Tag Archives: gardening for beginners

gardening mistakes

6 Common Mistakes to avoid in Gardening

While doing gardening, we often make some mistakes, which we should not do. Due to this, our plants are not able to grow that well. Whether you are experienced or a beginner, you should know these few things which I am going to tell you through this article.

1 – Do not ignore “Tilling of Soil”

Soil tilling

Generally, people make lots of efforts for the growth of their plants like giving fertilizers on time, feeding humic acid or bio enzymes, pruning at regular intervals, and many more things but they do not give much importance to the basics of gardening that is doing “tilling of the soil”.

The tilling process is important for various reasons-

  • It makes the soil soft.
  • Soil nutrients get shuffled up and down.
  • It maintains good aeration.
  • Roots become strong and healthy.

Once a week, tilling of the soil should be done for the optimal growth of the plants.

2 – Not using the proper technique of spraying pesticides

Pests attack is very common in plants and in particular season insects like mealy bugs, aphids, ants, spider mites plus many others start growing.

Pesticide spray
  • To get rid of them various pesticide solutions are available and prepared. To refrain from insects proper process of spraying needs to be followed.
  • First of all remove all the insects from affected plants by using cotton buds, tissue paper, or any cotton cloth. Clean all the leaves, branches, and all the parts of the plants.
  • After that, spray the solution on each and every part of the plants, the side of the leaves, all the branches, on buds or flowers. If even a single insect remains on the plant then there would be a pest attack again and questions will arise on the effectiveness of the solution.
  • So, here solution would not be a culprit but proper methodology needs to be followed.
  • Follow the treatment on every alternate day until the plant is pest-free.

neem pesticide spray

3 – Selecting the wrong Pots Structure

Despite the material, the structure of the pot matters a lot.

  • Avoid narrow pots because, at the time of tilling, repotting, giving compost or fertilizer, and removing weeds, space is needed to loosen the soil. In narrow pots, we do not get proper space, either the pot will break or the plant will get damaged.
  • Be it, ceramic, plastic, or cement but opt for broad-size pots. Soil would get enough sunlight, tilling can be done easily and the aeration process would be maintained in broad-size pots.

4 – Adding chemicals to compost

kitchen waste


When composts are made at home (any compost – leaf compost, kitchen or cow dung compost), naturally it takes 2 and 2.5 months to make. All the material gets decomposed in the presence of bacteria and fungus which is a slow process.

  • Some people are accelerating this process by adding chemicals to it and compost gets ready in 7-10 days, which is not the correct method.
  • No chemicals should be added to get pure organic compost, moreover, if anything chemically manifested things (compost) is added to the plant then it will deplete the nutrition level of the soil.
  • Fruits, flowers, or vegetables grown by adding this compost would not be organic hence they would be chemically injected which is not good for health.
  • To fasten the process of compost making, add organic or natural; things like buttermilk, vermicompost, sour curd, or worms. All these things will accelerate the process of decaying material.

5 – Not feeding Fertilizers to the plant

Heavy feeder plants like flowering, fruiting, and vegetable plants need fertilizers at regular intervals. They will look beautiful and tempting at nurseries because proper care of them is taken there but after getting them at home, many of them would stop growing.

  • These plants need fertilizer every 20-25 days.
  • NPK, micronutrients, or any other organic fertilizer should be given to the plant to meet the nutrient level of the soil for the booming growth of the plant.

6 – Incorrect way of using Neem Oil

Neem oil is an organic oil and the best pesticide but many people complain that after using neem oil their plants get burnt. Well, the problem is not the neem oil here but the problem is how it is used.

  • Neem oil is strong so when applied to the leaves, the pores of the leaves get blocked and the process of photosynthesis gets seized.
  • To refrain from this, always spray neem oil in the evening and keep the plant for the night as it is. The next day, in the morning before sunrise, wash the plant properly with ample water.
  • Neem oil will do its work at night so make sure leaves with neem oil do not get exposed to sun. While washing, oil might fall in the soil but that is ok.

Happy Gardening!!

