Tag Archives: areca palm planting method

Areca Palm Plant Complete Care

All About Areca Palm Plant

1. Areca palm size 

  • Areca palm plants are available in different sizes from 4 feet to 6 feet and some are very small called young plants.
  • You can keep plants of smaller sizes on the table also. You can buy it according to your needs.

2. Propagation of Areca palm

  • You can grow areca palm from seeds. Seeds are available in the market. This plant grows very slowly, seeds will take around 2-3 months to get germinated and they arrive with 1-2 leaves.
  • If you have a healthy and bushy Areca plant then you can divide it into many plants from the roots.
  • The best option for having this plant is to buy it from a nursery.
  1. Choose healthy areca palms from the nursery.
  2. If you see brown leaves or weak plants then don’t buy them.
  3. Sometimes nursery people try to misguide you but we should monitor carefully before buying it. Select green and healthy plants.

3. Pot size for Areca Palm

  • We can grow this plant in any type (ceramic, plastic, clay, etc) of pot but select a medium size pot.
  • If you are not experienced with areca plants then, you should use clay pots over other pots.

4. Soil Mixture for Areca Palm plant

  • The soil of this plant should be well drained as well as compact.
  • The upper portion i.e. leaves of this plant are very big in size as compared to the roots.
  • If we take soft soil then, its roots and the grip of the plant inside the soil will get spoiled.
  • The plant won’t be able to stand straight, it will start bending after some time. If we take compact soil then it will help in keeping the plant straight.
  1. We can take 60% of garden soil, 25% construction sand, and 15% compost for its soil mixture.
  2. We should not add coco peat here plus we are keeping compost quantity also very low because both these things make the soil very soft.
  3. You can add neem cake powder, fungicides, or any insecticides also in very small quantities.

5. Temperature requirement for Areca Palm

  • The ideal temperature for an areca plant is 15-25℃.
  • If the temperature goes beyond 30 degrees and below 11 degrees, this plant goes into stress.
  • Tips of the leaves start getting brown and the growth of the plant stops there only.

6. Sunlight requirement for Areca Palm

  • Areca palm plants need bright and indirect sunlight.
  • If you have kept it at places where light is dim like stairs or corridors then, its growth would stop there only.
  • There should not be direct sunlight falling also otherwise its leaves will start turning brown.
  • In fact, areca plants which are planted on the ground and have direct sunlight also face the issue of sunburn. Their leaves also burn and become brown.
  • If you want to keep Areca in the sun, then keep her in the same sunlight that you can bear.
  • Keep these plants near windows and doors where fresh air comes along with bright and indirect sunlight.

7. Watering for Areca Palm

  • The water requirement of this plant is different in comparison to other indoor plants.
  • Areca palm likes moisture very much so if the topsoil of this plant is completely dry then, the tip of the leaves will turn brown due to underwatering.
  • Check the top layer of soil with your hand and if you notice that it does not have any moisture in it then, give water. It can become completely dry if we do not give water at that time.
  • Give water in installments, like giving one mug of water first then, after some time one more mug and keep on giving in regular intervals till the point water comes out from the bottom drainage hole.
  • If the soil is wet and still you are giving water then, there would be a problem of over-watering. It might catch fungus and pests (like mealybugs and all), plus the tips of the leaves will turn brown. Roots will also get spoiled and it will damage the whole plant.
  • One more thing, If you give water again and again in wet soil, then some white thing starts accumulating in it. It can be fungus or salt present in water.

Now, You can care for your Areca Palm

Keep Planting!!!!