How to Care Croton Plant  in Winter Season

Croton plant is known for their bold, colorful leaves, crotons add a tropical touch to any space.

Caring for your croton plant in the winter season is crucial to keep its vibrant foliage looking its best.

Let's check some important tips to care Croton plant in winter:

1. Protect from Cold draft Crotons are sensitive to cold and cannot withstand freezing temperatures.

Keep your plant in a shaded area where it might not to be exposed to cold drafts.

2. Place in bright light Crotons love bright, indirect light. If kept indoors, place them near a window with filtered sunlight.

3. Adjust Watering  Routine Crotons require less water during the winter months, but the soil should never completely dry out.

Water sparingly:  Water only when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

4. Avoid Overwatering Overwatering can lead to root rot, evident by yellowing leaves and a soggy base.

5. Avoid Underwatering also Underwatering results in dry, crispy leaves and stunted growth.

6. Avoid giving fertilizer Crotons go into a dormant phase during winter and don’t require regular feeding.

7. Avoid Repotting Avoid repotting your Croton plant in winter  as it may harm the plant.

8.  Clean Leaves Gently wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust, which can block light absorption.

9. Inspect for Pests  Crotons are vulnerable to pests, especially when brought indoors during winter.

10. Avoid moving the plant frequently  Crotons dislike sudden changes in their environment.

Consistent care, including regular monitoring and adjustments, ensures your croton remains healthy year-round.