7 Gardening Tips for Beginners

Many people are very fond of gardening. They like to see every corner of their house green. Taking care of plants is an important part of their daily routine. But if you’re a beginner in gardening then there are a lot of things you need to know before you start gardening.

You should be aware of the following pointers mentioned below:

  • Which plants are suitable for your place?
  • What is the correct method of watering?
  • How much sunlight is required by different plants?
  • What is the right time of giving fertilizer to the plants?
  • Which fertilizer is suitable for a particular plant?

In this article, we will cover some of the basic tips for healthy gardening.

Basic Gardening Tips for Beginners

1. Start with minimum plant

  • Excess to everything is bad, especially for beginners. If you are planting for the first time then start with only three to four plants.
  • Never start with 15-20 plants in the starting. Gradually increase the number of plants in your garden.
  • In the beginning, we are not aware of various facts and one mistake can spoil all the plants. So, always start with 3-4 plants, not more than that.
  • After 15-20 days, go for 2-3 more new plants and like the way, expand your garden.

2. Select plants according to the space 

  • For gardening, a big terrace or balcony is not required.
  • Plants can be kept in small areas also like windows, near the entrance area, or any corner of the house, and can be hung on curtain rods or nails.
  • Plants cannot grow in the dark area, there should be some sunlight be it direct, indirect, bright, or dim.

A different variety of plants is available like:  

  • Indoor plants
  • Outdoor plants
  • Big Size Plants
  • Small Size Plants

Gardening can be done in any area, sunlight should be there. Select the plant according to the space you have for gardening.

3. Each plant requires contrast treatment

Every plant is unique in its nature hence they need divergent caution and supervision to grow properly. Plants show different behavior in different seasons and climate conditions.

4. Plants need more or direct sunlight

Plants like Tulsi, and Hibiscus need more sunlight. These plants should be kept on the terrace or balcony where the sun is there for at least 4-5 hours.

5. Plants need less or indirect sunlight

  • Some plants need only an hour of sunlight like Syngonium, Aglaonema, and many more. These kinds of plants can be kept in windows or inside the home. So, for terrace or balcony gardening go for the plants which need direct or more sunlight.
  • For balcony gardening, plants that need sunlight for 3-4 hours can opt. For windows and inside the home indoor plants can be selected.
  • Always opt for the right plants according to the place of gardening.

6. List of the plants classified according to the requirement of sunlight

(A) Plants that do not need direct sunlight (but should not be kept in a dark place).

areca palm

  • Monstera 
  • Aglaonema
  • Areca palm
  • Money Plant (Pothos)
  • Syngonium
  • Dieffenbachia
  • Sansevieria (snake Plant)
  • ZZ plant
  • Peace Lily
  • Spider Plant

These plants can be kept inside the home where bright sunlight comes.

(B) If you get sunlight for at least 2-3 hours then opt for all the plants mentioned below.

  • Succulents
  • Caladium
  • Lucky Bamboo
  • Jade Plant
  • Aloe vera
  • Vinca
  • Curry Leaf
  • Christmas Tree
  • Devils Backbone
  • Croton
  • Dracaena
  • All Herbs
  • Coriander
  • Spinach

All these plants can be kept on the balcony or at the entrance area also if direct sunlight is there for 2-3 hours.

(C)  List of plants that need sunlight for at least or more than 4 hours for optimal growth.

sunlight for hibiscus plant

  • Portulaca
  • Rose
  • Marigold
  • Tulsi plant (Holy basil)
  • Shami
  • Hibiscus
  • Aparajita
  • Bougainvillea
  • Night Jasmine (Parijat)
  • Vegetables like tomatoes, brinjal
  • All the flowering and fruit plants.

All these plants need full sunlight for proper growth otherwise they will not grow properly.

7. Location of the House

The direction of the house also affects the gardening a little bit but not much because exposure to the sun also depends on the location of the house. East-facing houses get early morning sunlight in summer which is good for plants whereas in winter sunlight is not sufficient for plants in east-facing homes. 

