Tag Archives: epic gardening

Winter Gardening Ideas and Planning

Did you know that you can grow a lush green variety of winter vegetables and beautiful array of flowering plants all from the comfort of your home?

Organic, fresh and pure vegetables can be planted at home such as;

winter vegetables
winter vegetables
  • tomato,
  • beans,
  • radish,
  • cauliflower,
  • carrot,
  • peas,
  • spinach,
  • coriander,
  • cabbage and many more.

Furthermore, with the right care, your garden can flourish with vibrant winter flowers like;

winter flowers
winter flowers
  • roses,
  • rosemary,
  • marigold,
  • petunia,
  • verbena, 
  • dianthus,
  • dog flower,
  • hybrid periwinkle and many more. 

This practice of nurturing these plants during the colder months is known as “winter gardening.”

In the context of winter gardening, we will explore both minor and major aspects. Typically, basic preparations for winter gardening, such as getting the right pots and tools, preparing suitable soil mixture and other necessary processes begin from mid-September (in India).

The planning of a garden depends on a few simple things:

1. First, it is important to know what the is your choice and what you want to grow like, such as favorite plants, fruits, or vegetables.

  • The planning starts based on the chosen plants because each plant has its own unique needs, and it’s essential to cater to those needs.

2. Second, the size of the gardening area is a crucial factor.

  • The number of plants you can grow depends on the available space.
  • The available area determines how you can diversify and choose the different types of plants to grow.

3. Third, the amount of sunlight is essential for plants to grow well.

Before sowing any seeds, it’s important to check how much sunlight the garden area receives.

  • Based on the sunlight available in your area, you should select the seeds.
  • If you have a lot of sunlight, you can grow plants like chili, capsicum, and tomatoes that require plenty of sunlight.
  • If there’s limited sunlight, it’s better to choose plants like coriander, spinach, and other herbs that can thrive with less sunlight.

Requirements for winter Gardening

1. Season and Temperature:

  • Winter gardening typically begins in mid September or from October and continues until March.
  • It’s essential to choose a time with pleasant weather for seed sowing because seedlings won’t survive in hot or humid conditions.

“The ideal temperature for sowing seeds is 15-20℃.

2. Pot size and types

grow bags for gardening

(A) For Vegetables

(i) 10*10 or 12*12 inch grow bags:

  • suitable for tomatoes, chili, cabbage, cauliflower, and capsicum.

(ii) 12*18 inch grow bag:

  • good for radish, coriander, carrot, spinach, onion, or garlic.

(iii) 15*15 or 16*16 inch grow bags:

  • ideal for brinjal, beans, lubia, runner beans, or peas.

(iv) Rectangular boat-shaped pots can also be used for herbs like coriander, spinach, etc. 


  • It’s a good idea to have 4-5 pots or grow bags for each category because in one pot only 5-6 vegetables would grow out.

(B) For Flowers

(i) 12-inch clay pots:

clay pots

  • Permanent plants like rose, marigold, and chrysanthemum do well in these pots.
  • If they survive for two seasons, they will stay with you without needing to be repotted.
  • Always choose good-quality clay pots for these flowers.

(ii) 4*4, 6*6, or 8*8 inch pots:

  • These smaller pots are suitable for growing seasonal flowers like petunia, verbena, dianthus, dog flower, etc.

(iii) Rectangular boat-shaped pots:

rectangular pot
rectangular pot
  • Flowers grow well in this type of pots as they have enough space for their roots and to bloom properly.

3. Soil Mixture

(i) Soil:

Garden area soil
Garden area soil
  • Get the soil from any nursery or reuse the summer plants’ soil by adding organic manure and neem cake powder to make it pest-free.
  • Make sure to expose the soil to sunlight.

(ii) Add compost to enrich the soil:

kitchen compost
  • You can add any compost like; kitchen waste compost, vermicompost, cow dung compost, leaf compost, or any suitable compost to enrich the soil.

(iii) Use Sand:

river sand
river sand
  • Use river sand to enhance soil porosity, as many vegetables thrive in sandy soil.

