Best fertilizers  For Monsoon Season

Using the right fertilizers during the monsoon season can significantly enhance plant growth. 

Here are two excellent fertilizers for this time:

Onion peels are rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium, which are essential for plant growth.

1. Onion Peel Liquid Fertilizer

– Boosts Immunity: Helps plants fight diseases and pests. – Improves Soil Health: Enhances soil structure and fertility.

Benefits of  Onion Peel Liquid Fertilizer

Contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and various micronutrients. 

2. Vermicompost Tea

Improves Soil Microbial Activity:  Enhances beneficial microbial activity in the soil, promoting healthier plant growth. 

Benefits of  Vermicompost Tea

Increases Water Retention:  Improves the soil's water-holding capacity, crucial during the monsoon. 

It can be given to all types of plants, including indoor and outdoor plants, flowering and non-flowering plants, and succulents. 

These 2 Fertilizers can be given to all types of plants.

Always dilute fertilizers with sufficient water before applying to prevent any adverse effects on the plant.

Regularly feed your plants with these fertilizers to keep them healthy and thriving throughout the season.