  • Moreover, if there is a high-rise building in front of your home then you might not get any sunlight on your balcony due to the shade of that high-rise building.
  • Despite the direction, people need to understand the time cycle of the area in which they receive sunlight.
  • Suppose you are getting scorching sunlight during the afternoon in May -June then plants like caladium or croton (which require sunlight only for 2 hours) can be kept on the balcony at that time and then move in the shade.
  • Plants might burn due to red hot sun rays if placed for a longer duration in sunlight.
  • Select the plants according to your space and the sunlight that you are receiving in your gardening area.

Cherish the fun of doing Gardening !!

Happy Gardening!!

gardening working professional

How to Manage Gardening while Working

In the chaos of daily life, managing a garden while working a full-time job might seem like a terrifying task. However, with some smart strategies, you can turn your gardening dreams into a reality. In this article, we explore practical tips for managing a garden while juggling the demands of a job.

How to Manage Gardening while Working

1. Choose Low – Maintenance Plants 

all plants indoor

When time is a precious commodity, opt for plants that require minimal attention.

  • Hardy and resilient varieties like succulents, snake plants, and pothos can thrive with little care. These plants can endure periods of neglect and still add greenery to your space.

Read article:

All about Indoor Plants

2. Create a Simple Garden Design

Keep your garden design straightforward.

  • A complex layout demands more time and effort. Stick to a well-organized, easy-to-maintain design that complements your available time and energy.

3. Embrace Container Gardening

container gardening

Container gardening is a game-changer for busy individuals.

  • It allows you to cultivate plants in pots, making them easier to move and manage.
  • You can even place containers strategically around your home for a touch of greenery wherever you go.

4. Invest in Time-Saving Tools

Smart gardening tools can significantly reduce your workload.

  • Automatic irrigation systems, like drip irrigation, can water your plants efficiently, eliminating the need for daily attention.
  • Additionally, long-handled tools save you from constant bending and reaching.

Read here:

Gardening Tools & Their Uses

5. Set Realistic Goals

Understand your schedule and set achievable gardening goals.

  • Don’t overcommit to a garden that requires more time than you can spare.
  • Start small, and you can gradually expand your green haven.

6. Weekend Warrior Gardening

Use weekends strategically for more time-consuming gardening tasks.

  • Your week-offs can be devoted to pruning, weeding, and other maintenance activities that require more time.

7. Emphasize Drought-Tolerant plants

Choose plants that adapt to drought conditions because you may go for a vacation or back to your hometown for festivities.

  • It ensures your plants don not die.
  • Succulents, cacti, and certain native plants can survive with less frequent watering, making your gardening routine more manageable.

8. Enlist Help

If your schedule is exceptionally tight, consider hiring a gardening service for periodic maintenance.

  • Many local services offer affordable packages for weeding, watering, and overall garden upkeep.

9. Create a Gardening Calendar

Plan your gardening tasks according to the seasons.

  • Different plants have various needs throughout the year. A gardening calendar will help you stay organised.

10. Enjoy the Process

Gardening should be enjoyable, not stressful.

  • Embrace it as a therapeutic activity that allows you to unwind after a busy day.
  • Nature can significantly contribute to your overall well-being.


Amid the whirlwind of work, traffic, and daily responsibilities, maintaining a garden might seem challenging, but it’s not impossible.

  • Adopt these practical tips and adjust them to your unique schedule. Gardening is not just about the result; it’s also about enjoying the journey and finding moments of tranquility amid the chaos.

“Get your hands dirty, and let your garden be a source of joy and relaxation in your bustling life.”


Also, read:

Importance of Gardening in our Life

Happy Gardening!!


Gardening on a Budget: Thrifty Tips from a Self-Taught Gardener

Gardening is a wonderful hobby that allows you to connect with nature, enhance your surroundings, and grow your produce. However, there is a  perception that gardening can be an expensive pursuit. The truth is with a bit of ingenuity, resourcefulness, and a willingness to learn, you can cultivate a thriving garden without emptying your wallet.

indoor gardening

Let’s explore some practical tips for budget-friendly gardening inspired by my experiences as a self-taught gardener including:

  • starting with seeds,
  • creating DIY compost,
  • embracing container gardening,
  • selecting native plants,
  • reusing and upcycling materials,
  • implementing rainwater harvesting,
  • mastering plant propagation,
  • leveraging community and online resources,
  • practicing selective pest control, and
  • remembering the importance of patience and perseverance.

