Category Archives: Outdoor plants

Find tips here for caring for outdoor plants, including guidance on watering, soil mixture, fertilizers, and more.

night jasmine care

Night Jasmine (Parijat) Plant Care: 8 Problems & Solutions

Night Jasmine, also known as Parijat, Harsingar, Shuili is a delicate and fragrant flowering plant. It is also commonly recognized under the scientific name Nyctanthes Arbor-tristis.

Its small, star-shaped white flowers with orange centers bloom at night, spreading a sweet, heady fragrance. Although this plant is relatively easy to grow, it can encounter some common problems.

Night Jasmine (Parijat) Plant Care

In this article, we will discuss some issues and provide effective solutions for nurturing a healthy Night Jasmine plant (Parijat/Harsingar). 

Night Jasmine (Parijat) Plant Care


Problem 1: Not pruned regularly: 


pruning night jasmine
pruning night jasmine
  • Night Jasmine can become leggy and unruly if not pruned regularly.


  • Prune your Night Jasmine in the early spring to remove dead or overgrown branches and encourage bushier growth.
  • This also promotes better air circulation and blooming.

Hard Pruning:

  • Perform a hard pruning of the plant after winter to stimulate new growth.

Check this article:

Night Jasmine Plant Complete Care


Problem 2: Overwatering


  • One of the most common mistakes made when caring for Night Jasmine is overwatering.
  • This plant prefers well-draining soil and doesn’t tolerate waterlogged conditions.


  • Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering.
  • Be sure the pot or planting area has good drainage, and consider using a well-draining potting mix.
  • Reduce watering during the winter months when the plant is dormant.

Problem 3: Chlorosis Treatment


If the leaves of the plant begin turning white instead of green, it’s a sign of chlorosis. This occurs when chlorophyll is not forming properly in the leaves due to stress.

Chlorosis in leaves
chlorosis in leaves


To treat chlorosis follow the tips:

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt in 5 liters of water.
  • Spray the solution on the plant twice, with a 15-day gap between applications.
  • Remove the white leaves.
  • Place the plant in direct sunlight for a maximum of 1 hour.
  • Over time, the plant will recover, and new green leaves will grow.

Problem 4: Pests


mealybug in plant
  • Night Jasmine can be vulnerable to common pests such as aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites.


  • Regularly inspect your plant for signs of pests, including yellowing leaves or tiny insects.
  • You can use neem oil or insecticidal soap to treat the infestation.
neem oil spray
neem oil spray
  • In severe cases, consider moving the plant outdoors temporarily to allow natural predators like ladybugs to assist in pest control.

Problem 5: Yellowing Leaves


yellow leaves night jasmine
yellow leaves night jasmine
  • Yellowing leaves are often a sign of nutrient deficiencies or stress in Night Jasmine plants.


  • Feed your plant with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). 

Problem 6: Insufficient Light


  • Night Jasmine thrives in full sunlight.
  • Insufficient light can lead to leggy growth and reduced blooming.

sunlight to Night jasmine plant


  • Place your Night Jasmine in a location where it receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. 

Problem 7: Root Bound Issue


night jasmine in old pot
night jasmine in old pot
  • In the initial years, the plant may do well in the same pot, but after 2-3 years, it may become root-bound.
  • When this happens, the plant may show signs of stress, such as bent leaves, despite receiving adequate fertilizer and water.
  • Roots might even start emerging from the bottom hole or appearing at the top of the soil.
  • This is an indication that the current pot is no longer suitable for the plant.
root bound night in jasmine plant
root bound night in jasmine plant


  • To address this problem, you have two options:

Option 1: Change the pot and shift the plant into a larger pot

new pot
new pot
  • Gently remove the plant from the old pot.
  • Consider using a plastic pot as larger clay pots are not available. 
  • If using a plastic pot, make sure to create drainage holes at the bottom to prevent water stagnation.
night jasmine in new pot
night jasmine in new pot
  • Add a small amount of fungicide (less than a teaspoon) and incorporate cocopeat (half of the compost) into the soil mixture.
fungicide in soil mixture
fungicide in soil mixture
  • Larger pots can dry out quickly, especially if exposed to high levels of sunlight, so cocopeat helps retain moisture.
  • Fill the new pot with the soil mixture and place the old plant in it without disturbing the soil and roots.
soil mixture
soil mixture
  • Follow the same pruning process to encourage bushier growth.
  • Maintain the watering and fertilizing routine to support the plant’s growth for the next 3-4 years in the new pot.
watering night jasmine plant
watering night jasmine plant

Option 2: Root Pruning

  • Remove the plant from the pot, and trim the side roots without disturbing the main root.
  • Then, repot the plant in the same pot with fresh soil.

Also read;

How to Grow Night Jasmine from Cuttings & Seeds


Problem 8: Arrival of Seed Pods:


seed pots in night jasmine plant
seed pots in night jasmine plant


  • Occasionally, seed pods may develop at the tip of the plant, containing Parijat seeds.
  • These seed pods should be removed to prevent overcrowding, as excessive seed production can harm the plant.

night jasmine

In conclusion, Night Jasmine (Parijat) is a lovely plant with a wonderful fragrance. By taking care of it and solving the problems we discussed, you can enjoy its beautiful flowers and delightful scent for a long time. Just remember, it needs patience and regular care to grow well.


