Gardening is a labor of love, and if you are passionate about nurturing your plants, you probably know the value of organic fertilizers. In recent years, tea leaves have gained popularity as a natural, sustainable alternative to chemical fertilizers.
Whether you are a seasoned gardener or just starting, using tea leaves can enrich your soil, boost plant growth, and reduce your household waste.
Why are tea leaves so special for gardening?
For starters, they are packed with nutrients that plants adore. Plus, they are an eco-friendly option for repurposing something many of us use daily. Ready to learn how tea leaves can transform your garden? Let’s dig in!
Tea leaves contain organic matter, tannins, and minerals like nitrogen, potassium, and magnesium.
These elements are essential for healthy plant development.
By using leftover tea leaves, you’re not just feeding your plants—you’re also reducing landfill waste.
How Tea Leaf is Used as Organic Fertilizer
Why Use Tea Leaves as Fertilizer?
Environmental Benefits
Using tea leaves as fertilizer is an eco-friendly practice.
It reduces waste and cuts down on the need for synthetic fertilizers, which can harm the environment.
Cost-Effective Solution
Why spend money on expensive fertilizers when you can recycle tea leaves from your kitchen? It’s a win-win for your wallet and your garden.
Improved Soil Structure
Tea leaves act as a natural soil conditioner, breaking down into humus that enhances soil aeration, water retention, and nutrient absorption.
Nutrients in Tea Leaves Beneficial for Plants
Tea leaves are a powerhouse of nutrients that plants crave:
Nitrogen: Promotes lush, green foliage.
Phosphorus: Aids in root development and flowering.
Potassium: Enhances disease resistance and overall plant vigor.
Trace Minerals: Elements like magnesium and calcium improve plant strength and health.
Tea leaves break down into organic matter, enriching the soil with nutrients. They also improve water retention and soil aeration, which is great for plant roots.
Natural Pest Repellent
Certain pests, like slugs and ants, are deterred by the tannins in tea leaves. This makes them a natural and chemical-free pest control option.
Compost Booster
Tea leaves accelerate the composting process, adding valuable nitrogen to the pile. This helps create nutrient-rich compost faster.
Practical Applications of Tea Leaves in Gardening
Direct Application
Sprinkle dried tea leaves directly on the soil around your plants. It’s quick, easy, and highly effective.
Spread tea leaves as a mulch layer to retain soil moisture, regulate temperature, and suppress weeds.
Tea Leaf Fertilizer Tea
Brew leftover tea leaves in water, let it cool, and use it as a natural liquid fertilizer for your plants.
Tea leaves are more than just a morning pick-me-up—they’re a gardener’s secret weapon! Packed with nutrients, eco-friendly, and versatile, they can help improve soil quality, boost plant health, and even repel pests. Whether you’re using them fresh, brewed, or as part of compost, tea leaves offer an easy and affordable way to nurture your garden.
By repurposing tea leaves, you’re not only giving back to your plants but also contributing to a greener planet. So why not start saving those tea leaves today? Your garden (and the environment) will thank you!
Groundnut cake is an organic fertilizer derived from the byproduct of the groundnut oil extraction process. During the extraction of cooking oil from groundnuts using machines, the residual cake is obtained. This cake, free from any chemicals, serves as an excellent organic fertilizer, enriched with nutrients beneficial for plant growth.
The composition of groundnut cake includes essential elements such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), commonly referred to as NPK, along with fibers and proteins. It is important to note that groundnut cake lacks certain micronutrients.
Nutritional value of Groundnut Cake:
Nitrogen: 7.3
Phosphorous: 3
Potassium: 2.2
By incorporating groundnut cake into soil, gardeners and farmers can provide plants with a natural and organic source of nutrients, promoting healthy and robust growth.
Benefits of Groundnut Fertilizer
When applied at the appropriate time, groundnut cake significantly enhances overall plant growth, stimulating the development of new leaves and branches. This organic fertilizer, enriched with nitrogen, effectively addresses the problem of yellowing leaves in plants, providing a valuable solution when leaf discoloration occurs. Furthermore, groundnut cake expedites the process of photosynthesis in plants, contributing to a more vibrant and lush garden.
In essence, it is a potent fertilizer with essential NPK components that visibly improves the overall health and growth of plants.
Groundnut Fertilizer: Strongest Fertilizer for Plants
1. Where to obtain Groundnut Fertilizer
Groundnut cake can be easily obtained from nearby factories where the extraction of ground oil takes place.
Additionally, it is readily available online, with approximately Rs 300 per kilogram.
2. Process of Applying Groundnut Cake to Plants:
Groundnut cake can be incorporated into plant care through three methods:
1. Soil Mixture Addition:
Grind the obtained groundnut cake pieces into a fine powder using a mortar.
Mix this powder into a prepared soil mixture, adding a handful of the fertilizer powder to approximately 5 kg of the soil blend.
2. Adding in Pot Soil:
When preparing soil mixtures repeatedly is not feasible due to time constraints, directly add groundnut cake powder to the pot soil.
For a 12-inch pot used for a plant, incorporate 2 tablespoons of groundnut cake powder.
Ensure that you loosen the soil before adding the powder, then water the plant after application.