Start with seeds

To kickstart your garden without a hefty price tag, begin with seeds.

“Seeds are more affordable than seedlings or mature plants and offer the joy of nurturing a plant from its beginning.”

  • You will get a variety of economical seeds for flowers, vegetables, and herbs.
  • You can easily source these from local nurseries, online marketplaces, or through seed swaps with fellow gardeners.
  • You can buy packets of seeds instead of buying ready-to-plant seedlings of your favourite vegetables, like tomatoes, capsicum, bell peppers, etc. 


DIY Compost

Compost is the lifeblood of a garden, but you don’t have to buy it.

  • Create your compost bin using kitchen scraps such as fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, and eggshells. Mix in dry leaves and a bit of soil.

kitchen waste

Creating homemade compost, such as cow dung compost and leaf compost, is not only cost-effective but also highly beneficial for plant growth.

  • Cow dung compost is rich in nutrients like nitrogen and serves as an excellent organic fertilizer. 
  • Leaf compost, on the other hand, is an eco-friendly way to recycle fallen leaves from your garden or yard.
kitchen compost

“By creating composts at home, you not only reduce waste but also play a crucial role in ensuring that your plants receive the best nutrition while minimizing your environmental impact.”

Container Gardening

When you are short on space or looking to keep costs low, container gardening is an excellent solution.

container gardening

  • Reuse containers like old buckets, plastic bottles, or wooden crates as planters.
  • An old wooden crate can become a charming herb garden, and repurposed plastic bottles with the tops cut off can serve as ideal containers for growing herbs like mint and basil.

Container gardening allows you to control your soil quality, ensuring optimal growing conditions without the expense of buying pots.”

Local and Indigenous Plants

Select plants native to your region or well-suited to your local climate.

  • These plants are generally robust, requiring less maintenance and fewer interventions like pesticides or excessive watering. By choosing native varieties, you are saving money and promoting biodiversity.


  • For instance, if you live in a hot and arid area you might choose drought-resistant plants like Bougainvillea, Desert Marigold, Aloe Vera, Agave, Date Palm, etc. These plants require less water and care, reducing your gardening expenses.

Aloe vera pot


Reuse and Upcycle

Get creative with your garden decor.

  • Old tires can become colorful flower beds, discarded wooden pallets can transform into vertical gardens, and even broken teacups can serve as charming plant containers.
  • Look around your home for items that can be upcycled into the garden decor, saving you money and reducing waste.

Rainwater Harvesting

rain water

Water is often a precious resource in India, and implementing a rainwater harvesting system can conserve both water and money.

  • Use collected rainwater for watering your plants, and you’ll notice significant cost savings over time.

Plant Propagation

plant from cutting

Learn the art of plant propagation.

  • Many plants can be multiplied from cuttings or by dividing established plants.
  • It eliminates the need to buy new plants and allows you to share your garden’s bounty with friends and family.
  • For example, a single healthy rose cutting can lead to the growth of a new rose bush with beautiful blooms. Other examples include the money plant, jade plant, and many more.

Community and Online Resources

Join local gardening groups or forums, both in your neighborhood and online.


  • Gardeners are usually generous with advice, seeds, and even plant cuttings. This sense of community can be a valuable resource for budget-conscious gardeners.

Selective Pest Control

neem pesticide

Rather than reaching for expensive chemical pesticides, try exploring natural and homemade pest control methods.

  • Neem oil, garlic spray, and marigold companion planting can help protect your plants without harming your budget or the environment.

Patience and Perseverance

Remember that gardening is a journey that takes time. Plants need time to grow and flourish. Be patient, learn from your successes and failures, and gradually invest in tools and materials as your gardening skills develop.


butterfly in garden

In conclusion, gardening on a budget is not only possible; it can also be incredibly fulfilling. By starting with seeds, creating your compost, embracing container gardening, and tapping into local resources you can nurture a thriving garden without burning a hole in the pocket. Along the way, you will enjoy the beauty of nature and deepen your connection with the environment and your community.

