7 Lucky Plants  For Your Home

Plants give us flowers, oxygen, healthy environment, greenery as well as bring peace and good luck at homes.

Here are 7 lucky plants you can grow at home for prosperity and positive energy:

1. Tulsi (holy basil) Tulsi plant brings peace, happiness, wellness, positive energy, and good luck to a home.

2. Jade Plant  Jade plant believed to attract prosperity and good fortune to their owners.

3. Money plant (Pothos) Brings financial prosperity and positive energy 

4. Aprajita (Clitoria) This plant brings financial prosperity and wealth and also have lots of health benefits.

5. Parijat  (Night blooming Jasmine) This plant considered a holy plant with numerous benefits. Bring good luck and prosperity at home.

6. Shami plant (Prosopis cineraria) Shami plant is revered for bringing wealth, happiness, and peace, and it is utilized in various medicinal treatments.

7. Sukh Santi plant  (Justicia gendarussa) This plant is believed to bring good luck, peace and prosperity at home. Also, have medicinal benefits.

These plants will help bring happiness and peace to your home: Happy planting!