(iv) Coco peat:

coco peat
coco peat
  •  You can add cocopeat to aid in seed germination, especially when sowing the seeds.

(iv) Add fungicides

Fungicide powder
Fungicide powder
  • Use fungicides such as Trichoderma or Cinnamon powder to safeguard against fungus or bacterial attacks.

4. Gardening Box

gardening box
gardening box

A basic gardening box should contain essential items needed at various stages of planting:

1. Bulbs and Seeds: Enthusiastic gardeners always have a variety of plant seeds and bulbs on hand.

2. Gloves: Wearing gloves is advisable to prevent injuries when using sharp gardening tools, particularly pruners.

3. Fertilizers and Micronutrients: Keep a range of fertilizers and nutrients for different growth stages of plants.

  • For example, Neem cake powder, Mustard Cake, Epsom Salt, Rose bloom fertilizers, Curry leaf boosters, and Seaweed micronutrients, etc. 

4. Insecticides: These are essential to protect your plants from insect attacks.

  • For example: Actara acts as an insecticide for edible vegetables.

5. Fungicides: Use fungicides to prevent fungal infestations.

6. Ice Cream Sticks: These are useful for labeling seedlings in a seedling tray.

7. Pen/Permanent Marker: Keep one for writing the names of seedlings on the ice cream sticks.

8. Tool Kit: Different gardening tools serve various roles, including digging, mixing, stirring, pruning, and more.

All the above components should be included in any gardening box to facilitate basic gardening tasks.

5. Seedling Trays

Seedling tray
Seedling tray

Seeds can either be sown directly into pots or in seedling trays, with the option to transplant them into pots after 20-25 days. Seedling trays offer several advantages:

1. They are useful when the soil mixture isn’t ready yet, but it’s time to sow seeds.

  • You can place seeds in these trays and later transfer them to pots with the appropriate soil mixture.

2. Seedling trays are practical for situations where pots need to be relocated due to weather conditions, protecting them from excessive heat or unexpected rainfall. The trays are easy to transport.

seedlings in seedling tray

3. Transplanting from a seedling tray to larger pots is simpler compared to moving plants from one pot to another.

  • It minimizes root disturbance – in a seedling tray, gently press the tray from the bottom, and the seedling will come out effortlessly.
press seedlings to remove from tray
press seedlings to remove from tray


  • Seedling trays are readily available in the market and can serve you for multiple seasons once purchased.
seedling tray
seedling trays

6. Spray Bottle

Spray bottle
spray bottle
  • Using spray bottles is recommended for watering or applying neem oil to your plants.
  • Be sure to clean and thoroughly dry your spray bottle after each use to prevent residue buildup inside the nozzle, which can damage the bottle.

7. Support Sticks

wooden support stick
wooden support sticks
  • Wooden sticks can be utilized to provide support to plants, such as tomatoes, ensuring they stand upright, typically after a month or two of planting.

8. Rainwater Cover

  • A rainwater cover can be employed to shield the soil mixture during preparation or to protect plants during rainy periods.

All of these mentioned requirements are essential for initiating your winter gardening journey. By following these guidelines and tips, you can nurture a vibrant and healthy garden.

Wishing you a Happy Gardening!


Gardening on a Budget: Thrifty Tips from a Self-Taught Gardener

Gardening is a wonderful hobby that allows you to connect with nature, enhance your surroundings, and grow your produce. However, there is a  perception that gardening can be an expensive pursuit. The truth is with a bit of ingenuity, resourcefulness, and a willingness to learn, you can cultivate a thriving garden without emptying your wallet.

indoor gardening

Let’s explore some practical tips for budget-friendly gardening inspired by my experiences as a self-taught gardener including:

  • starting with seeds,
  • creating DIY compost,
  • embracing container gardening,
  • selecting native plants,
  • reusing and upcycling materials,
  • implementing rainwater harvesting,
  • mastering plant propagation,
  • leveraging community and online resources,
  • practicing selective pest control, and
  • remembering the importance of patience and perseverance.

Start with seeds

To kickstart your garden without a hefty price tag, begin with seeds.

