Tag Archives: Repotting of Hybrid Vinca

hybrid vinca

Complete Care of Hybrid Vinca Plant: 11 Tips

11 Tips to Care Hybrid Vinca Plant

Hybrid Vinca, also known as periwinkle, is a stunning plant that comes in various colors and is typically available during the winter season. However, due to its delicate nature, these plants often struggle to thrive once brought home from the nursery, despite diligent care and precautions.

Red Hybrid Vinca plant
Red Hybrid Vinca plant

If they manage to survive the initial days, sustaining their well-being beyond one or two weeks becomes a challenge. This unique plant requires distinctive care in various aspects, including the application of pesticides, fertilizers, the best soil, a suitable pot, pruning, meeting specific sunlight and water requirements, and finding the optimal location for its growth.

In this article, we aim to uncover 11 important tips to care for the thriving of hybrid vinca, demystifying the challenges associated with its cultivation.

1. Hybrid Vinca is Fungus Prone

Hybrid Vinca affected by Fungus
Hybrid Vinca affected by Fungus

Well! Before understanding its care, let’s analyze its problems first, which it faces after being brought home from the nursery.

Within 4-5 days of acquiring the plant from the nursery, signs of deterioration become evident. In typical gardening fashion, individuals often resort to supplementing the plant with substances like Epsom salt, NPK, Neem oil, or other fertilizers to expedite its growth. However, it is crucial to note that when purchased from the nursery, the plant is already enriched with essential nutrients, as nurseries typically ensure proper fertilization before selling their plants. Furthermore, distinct symptoms manifest when the plant is nutrient-depleted, such as reduced leaf size, lack of flowering, and wilting, but the plant does not necessarily succumb entirely.

The primary challenge lies in the plant’s heightened susceptibility to fungus attack. Hybrid Vinca is very much prone to fungus attacks (usually not a local Vinca).

Fungal attacks can lead to the decay of the plant, presenting a significant hurdle in its overall health and well-being.

2. Repotting of Hybrid Vinca

This plant dislikes being repotted, so it is advisable to refrain from repotting for at least 6-7 months after bringing it home from the nursery.

  • Only consider repotting if it becomes absolutely necessary, such as when the roots start protruding, and the current pot is insufficient to accommodate the plant.

When repotting is unavoidable, follow a careful procedure:

  • Begin by removing the bottom polythene of the plant and then place it into the new pot.
  • Next, gently pull the side polybag upward, ensuring the roots remain undisturbed to prevent unnecessary stress on the plant.
  • There may be instances where the plant shows suboptimal growth, and repotting can be considered as a solution, but here keep repotting as the last option. Follow all other treatments first to revive the plant.

3. How to Grow Hybrid Vinca

1. Buy From Nursery:

Vinca at nursery
Vinca at nursery

Hybrid Vinca is available at nurseries from October to November and January to February.

  • The most convenient method is to purchase a young plant directly from a nursery, typically priced between Rs 20-30.

2. Grow From Seeds:

Seedpods of Vinca plant
Seedpods of Vinca plant

Seeds can be purchased online from various websites. However, growing from seeds is a somewhat tricky process.

    • Alternatively, seeds can be collected from mature seed pods produced when the flowers bloom.
    • Allow the pods to mature and naturally fall off; collect the black-colored seeds for growing new plants.

3. From Cuttings:

After pruning, remove leaves and flowers from the lower sections of the branches.

    • Submerge the pruned branch with its remaining leaves into water, ensuring that 2-3 nodes of the branch are submerged.
    • Plants grown from cuttings take at least 1-1.5 months to grow and will be of the hybrid category only.

By following these methods, you can successfully cultivate hybrid vinca while considering factors like seasonality, seed collection, and the preferred method of propagation.

4. Soil Mixture for Hybrid Vinca

Soil mixture


Soil for this plant should be porous and soft to hold the delicate roots properly.

  1. Local Soil- Strain and thoroughly cleanse the soil, ensuring the removal of all debris, insects, and fungus. Expose the soil to sunlight to promote its rejuvenation.
  2. Compost – Take compost one –  third quantity of soil. Prefer vermicompost or cow dung compost here.
  3. Sand – Add the same quantity of sand as of compost.
  4. Fungicide – Add fungicide approximately one – third of a spoon in 5 kg of soil.