3. Making Liquid Fertilizer:
Dilute approximately 100 grams of groundnut cake in 4-4.5 liters of water to create a liquid tonic. This quantity is suitable for approximately 300 plants.
Be vigilant for any insects in the cake that may emerge after dilution, and remove them.
Keep the solution covered in an area with no direct sunlight exposure.
Allow it to ferment for at least 2 days for the cake to dissolve properly in water. This process is best practiced during winter.
If left for more than 4 days, it may attract insects and fungus, so it’s advisable to keep it for 2-3 days only.
Dilute this tonic with a significant amount of water; for example, add 2 mugs of this solution to 40 liters of water.
The final solution’s consistency should be very thin, not resembling a thick paste, as it is enriched with a large quantity of nitrogen and has a warm nature that could potentially harm the plant.
For a small garden with around 20 plants, take 2 small pieces of groundnut cake, dissolve them in 1 liter of water, and allow the mixture to dissolve for 2 days.
After 2-3 days, dilute it with 8-10 times the amount of water before applying it to the plants.
The efficiency of the liquid tonic in boosting the growth of plants is much higher compared to the first two methods.
Precautions to take while using Groundnut Cake Fertilizer:
1. Temperature Considerations:
Avoid using this fertilizer in hot weather with temperatures above 30-32°C, as it can warm the soil and potentially harm the roots, causing them to burn.
2. Plant Compatibility:
While suitable for all types of plants, including outdoor, indoor, flowering, or fruiting plants, refrain from using it on decorative succulents.
3. Timing of Application:
In cold weather, apply the fertilizer at any time of the day. As temperatures rise, especially in March, administer the fertilizer during the coolest parts of the day, such as early morning or evening after sunset.
4. Soil Moisture:
Ensure that the soil is neither too dry nor too wet before application.
If the soil is dry, moisten it with water before adding the fertilizer. If the soil is too wet, adding fertilizer may lead to fungus growth and root rot. Maintain consistently moist soil.
5. Application Method:
Feed the plant with the well-diluted solution until it starts draining out from the bottom hole of the pot.
The diluted solution should not have adverse effects on the plant at this point.
6. Application Cycle for Different Plants:
For leafy outdoor plants (e.g., tulsi, curry patta, and coriander), administer the fertilizer once a month.
Avoid using other potent fertilizers during the application month.
For heavy feeder plants (e.g., hibiscus and lemon), apply the fertilizer every 20 days.
Avoid using the fertilizer during flowering and fruiting stages.
7. Specific Application Situations:
Apply the fertilizer when the plant becomes nutrient-deficient, showing yellowing leaves after growing numerous branches and flowers.
After hard pruning, wait for 15 days before applying the liquid fertilizer to stimulate new branch growth and enhance overall plant health.
8. Seedlings and Micronutrients:
Never feed this fertilizer to seedlings.
If necessary, provide micronutrients instead.
9. Compatibility and Neem Oil:
Do not mix this fertilizer with any other and avoid applying additional fertilizers for at least 15 days after use.
Neem oil can be sprayed while using this fertilizer.
10. Application Method:
Never use this fertilizer as a foliar spray; always apply it through the soil.
Prepare the required quantity as it cannot be stored due to the risk of attracting fungus and insects.
Limitations of Groundnut Cake Fertilizer:
1. Seasonal Application:
Groundnut cake fertilizer is season-oriented and should not be used in summer.
It is best applied to plants during the period from October to March. Therefore, an alternative fertilizer may be required for the rest of the growing season.
2. Micronutrient Deficiency:
Lacks Micronutrients: This fertilizer lacks micronutrients.
To meet the required nutrient levels for heavy feeder plants, additional micronutrients should be applied after 15 days of using groundnut cake fertilizer.
In conclusion, while groundnut cake fertilizer has its limitations, it remains an essential addition to your gardening supplies. It significantly enhances the growth of heavy feeder plants to remarkable levels when used appropriately.
