Category Archives: Indoor Plants

Find tips here for caring for indoor plants, including guidance on watering, soil mixture, fertilizers, and more.

areca palm thumbnail

Areca Palm Care: Fertilizer and Pruning

Areca Palm Care: Fertilizer and Pruning


Areca Palms are lovely indoor plants with pretty green leaves. To keep them healthy and beautiful, you need to feed them the right food (fertilizer) and give them a little haircut (pruning).

areca palm care

Additionally, Areca Palms are fantastic at cleaning the air and giving off oxygen, making them a wonderful addition to your indoor spaces for a breath of fresh air.

In this article, we will guide you how to care your Areca palm. Whether you are new to gardening or an expert, these tips will help your Areca Palm thrive and stay beautiful.

Check this article:

White patches on Areca Palm leaves: How to treat


Fertilizer for Areca Palm


Areca palms are known for their slow growth, making them ideal indoor plants. They should be kept away from direct sunlight as they prefer indirect or filtered light. These plants typically do not produce flowers or fruits, which means there is no need for chemical fertilizers. Instead, opt for simple organic liquid fertilizers.

“Give simple organic liquid fertilizer to Areca palm.”

(i) Growing season:

cow dung liquid fertilizer

  • During their growing season (from February to September), you can use cow-dung liquid fertilizer every two months.

(ii) Rainy season:

  • Before the rainy season, consider applying neem cake liquid fertilizer, and before winter starts, give some mustard cake liquid fertilizer.
seaweed liquid fertilizer
Seaweed liquid fertilizer
  • If you don’t have these specific solutions, Seaweed solution can also work well.

Additionally, you can provide Epsom salt to the plant, but it’s essential to use it only when the plant shows signs of needing it.

  • Overusing Epsom salt can cause stress to the plant and result in browning leaves.

Pruning Areca Palms


Areca palms typically don not require extensive pruning, but they do benefit from occasional trimming.

  • If you notice a frond that is severely damaged, with burnt leaves or affected by fungus, it is best to remove the entire frond.

areca palm leaves brown


  • Additionally, if the tips of the leaves turn brown, it is a good practice to trim off those browned sections.

pruning of leaves of areca palm


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Snake plant thumbnail

How to Grow and Care Snake Plant

How to Grow and Care Snake Plant


Nowadays there is a lot of trend for indoor plants. People like to have indoor plants in their homes and offices. This not only increases the beauty of the homes and offices but also brings positive energy along with it.

How to Grow and Care Snake Plant

One of the most commonly grown indoor plants, the “Snake plant” has gained popularity due to its hardiness and ease of growing and air-detoxifying properties. Snake plants are often used as home decorations, as they are very attractive to look at. They can be seen in almost all places.

In this article, we will discuss complete care and tips on Snake plant such as;

  • watering tips for snake plant,
  • sunlight for snake plant,
  • fertilizers for snake plant,
  • soil mixture for snake plant,
  • propagation for snake plant,
  • repoting tips for snake plant, and many more.

How to Grow and Care Snake Plant

Snake plants are recognized for their evergreen-looking sword-shaped leaves. Its leaves grow upwards and look like a sword.

Snake plant is also known as “mother-in-law’s tongue”, “St George’s sword” or “viper’s bowstring hemp”, as it is one of the sources of plant fibers used to make bowstrings.

Features of Snake plant

Common name: Snake plant, mother-in-law’s tongue

Scientific Name: Dracaena trifasciata (formerly Sansevieria trifasciata)

Maintenance: Low-maintenance

Water: When the soil dries completely

Sunlight: Bright/Medium Light

Snake plant is a life-giving plant

    • The snake plant is a life-giving plant as it increases the level of oxygen in the atmosphere to a remarkable level.
    • It is also known for its ability to help remove toxic air pollutants.
    • It purifies the air and maintains the freshness in the room.


Why is it called a Snake plant?


It has leaves with a snake-like texture and from the top, it looks like a snake’s hood. This plant does not attract any snakes toward it. It is just the physical appearance of the plant which gave it the name “Snake plant”.

How to Grow and Care Snake Plant


Snake plant requires very little care in maintenance. This is the reason why people easily plant it at home.

  • The snake plant is a flexible, hardy plant and can survive in relatively dry environments both indoors and outdoors.
  • If you plan to plant a snake plant in your home, then it is important for you to take care of some things.