“So, roll up your sleeves, get your hands dirty, and watch your budget-friendly garden bloom and flourish.”

Happy gardening!

mistakes to avoid in gardening

गार्डनिंग में इन 6 गलतियों से बचें

बागवानी करते समय हम अक्सर कुछ गलतियां कर बैठते हैं, जो हमें नहीं करनी चाहिए। इससे हमारे पौधे उतने अच्छे से विकास नहीं कर पाते हैं। चाहे आप अनुभवी हों या बिगनर्स करने वाला, आपको ये कुछ बातें पता होनी चाहिए जो मैं आपको इस लेख के माध्यम से बताने जा रही हूँ।

1. मिट्टी की गुड़ाई” की अनदेखी न करें

मिट्टी की गुड़ाई

सामान्य तौर पर, लोग अपने पौधों की वृद्धि के लिए बहुत सारे प्रयास करते हैं जैसे समय पर उर्वरक देना, ह्यूमिक एसिड या बायो एंजाइम प्रदान करना, नियमित अंतराल पर छंटाई करना और भी बहुत कुछ लेकिन वे बागवानी की बुनियादी बातें अर्थात् “मिट्टी की गुड़ाई” को अधिक महत्व नहीं देते हैं।

गुड़ाई प्रक्रिया निम्न कारणों से महत्वपूर्ण है-

  • यह मिट्टी को मुलायम बनाता है।
  • मिट्टी के पोषक तत्व ऊपर-नीचे होते रहते हैं।
  • यह अच्छा वातायन बनाए रखता है।
  • जड़ें मजबूत और स्वस्थ बनती हैं।

पौधों की सर्वोत्तम वृद्धि के लिए सप्ताह में एक बार मिट्टी की जुताई करनी चाहिए।

2. कीटनाशकों के छिड़काव की उचित तकनीक का प्रयोग न करना

पौधों पर कीटों का हमला बहुत सामान्य बात है और विशेष मौसम में मीली बग, एफिड्स, चींटियाँ, मकड़ी, घुन और कई अन्य जैसे कीड़े पनपने लगते हैं।

कीटनाशक स्प्रे
  • इनसे छुटकारा पाने के लिए कई कीटनाशक घोल उपलब्ध हैं और बनाये जाते हैं। कीड़ों से बचाव के लिए छिड़काव की उचित प्रक्रिया अपनानी होगी।
  • सबसे पहले रुई, टिशू पेपर या किसी सूती कपड़े का उपयोग करके प्रभावित पौधों से सभी कीड़ों को हटा दें। सभी पत्तियों, शाखाओं और पौधों के सभी हिस्सों को साफ करें।

  • उसके बाद, पौधों के प्रत्येक भाग, पत्तियों के किनारे, सभी शाखाओं, कलियों या फूलों पर घोल का छिड़काव करें। यदि पौधे पर एक भी कीट रह गया तो दोबारा कीट का आक्रमण होगा और समाधान की प्रभावशीलता पर प्रश्न उठेंगे।
  • इसलिए, यहां घोल अनुचित नहीं होगा बल्कि इसके लिए उचित कार्यप्रणाली का पालन करने की आवश्यकता है।
  • जब तक पौधा कीट-मुक्त न हो जाए तब तक हर दूसरे दिन उपचार करें।

3. गलत गमले की संरचना का चयन करना

सामग्री के बावजूद, गमले की संरचना बहुत मायने रखती है।

  • संकीर्ण गमलों से बचें क्योंकि जुताई, दोबारा रोपण, खाद या खाद देने और खरपतवार निकालने के समय मिट्टी को ढीला करने के लिए स्थान की आवश्यकता होती है।
  • संकरे गमलों में हमें उपयुक्त स्थान नहीं मिलता है, तो या तो गमला टूट जाएगा या पौधा खराब हो जाएगा।
  • चाहे सिरेमिक, प्लास्टिक या सीमेंट हो, लेकिन चौड़े आकार के गमले का चयन करें। मिट्टी को पर्याप्त धूप मिलेगी, जुताई आसानी से हो सकेगी और चौड़े आकार के गमलों में वातन प्रक्रिया बनी रहेगी।