सीवीड (समुद्री शैवाल) फर्टिलाइज़र पौधों के लिए एक बेहतरीन टॉनिक माना जाता है। इसमें मौजूद पोषक तत्व पौधों की जड़ों को मजबूत बनाते हैं, उनकी वृद्धि को तेज करते हैं, और उन्हें रोगों से बचाते हैं।
पौधों के लिए टॉनिक का काम करता है ये फ़र्टिलाइज़र:
सीवीड फर्टिलाइजर
सीवीड फर्टिलाइज़र को जैविक खाद (आर्गेनिक फ़र्टिलाइज़र) के रूप में जाना जाता है क्योंकि यह प्राकृतिक रूप से समुद्री शैवाल से प्राप्त होता है, जिसमें पौधों के लिए आवश्यक सभी प्रमुख और सूक्ष्म पोषक तत्व होते हैं।
सीवीड फ़र्टिलाइज़र के फायदे (benefits of seaweed fertilizer)
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1. पोषक तत्वों की उच्च मात्रा (High amount of nutrients)
इसमें नाइट्रोजन, फॉस्फोरस, पोटैशियम के साथ-साथ आयरन, मैग्नीशियम, जिंक, और कैल्शियम जैसे सूक्ष्म पोषक तत्व होते हैं, जो पौधों के समग्र स्वास्थ्य के लिए आवश्यक होते हैं।
2. जड़ वृद्धि को बढ़ावा (promotes root growth)
यह पौधों की जड़ों को मजबूत बनाता है, जिससे वे मिट्टी से अधिक पोषक तत्व और पानी को अवशोषित कर पाते हैं।
3. जैविक एवं सरल उर्वरक (organic and simple fertilizers)
यह एक आर्गेनिक और सिंपल फ़र्टिलाइज़र है।
इसको बहुत आसानी से गार्डनिंग में उपयोग किया जाता है।
आर्गेनिक खाद होने के कारण इसको गार्डनिंग में बहुत इस्तेमाल किया जाता है।
4. सुरक्षित और नॉन-टॉक्सिक (safe & non-Toxic)
चूंकि यह समुद्री पौधों से बनाया जाता है, इसलिए यह पूरी तरह से सुरक्षित होता है, और इसे व्यावसायिक रूप से बनाने में किसी भी रसायन का उपयोग नहीं किया जाता है, इसलिए यह सभी मनुष्यों और जानवरों और पौधों आदि के लिए सुरक्षित है।
इस तरह से प्रयोग करने से पर्यावरण को कोई नुकसान नहीं होता है।
5. घर के सभी पौधों को दिया जा सकता है (can be given to all types of plants)
(i)यह सभी घरेलू पौधों को दिया जा सकता है। चाहे वह घर के अंदर हो, बाहर हो, गुद्देदार हो, या पौधों की कोई कटिंग हो।
(ii) गुलाब, तुलसी (पवित्र तुलसी), हिबिस्कस, करी पत्ता, एरेका पाम, स्नेक प्लांट और कई अन्य जैसे सभी सामान्य पौधों के लिए.
इसमें मौजूद प्राकृतिक हार्मोन जैसे ऑक्सिन और साइटोकिनिन पौधों की वृद्धि को उत्तेजित करते हैं और फलों की गुणवत्ता को बेहतर बनाते हैं।
(iii) हैवी फीडर प्लांट जैसे गुलाब, लीची, नींबू, करेला और कई अन्य पौधों में भी ये खाद दे सकते हैं.
6. मिट्टी की गुणवत्ता में सुधार करता है (improves soil quality)
यह मिट्टी में मिलकर प्राकृतिक रूप से मिट्टी की उर्वरता को कई गुना बढ़ा देता है।
यह मिट्टी में कार्बनिक पदार्थ को बढ़ाता है और कई प्रकार के सूक्ष्मजीवों को सक्रिय करता है जो मिट्टी को और भी अधिक प्रभावी बनाते हैं।
यह मिट्टी में मौजूद सूक्ष्म जीवों की उर्वरता को तेज करता है, जिससे मिट्टी अधिक उपजाऊ हो जाती है।
7. पौधों द्वारा आसानी से अवशोषित होता है (easily absorbed by plants)
समुद्री शैवाल की तरल खाद (Seaweed liquid fertilizer) पौधों द्वारा बहुत आसानी से अवशोषित हो जाता है, इसलिए यह पौधों को कम समय में अधिक शक्ति प्रदान करने का एक बहुत प्रभावी खाद भी है।
इसमें मौजूद एल्गिनिक एसिड पानी पृष्ठ तनाव को कम करता है जिससे पौधा इसमें मौजूद पोषक तत्वों को आसानी से अवशोषित कर लेता है।
8. इसको उपयोग करने के लिए किसी विशेषज्ञता की आवश्यकता नहीं है (No expertise required to use it)
यह बाज़ार में आसानी से उपयोग करने लायक एवं तैयार उपलब्ध है।
इसे किसी भी नर्सरी, बाजार या ऑनलाइन भी खरीदा जा सकता है।
इस घोल का उपयोग करने के लिए किसी विशेषज्ञता की आवश्यकता नहीं है, कोई भी इसे बिना किसी जटिलता के उपयोग कर सकता है।
9. यह लाभदायक परिणाम देता है (it gives beneficial results)
कई मामलों में लाभकारी परिणाम देखने को मिलते हैं, पौधे ठीक से बढ़ने लगते हैं, और समुद्री शैवाल के घोल के उपयोग के बाद ही पौधों में थोड़े समय में ही फूल और फल लगने लगते हैं।
10. इसको आसानी से स्टोर कर सकते हैं (it can be easily stored)
समुद्री शैवाल की खाद बोतल या पाउच पैकिंग में आता है इसलिए इसे स्टोर करना भी आसान है।
एक बोतल या पाउच की कीमत लगभग 200-250 रुपये है। एक बोतल 4-5 महीने तक चलेगी.
समुद्री शैवाल के दानों के पैकेट की कीमत लगभग 270 रुपये प्रति किलोग्राम है, तुलनात्मक रूप से यह तरल घोल की बोतलों से सस्ता है।
11. रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता में सुधार (improves immunity)
सीवीड फर्टिलाइज़र पौधों की रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता को बढ़ाता है, जिससे वे कीटों और बीमारियों से बचाव कर पाते हैं।
Making an organic homemade fertilizer with onion peels is easy and odor-free. It is easy to store and works well on all types of plants weather it is outdoor, indoor or vegetable plants. It has no adverse effects when applied correctly.
Answers to common questions about suitability, growth, side effects, application, and the creation process are covered in this article.