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Happy Gardening!

9 Easy Tips to Care Rubber Plant

9 Easy Tips to Care Rubber Plant


The Ficus Elastica, commonly known as the Rubber Plant is a popular indoor and outdoor plant, known for its air-purifying qualities and aesthetic appeal. However, caring for it can raise several questions, such as:

  • people wonder whether it is best suited as an indoor or outdoor plant,
  • why its leaves turn yellow,
  • why it sometimes shows no growth for 8-9 months,
  • concerns also include why the plant grows tall,
  • what to do if leaves start falling,
  • whether it can be propagated through leaves and
  • the best way to clean its leaves.

rubber plant

This article aims to address all these questions and many more queries related to rubber plant:

1. Understanding the Rubber plant


(i) Perennial plant: A long-lasting plant that can thrive for years.

(ii) Oxygen-Giving plant: Ideal for indoors due to its air-purifying qualities.

(iii) Aesthetic Appeal: Features glossy, dark green leaves that enhance any space.

(iv) Toxic Leaves: Be cautious when pruning; the latex can be harmful. Keep away from pets and children.

2. Rubber plant comes in different varieties


The Rubber Plant is available in 12-13 varieties, showcasing different colours and combinations like dark black, dark green and light green, dark green, red, and light green mix.

rubber plant golden
Variegated Rubber plant
  • If you’re purchasing a Rubber plant for the first time, it is advisable to choose the dark green or dark black varieties.

3. Ideal Conditions for Rubber plant


1. Temperature:


The Rubber Plant is a typical summer plant that thrives in temperatures ranging from 20-30℃.


  • While it can handle high temperatures if kept in the shade, it experiences stress when temperatures drop in winter.  Protect from cold.

2. Placement & Sunlight requirement of the Rubber plant 


rubber plant in bright light
rubber plant in bright light


The Rubber plant can be grown both indoors and outdoors.

Indoor placement –

If you prefer to keep Rubber plant indoor, ensure it receives ample bright light.

Placing it near a window where it can receive about half an hour of direct sunlight is ideal.

  • However, if the plant is kept in low or medium light conditions, it may struggle to thrive.

Check this article:

Different lighting Areas for Plants


Outdoor placement –

When kept outdoors, avoid exposing it to the direct, scorching heat of the sun for extended periods.

  • Instead, provide 2-3 hours of mild sunlight in the morning and evening. During the afternoon, keep the plant in the shade.

4. Pot size for Rubber plant


Though rubber plant is a very big tree who attains a lot of height but it can be planted in the small pot also.

  • Minimum 8 inch pot and maximum 12 inch pot is sufficient for this plant for the moderate space garden.
  • If there are no limitations of space then it can be planted in drum pots, 18 inch pots or ground pots , whatever suits your gardening space.
  • It will grow very well in all the options mentioned above.
  • Always opt for clay pot over other types of pot for its optimal growth.

4. Soil mixture for Rubber plant


Use well-draining soil with a mix of local soil, compost, sand, and cocopeat.

  • Add a small amount of fungicide or organic cinnamon powder.
  • Mix these components well to create the perfect soil mixture for your Rubber plant.

Check this article:

How to make Soil – mixture for plants


5. Watering Tips for Rubber plant


Over watering is the main cause of problems in Rubber plant, as it can lead to fungus attacks and root rot.

  • Always water the plant only after checking the soil—approximately 70-80% of the soil should be dry before watering.
  • You can check this by loosening the soil.
  • When you water the plant, do so thoroughly until water drains out from the bottom hole of the pot.
  • Ensuring the soil is properly dry before watering is crucial to prevent overwatering and keep the plant healthy.

6. Pruning of Rubber plant

The natural growth habit of the Rubber plant is to grow tall, but if you desire a denser and wider appearance, pruning is essential.

  • Make cuts just above a node to encourage new growth from other parts of the plant.
  • Since Rubber Plants generally grow slowly, it may take up to 2 months to see new growth after pruning.
  • Avoid pruning during winter when the plant is already under stress.

Must read this article:

All About Pruning of plants


7. Cleaning of leaves of Rubber plant


Clean and smooth leaves provide two benefits: they enhance the plant’s appearance and encourage its growth.

  • To clean the leaves, you can either spray them with water or use a damp cloth to wipe them down.

8. Propagation of Rubber plant


Rubber plants can be propagated using leaves.

  • You can bury the leaf in soil or place it in water for a few days until roots begin to develop. Additionally, propagation is possible through stems, cuttings, or branches.


9. Fertilizers for Rubber plant


The Rubber plant does not require heavy feeding; however, providing some fertilizer can promote growth and help prevent problems.

  • Every three months, mix compost into the soil after loosening it. Additionally, use a liquid tonic.
  • Avoid feeding during winter.

(i) For indoor plants, apply the liquid tonic every two months, but avoid doing so in winter.

(ii) For outdoor plants, apply the liquid tonic every month, also avoiding winter applications.

Recommended liquid fertilizers for the Rubber Plant include:


Common issues with Rubber plant


(i) No Growth:

  • Ensure proper pot size, sunlight, pruning, and fertilizing to promote growth.