4. कम्पोस्ट में रसायन मिलाना

जब घर पर कम्पोस्ट बनाई जाती है (कोई भी कम्पोस्ट जैसे- पत्तियों का कम्पोस्ट, किचन कम्पोस्ट या गाय के गोबर की कम्पोस्ट), तो स्वाभाविक रूप से इसे बनाने में 2 और 2.5 महीने लगते हैं। बैक्टीरिया और फंगस की उपस्थिति में सभी पदार्थ विघटित हो जाते हैं जो एक धीमी प्रक्रिया है।

  • कुछ लोग इसमें रसायन डालकर इस प्रक्रिया को तेज करते हैं और कम्पोस्ट 7-10 दिनों में तैयार हो जाती है, जो सही तरीका नहीं है।
  • शुद्ध जैविक खाद प्राप्त करने के लिए कोई भी रसायन नहीं मिलाना चाहिए, इसके अलावा, यदि पौधे में कोई रासायनिक रूप से प्रकट चीजें (खाद) मिलाई जाती है तो यह मिट्टी के पोषण स्तर को कम कर देगी।
  • इस खाद को डालकर उगाए गए फल, फूल या सब्जियाँ जैविक नहीं होंगी क्योंकि उनमें रसायन डाला जाएगा जो स्वास्थ्य के लिए अच्छा नहीं है।
  • कम्पोस्ट बनाने की प्रक्रिया को तेज करने के लिए इसमें जैविक या प्राकृतिक चीजें जैसे छाछ, वर्मीकम्पोस्ट, खट्टा दही या कीड़े मिलाएं। ये सभी चीजें सामग्री के सड़ने की प्रक्रिया को तेज कर देंगी।

5. पौधों को खाद नहीं देना

फूल वाले, फल देने वाले तथा सब्जियों के पौधों को नियमित अन्तराल पर खाद की आवश्यकता होती है। वे नर्सरी में सुंदर और आकर्षक दिखते हैं क्योंकि वहां उनकी उचित देखभाल की जाती है लेकिन उन्हें घर पर लाने के बाद उनमें से कई का बढ़ना बंद हो जाता है।

सरसों की खली 
  • इन पौधों को प्रत्येक 20-25 दिन में उर्वरक की आवश्यकता होती है।
  • पौधे की तेजी से वृद्धि के लिए मिट्टी के पोषक तत्व स्तर को पूरा करने के लिए पौधे को एनपीके, सूक्ष्म पोषक तत्व, या कोई अन्य जैविक खाद दिया जाना चाहिए।

6. नीम के तेल का उपयोग करने का गलत तरीका

नीम का तेल एक जैविक तेल और सबसे अच्छा कीटनाशक है लेकिन कई लोगों की शिकायत होती है कि नीम के तेल का उपयोग करने के बाद उनके पौधे जल जाते हैं। खैर, यहां समस्या नीम के तेल की नहीं है बल्कि समस्या यह है कि इसका उपयोग किस प्रकार किया गया है।

नीम के तेल का स्प्रे
  • नीम का तेल प्रबल (स्ट्रोंग) होता है इसलिए पत्तियों पर लगाने से पत्तियों के छिद्र बंद हो जाते हैं और प्रकाश संश्लेषण की प्रक्रिया रुक जाती है।
  • इससे बचने के लिए हमेशा शाम के समय नीम के तेल का छिड़काव करें और रात भर पौधे को ऐसे ही रहने दें। अगले दिन सुबह सूर्योदय से पहले पौधे को खूब पानी से अच्छी तरह धो लें।
  • नीम का तेल रात में अपना काम करेगा इसलिए सुनिश्चित करें कि नीम के तेल वाली पत्तियां धूप के संपर्क में न आएं। धोते समय तेल मिट्टी में गिर सकता है इससे कोई समस्या नहीं है।

इस प्रकार उपरोक्त बातों का ध्यान रखिये और बागवानी करते रहें!

शुभ बागवानी!!
