Tag Archives: money plant growing ideas

Money plant care tips

Money Plant Care Tips: Complete Guide

Money plants, also known as Pothos are available in so many colors and different varieties rule the world by distinct names. This plant flourishes in almost every second home.

Beautiful, shiny, big green leaves of the money plant always magnify the beauty of every garden. Its leaves are typically green and variegated and can grow to be several feet long.

A money plant is considered to be:

  • a hardy,
  • low-maintenance plant
  • that is easy to care for and
  • also purifies the air.

money plant

Some people keep money plants inside the house and some people keep these plants outside the house. If properly cared for, this plant can easily thrive in both indoor and outdoor environments.

Money plant Caring tips

In this complete guide article, we will discuss:

  • best season,
  • from where to get,
  • propagation & care.
  • light requirements,
  • pot size,
  • soil mixture,
  • watering,
  • moss stick,
  • pruning and
  • fertilizer’s for money plant.

1. Best season for money plant

(i) It is a summer plant.
  • It grows best during the interval of February- October.
(ii) Monsoon is the best season for money plants.
  • During rain, both the plant and cutting of the money plant grow at a faster pace.
(iii) During winters, it slows down its growing speed.
  • Whereas, the leaves of the money plant also start turning yellow or black and should be kept in a warm place (during winter).

2. How to get a Money plant?

(i) Get it from Nursery
  • Money plants are easily available in nurseries.
  • At the nursery, it would be available in pots or in polybags.
  • Do not repot it, if it is available in the pot. Let it get settled at your place for some time.
  • If it comes in a polybag then also wait for 7-8 days for the repotting process.
  • Shift the money plant in the pot when it is out of stress.
(ii) From the Cutting

money plant cuting

  • Money plant cutting can be borrowed from anywhere.
  • Borrowed cuttings of money plants can be used to turn into a full-fledged highly dense money plant.
  • Always take cuttings from healthy money plants.
  • Make sure the chosen branch has at least 3-4 nodes in it.
  • Money plants always grow from nodes or aerial roots, not from the leaves.

money plant cutting

Important note:

  • Do the repotting of the money plant in the evening only.
  • While repotting, the moss stick of the money plant and the roots should not be disturbed.

3. Propagation & Care for Money plant

Indeed, you can also cultivate money plants from cuttings.

  • Taking cuttings represents a simple and efficient method for propagating money plants, allowing you to generate new plants at no cost.
  • These cuttings can be cultivated in various mediums such as water, soil, LECA balls, coco peat, sand, and more.

4. Light requirements for Money plant

money plant outdoor

  • Avoid placing money plants in strong direct sunlight.
  • Money plants thrive best in indirect light, both bright and medium.
  • You can keep money plants either indoors or outdoors, but avoid exposing them to strong sunlight.
  • Consider placing them on a roof or balcony covered by a green net or other shade.
  • It’s not recommended to frequently move the plant.
  • Allow it to settle in one place; avoid excessive relocation.

5. Pot size for Money plant

money plant voice of plant

  • Ideally, an 8-10 inch-sized pot is sufficient for a money plant, but it can also thrive in smaller pots.
  • Hanging pots are another option for growing money plants.
  • Do not repot them until and unless the roots of the plant start coming out from the pot.
  • Moreover, they show some signals also if there is a need to change the pot.

5. Best soil mixture for Money plant

soil mixture

  • The soil should be well-drained, which means the drainage system of the soil should be very good.
  • The soil should quickly absorb water when you provide it, and it should not stagnate on the top.

6. Watering tips for Money plant

  • Money plants require humus, water, and moisture in their soil to bloom properly, whether they are kept indoors or outdoors. Its soil should not dry up.
  • Give water properly whenever it seems that the soil is getting dry and hard.

watering tips to money plant

  • Spray some water on the moss stick also (if it is there).
  • Always clean the leaves of money plants by spraying some water to get rid of dust and also this process will enhance the process of photosynthesis.

watering tips to money plant

  • All the above steps will uplift the growth of the money plant.

7. Moss stick support for Money plant

  • If you want your money plant to be very dense, then first of all you need to support it.
  • You can use sticks for support like moss sticks, jute sticks, or any other stick covered with cloth.
  • Moss sticks are the most preferred and inexpensive option (easily available at all nurseries).
  • Wrap the branches of the plant across the stick keeping in mind that aerial nodes get directly in touch with sticks.

moss stick for money plants

6. Pruning of Money plant

You should prune the money plant at regular intervals to achieve a bushy and dense appearance.

money plant pruning

  • Pruning of yellow and damaged leaves is very essential for the healthy growth of money plants.
  • Always use sharp and clean tools for pruning.
  • The more you prune it, the denser it will become.

