How to Make
Leaf Compost at Home
Leaf compost is a nutrient-rich treasure for your plants and soil.
Leaf compost is created when leaves break down through natural decomposition.
What is
Leaf Compost?
How to Make
Leaf Compost at Home
Collect the Leaves
Start by gathering the fallen leaves in your garden.
Use any bucket or container
You can use a large container, bucket, durable poly bag, or any type of bag that suits your needs.
– Ensure there are enough holes around the container for air circulation.
Make a Layer
Once you’ve collected the leaves, it’s time to layer them properly.
Add a Base Layer
Begin by adding a layer of garden soil or compost at the bottom of the container.
Add the Leaves:
Place a layer of garden leaves over the soil or compost.
Moisture Matters:
Sprinkle some water on the leaves to maintain the right moisture level.
Cover the Container
Ensure that the container, bucket, or bag is properly covered to retain moisture and heat, .
Check Every 15 Days
Open the container once every two weeks to check the moisture levels.
Add water if the compost feels dry.
Turn the Compost
Turn the pile with a tool to circulate oxygen, prevent odors, and speed up decomposition.
Your compost will be ready in 3 to 5 months
With the right balance of materials, moisture, and aeration, you’ll have rich, dark, and crumbly leaf compost in a few months.
Follow these simple steps to make leaf compost at home.
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