Category Archives: Rubber plant

Is Rubber Plant an Indoor or Outdoor Plant?

Is Rubber Plant an Indoor or Outdoor Plant?

Is Rubber Plant an Indoor or Outdoor Plant?


Rubber plants (Ficus elastica) are among the most popular houseplants due to their stunning, glossy leaves and easy-to-manage nature.

Often people get confused about whether it is more appropriate to keep it indoors or outdoors for better growth.

Is Rubber Plant an Indoor or Outdoor Plant?
Rubber plant outdoor placement – Pic credit: Pinterest

This article explores whether rubber plants should be grown indoors or outdoors, how to care for them in different settings, and the benefits and challenges of both approaches.

Ideal Conditions for Rubber plant


1. Temperature:


The Rubber Plant is a typical summer plant that thrives in temperatures ranging from 20-30℃.


  • While it can handle high temperatures if kept in the shade, it experiences stress when temperatures drop in winter.
  • Protect your rubber plant from cold.

2. Placement & Sunlight requirement of the Rubber plant 


Rubber plant in bright light area
Rubber plant in bright light area


The Rubber plant can be grown both indoors and outdoors.

Indoor placement:


rubber plant
Rubber plant in bright light area

Rubber plants are ideally suited for indoor growth. They prefer bright, indirect sunlight but can tolerate lower light levels.

  • If you prefer to keep Rubber plant indoor, ensure it receives ample bright light.
  • Placing it near a window where it can receive about half an hour of direct sunlight is ideal.
  • However, if the plant is kept in low or medium light conditions, it may struggle to thrive.

Best Indoor care tips for Rubber plant

rubber plant indoor
Rubber plant near window Pic credit: Pinterest
  • Place them near windows or doors with bright, indirect light.
  • Water them when the top inch of soil feels dry.
  • Wipe the leaves occasionally to remove dust and maintain their shine.

Can Rubber Plants Grow Outdoors?


rubber plant
Rubber plant in bright light outdoor

Ideal outdoor growing conditions:


When kept outdoors, avoid exposing it to the direct, scorching heat of the sun for extended periods.

  • Instead, provide 2-3 hours of mild sunlight in the morning and evening. 
  • During the afternoon, keep the plant in the shade.

Best outdoor care tips for Rubber plant

  • Place them in a shade. 
  • Avoid placing them in a direct sunlight.
  • Water them when the top inch of soil feels dry.
  • Wipe the leaves occasionally to remove dust and maintain their shine.

Comparing Indoor & Outdoor Rubber plant care


Differences in Light Requirements


Indoors, rubber plant need bright but indirect light. Outdoors, they can tolerate some direct sunlight, especially in the morning, but too much can scorch their leaves.

Watering Needs: Indoors vs. Outdoors


Indoor rubber plants need to be watered moderately, while outdoor plants might require more frequent watering, especially in hot or dry climates.

Click here to read:

9 Tips to care Rubber plant


Best places to keep a Rubber plant indoors


Rubber plant indoor home
Rubber plant indoor placement

Rubber plants thrive in well-lit indoor spaces. They are perfect for:

1. Living Rooms: Bright and spacious areas.

2. Office Spaces: Their air-purifying qualities can improve air quality and create a calm atmosphere.

3. Bedrooms: These rooms offer high humidity levels, which rubber plants love.


Are Rubber Plants Safe for Pets Indoors?


Rubber plants can be toxic to pets if ingested, causing irritation to the mouth and stomach.

  • It is best to keep the plant out of reach of curious cats or dogs.

Ideal Soil – Mix for Rubber Plants


Soil mixture

Rubber plants do best in loose, well-drained soil.

  • Enrich the soil with organic compost to promote healthy root development.

Check this article:

How to make Soil – mixture for plants



In summary, rubber plants can thrive both indoors and outdoors, depending on your climate and care. Understanding their needs in each environment will help ensure they stay healthy and vibrant.

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Happy Gardening!

9 Easy Tips to Care Rubber Plant

9 Easy Tips to Care Rubber Plant


The Ficus Elastica, commonly known as the Rubber Plant is a popular indoor and outdoor plant, known for its air-purifying qualities and aesthetic appeal. However, caring for it can raise several questions, such as:

  • people wonder whether it is best suited as an indoor or outdoor plant,
  • why its leaves turn yellow,
  • why it sometimes shows no growth for 8-9 months,
  • concerns also include why the plant grows tall,
  • what to do if leaves start falling,
  • whether it can be propagated through leaves and
  • the best way to clean its leaves.

rubber plant

This article aims to address all these questions and many more queries related to rubber plant:

1. Understanding the Rubber plant


(i) Perennial plant: A long-lasting plant that can thrive for years.