“It is important not to over-prune your money plant, as this can slow its growth and decrease its overall health.

Pruning should be done sparingly and only when necessary.”

7. Fertilizer for Money plant

Money plants can benefit from occasional fertilization, especially during the growing season (spring to fall). Moreover, different nutrients should be provided at the gap of 20 days. To begin, use cow dung liquid fertilizer (with high NPK), and then switch to seaweed fertilizer.

  • Always remember to feed your plant with diluted fertilizer, with a higher proportion of water compared to the fertilizer.


It was all about the “Money Plant”.

Make your own garden!

Happy Gardening!

Fertilizer for Money Plant (Pothos)

Money plants also known as Pothos, can benefit significantly from occasional fertilization, especially during their active growing season, which typically spans from spring to fall. Proper fertilization provides them with essential nutrients to promote vigorous growth and lush foliage.

pothos money plant

In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the importance of fertilizing your money plant and provide valuable information on how to do it effectively.

Understanding the need for Fertilizer


Fertilizing your Money plant serves several crucial purposes:

1. Nutrient Enrichment:

  • Money plants require essential nutrients for their growth.
  • In their natural habitat, these nutrients are drawn from the soil. However, when cultivated indoors in pots, they depend on you to supply these nutrients.

2. Vigorous Growth:

  • Regular fertilization ensures your Money plant has an abundant supply of vital nutrients, promoting robust growth and lush foliage.
  • Proper nourishment can lead to more extensive vines and larger, more vibrant leaves.

money plant

3. Soil Rejuvenation:

  • Over time, the potting soil your Money plant resides in may become depleted of nutrients.
  • Fertilizing helps rejuvenate the soil, making it more conducive to sustained plant health and vitality.

4. Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal:

  • Well-fed Money plants are more likely to exhibit the attractive variegation and lushness that makes them so appealing.
  • Proper fertilization can contribute to the plant’s visual charm, making it a stunning addition to your home decor.

Choosing the Right Fertilizer

NPK fertilizer

The choice of fertilizer is crucial. It is advisable to alternate between fertilizers with different formulations to ensure your Money plant receives a balanced supply of nutrients.

  • High NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) fertilizers are suitable choices, but also consider using micronutrient-rich options to provide a comprehensive nutrient profile.

Click here to read: Money Plant Complete Care Guide…

Maintaining the health of your Money plant can be challenging when it becomes densely vegetated, making it difficult to change the soil or add additional substrates like cocopeat.

dense money plant

  • In such situations, liquid fertilizer can serve as an effective solution, as it can be easily applied to the plant without disturbing the root system.

When to give Fertilizer to Money Plant

When it comes to fertilizing your Money plant, it is important to establish a regular schedule. Fertilizing every 25 days can be a useful guideline, but the specific timing may vary based on factors such as the type of fertilizer used, environmental conditions, and the growth rate of your plant.

Here’s a suggested schedule for fertilizing your Money plant:

1. Start with a Cow dung liquid fertilizer (with high NPK) and apply it every 25 days.

cow dung decompose
Cow dung liquid fertilizer

2. After the next 25-days interval, switch to Seaweed fertilizer to provide additional micronutrients.

seaweed liquid fertilizer
Seaweed liquid fertilizer

3. Follow this sequence with Mustard cake fertilizer, also at 25-day intervals.

Important note:

  • Avoid using mustard cake fertilizer in extreme temperature, during hot weather. 
mustard cake liquid fertilizer
mustard cake liquid fertilizer

4. Subsequently, use Epsom salt as a magnesium source, followed by neem cake fertilizer, and continue with other nutrient sources in a similar pattern.

epsom salt
Epsom salt

Important note:

  • When applying fertilizer, remember to dilute it properly by using more water and less fertilizer in the mixture.
  • This helps prevent over-fertilization, which can lead to issues such as yellowing leaves and stunted growth.

Reduce fertilizer during winter season

pothos money plant

One important thing to note is that money plant growth slows down during the winter months.

  • As a result, it is advisable to reduce or even stop fertilization during this period to avoid overstimulating the plant when it is not actively growing.

Avoid using strong liquid fertilizers

watering tips to money plant

Lastly, avoid using strong liquid fertilizers, as they can potentially harm your Money plant.

  • Over-fertilization should always be avoided, as it can lead to a range of problems, including yellowing leaves, stunted growth, and other issues.

In summary, the key to giving fertilizer to the money plant is to keep it simple, provide balanced nutrients during the growing season, and reduce or eliminate fertilization during the winter months. It is essential to monitor your plant’s condition and adjust your care routine as needed.

Happy Gardening!