7 Tips to Grow Healthy Plants  At Home

Plants not only freshen up the home environment but their greenery in the balcony or courtyard also enhances the beauty of the house.

However, many people want to plant trees, but when the first plant withers away in a few days, they give up the idea of ​​gardening.

If the plants are losing their shine despite providing fertilizer and water, then you need to adopt some special tips.

Here we are telling you 7 secrets, which will help your plants to flourish.

1. Use of fertile soil

Good fertile soil is very important for the growth of plants. You can use cow dung manure, vermicompost manure. This will make the soil fertile and the plants will get the necessary nutrients.

2. Adopt the right method of watering

It is very important to water the plants as per their need. Water only when the top layer of the soil dries up.

3. Provide enough sunlight to the plants

Sunlight is essential for the growth of plants. Some plants prefer more sunlight while indoor plants require less sunlight.

4. Provide proper nutrients (fertilizers)

Lack of nutrients affects the growth of plants. Give cow dung manure, vermicompost, mustard cake manure etc. to the plants regularly.

5. Do pruning

Remove dry and yellow leaves from time to time so that the plant does not waste its energy on these leaves. If you want more flowers or fruits from your plant, regular pruning is necessary.

6. Till the soil

Tilling the soil is essential for plant growth. This process softens the soil and allows air to circulate, thus strengthening the roots of the plants.

7. Protection from insect attacks

Pest attacks on plants are a common problem. Pests like fungus, mealybugs can harm the plants. If pest attacks are seen, spray insecticides immediately to save the plants.

By adopting these 7 simple but effective secrets, you can make your house plants green and healthy.