Tag Archives: epsom salt for plants

6 Myths About Epsom Salt in Gardening You Must Know

Myths About Epsom Salt in Gardening 

Epsom salt has gained popularity among gardeners for its supposed miraculous benefits. Many people believe it can cure all plant problems, from poor growth to pest infestations. But how much of this is actually true? Let’s bust some common myths about using Epsom salt in gardening and separate fact from fiction.

Myths About Epsom Salt in Gardening

6 Myths About Epsom Salt in Gardening You Must Know


Myth 1: Epsom salt is Eating Salt – Sendha Namak


Many people confuse Epsom salt with table salt (sodium chloride) or rock salt (Sendha Namak). However, Epsom salt is chemically different.

It consists of magnesium sulfate, a completely different compound that does not have the same effects as sodium-based salts.

Epsom salt vs. table salt:

While table salt contains sodium, which can harm plants by causing dehydration, Epsom salt contains magnesium and sulfur, which play roles in plant growth but are not always needed.


Some people think that since Epsom salt has “salt” in its name, it works similarly to other salts. But Epsom salt is not a seasoning or a food ingredient—it’s a mineral compound with specific uses.

Myth 2: Can Be Given Directly to the Soil


Many gardeners believe that simply sprinkling Epsom salt on the soil will benefit plants, but this is not entirely true.


Plants do need magnesium and sulfur, but they rarely suffer from deficiencies unless the soil is already depleted.

  • Blindly adding Epsom salt without testing the soil can cause an imbalance.

Possible harm:

Excess magnesium can interfere with calcium absorption, leading to weaker plants.

  • It can also leach into the water supply and harm the environment.
Proper usage:

If a plant shows magnesium deficiency (yellowing between leaf veins), a soil test should confirm the need before applying diluted Epsom salt as a foliar spray or soil amendment.

Myth 3: Epsom Salt is a Miracle Fertilizer for All Plants


A widespread myth is that Epsom salt acts as an all-purpose fertilizer. While it does provide magnesium and sulfur, these are only two nutrients out of the many essential for plant growth.

Fertilizers vs. Epsom salt:

A complete fertilizer contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK), which are critical for plant development. Epsom salt lacks these vital nutrients.

Magnesium deficiency:

Some plants, like tomatoes, peppers, and roses, may benefit from extra magnesium in poor soil, but most plants already get enough from natural compost and organic fertilizers.

Overuse consequences:

Applying Epsom salt when it’s not needed can disrupt soil nutrient balance and contribute to poor plant health rather than improvement.

Myth 4: Epsom Salt Controls Pests and Diseases


Many people claim that Epsom salt can kill pests and prevent diseases, but there is little scientific evidence to support this.

Ineffective against pests:


Unlike diatomaceous earth or neem oil, Epsom salt does not repel or kill insects like aphids, slugs, or caterpillars. In fact, it may even attract certain pests if overused.

Fungal infections:

Epsom salt does not have antifungal properties, so it won’t cure powdery mildew, rust, or other plant diseases. Some gardeners mistakenly believe that sprinkling Epsom salt around plants prevents disease, but this is not backed by research.

Better alternatives:

For pest control, natural remedies like neem oil, insecticidal soap, and companion planting work far better than Epsom salt.

Myth 5: Epsom Salt is Safe to Use on All Plants


Another common myth is that Epsom salt can be used on any plant without risk. However, this is not true.

Plants that don’t need extra magnesium:

Many plants, especially leafy greens, root vegetables, and flowers, do not benefit from added magnesium and may suffer from excess salts.

Soil sensitivity:

Sandy soils leach magnesium more quickly and may need supplementation, but clay soils already contain enough and can become toxic with too much Epsom salt.

Harm to young plants:

Seedlings and delicate plants can suffer from over-fertilization if Epsom salt is applied unnecessarily.

Must read: Is Epsom Salt good for Indoor plants?


Myth 6: Epsom Salt Boosts Flowering


Some gardeners believe that adding Epsom salt will result in more blooms, but this is only partially true.

The truth about magnesium:

While magnesium helps plants with photosynthesis, it does not directly increase flowering. Phosphorus is the main nutrient responsible for blooming.

Temporary effect:

Some flowering plants may show a short-term improvement, but this is usually because of correcting an existing magnesium deficiency, not because Epsom salt is a miracle bloom booster.

