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How to care for Hibiscus Plant: 6 Expert Tips

How to care for Hibiscus Plant


Hibiscus is a tropical plant known for its big, colorful flowers. They love warm temperatures and usually need to be protected during cold weather. They have woody stems and grow close to the ground. The flowers of this plant are very big in size and are of different colors like red, peach, yellow, orange, and purple.

  • What if your hibiscus plant is not giving flowers?
  • What if your hibiscus buds are falling regularly?
  • The leaves of the plants are turning yellow and pests are attacking the plant.
How to care for Hibiscus Plant
hibiscus flower

In this article, we are going to provide the solutions for all of these problems.

Hibiscus is a perennial plant, if you will take proper care of it then it can survive for many years with you. Generally, hibiscus should be grown in the ground but with proper technique and care, we can grow it inside the pot also.

How to care for Hibiscus Plant


1. Sunlight for Hibiscus plant


  • Hibiscus plants grow in direct sunlight, the best place for hibiscus is a place that gets 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight in a day.
  • The ideal temperature for this plant to grow is 15℃-35℃.
  • If the temperature goes beyond the range then keep the plant in the shade otherwise leaves might get burnt.
  • You need to save this plant from extreme cold and winter dew also.

2. Pot size for Hibiscus plant


  • Choose the pot very wisely because they prefer root bound also.
  • The roots of this plant are bigger in size, so you need a big pot for them at least 12 inches.
  • When you buy this plant from a nursery, do not shift them into another pot immediately.
  • In fact, even if your plant is 2-3 years old and doing well in the current pot then also do not shift it because this plant gets transplant shock very easily.
  • If you think that plant has grown up very well and your current pot size is small according to the plant then you can shift it to a bigger pot.
  • The best pots are clay pots but you can choose as per your convenience. You can take cement, ceramic, or any pot.

                Do it with all care to prevent transplant shock.

3. How to Water Hibiscus Plant

  • Hibiscus needs balanced water, over-watering leads to fungus and pests in the plants. It will stop the growth of the plant, leaves will start turning yellow, and buds will get weaker and start falling down.
  • At first, go give water nicely and after that check the top soil of the pot.
  • If the soil is dry, then lose the soil with any tool and check if the soil is completely dry or sticking to the hands.
  • If it is wet do not give water. In winter, do not give water daily.

4. Pesticide for Hibiscus Plant


Pest attacks, fungi, mealybugs, and all are very common problems with hibiscus plants.

  • To prevent it, first of all, avoid overwatering.
  • If you have more than one hibiscus then keep this plant at different places with gaps otherwise all of them would get pest attacks at the same time.
  • You can do neem spray weekly on this plant.
  • If you want to prevent your plant from pest attack then check your plant every third day.
  • Observe the stems, branches, flowers, and both sides of the leaves properly, if you have even a minor doubt of a pest attack then spray insecticide on it immediately.

ACTARA insecticide is good for the removal of pests and safe for plants, you can use this insecticide.

5. Pruning of Hibiscus Plant


If you want so many flowers in your plant, then you need to be regular in pruning. We need to do the pruning of the leaves, stems, branches, and flowers.

  • Remove all the yellow leaves, and spotted leaves otherwise the plant will waste its energy on these leaves.
  • You can remove the leaves from the bottom of the plant also because they do not play any role in photosynthesis.
  • Bottom leaves cover the soil which is not good for the plant and fungus also spreads through these leaves.
  • We should not do over-pruning of leaves otherwise the process of photosynthesis would get disturbed.
  • Always do the pruning of the plant in the growing season, not during winter seasons because at that time growth of the plant stops.

6. Best Fertilizer for Hibiscus Plant


  • Hibiscus is a heavy feeder plant, it needs fertilizer every 15 days.
  • You can give any fertilizer like cow dung, mustard cake, vermicompost, or any other which is available.
  • You can give banana peel fertilizer also because the banana peel contains high potassium, and potassium is very important for the biological and chemical growth of the plant.

Also, read: How to Get Maximum Flowering in Hibiscus Plant

Hibiscus is a very beautiful plant.

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Enjoy the beauty of this plant!!

How to Repot a Plant

Children and plants both are the purest gifts of nature. If you will love them they will love you back. More care and affection you shower on them, the happier they will grow up. When a child comes out from the mother’s womb, she needs all caution and protection to stay healthy and to adapt to new surroundings. Similarly, when new plants come to your place, you need to be very particular in taking care of them.

When we buy plants from the nurseries and bring them home, we need to shift them into a new pot.  At the time of shifting, we need to follow the proper technique, otherwise, the plant will go under transplant shock and would not be able to recover back again.

So, in this article, I will share some of the key steps to repot the plant.

Steps to repot a plant

1. Soil 

  • Take normal soil which is available at your place.
  • Make sure there are no traces of glass, plastic, or any garbage in it.
  • It should be clean soil. Make a firm powder of it with your hand, lumps should not be there.
  • Mix some sand also in it, it shields the soil to become stone.
  • Add coco peat also if you have any, it will help the soil to maintain its moisture. Otherwise, normal soil will also work perfectly.

2. Pot size

Normally, take a 10-inch size pot and make two drainage holes at the bottom of your pot. Cover these holes with any stone or paper, so that soil does not come out but it can shed extra water.

3. Fill the pot with the soil

Now, fill the pot with soil and keep on tapping in between to avoid air gaps in the soil. Maintain the level of soil properly.

4. Remove the plant from plastic

  • The next step is to remove the plant from the existing plastic pot.

    Repotting at the correct time is important because sometimes the roots of the plant get bonded to each other and plants can come into problems.

  • If the roots are bounded to each other then first of all we need to open the bottom roots by removing their soil, then only these roots will be able to spread inside the pot properly.
  • Remove the soil carefully, it should not affect the main roots.

5. Shift the plant to a new pot

After opening the roots, now, we can place the plant in a new pot. Conceal the roots of the plant deep in the soil but make sure the stem is not going inside the soil. Otherwise, stems will start decaying inside the soil. After placing the plant inside the pot, fill the rest of the empty space in the pot with soil.

6. Watering

  • Give water to the plant in installments at a gap of a few minutes.
  • We need to give water to the plant till the point where excess water comes out from the drainage hole.
  • When water comes out from the drainage hole, it means roots at the bottom side also get water.
  • After that, if you feel there is any gap you can fill it with soil and adjust the position of your plant in the pot.

Now keep it in the shade for the next three days. It was all about shifting the plant to the new pot.

Enjoy Planting!!