9 Easy Tips to Germinate Seeds Successfully at home
The first and crucial step in growing plants is seed germination.
Spring and Monsoon season is best time for seeds germination.
Here are some tips to help you germinate seeds successfully:
Take good quality seed
Always take good quality seeds and check the expiry date.
Growing medium
Choose a soft and delicate growing medium like cocopeat.
Temperature should lies between 15-25℃.
Correct way to place the seeds
Place the fresh seeds at a distance on top of the coco peat without pressing or burying them.
Cover the seeds
Next, cover the seeds with a thin layer of coco peat.
Watering tips
Gently spray water over the top.
Avoid using a mug or pipe as this can disturb the seeds and can rot the seeds.
Location of the pot
Sunlight is not necessary for the germination of seeds.
Try to keep them in bright light area.
Always keep seedling moist
To ensure the successful germination of seeds, it is important to keep the soil moist.
Duration of seed germination
The duration of germination may vary from
three to ten days.
Follow these tips and grow more plants in your garden.
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