Better alternatives:

If you want more flowers, focus on phosphorus-rich fertilizers, organic compost, and proper pruning rather than relying solely on Epsom salt.

Final Thoughts

Epsom salt is not a magical solution for all gardening problems. While it can be beneficial in some cases, it should be used carefully and only when needed.

Blindly applying Epsom salt can do more harm than good, affecting soil balance and plant health. Instead, always test your soil before adding supplements and rely on well-balanced organic fertilizers for healthier plants.

Must read: How to use Epsom Salt on Plants


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Happy gardening!

epsom salt

Epsom Salt for plants: Benefits & Uses

Epsom salt can work wonders for your plants when used wisely, aiding in providing proper nutrients and promoting full growth. It is rich in magnesium and sulfur.

“Magnesium sulfate increases the amount of chlorophyll and keeps the plants green. It can be used for all crops like cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fruits and vegetables, cotton, sugarcane, etc.”

epsom salt plants blog

In this blog, we are going to discuss-:

  • various facts about Epsom salt.
  • Why should we use Epsom Salt?
  • What is Epsom salt?
  • How to use Epsom salt?

Have you ever noticed that despite providing everything necessary for healthy plant growth—such as the right soil, suitable pots, adequate sunlight, optimal temperature, quality water, fertilizer, and pest control—your plants still fail to thrive as expected? That’s where Epsom salt can work its magic!

But what exactly is Epsom salt? Is it the same as table salt, rock salt, or the kind used during fasting? Let’s delve into this topic in detail.”


If you search on Google for information on Epsom salt, you may come across results suggesting that it is “sendha namak” or rock salt (NaCl – Sodium Chloride), which is entirely incorrect.

NaCl, or table salt, is indeed edible, whereas Epsom salt is not.

Important note:

  • It is crucial to avoid using edible salt in the planting process, as it could potentially harm your plants, leading to adverse outcomes.

Epsom salt, scientifically known as Magnesium Sulphate

Epsom salt, scientifically known as Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO₄), serves as a beneficial supplement for plants. You can easily purchase Epsom salt online, from nurseries, or any medical store.

  • Additionally, Epsom salt is sometimes recommended by doctors for its therapeutic properties, such as for relieving swelling, through methods like Epsom salt fomentation.

Myth about Epsom Salt

There is a common misconception that Epsom salt purchased from medical stores may not be as effective for plants, but this notion is entirely misleading.

Whether you buy Epsom salt from nurseries, online markets, or medical stores, the properties of the salt remain consistent.

  • All varieties of Epsom salt will perform the same function for plants, regardless of where you purchase them.

Why do we need EPSOM salt for the plants?

Generally, plants need seventeen essential nutrients for maintaining their health, some of them are Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Sulphur, etc.

epsom salt for plants

The Importance of Magnesium and Sulfur for Plant Health

1. If plants lack Magnesium, then their chlorophyll level will get affected negatively, which in turn will hamper the process of photosynthesis and it might weaken the particular plant and its growth.

  • Moreover, if plants will not produce chlorophyll, the natural green color of leaves will be affected.

2. As our body requires proteins and fats, similarly plants also require fats and proteins for optimal growth and lack of magnesium stops the formation of proteins and fats in plants.

3. Now, the next important nutrient is Sulfur, which is very essential to maintain the green color of leaves.

  • Lack of Sulfur in plants is the cause of leaves starting to turn yellow and plus it stops cell division also, hence, no new growth in the plants.
  • Your plant will have no new leaves, no new branches, no flowers, no new buds, no fruits, and absolutely nothing.

curry leaf

4. But, Epsom salt is full of Magnesium and Sulfur both. So, if you use Epsom Salt for plants, then it will boost their growth and the green color of the leaves will be maintained.

5. Generally, sometimes you might have noticed that the growth of Curry plants gets hampered even after taking tremendous care of the plant.

  • In that condition, try the Epsom salt once and you will notice visible changes in the growth of the plant.
  • Plus, you will find that new leaves are coming and the size has also broadened.

How to use Epsom Salt for plants?

There are two ways in which you can provide Epsom Salt to your plants:

1. First Method – Dissolve 1 tablespoon (tbsp) Epsom Salt in 1 Liter water. Now, spray this solution on plant leaves. In this procedure, Epsom Salt will enter the plant through the pores of leaves.

