Tag Archives: how to germinate seeds

seeds germination

How to Germinate Seeds Successfully: 7 Tips: Check Complete Guide

How to Germinate Seeds Successfully


The first and crucial step in growing plants is seed germination. Many plants can be cultivated at home, including tulsi (holy basil), marigolds, capsicum, tomatoes, spinach, coriander, and more. You can obtain seeds for these plants from both the market and the vegetables you use in your daily cooking.

This article includes:

    • How to check good quality seeds
    • Perfect growing medium
    • Temperature required
    • How to place seeds
    • How to water
    • How to protect from birds and ants
    • Duration of seed germination

What if your seeds do not germinate?


Yes, it can be frustrating when seeds do not germinate despite your efforts, and it can be a waste of time and resources. However, there are several measures and key points that you can follow to increase your chances of successful germination.

How to Germinate Seeds Successfully


Here are some tips to help you germinate seeds successfully:

1. Take good quality seeds:

How to Germinate Seeds Successfully


1. Check the seed packets for the expiration date

  • Even after taking all the necessary measures, old or poor-quality seeds may not germinate. Hence, Check the seed packets for the expiration date and use them before the date has passed.

2. Perform a water test

  • To determine the quality of your seeds, you can perform a water test. Simply soak the seeds in a bowl of water for 10-15 hours.
  • The seeds that sink to the bottom of the bowl are typically of good quality, while the seeds that float at the top are typically of poor quality.
  • Therefore, it’s recommended to use the seeds that settle at the bottom of the bowl for planting.

2. Use the right growing medium for seed germination:

coco peat
coco peat

  • The choice of growing medium is crucial as seedlings are very soft and delicate. You can sow seed in the soil or in a coco peat.
  • If the soil is dry and hard, the seedlings may have trouble emerging after germination. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that the soil is not compact and hard if you are adding your seeds to it directly.
  • Alternatively, coco peat can be used as a growing medium as it is soft and gentle.
  • However, coco peat lacks nutrients, so after 10-15 days, the saplings may become weak and dull due to a lack of sufficient nutrients.

Also, read: All About Coco peat in gardening


To address this issue, there are two potential solutions:

1. You could add manure or liquid tonics after 15 days to provide nutrients.

2. Alternatively, you could create a soil mixture consisting of regular garden soil, sand, and compost (you can refer to a soil mixture article for the exact ratio).

  • Firstly, add the soil mixture to the pot, then on top, add a layer of coco peat approximately 1-1.5 inches thick, and finally add the seeds.
  • This method ensures that when the seedlings’ roots grow down into the soil, they will absorb sufficient nutrients.
  • Additionally, this method promotes fast germination due to the presence of coco peat.

As a result, your seedlings will be healthy, and there will be no need to transfer them to other pots for some days.

3. Temperature required for seed germination


Typically, seeds will germinate within a temperature range of 15℃ to 25℃.

seeds growing
seeds growing
  • The best seasons for the germination of your seeds are the Spring and Autumn seasons.
  • However, the germination of seeds gets stopped in extreme summers and winters.

4. Correct way to place the seeds in the growing medium/soil/pot

1. Step 1 – To germinate the seeds, start by placing the fresh seeds or soaked seeds at a distance on top of the coco peat without pressing or burying them.

    • This will provide enough space for the seeds to germinate properly and make it easier for you to transfer them later.

seedling tray
seedling tray

2. Step 2 – Next, cover the seeds with a thin layer of coco peat and gently spray water over the top.

    • Avoid using a mug or pipe as this can disturb the seeds and can rot the seeds.
watering tips to seedlings
watering tips to seedlings


    • If you don’t have a spray bottle, you can place the pot in a container filled with water, and the soil will absorb water through the drainage hole at the bottom as required.

5. Location of the pot


Sunlight is not necessary for the germination of seeds.

  • This can be illustrated by the example of making chickpea sprouts at home, where they are kept in a wet cloth for a few hours and sprouts emerge without sunlight. Therefore, the pot can be placed in a shaded area without sunlight.
sprouts in wet cloth
sprouts in wet cloth

However, if the pot is kept outside on a balcony in the sunlight, the topsoil can become dry and hot, potentially damaging the seeds.

  • To avoid this, it is better to grow seeds during spring and autumn when the weather is more suitable.

