Powdery Mildew Treatment on Tulsi Leaves

Powdery mildew is a widespread fungal infection that affects many plants. 

It is easily recognized by light grey or white powdery spots typically appearing on the infected leaves.

Mildew on Tulsi (holy basil) leaves is a common fungal issue, especially during the monsoon season when the environment is humid.

Here are some effective ways to treat and prevent mildew on Tulsi leaves:

1. Remove Affected Leaves:  Carefully remove the leaves that show signs of mildew.

 This prevents the spread of the fungus to other parts of the plant.

2. Neem Oil Spray:  Mix 1 teaspoon of neem oil with 1 liter of water, add a few drops of mild liquid soap, and spray on affected leaves.

3. Use Organic Fungicides  Organic fungicides like cinnamon powder sprays can be used to treat mildew.

4. Improve Air Circulation  Ensure the Tulsi plant is in a well-ventilated area. Good air circulation helps prevent fungal growth.

5. Reduce Humidity  Avoid overhead watering, as wet leaves encourage mildew.

6. Monitor and Repeat Treatment  Regularly check your plant for any new signs of mildew.

7. How to prevent   mildew spread

1. Place plants in appropriate sunlight based on their needs.

2. Pruning Keep plants healthy by removing dead or diseased leaves.

3. Use of Organic Fungicide Regularly apply an organic fungicide with sulfur as the active ingredient.

4. Disinfect Pruners Disinfect pruners or shears after trimming infected plants.

Following these steps should help you manage and eliminate mildew on your Tulsi leaves, keeping your plant healthy and thriving.