Now, let’s discuss some important tips to care for the Snake plant:

1. Watering for Snake plant


Often people do not know when and how to water the snake plants. So, let’s discuss some of the important points on “how to water snake plants”.

The snake plant is a succulent and its requirements are a little different from any other plant. Its leaves already have moisture locked in so, it does not require much water. The biggest reason for the failure of this plant is overwatering or underwatering.

Before watering to Snake plant, follow the below steps:


Give water only, when the soil is completely dries

    • Water the snake plant only when the soil is completely dry.
    • Dig the top layer of soil at least for 2-3 inches not only the topmost layer, if it is dry till 2-3 inches then only give water.
    • When giving water, give it properly because the next watering might be done after 10-15 or 20 days.


Always give water at regular intervals

    • It should not be like that in the first go, your plant was watered at the gap of 4 days, and in the next round break of 20 days was taken.
    • The plant would start decaying in that case.
    • Always maintain the frequency of a 7-8 days gap.
    • During winter, it would need less water.

Important note:

    • Clean the leaves twice a month with a wet wipe or tissue paper.
    • Water should not get stagnant on the leaves, leaves might rot out.
    • Too much water can rot the roots of this plant.

Rainwater is good for Snake plant

    • Rainwater is good for this plant but not rain showers.
    • Store the rainwater in a bucket and give it to them (it works as a tonic for this plant).
    • Whenever it rains, shift them to shaded areas where rainwater would not fall directly.

2. Sunlight for Snake plant


Never keep snake plants in direct sunlight. Indirect sunlight is best for a snake plant. Bright light and medium light areas are the best for snake plants.

The ideal temperature for a Snake plant:

    • This plant grows well throughout the year, and may slow down for some time but does not stop growing.
    • The perfect temperature for this is 15-35℃.
    • During very high temperatures it slows down its growing speed.
    • In the course of extreme cold, it should be kept inside.
    • Save it from direct dew. Otherwise, it might start decaying but it will recover also as soon as the weather changes.

Important note:

  • Never beautify the corner (where there is no light) of your home with a snake plant because it would not survive in darkness. Snake plants would not hold on in darkness or dark areas.

3. Fertilizers for Snake plant


Snake plants are never fed by strong fertilizers because they do not give any fruits, flowers, or dense leaves.

  • It is just that the right fertilizer at the right time is the key followed by this plant for fruitful growth.

Fertilizers thrice a year is the agenda here.

  • Once in February, preferably cow dung fertilizer.
  • Next in July end, vermicompost tea can be given at this time.
  • After that, at the start of November, – you can use Mustard cake liquid fertilizer.
  • Mustard cake fertilizer is warm in nature and at this time winter starts, so it will help the soil to maintain its temperature.
  • Moreover, stored rainwater also acts as a tonic for it. Keep on giving that also whenever it rains.

4. Soil mixture for Snake plant


The soil of a snake plant is different from other plants because it is succulent.

  • Never go for clay soil.
  • Always go for a sandy mixture soil.

Follow the below steps to make the best soil mixture for snake plants:

1. Take river sand which should be 50% of the total mixture.

2. Take local soil (available in your area) which should be 25% of the total mixture.

3. Take compost which should be 25% of the total mixture.

How to make the best soil mixture for snake plants:

1. Take the local soil (available in your area).

2. Sieve it and clean it properly.

3. There should not be any plastic, glass pieces, termite, or insects in it.

4. Any compost can be taken like vermicompost, leave compost, cow dung, and kitchen compost.

5. Mix the proposed quantity of each ingredient properly.

6. A very little quantity of neem cake can be added to prevent fungus and insects.

5. How to propagate the Snake plant?


1. Select a small pot with a proper drainage hole at the bottom.

2. Fill the pot with the prepared mixture and pour some water.

3. Now, remove the plant from the existing pot by loosening the soil. Do it very carefully.

4. The roots of this plant are very small. Divide the plant into different parts by cutting it from the main root(called naadi).

5. Now, take one divided plant and place it inside the soil by making holes in the soil.

6. Cover the roots properly with soil. Do not give water now, as it was already given before placing the plant.

7. Place the pot where there is light but not direct sunlight.

8. Keep them undisturbed for a few days, and pour water when the soil gets dry.

9. They will bloom and flourish in heavy dense plants sometimes.

6. When to repot the Snake plant?


    • This plant is always available in pots, not in polybags.
    • Do not transfer it unnecessarily, give time to get it settled at your place.
    • Report it when it is required as this plant does not like unnecessary disturbance.
    • Shift this plant when the existing pot gets full by small -small baby plants.
    • Take one size bigger pot from the existing pot.
    • Do not go for a very big pot.