(ii) Brown Leaves:

  • Likely caused by overwatering. Use fungicide and adjust watering practices.

(iii) Leaf Drop:

  • Often due to cold stress or inconsistent care. Protect from drafts and maintain a regular care routine.

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1. Voice of Plant – YouTube Channel

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This was all about Rubber plant complete care.

Happy gardening!

Best Pot Size for Jade Plant

Best Pot Size for Jade Plant

Does Your Jade Plant Need a Large Pot for Healthy Growth?


Jade plants are popular succulents that are easy to care for and make beautiful additions to your garden area.

One of the key factors in maintaining a healthy jade plant is selecting the right pot size. But does your jade plant really need a large pot for optimal growth? Let’s dive into the specifics.

Best Pot Size for Jade Plant


Understanding Jade Plant Growth


Best Pot Size for Jade Plant
Jade plant in small pot

Before we discuss pot size, it is important to understand how jade plant grow.

Slow growth

  • These succulents have a slow to moderate growth rate and prefer well-draining soil.

They do not require deep pots to thrive

  • Their root systems are relatively shallow, which means they do not require deep pots to thrive.

Why Pot Size Matters


jade in sunny area

The size of the pot you choose can significantly impact the health and growth of your jade plant. Here’s how:

1. Drainage:

    • Jade plant is susceptible to root rot if left in waterlogged soil.
    • A pot that is too large may hold excess moisture, increasing the risk of rot.
    • It is essential to choose a pot with good drainage holes to prevent this issue.

2. Root Development:

    • While it might seem like giving your jade plant more space to grow is beneficial, a pot that’s too large can actually hinder root development.

In a large pot, the soil may stay moist for too long, which can lead to root rot before the plant has a chance to establish itself.

3. Stability:

    • Jade plants are known for their thick, woody stems and heavy leaves.
    • A pot that is too small might not provide enough stability, causing the plant to topple over as it grows.
    • On the other hand, a pot that is too large might make it difficult for the plant to anchor itself securely.

Choosing the Right Pot Size for Jade Plant


Jade plant healthy
Healthy Jade plant in ceramic pot

So, what is the best pot size for a jade plant?

1. Small to Medium Pots:

Generally, jade plant do well in small to medium-sized pots, depending on their size.

  • For a young jade plant, a pot that is 2-4 inches larger in diameter than the plant’s root ball is ideal.
jade cutting in small pot
Young Jade plant in small pot
  • As the plant grows, you can gradually move it to a slightly larger pot, but avoid jumping to a pot that is too large too quickly.

Also, read:

5 Best Tips to Make Jade Plant Bushy


2. Repotting:

Jade plant do not need frequent repotting.

  • Every 2-3 years is usually sufficient, and when you do repot, only increase the pot size by a couple of inches.
  • This allows the plant to grow steadily without overwhelming its root system.

Pot Material Considerations


The material of the pot can also affect the health of your jade plant:

1. Terracotta Pots:

These are excellent for jade plants because they are porous and allow the soil to dry out between waterings, reducing the risk of root rot.

2. Plastic Pots:

While lightweight and affordable, plastic pots retain moisture longer, which may not be ideal for jade plants.

  • If using a plastic pot, ensure it has adequate drainage holes and monitor soil moisture closely.

3. Ceramic Pots:

jade plant in blue pot
Healthy Jade plant in ceramic pot

Glazed ceramic pots can also be a good choice, but like plastic, they hold moisture longer.

  • Just make sure they have good drainage.

Signs Your Jade Plant Needs a New Pot


healthy jade plant
healthy jade plant

How do you know when it’s time to repot your jade plant? Here are some signs to look out for:

  • Roots Growing Out of the Drainage Holes: If you notice roots coming out of the bottom of the pot, it’s time to move your jade plant to a slightly larger pot.
  • Stunted Growth: If your jade plant has stopped growing and looks cramped, it may need more space.
  • Frequent Wilting: If your plant wilts frequently even though you’re watering it properly, the roots may be overcrowded.



In conclusion, jade plant do not need a large pot for healthy growth. In fact, smaller pots are often better suited to their shallow root systems and preference for well-drained soil.

Choosing the right pot size and material can help ensure your jade plant thrives, offering you beautiful greenery for years to come. When in doubt, opt for a pot that’s just slightly larger than the plant’s root ball and ensure it has good drainage to prevent waterlogging.

By following these guidelines, you can enjoy a healthy and vibrant jade plant in your home or garden.

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Happy gardening!

Hibiscus plant care in monsoon season

10 Best Tips for Hibiscus Care in Monsoon to Boost Flowering

10 Best Tips for Hibiscus Care in Monsoon to Boost Flowering


Caring for hibiscus plant during the rainy season can be both challenging and rewarding. The increased moisture and cooler temperatures provide an excellent environment for these vibrant flowers to thrive, but they also introduce a higher risk of pests and fungal diseases.

10 Best Tips for Hibiscus Care in Monsoon to Boost Flowering
Pink Hibiscus flowering

To ensure your hibiscus plant bloom to their fullest potential, here are ten essential care tips that will help you navigate the monsoon season effectively.

Hibiscus Plant Care in Monsoon Season


1. Pruning of Leaves & Stems


hibiscus yellow leaves

Pruning is a crucial practice for maintaining the health and vitality of your hibiscus plants.

