10 Small Plants to  Grow At Home

Small plants can be the perfect solution for adding life and color to your indoor spaces. 

Small plants are ideal for apartments or homes with limited room, but you'll still need to think about where they'll fit best. 

Here are 10 easy-to-grow plants that are perfect for beginners and busy people.

1.  Aloe Vera

Care Tips:  Requires bright, indirect sunlight and minimal watering.

2. Snake Plant

Care Tips:  Tolerates low light and infrequent watering.  Perfect for neglectful plant parents.

3. Jade Plant

Care Tips:  Needs direct and bright light and infrequent watering.

4. Pothos  (Money Plant)

Care Tips:  Thrives in low light and can tolerate irregular watering.

5. ZZ Plant

Care Tips:  Tolerates low light and drought conditions.  Water only when the soil is completely dry.

6. Spider plant

Care Tips:  Thrives in bright light. No need of frequent watering. Water only when the soil is completely dry.

7. Peace Lily 

Care Tips:  They prefer indirect bright light.  Easy to care and just make sure soil should be moist but not soggy.

8. Succulents 

Care Tips:  They need bright light and well-draining soil.   They do not need frequent watering.  Water once in a week.

9. Aglaonema

Care Tips:  Thrives in bright light. No need of frequent watering. Water only when the soil is completely dry.

10. Lucky Bamboo 

Care Tips:  It grows well in low light and can thrive in water or soil.

These plants are excellent choices for busy people due to their low maintenance and resilience. Happy planting!