When to Water  Peace Lily Plant

Many plant lovers often find it challenging to maintain the Peace Lily at home.  

Despite regular care, the plant can sometimes become dull or withered, leaving owners frustrated.  

To keep a Peace Lily healthy and bushy, it's important to water it at the right time.

1. Water when the top inch of soil is dry 

If the top inch feels dry, it's time to water.

2. Look for drooping leaves 

Their leaves will start to droop or wilt slightly when they’re thirsty. 

Water the plant as soon as you notice this.

3. Avoid overwatering 

Overwatering can lead to root rot, causing the leaves to turn yellow and decay.

4. Water thoroughly 

When you water, make sure to water deeply until water flows out of the drainage holes.

This ensures that the roots receive enough moisture.

5. Humidity 

Peace Lilies also enjoy high humidity.  You can mist the leaves occasionally to keep the plant lush and bushy.

By following these watering practices, your Peace Lily will stay healthy, vibrant, and full.