  • Regularly removing yellow leaves and dead stems helps redirect the plant’s energy towards new growth and flowering.
  • Diseased or dying leaves can harbor pests and diseases, which can spread to healthy parts of the plant.
  • By pruning these off, you not only improve the plant’s appearance but also its overall health.


2. Use of Neem Oil Pesticide


neem oil on tomato plant

During the monsoon season, hibiscus plants are more susceptible to pest infestations.

  • Neem oil is a natural and effective pesticide that can be used to protect your plants from various pests.
  • Neem leaves water solutions can also be applied to the leaves, soil, and buds of the plant to prevent and control pest attacks.

Application Tips:

  • Mix neem oil with water as per the recommended dosage.
  • Spray the solution on the hibiscus leaves and soil.
  • Repeat the application every two weeks or after heavy rain.

How to Make Neem Pesticide at Home


3. Tilling of Soil


Tilling the soil around your hibiscus plants improves aeration, which is vital for root health.

  • Well-aerated soil allows roots to absorb nutrients and water more efficiently.
  • Additionally, incorporating neem cake powder into the soil can prevent pest and fungal attacks, enhancing the soil’s fertility.

Steps for Effective Tilling:

  • Loosen the topsoil gently without damaging the roots.
  • Mix in neem cake powder for added pest protection.
  • Ensure the soil remains loose and well-drained.

4. Give Fungicide Water in Soil


Fungal infections are common during the rainy season due to the high humidity and moisture levels.

  • Using a fungicide solution or cinnamon powder in the soil can help prevent fungal attacks.
  • Fungicides help protect the roots and lower stems from rot and other fungal diseases.

5. Onion Peel Fertilizer


onion peel liquid

Onion peel fertilizer is an excellent natural nutrient source for hibiscus plants. Rich in potassium, phosphorus, and calcium, it promotes overall plant health and boosts flowering. This simple, homemade fertilizer is easy to prepare and highly beneficial for your plants.

Preparation and Application:

  • Collect onion peels and soak them in water overnight.
  • Strain the liquid and use it to water your hibiscus plants.
  • Apply this fertilizer once a week for best results.

Also, check – Best Fertilizer for Hibiscus Plant


6. Repotting Hibiscus Plant


The monsoon season is an ideal time for repotting hibiscus plants.

  • The cooler temperatures and increased moisture levels reduce transplant shock, allowing the plant to establish itself quickly in its new pot.
  • Ensure the new pot has good drainage to prevent waterlogging.

Repotting Tips:

  • Choose a pot that is slightly larger than the current one.
  • Use fresh, well-draining potting soil.
  • Water the plant thoroughly after repotting.

7. Root Pruning of Hibiscus plant


Root pruning involves trimming back the roots to encourage new growth and prevent the plant from becoming root-bound.

  • This practice is best done during the monsoon season when the plant can recover quickly due to the favorable growing conditions.

How to Root Prune:

  • Gently remove the plant from its pot.
  • Trim back any overgrown or dead roots.
  • Replant in fresh soil and water well.

8. Avoid Overwatering


Hibiscus plants are prone to root rot if overwatered.

  • The key is to water only when the soil is completely dry.
  • During the rainy season, natural precipitation often provides sufficient moisture, so it’s important to monitor soil moisture levels closely.

Watering Guidelines:

  • Check the soil moisture with your finger before watering.
  • Water only when the top inch of soil is dry.
  • Ensure pots have proper drainage to prevent waterlogging.

Also, check – How to care Hibiscus plant


9. Check Pot for Drainage


Good drainage is essential for hibiscus plants, especially during the rainy season.

  • Poor drainage can lead to waterlogged soil, which causes root rot and other issues.
  • Ensure your pots have drainage holes and that they are not blocked.

10. Sunlight for Hibiscus Plant


hibiscus in pot

Hibiscus plants thrive with 5-6 hours of direct sunlight each day.

  • During the rainy season, cloudy days can reduce sunlight exposure.
  • Ensure your plants receive adequate light by placing them in the sunniest spot available.



Caring for hibiscus plants during the rainy season requires attention to detail and proactive measures. By following these ten tips, you can ensure your hibiscus plants remain healthy and vibrant, maximizing their flowering potential. 


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Happy Gardening!

Tulsi plant drying thumbnail (1)

Why Tulsi Plant Keeps Drying Out? Check 6 Tips to Revive

Why Tulsi Plant Keeps Drying Out?


The Tulsi plant holds a revered place in many cultures due to its medicinal and spiritual significance. Despite its hardy nature, many gardeners find themselves perplexed by its tendency to dry out.

Why Tulsi Plant Keeps Drying Out?
Tulsi dry


Understanding the reasons behind this issue is crucial to ensure your Tulsi plant remains lush and healthy. This article delves into the common causes of a drying Tulsi plant and provides actionable solutions to revive and maintain its vitality.

The Importance of Proper Care for Tulsi (Holy Basil)


tulsi ji plant

Caring for a Tulsi plant requires more than just occasional watering. It demands an understanding of its specific needs, including sunlight, soil conditions, and watering practices. Each of these factors plays a pivotal role in the plant’s health and can influence its propensity to dry out.

