How to make  Curry Plant Bushy

Pic credit:  pixabay

Curry leaves possess numerous healthful properties that aid in the treatment of various health conditions.

Let's discuss some method to encourage bushiness of Curry leaf plant:

1.  Sunlight requirement

Curry plants love full sunlight, needing at least 5 to 6 hours of direct sunlight each day.

Place your plant in a sunny area with good air flow.

2.  Pruning Techniques

Regular pruning is crucial for shaping your curry plant and encouraging new growth.

Curry leaf plants grow mainly from their tips. Pruning stimulates 2-3 new shoots, promoting new branches and leaves.

From February to October, regular light pruning can be performed.

3.  Regular Soil Maintenance

Regularly check the soil texture every two months to maintain optimal conditions for your curry leaf plant.

Loosen the soil around the plant and add compost to keep it soft and rich in nutrients.

4.  Best Fertilizers for Curry Plant

Curry leaf plants benefit from a higher amount of nitrogen in their fertilizer mix.

(i) Cow Dung Cake Liquid Fertilizer:

Cow dung cake liquid fertilizer, high in nitrogen, promotes lush foliage growth and enhances plant health.

(ii) Mustard Cake Liquid Fertilizer:

Mustard cake liquid fertilizer is another organic option rich in NPK content, particularly beneficial for curry leaf plants.

(iii) Neem Cake Fertilizer:

Neem cake fertilizer enriches soil nutrients and acts as a natural pesticide, protecting plants from pests and diseases.

(iv) Seaweed Fertilizer:

Seaweed fertilizer provides essential nutrients and growth-promoting hormones, promoting healthy plant growth.

5.  Use of Buttermilk to make Curry Plant Bushy

Buttermilk is an excellent tonic for promoting healthy and bushy foliage in curry plants.

Mix one-fourth glass of buttermilk with one litre of water and give this mixture in the soil. 

Make sure the buttermilk is not too sour and is still suitable for drinking.

By using pruning methods, ensuring ideal growing conditions, and addressing problems promptly, you will see your curry plant flourish.

Pic credit:  Pinterest