What is Onion Peel Fertilizer?
Onion Peel Fertilizer is a natural and organic fertilizer made from onion peels. This homemade fertilizer is created by utilizing the nutrient-rich properties found in onion skins.
The process involves extracting beneficial compounds from the peels to formulate a solution that can enhance plant growth and health.
How to make Onion Peel Fertilizer at Home
1. Container: Use a plastic, glass, or jug. Fill it with dry onion peels, avoiding wet pulp to prevent odor and fungus.
Note 1:
Do not use wet pulp of onions because it has the potential to rot, emit unpleasant odours, and may attract fungus.
Additionally, a tonic made with wet pulp cannot be stored effectively.
Note 2:
Choosing dry peels ensures that the tonic avoids problems like attracting ants or introducing fungus to the soil when applied later on.
2. Soaking: Add water to soak the peels. Cover and place it in a cool area (not in direct sunlight) for 24 hours.
3. Purple Solution: After 24 hours, a purple solution forms, suitable for seedlings. Mix 2-3 spoons with water and apply to seedlings.
4. Stir daily for 4 days: Stir daily for 4 days to create a dark tonic for leafy plants.
After leaving it for 4 days and stirring every day, you will have a strong, dark tonic ready for leafy plants.
Strain it if necessary and mix it with three times its volume in water before giving it to the plants.
5. Soaking the pulp in water for 7 days: Soak pulp for 7 days for a dark brown tonic.
After 7 days, strain it well and do not keep it for more days.
Mix the strained tonic with three times the amount of clean water and use it to feed fruiting and flowering plants.
Precautions need to be followed before giving fertilizer
1. Strain Properly: Make sure no onion pulp gets into the soil.
Always strain the solution well before giving it to the plant.
2. Hoe Soil: Before applying the onion peel tonic, make sure to thoroughly hoe the soil.
3. Do not give fertilizer in wet Soil: Ensure that the soil is dry before applying any liquid fertilizer, as excessively wet soil may hinder absorption.
4. Avoid giving during extreme temperature: Give the tonic in the early morning or evening.
Avoid giving it during sun exposure or in the afternoon.
Providing fertilizer to hot soil during sunny periods can scorch the plants.
When to Use Onion Peel Fertilizer
You can use the onion peel tonic in every season—summer, winter, or monsoon, but avoid giving it during the plant’s dormant period.
1. Summer Dormancy: Some plants like Tulsi (holy basil), curry leaves, hibiscus, mint, and Mexican mint, etc. thrive in summer but experience dormancy in winter.
Don’t use onion tonic on these plants during winter.
2. Winter Dormancy: During peak summer, plants like roses and chrysanthemums, usually associated with winter, may go in dormancy period.
Avoid using onion peel fertilizer on them in summer.
3. Year-round Use: Besides specific dormancy periods, you can give onion peel to plants year-round, whether indoors or outdoors plants.
How to use Onion Peel Liquid Fertilizer
1. Outdoor Plants: Give once in a month.
For flowering or fruiting plants in their peak stages (e.g., roses in winter or hibiscus in summer), use it twice a month.
2. Indoor Plants: Feed once every 2 months with onion peel fertilizer.
3. Spraying Option: Dilute the tonic with four times water and spray on plants every 15 days.
While the visible difference might not be huge, there are no side effects.
While onion peel provides nutrients, it is good to use other fertilizers for a balanced nutrient profile. Avoid using other fertilizers, Epsom salt, tonic, seaweed, banana peel, or similar substances 10 days before or after giving onion peel fertilizer.
How to store the Onion peel tonic
1. Use an Airtight Container: Put any leftover tonic in a sealed container and keep it in a cool place, away from bright sunlight. But don’t store it in the fridge.
2. Shelf Life: Since it is homemade without preservatives, how long it lasts depends on the temperature and weather.
In hot conditions, it might last 3-4 days; in colder weather, it can last 10-15 days. On average, expect about 7-8 days.
3. Check Regularly: Every 2-3 days, open the container and give it a shake.
Before using it, give it a sniff. If it smells bad, don’t use it. If it is odorless, it’s safe for your plants.
Well! Adding Onion Peel liquid fertilizer in your gardening routine can yield noticeable improvements. Explore the positive effects and admire the positive changes in your plants.
Made from neem cake, this tonic fortifies plants internally, protecting roots from pests and fungal attacks. It enhances soil quality and boosts plant immunity.
1. Fortifies plants internally, safeguarding roots against pest and fungal attacks.
2. Strengthens plant immunity, inhibiting insect, snail, or ant invasions.
3. Enhances soil quality, improving moisture retention and nutrient availability.
4. Acts as a natural pesticide and fungicide, promoting plant health and vitality.
Suitable for: It is suitable for all types of plants and promotes shiny, healthy leaves.
Made from composted kitchen waste, this fertilizer is rich in nutrients and beneficial microorganisms. It improves soil health and enhances plant growth.
Provides a nutrient-rich solution for plant growth, promoting healthy foliage and robust root development.
Enhances soil structure and fertility, improving moisture retention and nutrient availability.
Contains beneficial microorganisms that support plant health and suppress soil-borne diseases.
Eco-friendly way to recycle kitchen waste and nourish your garden without chemical additives.