Common reasons your Tulsi plant keeps drying out


1. Inadequate Watering Practices


One of the primary reasons for a drying Tulsi plant is improper watering. Both under-watering and over-watering can stress the plant. 

Tulsi deep watering

(i) Overwatering: Some people water their Tulsi plant daily, which leads to root rot and causes the plant to spoil.

(ii) Underwatering: Some people water their Tulsi plant only occasionally, depriving it of essential moisture and causing the plant to dry out.

2. Using Poor Soil Quality


Tulsi plants require well-draining soil rich in organic matter for thrive. 

Some people never add compost or organic matter to their soil mix, causing the soil to become hard and clay-like, which results in the Tulsi plant drying out.


  • Heavy, clayey soils that retain water can cause root suffocation and drying out of the plant.
  • Conversely, sandy soils that drain too quickly can lead to moisture deficiency.

Also, read: How to care Tulsi Plant at home


3. Not providing proper Sunlight to Tulsi plant


Tulsi plant soil
Tulsi plant in sunlight

Tulsi thrives in full sunlight, requiring at least 6-8 hours of direct sun daily.

Some people do not provide proper sunlight to their Tulsi plant and keep it in a shaded or indoor area.

  • Insufficient sunlight can weaken the plant, making it more susceptible to drying out.

4. Environmental Stress


Extreme temperatures, low humidity, and exposure to strong winds can all contribute to a drying Tulsi plant. Tulsi prefers moderate, stable conditions to flourish.

5. Not Providing Proper Nutrients:


Some people never feed their Tulsi plant with fertilizer, which results in weakening the plant’s health condition.

  • A lack of essential nutrients can weaken the plant and cause it to dry out.

6. Not Pruning Flowers and Seeds

Tulsi ji pruning
Pruning of Tulsi plant flowers

Some people never prune the flowers and seeds of their Tulsi plant.

  • Not pruning flowers and seeds can cause the plant to expend too much energy on flowering and seed production, leading to it drying out.


7. Pest and Disease Infestation


Pests such as aphids and diseases like fungal infections can compromise the health of your Tulsi plant, leading to symptoms like wilting and dryness.


Best Practices for Maintaining a Healthy Tulsi Plant


1. Regular Pruning


Pruning encourages bushier growth and helps the plant to focus its energy on healthy, new shoots. Remove any dead or yellowing leaves promptly.

2. Fertilizing Appropriately


Feed your Tulsi plant with a balanced, organic fertilizer every few weeks during the growing season. This ensures the plant receives all necessary nutrients for robust growth.

3. Monitoring Soil Moisture


Use a soil moisture meter to keep track of the moisture levels. This can help prevent both over-watering and under-watering, ensuring the plant receives the right amount of water.

4. Ensuring Proper Air Circulation


Good air circulation is vital for preventing fungal diseases. Space your plants adequately and avoid overcrowding to allow for sufficient airflow.

By addressing these issues, you can help ensure your Tulsi plant stays healthy and vibrant.

Also, check – How to grow Tulsi plant from seeds

Happy Gardening!

croton plant care

How to Care Croton Plant in Summer

Caring for your croton plant in summer is crucial to keep its vibrant foliage looking its best. Croton plant is known for their bold, colorful leaves, crotons add a tropical touch to any space. However, summer’s heat can be challenging for these beauties, so it is important to understand their needs to keep them healthy and thriving.

Croton plant
Croton plant

Understanding Croton Plant Needs


1. Sunlight requirements for Croton plant


Croton plants thrive in bright, indirect sunlight.

  • During the summer, it is crucial to provide them with adequate light without exposing them to direct sunlight.
  • However, remember that crotons cannot tolerate intense heat and sun. Intense afternoon sunlight can cause sunburn, dry out the soil, and dehydrate the plant.

If kept outdoors, ensure they are in a shaded area with dappled sunlight.

croton sunlight

If keeping Croton indoor –

Find a spot in your home that receives the most light throughout the day.

  • Avoid placing your croton in low-light conditions, as this will stunt its growth.

2. Watering tips for Croton plant


In the summer, Croton plant require consistent watering to maintain their vibrant foliage. The soil should be kept moist but not waterlogged.

  • Water the plant thoroughly until water drains out from the bottom of the pot.
  • However, they dislike sitting in water. Therefore, check the soil moisture with your finger before watering your croton.
  • Water your Croton only when the top half-inch of the soil has dried out.

Signs of Overwatering and Underwatering

  • Overwatering can lead to root rot, evident by yellowing leaves and a soggy base.
  • Underwatering, on the other hand, results in dry, crispy leaves and leaf drop.


  • Water early in the morning or late in the evening to minimize evaporation.
  • Use room-temperature water and avoid splashing the leaves to prevent fungal issues.

3. Ideal Soil Mix for Croton plant


An ideal soil mix for crotons should be loose, lightweight, and well-draining.

  • It is important to use soil that supports fast drainage, allowing excess water to flow out and preventing sogginess.
  • When preparing potting soil for your croton, include elements like coco peat or perlite, sand and compost to enhance drainage.

4. Fertilizer Routine


During the active growing season in summer, Croton plants benefit from regular fertilization.

  • Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every two to four weeks.
  • Organic fertilizers such as vermicompost, cow dung liquid compost, seaweed fertilizer can also be beneficial.