Spraying Epsom Salt on plants


2. Second Method – Loosen your soil, and dig it a little. After that, put Epsom Salt in the soil.

  • In case you have a big pot use 1 tablespoon (tbsp) and use ½ tablespoon (tbsp) Epsom Salt in case you have a smaller pot.
  • Again, cover it up with soil and mix it generously. After that, give water to the plant.

In these two methods, the second method is relatively more effective because when roots absorb Epsom Salt, it will be equally distributed throughout the plant.

1. In the first method, i.e. using the leaf spray method, in spite of many spray hits not every leaf will receive the solution, plus there is a possibility of getting the solution wasted.

2. One more thing you can follow both the process parallelly also. If you want, you can put some Epsom Salt in the soil and you can spray it on the leaves.

After this procedure, wait for 8-10 days, as it will work slowly and gradually. It is not magic that will show results instantly.

  • So, after giving Epsom Salt for the first time, repeat the same procedure after 8-10 days again. And you will see visible changes in the growth of your plant.

Excess of everything is bad and the same is the case here also. Epsom Salt is not a fertilizer. Hence, it must not be used repeatedly in plants.

Important points

1. When given repeatedly, it might increase the concentration levels of Magnesium Sulphate and the balance of other nutrients might be affected which will worsen the condition of your plant.

2. You should use Epsom Salt only when your plant needs it.

3. If your plant is looking dull and its growth is totally hampered then first you should give fertilizers to the plant and check for pest attacks.

4. If everything is fine with your plant and still its growth is hampered then you can use Epsom Salt for your plant without any fear.

5. Epsom Salt can be used for your indoor, outdoor, flowering, non-flowering, vegetable, and any other kind of plant. People often use it for their money plants and curry leaves plants.

That was all about “EPSOM SALT”.

epsom salt FAQs

FAQs on Epsom Salt for Plants

Epsom Salt is considered one of the best fertilizers in gardening due to its various benefits.

In this comprehensive guide, we aim to answer some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) to provide you with a better understanding of how Epsom Salt can enhance your plant growth.

Epsom salt

Q1: What is Epsom salt?

Ans: Epsom salt, chemically known as magnesium sulfate, is a mineral compound containing magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen. 

Q2: How can Epsom salt benefit plants?

Ans: Epsom salt provides essential nutrients, particularly magnesium, which is crucial for plant growth.

  • It can enhance nutrient absorption, chlorophyll production, and overall plant health. Additionally, it may help prevent magnesium deficiency in plants.

Q3: How do I use Epsom salt in gardening?

Ans: You can give Epsom salt in two ways:

First method:

  • Dissolve 1 tablespoon (tbsp) Epsom Salt in 1 Liter water.
  • Now, spray this solution on plant leaves. In this procedure, Epsom Salt will enter the plant through the pores of leaves.

Second method:

add epsom salt in soil

  • Loosen your soil, and dig it a little. After that, put Epsom Salt in the soil.

Q4: When should I use Epsom salt on plants?

Ans: Epsom salt can be applied throughout the growing season.

  • However, it is often recommended during periods of rapid growth, such as when plants are flowering or fruiting.
  • It can also be beneficial if magnesium deficiency symptoms, like yellowing leaves, are observed.

Q5: Can Epsom salt be used on all types of plants?

Ans: Epsom salt is generally suitable for a wide range of plants, including flowers, vegetables, and shrubs.

  • However, it’s essential to be mindful of the specific needs of certain plants and to avoid overuse, as excessive magnesium can negatively affect some plants.

Q6: Is Epsom salt a substitute for other fertilizers?

Ans: Epsom salt primarily provides magnesium and sulfur, but it lacks other essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

  • It is best used as a supplement alongside a balanced fertilizer to ensure plants receive a full spectrum of nutrients.

Q7: Can Epsom salt be used to remedy yellow leaves in plants?

Ans: Yes, yellowing leaves can be a sign of magnesium deficiency.

  • Applying Epsom salt can help alleviate this issue by providing the plant with the necessary magnesium for chlorophyll production.

Q8: How often should I use Epsom salt on my plants?

Ans: It is generally recommended to use Epsom salt sparingly and as needed.

  • Overuse can lead to an excess of magnesium in the soil, which may negatively impact plant health.

Q9: Can Epsom salt be used in potted plants?

Ans: Yes, Epsom salt can be used in potted plants.

  • However, it is crucial to adjust the application rate based on the size of the pot and the plant’s specific needs to avoid over-fertilizing.

Must read this article

Epsom Salt for plants: Benefits & Uses

Happy Gardening!