These magical tonics possess potent qualities, capable of elevating your plants to the next level, showcasing magnificent growth. Utilize them to breathe new life into your garden and enhance its vitality.
Application Tips:
1. Dilution:
Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for dilution rates to avoid over-fertilizing, which can harm your plants.
2. Frequency:
Most liquid fertilizers should be applied every 1-2 weeks during the growing season.
3. Application Method:
Use a watering can or garden sprayer to apply the fertilizer to the base of the plants, ensuring even distribution.
Plant-Specific Needs:
Different plants have different nutrient requirements, so choose a fertilizer that matches your plants’ needs.
Why Onion Peel Fertilizer is best Organic Fertilizer for Plants?
Onion peels, often discarded as kitchen waste, hold a hidden potential to boost plant growth and enhance soil fertility. The concept of utilizing onion peels as a natural fertilizer has gained traction among environmentally conscious gardeners and farmers.
Benefits of Onion Peel Fertilizer for Plant Growth
This article delves into the benefits of onion peel fertilizer for various plants and its role in sustainable agriculture.
1. Nutrient-Rich Composition:
Onion peels are not just waste; they are a rich source of nutrients essential for plant growth.
They contain significant amounts of
calcium, and
along with trace elements like magnesium and sulfur.
These nutrients are vital for the development of robust root systems, lush foliage, and vibrant blooms in plants.
2. Soil Enrichment and pH Regulation:
One of the primary benefits of using onion peel fertilizer is its ability to enrich the soil.
When incorporated into the soil, onion peels gradually decompose, releasing nutrients that improve soil fertility.
Additionally, onion peels have natural acidic properties, which can help regulate soil pH levels, making them suitable for plants that thrive in slightly acidic conditions, such as tomatoes, peppers, and strawberries.
3. Organic Pest Repellent:
Onion peels contain compounds like quercetin and sulfur compounds, which have natural insect-repelling properties.
When used as a mulch or incorporated into the soil, onion peel fertilizer can help deter pests and insects, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.
This organic pest control method is particularly beneficial for protecting sensitive plants like herbs and leafy greens from common garden pests.
The fibrous nature of onion peels aids in improving soil structure and enhancing water retention capacity.
By adding onion peel fertilizer to the soil, gardeners can mitigate water runoff and ensure better moisture retention, especially in sandy or fast-draining soils.
This benefit is crucial for promoting healthy root development and reducing water stress in plants during periods of drought or hot weather.
5. Encourages flower and fruit production:
The nutrients found in onion peels play a crucial role in stimulating robust flowering and fruiting in plants, ultimately contributing to higher yields.
These nutrients, including potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and nitrogen, among others, provide essential building blocks for plant growth and development.
(i) Potassium, for instance, is known for its role in flower and fruit formation, as well as in improving overall plant vigor and resilience to stress.
(ii) Phosphorus is essential for energy transfer within plants and is particularly important during flowering and fruiting stages, aiding in the production of seeds and fruits.
(iii) Calcium helps regulate cell division and is vital for strong cell walls, contributing to fruit quality and shelf life.
(iv) Nitrogen is essential for leaf and stem growth, ensuring that plants have the necessary resources to support abundant flowering and fruit set.
6. Sustainable and Cost-Effective:
Utilizing onion peels as fertilizer aligns with the principles of sustainable agriculture and waste reduction.
Instead of discarding onion peels as trash, repurposing them as a natural fertilizer minimizes waste and contributes to eco-friendly gardening practices. Moreover, onion peel fertilizer is cost-effective compared to commercial fertilizers, offering a budget-friendly alternative for home gardeners and small-scale farmers.
In conclusion, onion peel fertilizer offers a plethora of benefits for plant growth and soil health.
From enriching the soil with essential nutrients to repelling pests and improving water retention, onion peels are a valuable resource for sustainable gardening and agriculture.
Let’s not throw away onion peels; instead, let’s see them as a way to help our garden grow and thrive.
Vermicompost is an organic and most powerful compost made up of earthworms. Today, Vermicompost is widely used by many gardeners and farmers in gardening activities.
Vermicompost is also known as earthworm manure. It is a natural process in which earthworms consume the remains of organic matter such as plants and fruit and converts them into nutrient-rich manure in the form of feces. This natural process of composting is beneficial in improving the quality of the soil, making it more suitable for plant growth.
What is ‘tea’ in gardening?
Any solid manure, when diluted in water to make liquid fertilizer, is commonly known ascompost tea in gardening.
Examples include cow dung manure tea, kitchen manure tea, and vermicompost tea. The methods of making tea from these fertilizers may vary.
How to make Vermicompost tea?
Take good quality vermicompost in the bucket.
Add lots of water to the bucket. After some time the manure may expand, so keep extra water so that it dissolves well.
Cover the bucket with a lid and place it in a cool place, shaded area, away from direct sunlight.
Water extracts the nutrients of vermicompost when it starts mixing with water.
Before using the solution (tea), strain it through a cloth or fine mesh to remove any compost particles that may clog your spray bottle.
Important note:
Soaked vermicompost can be used in two ways.
It can be used after 24 hours of soaking.
It can also be used after 1 week of soaking.
Both solutions have different benefits and can be used in different ways.