“Seeds are more affordable than seedlings or mature plants and offer the joy of nurturing a plant from its beginning.”

  • You will get a variety of economical seeds for flowers, vegetables, and herbs.
  • You can easily source these from local nurseries, online marketplaces, or through seed swaps with fellow gardeners.
  • You can buy packets of seeds instead of buying ready-to-plant seedlings of your favourite vegetables, like tomatoes, capsicum, bell peppers, etc. 


DIY Compost

Compost is the lifeblood of a garden, but you don’t have to buy it.

  • Create your compost bin using kitchen scraps such as fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, and eggshells. Mix in dry leaves and a bit of soil.

kitchen waste

Creating homemade compost, such as cow dung compost and leaf compost, is not only cost-effective but also highly beneficial for plant growth.

  • Cow dung compost is rich in nutrients like nitrogen and serves as an excellent organic fertilizer. 
  • Leaf compost, on the other hand, is an eco-friendly way to recycle fallen leaves from your garden or yard.
kitchen compost

“By creating composts at home, you not only reduce waste but also play a crucial role in ensuring that your plants receive the best nutrition while minimizing your environmental impact.”

Container Gardening

When you are short on space or looking to keep costs low, container gardening is an excellent solution.

container gardening

  • Reuse containers like old buckets, plastic bottles, or wooden crates as planters.
  • An old wooden crate can become a charming herb garden, and repurposed plastic bottles with the tops cut off can serve as ideal containers for growing herbs like mint and basil.

Container gardening allows you to control your soil quality, ensuring optimal growing conditions without the expense of buying pots.”

Local and Indigenous Plants

Select plants native to your region or well-suited to your local climate.

  • These plants are generally robust, requiring less maintenance and fewer interventions like pesticides or excessive watering. By choosing native varieties, you are saving money and promoting biodiversity.


  • For instance, if you live in a hot and arid area you might choose drought-resistant plants like Bougainvillea, Desert Marigold, Aloe Vera, Agave, Date Palm, etc. These plants require less water and care, reducing your gardening expenses.

Aloe vera pot


Reuse and Upcycle

Get creative with your garden decor.

  • Old tires can become colorful flower beds, discarded wooden pallets can transform into vertical gardens, and even broken teacups can serve as charming plant containers.
  • Look around your home for items that can be upcycled into the garden decor, saving you money and reducing waste.

Rainwater Harvesting

rain water

Water is often a precious resource in India, and implementing a rainwater harvesting system can conserve both water and money.

  • Use collected rainwater for watering your plants, and you’ll notice significant cost savings over time.

Plant Propagation

plant from cutting

Learn the art of plant propagation.

  • Many plants can be multiplied from cuttings or by dividing established plants.
  • It eliminates the need to buy new plants and allows you to share your garden’s bounty with friends and family.
  • For example, a single healthy rose cutting can lead to the growth of a new rose bush with beautiful blooms. Other examples include the money plant, jade plant, and many more.

Community and Online Resources

Join local gardening groups or forums, both in your neighborhood and online.


  • Gardeners are usually generous with advice, seeds, and even plant cuttings. This sense of community can be a valuable resource for budget-conscious gardeners.

Selective Pest Control

neem pesticide

Rather than reaching for expensive chemical pesticides, try exploring natural and homemade pest control methods.

  • Neem oil, garlic spray, and marigold companion planting can help protect your plants without harming your budget or the environment.

Patience and Perseverance

Remember that gardening is a journey that takes time. Plants need time to grow and flourish. Be patient, learn from your successes and failures, and gradually invest in tools and materials as your gardening skills develop.


butterfly in garden

In conclusion, gardening on a budget is not only possible; it can also be incredibly fulfilling. By starting with seeds, creating your compost, embracing container gardening, and tapping into local resources you can nurture a thriving garden without burning a hole in the pocket. Along the way, you will enjoy the beauty of nature and deepen your connection with the environment and your community.

“So, roll up your sleeves, get your hands dirty, and watch your budget-friendly garden bloom and flourish.”

Happy gardening!