6. Correct way to water for successful seed germination


    • To ensure the successful germination of seeds, it is important to keep the soil moist.
    • Moist the soil as soon as you notice that the top layer is drying out.
    • Remember not to let the soil get completely dry, as this may hinder germination.
    • However, be careful not to overwater the soil, as this can create conditions favorable for the growth of fungus.
    • Using coco peat can help maintain the moisture level in the soil and keep it well moisturized.
    • It is recommended to use a spray bottle to water the seeds, as using a mug or a pipe can disturb the seeds.

7. Duration of seed germination

    • The duration of germination may vary from three to ten days, and it is important to be patient and wait for at least ten days for the seeds to germinate.
    • If the seeds do not germinate even after ten days, the chances of them germinating are very less.
    • Therefore, it is crucial to consider all the above-mentioned factors carefully to ensure successful germination.

From where to buy good quality seeds

1. Nurseries or from good seed stores:
    • Buying seeds from nurseries or from good seed stores is a pocket-friendly and convenient option.
    • It is advisable to check the manufacturing and expiry dates before buying the seeds.
2. Buy Online:
    • You can also purchase seeds online, but make sure to check the reviews and manufacturing and expiry dates before making the purchase.
3. Kitchen Vegetables:
    • If you have large-sized vegetables that are overripe or rotten, you can take the seeds out from them and use them for growing plants.
    • The mature seeds of such vegetables can be easily grown into plants.

It is important to note that seeds available in the market are often chemically treated to prevent fungus and pests and also germinate faster compared to seeds taken from vegetables.

Follow the above tips and make your gardening exciting!!!


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seeds germination FAQs

FAQs on How to Germinate Seeds Successfully

Seed germination is an art in gardening, influenced by factors like growing mediums, watering techniques, sunlight requirements, and more.

In this article, we will answer the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about seed germination, covering essential aspects such as seed quality, optimal seasons, temperatures, and key success factors.

Q1. What is seed germination?

seed germination

Ans: Seed germination is the process by which a seed transforms into a new plant. It involves the activation of the embryo within the seed, leading to the emergence of a seedling.

Q2. How to check if seeds are of good quality?

seeds growing

Ans: To check seed quality, look for uniform size, a firm and undamaged seed coat, and a lack of mold or discoloration. 

  • Purchase seeds from reputable sources, and ensure that the packaging is sealed and undamaged. Properly stored seeds are more likely to maintain their viability.

seeds packet

Check the seed packets for the expiration date:

  • Even after taking all the necessary measures, old or poor-quality seeds may not germinate. Hence, Check the seed packets for the expiration date and use them before the date has passed.

Q3. Which is the best season for successful seed germination?

Ans: The best seasons for the successful seed germination are the Spring and Autumn season.

  • However, the germination of seeds gets stopped in extreme summers and winters.

Q4. What is the optimal temperature for seed germination?

Ans: The optimal temperature for seed germination varies among plant species. However, a range of 15°C – 25°C is suitable for many common garden plants.

Q5. What are the important factors for successful seed germination?

Ans: Critical factors include proper moisture, temperature, oxygen, and light conditions. Each plant species may have specific requirements.

Read article:

How to Germinate Seeds Successfully

Q6. What is the best growing medium for seed germination?

Ans: A well-balanced seed-starting mix with a combination of peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite is often recommended. It provides good aeration and moisture retention.

Q7. Can I use coco peat as a growing medium for seed germination?

coco peat

Ans: Yes, coco peat is a suitable growing medium for seed germination.

  • It retains moisture well, promotes aeration, and is a sustainable alternative to traditional peat moss.

Q8. How often should we water seeds during the germination process?

watering tips to seedlings

Ans: Keep the growing medium consistently moist but not waterlogged.

  • Watering frequency depends on factors like temperature, humidity, and the specific needs of the plant.
  • Moist the soil as soon as you notice that the top layer is drying out.

Q9. Does sunlight play any role during the seeds germination process?

Ans: Sunlight is not necessary for the germination of seeds.

  • Always refer to specific plant requirements. Once seedlings emerge, they generally need adequate light for photosynthesis.

Q10. Can I use a seed tray for seed germination?

seedling tray

Ans: Yes, seed trays are commonly used for seed germination.

  • They provide a controlled environment, make it easy to monitor seedlings, and allow for efficient use of space.

Q11. How much time does it take for successful seed germination?


Ans: The germination time varies widely among plant species.

  • The duration of germination may vary from five to ten days, and it is important to be patient and wait for at least ten days for the seeds to germinate.

Q12. When should we transplant seedlings into the pot?

press seedlings to remove from tray

Ans: Transplant seedlings when they have developed a few true leaves and are large enough to handle.

Happy Gardening!