Important note:

    • Always prefer small pots for Snake plants.
    • It loves root bound. This plant loves roots bound and small – small pups propagate in these bounded roots.
    • If it is grown in a big pot, then its roots will take more time to spread and more time for the propagation of pups.
    • Hence, more time will take to grow and become dense.

7. How to deal with rotten Snake plants?


    • If you have a snake plant whose leaves started decaying then first of all cut out all the leaves which are rotting.
    • Now, keep it in any corner where there is a medium or bright light (not in direct sunlight).
    • Do not feed any fertilizer or water.
    • Just keep it for some days undisturbed and it will start recovering on its own.

8. Best time to purchase & grow


    • March-October is the best time to buy snake plants.
    • Always prefer dense snake plants with 2-3 pups while buying them from the nursery.

9. Availability, Cost, and Varieties of Snake Plants


  • Snake plants are easily available at all nurseries and can be bought for Rs 100-200.
  • Approximately it has 60-70 varieties in it but 10-12 categories are the most common and easily available.
  • Some are very long, some can be short, and denser, and some are in different colors.
  • For indoors, long ones are not preferred. Opt for the more dense plant to keep indoors as they look more beautiful.

So, this was all about “SNAKE PLANT”.

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Happy Gardening!

Make Your Own Garden!

Areca Palm Plant Complete Care

All About Areca Palm Plant

1. Areca palm size 

  • Areca palm plants are available in different sizes from 4 feet to 6 feet and some are very small called young plants.
  • You can keep plants of smaller sizes on the table also. You can buy it according to your needs.

2. Propagation of Areca palm

  • You can grow areca palm from seeds. Seeds are available in the market. This plant grows very slowly, seeds will take around 2-3 months to get germinated and they arrive with 1-2 leaves.
  • If you have a healthy and bushy Areca plant then you can divide it into many plants from the roots.
  • The best option for having this plant is to buy it from a nursery.
  1. Choose healthy areca palms from the nursery.
  2. If you see brown leaves or weak plants then don’t buy them.
  3. Sometimes nursery people try to misguide you but we should monitor carefully before buying it. Select green and healthy plants.

3. Pot size for Areca Palm

  • We can grow this plant in any type (ceramic, plastic, clay, etc) of pot but select a medium size pot.
  • If you are not experienced with areca plants then, you should use clay pots over other pots.

4. Soil Mixture for Areca Palm plant

  • The soil of this plant should be well drained as well as compact.
  • The upper portion i.e. leaves of this plant are very big in size as compared to the roots.
  • If we take soft soil then, its roots and the grip of the plant inside the soil will get spoiled.
  • The plant won’t be able to stand straight, it will start bending after some time. If we take compact soil then it will help in keeping the plant straight.
  1. We can take 60% of garden soil, 25% construction sand, and 15% compost for its soil mixture.
  2. We should not add coco peat here plus we are keeping compost quantity also very low because both these things make the soil very soft.
  3. You can add neem cake powder, fungicides, or any insecticides also in very small quantities.

5. Temperature requirement for Areca Palm

  • The ideal temperature for an areca plant is 15-25℃.
  • If the temperature goes beyond 30 degrees and below 11 degrees, this plant goes into stress.
  • Tips of the leaves start getting brown and the growth of the plant stops there only.

6. Sunlight requirement for Areca Palm

  • Areca palm plants need bright and indirect sunlight.
  • If you have kept it at places where light is dim like stairs or corridors then, its growth would stop there only.
  • There should not be direct sunlight falling also otherwise its leaves will start turning brown.
  • In fact, areca plants which are planted on the ground and have direct sunlight also face the issue of sunburn. Their leaves also burn and become brown.
  • If you want to keep Areca in the sun, then keep her in the same sunlight that you can bear.
  • Keep these plants near windows and doors where fresh air comes along with bright and indirect sunlight.

