three times a day in hot weather, make sure not to waterlog the soil or drown the roots. Keep an eye on the soil moisture and adjust your watering schedule to keep your plants healthy.

7. Benefits of Moist Soil

Moist soil of rose plant

Moist soil is essential for rose plants because it promotes healthy flowering.

  • When the soil is moist, it provides the necessary hydration for the plant to produce blooms.
  • Additionally, moist soil supports proper nutrient uptake, encourages robust root development, and helps regulate the plant’s temperature, all of which contribute to the overall health and vitality of the rose plant.

Query of a user –

“I could not water my rose plant for a week. It seems to be dried.” What to do now?

Solution: If you have not watered your rose plant for a week and it appears dried out, it is essential to take immediate action.

  • Water the plant thoroughly, ensuring that the soil remains moist but not waterlogged.
  • If necessary, prune any dried stems directly from the base of the stem.
  • Additionally, consider relocating the plant to a spot with semi-shade to help it recover.
  • With proper care, there is hope that the rose plant will revive and regain its health.

8. Regular Soil Checks:

Dry soil of rose plant
Dry soil of rose plant

Conduct regular soil moisture checks, especially during warmer months or in dry climates, to ensure your rose plants receive adequate hydration.

In conclusion, proper watering is essential for the health and vitality of rose plants. By following these watering tips, you can cultivate robust, beautiful roses that flourish in your garden for years to come.

Happy Gardening!