Winter is here, and with it comes the need to give extra care to your beloved Areca Palm. Renowned for its lush, tropical look and air-purifying qualities, this plant thrives in warm conditions, but colder months can pose challenges. However, the chilly winter months can present unique challenges that require your attention to keep it healthy and thriving.
Areca Palm
No need to worry—we are here to guide you every step of the way! Here’s a comprehensive guide to ensure your Areca Palm stays healthy and vibrant through winter.
9 Tips to Care Areca Palm in the Winter Season
1. Place Your Areca Palm in a Warm Spot
2. Ensure Proper Air Circulation
3. Water Sparingly but Consistently
4. Maintain Humidity Levels
5. Hold Off on Fertilizing
6. Prune with Care
7. Check for Pests
8. Repot Only if Necessary
9. Monitor your plant
1. Place Your Areca Palm in a Warm Spot
Areca Palms are tropical plants and cannot tolerate extreme cold.
During winter:
1. Keep it indoors: Position the plant in a room with consistent temperatures ranging between 18–24°C (65–75°F).
2. Ensure indirect sunlight: Choose a spot with plenty of bright but indirect light, like near a south- or east-facing window.
3. Do not keep your Areca Palm in Low-Light area: Low light slows down the plant’s growth and results in weaker, less vibrant fronds.
2. Ensure Proper Air Circulation for Your Areca Palm
Areca Palms need fresh air to thrive, as it supports their growth and overall health.
Ensure you place your plant in a spot with good air circulation to keep it vibrant and flourishing.
Taking care of plants during the winter season is crucial for their well-being. Just as humans adapt to changes in weather, plants also need adjustments to their care routine to thrive during the colder months. This is especially true for summer plants, which require special attention and nurturing in winter to prevent deterioration.
Achieving remarkable results is possible with minor tweaks in plant care. By making subtle adjustments in response to current weather conditions, you can ensure the sustainability of your plants. Let’s explore the winter care journey of plants through the following 8 tips.
Watering tips
Protect plants from cold
Accept changes in plants
Avoid pruning and repoting of plants
Do not Disturb Summer Plants in Winters
Protect plants from pest attack
How and When to Give Fertilizer
Old plants are strong plants
How to Care Plants in Winter Season
1. Watering tips
In winter, plants require less water compared to summer, but it is crucial not to neglect their hydration needs.
Unlike in summer, when we typically water when the topsoil is dry, in winter, wait until the soil is dry down to the roots before watering. Allow the top layer to dry for 4-5 days before providing water.
When watering in winter,avoid using extremely cold water as it can harm the plants.
Opt for lukewarm water for a more plant-friendly approach. Thoroughly assess the soil’s moisture content; refrain from watering if it still retains moisture, and water adequately if the soil is completely dry, allowing water to drain from the pot’s bottom hole.
Maintain plant cleanliness by using lukewarm water for spraying when necessary, applying the spray to leaves and flowers to keep them clean and healthy.
It is crucial to protect plants from harsh, cold waves to prevent their demise. As winter approaches, typically around October to November, consider:
Relocating summer plants indoors.
Placing them under protective shade.
Additionally, cover them with a protective sheet for added insulation.
4. Accepting visible changes in plants during winters
In winter, summer plants inevitably experience stress, leading to visible changes that should be acknowledged and accepted to a certain extent. These changes may include:
hibiscus yellow leaves
Reduction in the size of leaves.
Survival mode with minimal or no growth.
Development of leggy stems.
Yellowing or browning of leaves.
Admit that these changes are temporary, and plants generally recover when the weather aligns with their specific requirements.
Embrace positive changes, such as the blossoming of flowers and the growth of winter vegetables like carrots and radishes.
Cherish these transformations with a positive outlook and appreciation for the natural cycles.
5. Do not Disturb Summer Plants in Winters
During winter, when summer plants experience stress, it is advisable to refrain from intensifying their disturbance by avoiding certain practices stated below.
Avoid normal pruning,
Avoid hard pruning,
Root pruning should also be neglected,
Repotting is not favourable at this time,
Pinching is also not recommendable,
No experiment should be performed with the plant at this time.
When the plant is healthy and in its growing stage at that time all the experiments and treatment can be performed with the plant but not when it is already under stress.
(i) Avoid using pruners and scissors on summer plants: Dry leaves and mature flowers of plants like tulsi which can be removed from hands, can be removed but avoid using pruners and scissors on summer plants.
Remove mature flowers of Tulsi plant
(ii) Avoid Har Pruning of winter plants:Pruning and repotting of winter plants can be done during winters on the day when the temperature is little warm and favourable but hard pruning of winter plants should not be practiced at this time.
Mature plants that have been nourished over the years experience less stress and endure winter conditions well. Conversely, newly acquired or recently planted plants, especially those introduced 4-5 months ago, are more susceptible to stress.
Robust plants exhibit a faster recovery pace compared to newly established ones. However, with time, these plants will gradually recover.
It is important to note that as the next season arrives, all summer plants have the inherent ability to recover on their own. There is no need to worry about winter gardening; instead, embrace and appreciate the unique aspects of the season.