Tips to Care  Jasmine Plant at Home

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   Jasmine, also called Jai, Jui, Chameli, Sayali, Kunda, Mallika, or Mogra, is a fragrant flowering plant.

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The lush green Jasmine (Mogra) adds beauty to gardens and boosts oxygen levels in homes.

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          With both spiritual & medicinal significance, this plant plays a vital role in various aspects of daily life.

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The exquisite pearl-white flowers of Jasmine are commonly used to create appealing hair decorations known as Gajras.

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Jasmine flowers are used in perfumes, scented waters, aroma sticks, room fresheners, hair oil, and various cosmetic products.

Caring for Jasmine is easy due to its unique qualities. So, let's discuss some caring tips to maintain this plant at home in pot.

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1. Best Season for Jasmine (Mogra) It is a hardy summer plant that blooms continuously in sunny regions.

New plants may struggle in extreme winters and hot summers, but mature ones bloom well even in winter.

2. Pot Size & type For Jasmine, a 12-inch pot is ideal, although an 8 or 10-inch pot can also be used.

For vine growth, provide supports for the vine to climb.

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3. Soil Mixture Ensure the soil should not be too tight. It should be loose and well-draining..

4. Location of the Jasmine plant Jasmine thrives outdoors with at least 3 hours of sunlight daily, avoiding intense heat.

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5. Watering tips Maintain soil moisture by watering before it dries out.

6. Pruning Regular pruning keeps Jasmine dense and shaped. Remove faded blooms.

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