1. Benefits of using Vermicompost tea after 24 hours of soaking
Steps to use it:
Sieve the solution and dilute the obtained tea with water in a 1:1 ratio.
Fill the diluted tea in a spray bottle for multipurpose use.
You can use this diluted vermicompost tea in the following ways:
Spray it on small seedlings and the leaves of plants.
Use it as a mild nourishing tonic for cuttings.
Apply it to plants during times of stress, such as after pruning, repotting, or when propagating new plants.
Vermicompost tea is a quick and effective fertilizer that can be made in 24 hours.
It can be sprayed on plants every 15 days in the evening.
This treatment promotes healthy growth and makes leaves shiny.
2. Benefits of using Vermicompost tea after 1 week of soaking
If compost is soaked for 1 week in water, it will result in a more concentrated, dark-colored solution. While soaking vermicompost in water, it is important to stir the solution occasionally to ensure proper mixing of the compost with water.
Strong fertilizer:Vermicompost tea obtained by this method is indeed a strong fertilizer due to its higher concentration.
Steps to use it:
Take this tea (there’s no need to sieve it at this point) and dilute it with water at a ratio of 1 part tea to 4 parts water.
Give this diluted tea to your plants gradually until it starts to flow out from the bottom hole of the container.
The compost residue left after separating the tea can be incorporated into the soil as a soil conditioner.
Vermicompost tea can be applied to all types of plants
This vermicompost tea is enriched with nutrients and can be given to all types of plants, including indoor and outdoor plants, flowering and non-flowering plants, and succulents.
a) For indoor plants– when using only vermicompost tea, apply it once every 45 to 60 days.
b) For outdoor plants – when using only vermicompost tea, apply it every 20 to 25 days.
Ensure that no other fertilizer is applied to the plants for 10 days both before and after using vermicompost tea.
Why is Vermicompost Tea recommended instead of solid form?
Vermicompost tea is often recommended over vermicompost (solid form) for many reasons:
1. Vermicompost (s0lid form) cannot be used as a spray for plants.
2. For small seedlings, a liquid tonic is recommended. A liquid form of nutrition is suitable for small seedlings.
3. Additionally, for cuttings and Lecca balls,vermicompost (solid form) cannot be added directly. It is preferable to use liquid tea filled in a spray bottle.
4. Some plants require regular nutrition every 15-20 days for optimal growth. Adding vermicompost (solid form) again and again every 15 days may disrupt soil structure. Therefore vermicompost tea is a more suitable option.
5. A small amount of compost can produce significant amounts of tea, which can effectively nourish all plants. In contrast, solid manure, if available in limited quantities, may not be sufficient for all plants.
6. When adding fertilizer or manure to plants, it is also important to water the soil. This helps the soil absorb nutrients from the compost, which is a slower process than providing a nutrient-rich tonic (like compost tea) directly.
At last:
Liquid tonics significantly enhance plant growth, and vermicompost tea is particularly effective when used as a nutrient source for plants.
Giving fertilizers to plants is an important aspect of gardening that provides the essential nutrients required for healthy plant growth. Just as humans and other animals require food for survival and growth, plants also require nutrients for growth and production. In the absence of these nutrients, the growth of plants stops and the yield decreases.
For proper nourishment and growth, plants require soil, water, sunlight, fertilizers, as well as human love and care. It’s essential to use these resources effectively and efficiently. This article will address four essential questions (3 W and 1 H- Why, What, When and How) related to feeding your plants:
1. Why should you feed your plants?
2. What should you feed them?
3. When should you feed them?
4. How should you feed them?
Classification of fertilizers for Outdoor plants
Organic fertilizers are rich in organic matter, which helps to improve soil structure, retain moisture, and promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the soil. They also release nutrients slowly, providing a steady supply of nutrients to the plants over time.
Some of the fertilizers are mentioned below:
Neem cake
Mustard cake
Epsom salt
Banana peel liquid fertilizer
Cow dung liquid fertilizer
Seaweed fertilizer
1. Compost for Outdoor plants
When making a soil mixture for outdoor plants, compost is a preferred ingredient.
Compost is a natural fertilizer that is rich in nutrients and can be used to improve soil health.
It makes the soil porous and also retains water for a longer duration.
If the soil in existing plants is becoming clayey or tight, adding compost can help to improve the soil quality.
You can use any type of compost, including cow dung, vermicompost, leaf compost, or kitchen compost.
2. Neem Cake fertilizer for outdoor plants
Neem cake, a byproduct of neem seed oil extraction, can be used as a natural pesticide and fungicide to prevent attacks by insects, viruses, bacteria, or fungi in soil.
It helps to improve soil quality by adding essential nutrients, enhancing soil structure, and increasing water retention.
It can be added to the soil mixture in small amounts as it is very potent.
We can add neem cake powder to the soil mixture as well as we can make neem cake liquid fertilizers and give them once a month.
The mustard cake fertilizer is a very strong fertilizer and should be used with caution.
It is recommended to apply it during the winter season when the weather is cooler and the soil is more receptive to nutrients.
However, it can also be used during summers, but it is not recommended during extremely hot weather when the temperature is near 40 ℃.
We can add a little bit of mustard cake powder in soil-mixture as well as we can give mustard cake liquid fertilizer to plants once a month.