5. Avoid giving heavy fertilizer during extreme summer


During the extreme summer months, it is crucial to avoid heavy fertilization of your Croton plants.

  • High temperatures can stress the plant, and applying too much fertilizer can further exacerbate this stress.

6. Pest Control


Summer can bring an influx of pests such as spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs.

  • Regularly inspect your Croton plant for any signs of pest infestations.
  • Use insecticidal soap or neem oil to treat affected plants.

Signs of Stress and How to Address Them


1. Leaf Drop


If your Croton plant is experiencing leaf drop, it could be due to inconsistent watering, low humidity, or temperature fluctuations.

  • Adjust your care routine by ensuring regular watering, increasing humidity, and stabilizing temperatures around the plant.

2. Leaf Curling


Leaf curling can be a sign of underwatering or too much direct sunlight.

  • Ensure the plant is getting adequate water and move it to a spot with bright, indirect light.

3. Yellowing Leaves


Yellowing leaves often indicate overwatering or poor drainage.

  • Check the soil moisture and drainage conditions and adjust watering practices accordingly.

Dealing with Summer Stress


1. Remove Yellow or Dead Leaves


Remove any dead or yellowing leaves to encourage new growth and improve air circulation. Prune leggy stems to promote a bushier appearance.

2. Leaf Care


To maintain the vibrant colors of Croton leaves, regularly clean the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust and enhance photosynthesis.

  • Avoid using leaf shine products as they can clog pores and damage the leaves.

3. Hydration and Moisture


Apart from regular watering, ensure that the soil remains consistently moist but not soggy.

  • Using a mulch layer can help retain soil moisture and reduce water evaporation.

By following these detailed care instructions, you can ensure that your Croton plant remains healthy, vibrant, and thriving throughout the summer. Proper attention to watering, light, soil, and pest control will allow your Croton to flourish and bring a burst of color to your home or garden.

Happy Gardening!

Jade plant bushy

5 Best Tips to Make Jade Plant Bushy

5 Best Tips to Make Jade Plant Bushy


A jade plant (Crassula ovata) is a popular succulent admired for its thick, glossy leaves and resilience. Originating from South Africa, this charming plant is often considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity.


jade plant bushy

Many plant enthusiasts seek ways to make their jade plants bushy and robust, enhancing their aesthetic appeal and vitality. This guide will delve into effective strategies for cultivating a lush, bushy jade plant, ensuring it thrives in your home or garden.

Understanding the Jade Plant


The jade plant is known for its fleshy, oval-shaped leaves that store water. These plants can grow up to three feet tall and even taller in their natural habitat. Their thick, woody stems and branches give them a miniature tree-like appearance, making them a favorite for bonsai enthusiasts.

Benefits of Growing Jade Plants


Jade plants are not only attractive but also relatively easy to care for, making them suitable for both novice and experienced gardeners.

5 Best Tips to Make Jade Plant Bushy
Jade Plant Bushy

They are known for their air-purifying qualities, removing toxins from the environment. Additionally, their ability to store water makes them drought-resistant, reducing the frequency of watering needed.

5 Best Tips to Make Jade Plant Bushy


Effective Pruning Techniques for a Bushy Jade Plant


Actively pruning your jade plant is the best and most effective way to make it bushy. However, it is crucial to prune correctly to ensure optimal growth.

Jade pruning

Prune your jade plant right above the leaf scar or rings on the stem. This technique tricks the plant into growing two more branches from the cut portion, resulting in more leaves and a bushier appearance.

  • Avoid snipping more than 15-20% of the plant at a time and leave the branches you want to mature intact.

Bonus Tip:

  • If your jade plant has become leggy due to insufficient light, cut back the weak portions and place the plant in a bright spot. It will perk up soon.

Best Time to Prune


The ideal time to prune a jade plant is during the active growing season, typically in spring or early summer.

  • This allows the plant to recover and produce new growth more efficiently.

Optimal Positioning for Growth


Proper placement is key to a bushy jade plant. If the plant is kept in a dark area, the stems will stretch in search of sunlight, leading to leggy growth.

Jade plant outdoor sun


To encourage bushiness, place the plant where it receives direct bright sunlight for 5-6 hours a day. This amount of light will work wonders for its growth.

Bonus Tip:

  • Ensure your jade plant gets ample direct sunlight by placing it in the correct position.

Correct Watering Practices


For a bushier jade plant, it is essential to avoid growing it in moist soil. Overhead watering should also be avoided.  Water only when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

watering jade plant

Bonus Tip: The most important thing is to keep the plant on the drier side rather than watering it frequently.

  • During the growing season (spring and summer), water the plant thoroughly but infrequently.
  • In the dormant period (fall and winter), reduce watering significantly.

Check here – Best Way to Water Jade Plant 

Planting Multiple Jade Plants Together


An easy and quick way to make your jade plant look bushier is to grow multiple plants in one pot. Planting 2-3 jade plants together will give the appearance of a bushier plant.

  • Alternatively, you can group 2-3 small pots together to create the impression of a larger, bushier jade plant.

Bonus Tip:

  • Grouping multiple jade plants together can enhance their bushy appearance.