(ii) Oxygen-Giving plant: Ideal for indoors due to its air-purifying qualities.

(iii) Aesthetic Appeal: Features glossy, dark green leaves that enhance any space.

(iv) Toxic Leaves: Be cautious when pruning; the latex can be harmful. Keep away from pets and children.

2. Rubber plant comes in different varieties


The Rubber Plant is available in 12-13 varieties, showcasing different colours and combinations like dark black, dark green and light green, dark green, red, and light green mix.

rubber plant golden
Variegated Rubber plant
  • If you’re purchasing a Rubber plant for the first time, it is advisable to choose the dark green or dark black varieties.

3. Ideal Conditions for Rubber plant


1. Temperature:


The Rubber Plant is a typical summer plant that thrives in temperatures ranging from 20-30℃.


  • While it can handle high temperatures if kept in the shade, it experiences stress when temperatures drop in winter.  Protect from cold.

2. Placement & Sunlight requirement of the Rubber plant 


rubber plant in bright light
rubber plant in bright light


The Rubber plant can be grown both indoors and outdoors.

Indoor placement –

If you prefer to keep Rubber plant indoor, ensure it receives ample bright light.

Placing it near a window where it can receive about half an hour of direct sunlight is ideal.

  • However, if the plant is kept in low or medium light conditions, it may struggle to thrive.

Check this article:

Different lighting Areas for Plants


Outdoor placement –

When kept outdoors, avoid exposing it to the direct, scorching heat of the sun for extended periods.

  • Instead, provide 2-3 hours of mild sunlight in the morning and evening. During the afternoon, keep the plant in the shade.

4. Pot size for Rubber plant


Though rubber plant is a very big tree who attains a lot of height but it can be planted in the small pot also.

  • Minimum 8 inch pot and maximum 12 inch pot is sufficient for this plant for the moderate space garden.
  • If there are no limitations of space then it can be planted in drum pots, 18 inch pots or ground pots , whatever suits your gardening space.
  • It will grow very well in all the options mentioned above.
  • Always opt for clay pot over other types of pot for its optimal growth.

4. Soil mixture for Rubber plant


Use well-draining soil with a mix of local soil, compost, sand, and cocopeat.

  • Add a small amount of fungicide or organic cinnamon powder.
  • Mix these components well to create the perfect soil mixture for your Rubber plant.

Check this article:

How to make Soil – mixture for plants


5. Watering Tips for Rubber plant


Over watering is the main cause of problems in Rubber plant, as it can lead to fungus attacks and root rot.

  • Always water the plant only after checking the soil—approximately 70-80% of the soil should be dry before watering.
  • You can check this by loosening the soil.
  • When you water the plant, do so thoroughly until water drains out from the bottom hole of the pot.
  • Ensuring the soil is properly dry before watering is crucial to prevent overwatering and keep the plant healthy.

6. Pruning of Rubber plant

The natural growth habit of the Rubber plant is to grow tall, but if you desire a denser and wider appearance, pruning is essential.

  • Make cuts just above a node to encourage new growth from other parts of the plant.
  • Since Rubber Plants generally grow slowly, it may take up to 2 months to see new growth after pruning.
  • Avoid pruning during winter when the plant is already under stress.

Must read this article:

All About Pruning of plants


7. Cleaning of leaves of Rubber plant


Clean and smooth leaves provide two benefits: they enhance the plant’s appearance and encourage its growth.

  • To clean the leaves, you can either spray them with water or use a damp cloth to wipe them down.

8. Propagation of Rubber plant


Rubber plants can be propagated using leaves.

  • You can bury the leaf in soil or place it in water for a few days until roots begin to develop. Additionally, propagation is possible through stems, cuttings, or branches.


9. Fertilizers for Rubber plant


The Rubber plant does not require heavy feeding; however, providing some fertilizer can promote growth and help prevent problems.

  • Every three months, mix compost into the soil after loosening it. Additionally, use a liquid tonic.
  • Avoid feeding during winter.

(i) For indoor plants, apply the liquid tonic every two months, but avoid doing so in winter.

(ii) For outdoor plants, apply the liquid tonic every month, also avoiding winter applications.

Recommended liquid fertilizers for the Rubber Plant include:


Common issues with Rubber plant


(i) No Growth:

  • Ensure proper pot size, sunlight, pruning, and fertilizing to promote growth.

(ii) Brown Leaves:

  • Likely caused by overwatering. Use fungicide and adjust watering practices.

(iii) Leaf Drop:

  • Often due to cold stress or inconsistent care. Protect from drafts and maintain a regular care routine.

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This was all about Rubber plant complete care.

Happy gardening!