It is important to dilute mustard cake properly in a handsome amount of water before applying it to plants, as it can be too strong for plants if used directly.
4. Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate) for outdoor plants
In cases where plants are not growing properly despite receiving adequate fertilizers, water, and sunlight, Epsom salt can be considered as a good supplement.
We can either directly add Epsom salt to the soil or make a dilute solution and give it in the soil or can make a foliar spray.
We have to give Epsom salt only when it is needed.
It is important to use Epsom salt in moderation and always maintain a gap of at least 10 -12 days between the two fertilizers to avoid over-nutrients to the plants.
This will allow the plants to absorb the nutrients from each fertilizer effectively and prevent any negative effects on plant growth.
Banana peel fertilizer can act as a catalyst for plants during the flowering or fruiting stage, or in cases where the plant is not blooming.
The high levels of Potassium and Phosphorus in banana peels can help to promote the growth and development of flowers and fruits, while also providing other essential nutrients to the plants.
The best is to make Banana peel liquid fertilizer and give it to the soil. Otherwise, you can add Banana peel to the Kitchen compost as raw banana peels may attract pests and insects.
Banana peel liquid fertilizer should be given once every fifteen days.
Cow Dung liquid fertilizer is a widely used and popular form of organic fertilizer.
It is rich in nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium, which are essential for plant growth. Additionally, it contains microorganisms that help in the breakdown of organic matter in the soil and improve soil fertility.
It can be given to any outdoor as well as indoor plants once a month.
It is important to ensure that the cow dung compost tea has been properly aged or composted before using it, as fresh cow manure can contain high levels of ammonia that can harm plants.
1. All the liquid fertilizers are endowed with balanced nutrients like NPK, Magnesium, Zinc, Calcium, and all other nutrients.
2. Rotation of the above-mentioned fertilizers is recommended every 20-25 days.
3. A deficiency of nutrients can be recovered in the plants but excess nutrition will damage the plant. So, even if you are giving any tonic or any supplement to plants always maintain the suggested time gap of at least 10-15 days.
4. Vegetable plants such as tomatoes, green chilies, brinjal, cabbage, bitter gourd, etc. should be fertilized with liquid fertilizers every 20 days.
5. For other outdoor plants, including both flowering and non-flowering ones like Tulsi (Holy basil) and Curry tree, etc. and Hibiscus, liquid fertilizer should be applied every 25 days.
Fertilizers for Indoor Plants
It is important to select an appropriate fertilizer for indoor plants, as they have specific nutritional needs. A balanced fertilizer with equal amounts of Nitrogen, phosphorus, and Potassium as well as micronutrients is often recommended for indoor plants.
Indoor plants such as ZZ plants, Areca Palms, Syngoniums, Money plants, Anthurium, Snake plants, Peace lilies, etc. require nutrients approximately once every two months during their active growth period, typically in the spring and summer months.
Giving fertilizers to these plants during the dormant period in winter is generally not recommended, as they require less water and nutrients during this time.
Cow Dung fertilizer is the most suitable fertilizer for this category.
Mustard cake fertilizer can also be given to them once a year.
Seaweed fertilizer (granules/liquid fertilizer) can be given once in a 2 months gap.
Vegetable plants need water, sunlight, fertilizer, and everything in a maximal amount whereas indoor plants need minimal of everything.
Prioritize your plants and pick suitable fertilizer to nourish them.
Banana Peel fertilizer serves as a superb organic fertilizer that you can effortlessly create in the comfort of your home. It offers a natural and budget-friendly method to supply plants with the vital nutrients necessary for robust growth and flourishing.
In this comprehensive article, we aim to answer some most common frequently asked questions (FAQs) and provide you with a better understanding of how Banana Peel fertilizers can enhance your plant growth.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Banana Peel Fertilizer
Qs. 1: What is banana peel fertilizer?
Ans: Banana peel fertilizer is a natural and organic fertilizer made from banana peels.
It is rich in nutrients like potassium, phosphorus, and calcium, which are beneficial for plant growth.
2. How do I make banana peel fertilizer at home?
Ans: To make banana peel fertilizer at home, you can chop or blend banana peels and mix them with water.
Let the mixture sit for a few days, then strain it to obtain a liquid fertilizer. You can dilute this liquid before using it on your plants.
3. What are the benefits of using banana peel fertilizer?
Ans: Banana peel fertilizer provides essential nutrients to plants, especially potassium.
It promotes flowering, fruiting, and overall plant health. It also helps improve soil structure and encourages microbial activity.
4. Can I use banana peel fertilizer for all types of plants?
Ans: Yes, banana peel fertilizer is suitable for a wide range of plants, including vegetables, fruits, flowers, and houseplants.
However, it is particularly beneficial for plants that require higher levels of potassium.
5. How often should I apply banana peel fertilizer?
Ans: It is generally recommended to use banana peel fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season.
Adjust the frequency based on the specific needs of your plants and the soil conditions.
6. Are there any plants that may not benefit from banana peel fertilizer?
Ans: While banana peel fertilizer is beneficial for most plants, some plants may have specific nutrient requirements that are not met by banana peels alone.
Always consider the specific needs of your plants and use additional fertilizers if necessary.
7. Can I use banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants?
Ans: Yes, banana peel fertilizer is suitable for indoor plants.