Soil and Potting Needs


soil mix 2

Jade plant prefer well-draining soil, such as a succulent or cactus mix.

  • You can also create a suitable mix by combining regular potting soil with sand or perlite.

Bonus Tip:

  • Ensure the pot has drainage holes to prevent water from accumulating at the bottom, which can lead to root rot.

By following these tips, you can successfully cultivate a lush, bushy jade plant that will be a stunning addition to your indoor or outdoor garden.

Check here – How to make the Best Soil Mixture for Jade Plant

Fertilization Practices


Fertilize your jade plant during the growing season with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half strength. Feeding once a month is generally sufficient.

  • Avoid fertilizing during the dormant period to prevent nutrient buildup in the soil.

Dealing with Leggy Growth


Jade leggy

Leggy growth occurs when a jade plant does not receive enough light, causing it to stretch towards the light source.

  • To rectify this, ensure the plant gets adequate sunlight and prune back the leggy stems to encourage bushier growth.



Cultivating a bushy jade plant requires patience, proper care, and regular maintenance. By understanding the plant’s needs, implementing effective pruning techniques, and providing optimal growing conditions, you can enjoy a lush, vibrant jade plant that enhances your living space.

Whether you are a seasoned gardener or a novice, these tips will help you achieve a beautiful and healthy jade plant.

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Happy Gardening!

How to Propagate Jade Plant from Cuttings

Propagation of Jade plant


Jade plants, known for their succulent leaves and resilience, can easily be propagated from cuttings of a mature plant. 

jade plant in blue pot

If you have a large Jade plant, you can propagate more Jade plants by taking cuttings from the mature plant.

How to Propagate Jade Plant from Cuttings


1. Select a Healthy Cutting:

Jade plant in clay pot
Healthy Jade plant in clay pot
    • Choose a thick-stemmed, healthy cutting from the parent plant. The cutting should have several leaves and be free from any signs of disease or damage.

2. Make a Clean Cut:

jade cutting

    • Using a sharp tool such as a blade, knife, or scissors, make a clean cut to remove the chosen cutting from the parent plant.

3. Prepare the Cutting:

    • Strip the leaves from the lower part of the cutting. This section will be buried in the soil and should be free of leaves to promote root development.

Planting Methods


Now, you can choose one of the two methods for planting the cutting:

1. Propagate Jade Plant from Cuttings in Coco peat

Jade plant cutting in coco peat
Jade plant cutting in coco peat

Coco peat is an excellent medium for propagating Jade plants due to its moisture retention and aeration properties.

(i) Prepare the Coco Peat:

Mix the coco peat with a small amount of fertilizer to provide nutrients for the cutting. Ensure the coco peat has a slight moisture content. If it’s dry, add water until it’s moist but not waterlogged.

(ii) Plant the Cutting:


Fill a pot with the prepared coco peat mixture. Gently plant your cutting into the coco peat, ensuring it is placed slightly deep in the pot.


(iii) Care for the Cutting:


Since the coco peat is already moist, avoid watering immediately. Place the pot in a location where it can receive direct sunlight. New leaves should start to appear within a few days.


2. Propagate Jade Plant from Cuttings in the Soil


jade plant cuttings in soil
jade plant cuttings in soil

Using soil from an existing potted plant can also be effective for propagating Jade plants.

(i) Prepare the Soil:

Use soil from a pot that already has a plant growing in it. This soil will have the necessary nutrients and a suitable structure for the cutting.


(ii) Plant the Cutting:

jade cutting in soil
jade cuttings in soil

Insert the cutting into the moisturized soil from another plant.

  • Ensure the soil is moist but not waterlogged to avoid overwatering.

General Care

jade cutting in small pot
jade cutting in small pot


1. Watering:


In both coco peat and soil, water the cutting only when the outer layer of the medium becomes dry. Overwatering can cause the stems to rot.

2. Root Development:


Roots will start to develop within approximately 45 days.

  • Once the roots are established, you can transfer the cuttings to larger pots.

Transferring Cuttings


When moving your propagated Jade plants to larger pots, prepare a fresh soil mixture.

  • Avoid using the soil from old plants to ensure the new plants have a nutrient-rich environment for optimal growth.

By following these steps, you can successfully propagate Jade plants and enjoy their beauty in multiple pots around your home or garden.

Jade plant FAQs

FAQs on Jade Plant Care Tips

 Introduction to Jade Plant


The Jade plant is a popular succulent renowned for its attractive, fleshy leaves and easy care requirements. Native to South Africa, this resilient plant is a favorite among both novice and experienced gardeners due to its ability to thrive with minimal attention.

jade plant in blue pot

Jade plant are often associated with good luck and prosperity, making them a common choice for both homes and offices. With proper care, a Jade plant can live for many years, growing into a beautiful, tree-like structure that adds a touch of greenery and charm to any space.

Here, we aim to answer some of the most common frequently asked questions (FAQs) and provide you with a better understanding of how to care for your Jade Plant.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Jade Plant


Q1. How often should I water my Jade plant?


Ans: Jade plants prefer to be kept on the dry side.

  • Water thoroughly when the soil is completely dry. 


  • Overwatering can harm your Jade plant, so it’s important to avoid it.

