Buttermilk is an excellent tonic for promoting healthy and bushy foliage in curry plants.
Curry plants belong to the citrus family, so they thrive in acidic soil conditions.
Mix one-fourth glass of buttermilk with one litre of water and give this mixture in the soil.
Make sure the buttermilk is not too sour and is still suitable for drinking.
Additional tips to make Curry leaf plant healthy & bushy:
Sunlight requirement
Place your plant in a sunny area with good air flow.Provide at least 4 to 5 hrs. of direct sunlight.
Pruning Techniques
Regular pruning is crucial for shaping your curry plant and encouraging new growth.
Regularly check the soil texture every two months.Loosen soil and add compost to keep it nutrient-rich and soft.
Regular Soil Maintenance
Curry leaves possess numerous healthful properties that aid in the treatment of various health conditions.
Enhance your curry leaf plant with organic fertilizers like cow dung, mustard cake, neem cake, and seaweed fertilizer to make your plant healthy and bushy.