Plants are fed with different fertilizers to maintain the soil’s nutrients and minerals level. After a certain time, when the crop has grown suitably the quality and nutrient level of the soil starts depleting. By adding fertilizers, the productivity of crops can be increased and improved.
In this article, we will discuss:
- benefits of cow dung fertilizer,
- why we should decompose cow dung fertilizer,
- how to make cow dung fertilizer at home,
- what precautions should be taken before using cow dung fertilizer.
Cow dung fertilizer is a type of organic fertilizer that can be easily made at home. It contains all the essential nutrients required by plants to grow and thrive. By using cow dung fertilizer, the soil’s quality can be maintained, and plant growth can be enhanced. The organic nature of cow dung fertilizer also makes it a safe and environmentally-friendly option for giving fertilizer to plants.

Important note:
Do not add raw cow dung directly to the soil plants.
- As cow dung contains high levels of ammonia and salt, which can cause soil heating.
- Additionally, wet cow dung should also not be added directly, as it can lead to the growth of harmful bacteria in the soil, potentially harming the plant.
Benefits of Cow dung fertilizer
Cow dung fertilizer is rich in organic matter that helps in improving aeration and breaking down compacted soil.
All the elements like
- nitrogen,
- potassium,
- phosphorus,
- calcium,
- magnesium,
- sulfur,
- iron,
- manganese,
- copper and
- zinc, etc. are found in small amounts in cow dung fertilizer.
All these ingredients are key for the full-fledged growth of the plants.

- This fertilizer maintains the soil moisture accurately and it is a habitat for earthworms also.
- Earthworms do the loosening of the soil without affecting the plant and its growth.
- In 1 gram of cow dung fertilizer, 300-500 crore microorganisms are present which makes the soil fertile.
- It increases the water holding and water absorption capacity of the soil.
- It improves the structure of heavy clay soils and light sandy soils.
Why should we decompose Cow dung/Cow dung cake?
Cow dung or cow dung cake needs to be decomposed completely before adding it to the soil. Decomposing cow dung has several benefits.

When cows eat grass, chapattis, or anything else, it has carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fibers, or fats. All these nutrients go inside the stomach of cows, some of them get digested by the intestine but some of them do not get digested completely and come out as it is along with dung.
1. Fresh cow dung contains high levels of nitrogen and other nutrients, which can be too strong for some plants and can burn their roots.
2. Decomposition allows the nitrogen to break down into forms that are more easily absorbed by plants, making it a milder and more effective fertilizer.
3. Additionally, decomposing cow dung can reduce the risk of harmful bacteria and parasites that may be present in fresh dung.
Overall, decomposing cow dung before using it as fertilizer can result in more effective and safer use.
Let us start with the process of making cow dung fertilizer
How to make Cow dung liquid fertilizer at home?

Here are the steps to make liquid cow dung fertilizer at home:
Step 1: Break down the cow dung cake into small pieces.

Step 2: Soak the cow dung cake in water until it is completely submerged. Mix it well with a stick.

Step 3: Cover the container and place it in a shaded area.
Step 4: After 3 days, the solution will turn into a dark brown color.
- Mix it again with a stick.
- You can add mustard cake as an optional ingredient.

- Stir the mixture with a stick every 3 days for the next 2 months.
Step 5: After 2 months, the solution will be fully fermented and turn into a dark brown color. Initially, it may have a strong odor, but this will disappear in the final product.

The liquid cow dung fertilizer is now ready, but it is a potent solution and needs to be diluted before application.
Step 6: Dilute one mug of cow dung solution with four mugs of water (1:4, cow dung solution: water) to make liquid cow dung fertilizer.

The solution can be stored for up to 6 months.
Precautions should be taken before giving liquid fertilizer to plants
- Apply the liquid fertilizer only when the soil is dry.
- Ensure that the solution is not applied too close to the stem, as it may damage the plant.
- Use a light solution and apply it twice a month.
- For small pots, use one mug of solution, and for larger pots, use two mugs.
This was all about “Liquid Cow Dung Fertilizer”.
Enjoy Planting !!