7. Watering for Areca Palm

  • The water requirement of this plant is different in comparison to other indoor plants.
  • Areca palm likes moisture very much so if the topsoil of this plant is completely dry then, the tip of the leaves will turn brown due to underwatering.
  • Check the top layer of soil with your hand and if you notice that it does not have any moisture in it then, give water. It can become completely dry if we do not give water at that time.
  • Give water in installments, like giving one mug of water first then, after some time one more mug and keep on giving in regular intervals till the point water comes out from the bottom drainage hole.
  • If the soil is wet and still you are giving water then, there would be a problem of over-watering. It might catch fungus and pests (like mealybugs and all), plus the tips of the leaves will turn brown. Roots will also get spoiled and it will damage the whole plant.
  • One more thing, If you give water again and again in wet soil, then some white thing starts accumulating in it. It can be fungus or salt present in water.

Now, You can care for your Areca Palm

Keep Planting!!!!

Best Indoor Plants

Indoor plants are thriving very much nowadays mainly used for giving positivity, and freshness, glorifying the different corners of homes, workplaces, and offices.

Luckily! we can keep some plants with us inside the house, even in the bedrooms.

Neither we will have any problem nor those plants will have any problems.

All about Indoor Plants

❖ Indoor plants absorb pollutants and all the harmful chemicals from the air.

❖ They reduce stress. Moreover, physically or psychologically they are also good for health.

❖ Most of the indoor plants are those plants that were lying under the trees in dense forests without any direct sunlight or water. They were growing on their own.

❖ Plants which were very beautiful and attractive, people got them from the forests to their homes. Later on in the research also they won the battle and proved beneficial for the health of human beings.

❖ So, by nature these plants do not need any direct sunlight or care. If you provide some direct sunlight it is good, if you can not provide it, it is ok for them.

❖ The biggest reason for the non-survival of indoor plants is overcared. They need the least care and maintenance.

❖ Steadily available in variable sizes.

Some of the small size indoor plants are amplified over here:


Snake plant

● They are called Snake plants due to their appearance.

●They are the best air purifier and oxygen-ceding plants.

● It can be kept in bright, medium, or low light.

●Give water when the soil inside is completely dry. Ideally, a gap of 7-8 days can be maintained in giving water.

● Its roots are very small, if the soil stays wet for a longer duration then the roots may lose their grip and its leaves might start shedding down.

Overwatering is the main cause of the deterioration of this plant. Prevent leaves also from becoming wet.

● Its growing medium consists of normal garden soil and sand, little mustard cake fertilizer can also be added.

● Coco peat is not required because this plant does not need much water.



● This beautiful plant stays best in bright or medium light. In direct strong sunlight, it goes under stress.

● Optimum water is needed by this one. Over-watering is the biggest reason, it starts rotting.

● Give water when the soil is completely dry. Some water can be sprayed on the leaves also to remove the dust from them.

● For its growing medium, normal soil, compost with sand, and topped with cocopeat can be opted for.

● Leaves and stems are very delicate, so try to use a spray bottle to give water and to prevent over-watering also.

3) GOLDEN MONEY PLANT ( Golden Pothos)

Money plant

● The leaves of this one are yellowish which differentiates them from other Pothos (money plants).

● They look beautiful when kept in bright or medium light.

● If kept in direct sunlight, then leaves will start turning dark in the shade.

● In comparison to other indoor plants, they need a little more water. Neither over-watering nor under-watering is allowed here. Check the soil every 3-4 days and give water if the topsoil looks dry.

● In the growing medium, take normal soil, and a little bit of compost with sand.



● This indoor plant bears flowers but without any sunlight.

● This plant loves early morning sunlight otherwise do not place it in direct sunlight.

● Give water when the soil is dry.

● Mix sand and soil in a growing medium. Do not add coco peat.



● This pretty plant comes in various colors.

● It grows very easily and can be kept in any corner where there is a bright, medium or low light.

● There should be some moisture in its soil. Check the soil every 3-4 days and give water followed by the spray.

● In the growing medium, keep the soil mixed with sand. Coco peat is not required here.

Some common key points of Indoor Plants

➔ All these indoor plants need fertilizers in the interval of 2 months. Any fertilizer can be given like cow dung, mustard cake, vermicompost, or any other.

➔ These plants grow very slowly except Pothos, so there is no need to change the pots for a year.

➔ Some of them emit carbon dioxide during the night but they would not affect the health of human beings as it is too less in quantity.

➔ There is no impact of room lights on these plants.

This is all about Indoor plants.

Happy Gardening!
