Why Are My Jade Plant Leaves Turning Yellow?

Jade plants are known for their hardiness and ease of care. However, they can face problems that may cause them to deteriorate.

Yellowing leaves are often a sign that your jade plant is stressed, and addressing the root cause is crucial for its recovery. 

Common Causes of Yellow Leaves on Jade Plants 

1. Overwatering 

The most common reason for yellowing leaves in jade plants is overwatering. 

Excess water can cause root rot, which causes leaves to turn yellow and fall off.

2. Underwatering 

Underwatering can cause the plant to draw moisture from its leaves, turning them yellow and making them fall off. 

3. Improper Lighting 

Jade plants need direct and bright sunlight; too little light can make them leggy with weak stems and yellow leaves. 

4.  Temperature Stress 

Exposure to extreme temperatures, either too hot or too cold, can cause leaves, turning yellow and making them fall off.

5. Nutrient Deficiency 

Lack of essential nutrients, particularly nitrogen, can lead to yellowing leaves.  

Conclusion: By addressing issues like improper sunlight, overwatering and insufficient light you can help your jade plant recover and thrive.