7 Spots to Keep Air-Purifying Plants at Home

Indoor plants not only beautify your home but also have amazing health benefits. 

To maximize their benefits, it’s essential to place them in the right spots around your house.  

Here's a guide to the 7 best places to keep air-purifying plants in your home. 

1. Living Room  Place large plants like the Areca Palm or Rubber plant in corners to fill empty spaces.  

They add a tropical vibe and help purify the air in the most commonly used area. 

2.  Bedroom  Plants like Aloe Vera and Snake Plant release oxygen at night, making them ideal for the bedroom. 

Keep them on bedside tables or window sills.

3. Kitchen  Aloe Vera is great for the kitchen, as it's both decorative and useful for burns. 

Keep it near the window for optimal sunlight.

4. Study/Work Desk 

A small Aglaonema or Snake Plant can fit well on a desk, purifying the air while adding a touch of greenery to your workspace.

5. Entryway 

An Areca Palm or Monstera by the entrance creates a welcoming environment while helping to remove toxins from the air as soon as you step inside.

6. Balcony or Patio  Balcony is good for those plants which like bright and direct sunlight. 

Tulsi, Hibiscus, Curry leaf and flowering plants like Rose, Jasmine, etc. do well in direct lights. It's good to keep them in balcony.

7. Near window Pothos, Spider plant, Snake, ZZ, Aloe vera, Aglaonema do well in bright light area. 

Placing plants near windows allows them to soak up natural sunlight, which is essential for their growth and health.

These spots not only enhance your home’s décor but also ensure that clean air circulates throughout your living space.