However, it’s essential to use it in moderation and dilute it properly to avoid over-fertilizing.
8. Are there any potential drawbacks to using banana peel fertilizer?
Ans: Banana peel fertilizer is generally safe and beneficial, but overusing it can lead to an imbalance of nutrients.
It is crucial to follow recommended application rates and not exceed them.
9. Can I use banana peels directly in the soil as a fertilizer?
Ans: While banana peels can be buried directly in the soil, it is more effective to break them down first.
Chopping or blending the peels and creating a liquid fertilizer allows for better nutrient absorption by the plants.
10. Is banana peel fertilizer a sustainable and eco-friendly option?
Ans: Yes, banana peel fertilizer is considered eco-friendly as it utilizes kitchen waste and reduces the need for chemical fertilizers.
It is a sustainable way to recycle banana peels and improve soil health.
Remember to observe your plants and soil conditions, adjusting your fertilization practices accordingly.
Benefits & Uses of Banana Peel Fertilizer for Plants
If you are fond of gardening, then banana peels will be of great use to your plants. The banana peel fertilizer is an excellent source of organic manure that can be easily made at home. It is a natural and cost-effective way to provide plants with the essential nutrients they need to grow and thrive.
Many people complain that despite taking all necessary care and measures for the plant, there are still irregularities in its growth. My plants are not flowering or the plant is healthy but flowers or fruits are not coming.
So, why is it happening, and what are the reasons behind this?
The main reason for this is the lack of nutrients in your plant. This indicates two factors:
1. When fertilizer is provided to the roots, it is not efficiently distributed to other parts of the plant, such as the stem, leaves, branches, or buds.
2. Additionally, while plants produce their food in the form of starch in their leaves, it is possible for the food to remain in the leaves and not be distributed to other parts of the roots of the plant.
Note: Starch plays a crucial role in providing immunity to plants, especially for their roots.
The above two factors indicate that the “transportation system” of the plant is not working well which can be attributed to a lack of potassium.
Luckily, potassium is highly available in bananas and banana peels and can be used to improve the transportation system of the plant.
If in this condition, the plant is fed by banana peel fertilizer, then the problem would be resolved.
Not only potassium but banana peels contain many other nutrients like calcium, magnesium, sulfur, and phosphorus, all of which are essential for plant growth and development.
Additionally, banana peels contain other micronutrients, such as zinc, copper, and iron, which are important for plant health.
How to make Banana peel fertilizer at home?
There are many ways to make banana manure at home. Some of them are detailed here:
Method – 1
1. Chop the banana peels into small pieces.
2. Place them in a clean utensil and fill the water. Make sure the peels are properly dipped in the water.
3. Cover the container and keep it in a shaded area for 8-10 hours.
4. During this process, the remains of the banana pulp dissolve in the water.
5. After 10 hours, strain the water and dilute it with more water (using 7-8 times more water than the amount of fertilizer produced). Then, use the diluted mixture to feed your plants.
6. It is essential to sieve and dilute the fertilizer before using it on plants. Otherwise, the quantity of potassium would be much higher than the requirement, which can prevent the plant from absorbing other nutrients.
Method – 2 (Banana peel fertilizer powder)
1. Cut the banana peels and dry them in the sun.
2. After 4 days, the peels will be completely dry, black, and crispy.
3. Grind the dried peels into a fine powder and store it in a container.
4. When required, dissolve the powder in water and use it to feed your plants.
5. Alternatively, you can sprinkle the banana peel powder on the top layer of soil and water the plant.
6. The banana manure will decompose slowly in the soil, so avoid adding too much water. This method provides a slow-release fertilizer for your plants.
Method – 3
1. Take a banana peel and bury it in the soil of a potted plant.
2. Do not add any additional water or moisture to the soil.
3. Over time, the banana peel will decompose and release its nutrients into the soil, making it more fertile for the plant to grow.
This method is a natural way to provide nutrients to your plants, but it may take longer for the banana peel to decompose and release its nutrients compared to other methods.
When to give Banana peel fertilizer?
1. Avoid using banana peel fertilizer on plants that are still small or in the growing stage because they require equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) at that time.
In banana manure, the quantity of nitrogen is very low. It will lead to nutrient imbalance and plants might die due to a deficiency of nitrogen.
2. Always, give banana manure, when the plant is at the stage of flowering or fruiting.
3. While banana peel fertilizer can be used on all plants, it is important to rotate it with other fertilizers to maintain nutrient balance.
After applying banana peel fertilizer, wait for at least 20 days before using other fertilizers such as mustard cake or any other.
This will help ensure that the plants receive a balanced mix of nutrients to support their growth and development.
Important note:
1. Overwatering can spoil the plant, so it is important to only fertilize when the soil is completely dry. In addition, after fertilizing, water should only be given when the soil appears to be dry.
2. There are 17 essential nutrients that plants require for healthy growth. Supplements like potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus i.e. NPK are needed in ample quantities to fulfill all the nutrient requirements.
So, fertilizers play a crucial role in the acute growth of plants.
So, get bananas, eat them to stay healthy, and use their peels to make organic fertilizer for your plants. This way, you can ensure that your plants get the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy. By following the above important tips, you can help your plants thrive and enjoy the benefits of homegrown produce.