Peace Lily & Aglaonema - Which plant is  Sensitive & Hardy?

The Peace Lily and Aglaonema are both popular indoor plants, but they differ in their levels of sensitivity and hardiness. 

Let's check key differences:

1. Sensitive  Peace Lily is considered more sensitive compared to Aglaonema. 

Peace Lily tends to show signs of stress quickly, especially if it doesn't receive the right care.  

Hardy  Aglaonema is known for being a tough, low-maintenance plant. 

Aglaonema an tolerate low light and irregular watering much better than the Peace Lily. 

Light Requirements  Peace Lily: Prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate low light conditions. 

Light Requirements  Aglaonema can handle low, medium, or indirect light and isn’t as affected by occasional exposure to direct sunlight as the Peace Lily.

Watering Needs  The Peace Lily is highly sensitive to watering, drooping when under-watered and turning yellow if over-watered. 

Watering Needs  Aglaonema can tolerate occasional missed waterings.

Soil Preferences  Peace Lily sensitive to poor drainage. Needs well-draining soil.

Soil Preferences  Aglaonema isn’t as fussy about soil types as long as it drains well.  

Sensitivity to Environment  Peace Lily is highly sensitive to its environment. You will need to monitor its condition regularly to keep it healthy. 

Sensitivity to Environment  A much hardier plant, Aglaonema can tolerate a wider range of environmental conditions.

If you are looking for a plant that’s easy to care for, Aglaonema is the better option, while Peace Lily .