Also, read: Watering tips to Jade plant

2. What type of soil is best for Jade plants?


soil mix 2

Ans: Jade plants thrive in well-draining sandy soil.

  • Adding sand or perlite can improve drainage.

Also, read: Best Soil Mixture for Jade Plant

3. How much sunlight does a Jade plant need?


Ans: Jade plants need at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight each day. Keep your Jade plant in a sunny spot.


  • Some people keep Jade plant indoors, which can impact plant overall growth.
  • Jade plant thrive best with adequate sunlight and proper care.

4. Why are the leaves of my Jade plant falling off?


Ans: Leaves may fall off due to overwatering, underwatering, or sudden changes in temperature or light. Ensure consistent care and proper watering practices.

5. Can I propagate my Jade plant?


jade cutting

Ans: Yes, Jade plants can be easily propagated from leaf or stem cuttings. Allow the cuttings to dry for a few days before planting them in soil.

6. How do I deal with pests on my Jade plant?


mealybugs in the rose plant

Ans: Mealybugs are a common pest.

  • Remove them with a cotton swab dipped in neem oil.
  • Regularly inspect your plant and keep it clean to prevent infestations.

7. What is the best temperature range for a Jade plant?


Ans: Jade plants prefer temperatures between 18-30°C during the day and slightly cooler at night. Protect them from frost and extreme heat.

8. How can I encourage my Jade plant to grow thicker stems?

Jade plant in pot

Ans: Ensure your Jade plant gets plenty of sunlight and avoid overwatering. Pruning the plant can also promote thicker, more robust growth.

9. Why are the leaves of my Jade plant turning yellow?

Ans: Yellowing leaves can be a sign of overwatering, poor drainage, or insufficient light. Adjust your care routine accordingly.

10. Can Jade plants be grown outdoors?

Jade plant pot

Ans: Yes, Jade plants can be grown outdoors in warm climates. Ensure they are placed in a sunny location and protected from extreme weather conditions.

Happy Gardening!

Soil mix jade plant

Best Soil Mixture for Jade Plant

Is your Jade plant growing well? Are you planting it in a good soil mix? If not, then it is time to take a closer look at your soil mixture.

In this post, we will discuss how to prepare the best soil mixture for your Jade plant.

Assessing Your Jade Plant Growth


jade plant pot 1

Before diving into soil mixture, it is essential to assess the health and growth of your Jade plant. Look for signs of stunted growth, yellowing leaves, or wilting, as these could indicate issues with the current soil mix.

Best Soil Mixture for Jade Plant


soil mix 2

The soil mixture plays a crucial role in providing the necessary nutrients and environment for Jade plant to thrive.

The ideal soil mixture for Jade plant should possess several key characteristics to ensure optimal growth and health.

1. Firstly, it should have excellent drainage properties to prevent waterlogging, which can lead to root rot.

2. Secondly, it should be nutrient-rich to support the plant’s growth and development. 

3. Lastly, the texture of the soil should be well-suited for succulent, allowing for proper aeration and root development.

How to make soil mixture for Jade plant


Now, let’s check how to make soil mixture for Jade plant:

1. Collecting and Preparing Soil

Soil mix


Begin by collecting soil from your garden or local surroundings.

  • Ensure to sieve and clean it thoroughly, removing any debris such as plastic or glass pieces.

2. Adding Sand

sand in soil


Next, add river sand to the soil mixture, comprising approximately one-third of the total volume.

  • Sand aids in improving drainage and preventing soil compaction.
  • Sand also enhances soil aeration, allowing oxygen to reach plant roots more easily.
  • This improved aeration promotes healthy root development and encourages microbial activity in the soil, which further aids in nutrient availability for plants.

3. Adding Compost

compost in soil

Add compost into the mixture, using an amount equal to the quantity of sand.

  • Compost acts as a natural fertilizer, supplying essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to the soil.
  • Additionally, it improves soil structure, retains moisture, and enhances microbial activity, creating a healthy environment for plant roots to thrive.

4. Coco Peat

coco peat image


While Jade plants inherently retain water, coco peat can be beneficial, especially if the plant is exposed to prolonged sunlight.

  • Add coco peat in moderation, around one-fourth of the soil volume, to enhance moisture retention.

5. Neem Cake Powder for Pest Prevention


To safeguard the plant’s roots from pests, fungi, and bacteria, incorporate a small amount of neem cake powder into the soil mixture.

  • Neem cake powder acts as a natural deterrent, promoting the plant’s overall health.

6. Mixing Properly

soil mixture 1


Thoroughly blend all the ingredients to create a porous soil mixture. The resulting mixture should be loose and crumbly, ensuring optimal drainage and root aeration.

Also read, Tips to Care Jade Plant

Additional Care Tips


jade in sunny area

1. Jade plants, being succulents, need minimal watering. Only water them when the soil is completely dry.

2. Avoid overwatering –

Jade plants store water in their fleshy leaves and stems, making them well-equipped to survive in arid conditions.

  • However, when they are overwatered, their roots become saturated, leading to oxygen deprivation and ultimately root rot. 

3. Jade plants thrive with 4-5 hours of direct sunlight daily, making it optimal to keep them outdoors.


By following these steps and understanding the needs of your plant, you can create an environment where your Jade plant will thrive.


Happy Gardening!