5 Hardy & Least Care Flowering Plants To Grow in Summer Season

If you are looking to brighten up your home with vibrant blooms without much care, these 5 summer-friendly plants are perfect for you.

1.  Bougainvillea

- can survive in harsh sunlight, - comes in different colours, - requires minimal watering, - does not require frequent fertilizing.

2. Portulaca  (Moss rose)

- easy to care, - can be grown in small and hanging pot, - survives in intense heat and - requires little water.

3. Sadabahar (Periwinkle)

- blooms throughout the year, - it is a medicinal plant, - can be grown in medium size pot, - thrives in hot and humid weather.

4. Madhukamini  Orange Jasmine)

- fills your garden with a pleasant scent, - can survive in high temperatures, - requires moderate watering.

5. Allamanda  (Golden Trumpet Vine)

 - fast growing flowering plant, - loves full sun & warm temperatures, - requires moderate watering.

So, whether you have a small balcony, a terrace garden, or a backyard, these plants will thrive beautifully throughout the season.