Mix all these ingredients and the resultant mixture is the perfect soil for Hybrid Vinca.

5. Preferred Pot Size for Hybrid Vinca

Pot size for Hybrid Vinca


Regardless of the pot material, the size of the pot plays a crucial role. Whether it is made of cement, clay, plastic, or ceramic, the pot’s size should ideally be one size larger than the plant.

  • Avoid choosing a larger pot if the plant is small in size.
  • When water is provided to the plant, the roots will absorb the necessary moisture.
  • However, if the plant is smaller than the pot, excess soil can retain moisture, leading to fungal issues.
  • Matching the pot size to the plant ensures that water accumulation aligns with the root system’s requirements.
  • Soil in smaller pots dry out faster compared to those in larger pots.

6. Location of Plant:

When fetched from the nursery during October-November, keep this plant in direct sunlight.

  • When the weather changes from winters to summers, shift the plant under a green net.
  • During extreme summers, it may undergo some stress.
  • In the rainy season, keep it under a green sheet to protect against direct rainfall, which may invite fungal attacks. Store rainwater for the plant, but avoid exposing it to direct rainfall.
  • After rain, expose the plant to maximum sunlight.
  • This plant thrives in moderate weather, neither too sunny nor too cold.

7. Watering tips for Hybrid Vinca

watering Hybrid Vinca plant

Before watering, aerate the soil and allow it to dry thoroughly from the inside. The following day, provide water adequately.

  • When spraying any fungicide or water on leaves and flowers, ensure they do not retain water and completely dry out after spraying.
  • Opt for a morning temperature so that any stagnant water on the leaves and flowers dries promptly, preventing the risk of fungal attacks.

8. Pruning of Hybrid Vinca

Pruning of Hybrid Vinca

Regular pruning is not recommended within the first year; a single instance of cutting the tips is sufficient to stimulate blooming.

  • Frequent pruning can increase the risk of fungal attacks.
  • If the plant appears leggy around February, perform standard pruning once.
  • For very bushy plants, opt for hard pruning in October or February, limiting it to once a year.
  • Maintain cleanliness by sanitizing your pruner before use.
  • Apply fungicide to both the pruner and the pruned parts of the plant. Alternatively, spray the fungicide on the plant after pruning, diluting ⅓ spoon of fungicide in 2 liters of water and apply it to both the leaves and the soil.
  • Remove dry and withered leaves from the lower side, as they may potentially attract fungal infections.

9. Fungicides Treatment:

Fungicide treatment on Vinca plant
Giving Fungicide in soil

If the plant shows signs of a fungal attack, trim away the affected parts and apply a fungicide solution to both the leaves and the soil.

  • Administer the same treatment to the plant once a month, even in the absence of issues, as a preventive measure against fungal attacks.

10. Fertilizers for Hybrid Vinca plant

This plant does not require heavy feeding; it thrives well with adequate sunlight and in the absence of fungal attacks.

  • Any fertilizer, such as cow dung, mustard cake, peanut, or others, applied once a month, is ample for its nutritional needs.
  • During peak flowering periods in October-November, February-March, and the rainy season, supplement regular fertilizer with additional banana peel fertilizer after 15 days of the initial application.
  • No other fertilizers are recommended or necessary for this plant.

11. Pesticide Treatment for Hybrid Vinca plant

Black Aphids on Vinca plant
Black Aphids on Vinca plant

Generally, this plant is not prone to pest attacks, but occasional infestations of small black aphids may occur.

  • If aphids are present, wash the plant thoroughly by spraying it with water to remove all insects and pests.
  • Prepare a solution comprising neem oil, soap, and garlic. Apply this solution by spraying it on the plant to deter further insect attacks.

Click here to read: How to Remove Aphids from the Plant

Hybrid Vinca is an exceptionally beautiful plant that can enhance the aesthetics of your garden. To ensure its well-being, decorate your garden with this plant and provide attentive care by adhering to the recommendations outlined above.

Happy Gardening!